Search results for: ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE
universal system for diagnosing environmental noise.
PublicationW publikacji przedstawiono projekt multimedialnego systemu komputerowego do monitoringu hałasu środowiskowego. Opracowywany system jest powiązany z aktualnie realizowanym w Katedrze Inżynierii Dźwięku i Obrazu Politechniki Gdańskiej projektem, którego celem jest redukcja częstości występowania niedosłuchu. Niedosłuch często jest wywołany przez nadmierny hałas przemysłowy, komunikacyjny lub innego rodzaju niepożądane dźwięki, towarzyszące...
Intelligent system for environmental noise monitoring.
PublicationW rozdziale przedstawiono projekt i realizację automatycznej stacji monitorowania hałasu środowiskowego. Stanowi ona jeden z elementów tworzonego w Katedrze Systemów Multimedialnych Politechniki Gdańskiej Multimedialnego Systemu Monitorowania Hałasu. Przedstawiono ogólną budowę stacji pomiarowej oraz omówiono jej podstawową funkcjonalność. Obszerniej opisano dodatkowe możliwości stacji, do których należą: komunikacja z wykorzystaniem...
IT- enabled comparison of environmental noise levels and noise-evoked hearing impairments.
Publication[Abstrakt] Tematem pracy jest telemetryczny system monitorowania hałasu, opracowany w katedrze Systemów Multimedialnych Politechniki Gdańskiej, przeznaczony do zdalnego monitorowania poziomów hałasu środowiskowego. Oprócz ogólnej charakterystyki systemu zaprezentowano również szereg szczegółów implementacyjnych. Przedstawiono mobilne urządzenie pomiarowe, oprogramowanie do pomiarów hałasu, dźwiękowy interfejs USB wyposażony...
IT- Enabled Comparison of Environmental Noise Levels and Noise-Evoked Hearing Impairments.
PublicationTematem pracy jest telemetryczny system monitorowania hałasu, opracowany w katedrze Systemów Multimedialnych Politechniki Gdańskiej, przeznaczony do zdalnego monitorowania poziomów hałasu środowiskowego. Oprócz ogólnej charakterystyki systemu zaprezentowano również szereg szczegółów implementacyjnych. Przedstawiono mobilne urządzenie pomiarowe, oprogramowanie do pomiarów hałasu, dźwiękowy interfejs USB wyposażony w mikrofon...
Analysis of the Usefulness of Cheap Audio Recorders for Spectral Measurement of Environmental Noise
PublicationEnvironmental noise pollution is nowadays one of the most serious health threats. The impact of noise on the human body depends not only on the sound level but also on its spectral distribution. Reliable measurements of the environmental noise spectrum are often hampered by the very high price of top quality measuring devices. This paper explores the possibility of using much cheaper audio recorders for the frequency analysis....
Multimedia System for Environmental Noise Monitoring. [Multimedialny System Monitorowania Hałasu Środowiskowego]
PublicationIntroductionNumerous reports relating to noise threats in Poland indicate that they occur commonly. The noise has an enormous impact on the health and life quality of the human beings. Noise pollution in Poland is greater than in others UE countries, moreover it has been increased recently. Taking into account 2002/49/WE directive related to the control and assessment of environmental noise a necessity of monitoring these threats...
PublicationThe paper shows a study on the relationship between noise measures and sound quality (SQ) features that are related to annoyance caused by the traffic noise. First, a methodology to perform analyses related to the traffic noise annoyance is described including references to parameters of the assessment of road noise sources. Next, the measurement setup, location and results are presented along with the derived sound quality features....
PublicationNoise strongly influences both our health and behavior in everyday life and as employees or employers. The lost of hearing and other effects of noise on humans result not only in a significant decrease in the quality of life or work efficiency but have also have economic consequences. As noise can be preventable in part by the Environmental Engineers, but it is necessary to introduce them noise issues during their education process....
Identification of acoustic event of selected noise sources in a long-term environmental monitoring systems
PublicationABSTRACT Undertaking long-term acoustic measurements on sites located near an airport is related to a problem of large quantities of recorded data, which very often represents information not related to flight operations. In such areas, usually defined as zone of limited use, often other sources of noise exist, such as roads or railway lines treated is such context as acoustic background. Manual verification of such recorded data...
Problems of Railway Noise—A Case Study
PublicationUnder Directive 2002/49/EC relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise, all European countries are obliged to model their environmental noise levels in heavily populated areas. Some countries have their own national method, to predict noise but most have not created one yet. The recommendation for countries that do not have their own model is to use an interim method....
Problems of Railway Noise-A Case Study
PublicationUnder Directive 2002/49/EC relating to the assessment and management of environmental noise, all European countries are obliged to model their environmental noise levels in heavily populated areas. Some countries have their own national method, to predict noise but most have not created one yet. The recommendation for countries that do not have their own model is to use an interim method. The Dutch SRM II scheme is suggested for...
Investigation of the road noise source employing an automatic noise monitoring station
PublicationThe paper presents a pilot investigation of noise source models in two selected localizations in the context of future dynamic noise map creation. The experiments were carried out using the automatic noise monitoring station engineered at the Multimedia Systems Departmentof the Gda´nsk University of Technology. The results of the noise measurements employing monitoring stations and its comparison to the reference values are depicted....
Distributed System For Noise Threat Evaluation Based On Psychoacoustic Measurements
PublicationAn innovative system designed for the continuous monitoring of acoustic climate of urban areas was presentedin the paper. The assessment of environmental threats is performed using online data, acquired through a grid ofengineered monitoring stations collecting comprehensive information about the acoustic climate of urban areas.The grid of proposed devices provides valuable data for the purpose of long and short time acoustic climateanalysis....
Final report on noise and rolling resistance
PublicationWork Package 6 deals with environmental impacts of PERS use, including noise and rolling resistance. This report covers preliminary noise tests performed in the laboratory and at the road test sites. The obtained results indicate that PERS material reduce noise considerably - up to 12 dB in comparison to SMA16 reference surface. Noise reduction properties are especially visible in the case of factory produced PERS slabs supplied...
ISO test track influence on the EU tyre label noise value
PublicationIn 2009, the European Union (EU) introduced a directive governing the labelling of tyres, which underwent revision in 2020. This labelling system encompasses three key parameters related to tyre performance: wet grip (safety), rolling resistance (energy consumption), and external rolling noise (environmental impact). These label values serve as crucial information for customers seeking to purchase replacement tyres for their vehicles....
Frequently updated noise threat maps created with use of supercomputing grid
PublicationAn innovative supercomputing grid services devoted to noise threat evaluation were presented. The services described in this paper concern two issues, first is related to the noise mapping, while the second one focuses on assessment of the noise dose and its influence on the human hearing system. The discussed services were developed within the PL-Grid Plus Infrastructure which accumulates Polish academic supercomputer centers....
Performance of Noise Map Service Working in Cloud Computing Environment
PublicationIn the paper a noise map service designated for the user interested in environmental noise subject is presented. It is based on cloud computing. Noise prediction algorithm and source model, developed for creating acoustic maps, are working in cloud computing environment. In the study issues related to noise modeling of sound propagation in urban spaces are discussed with a special focus on road noise. Examples of results obtained...
Ultra Low Noise Poroelastic Road Surfaces
PublicationNoise is one of the most important environmental problems related to road traffic. During the last decades, the noise emitted by the engines and powertrains of vehicles was greatly reduced and tires became a clearly dominant noise source. The article describes the concept of low noise poroelastic road surfaces that are composed of mineral and rubber aggregate bound by polyurethane resin. Those surfaces have a porous structure and...
PublicationLow Emission Vehicles that are hybrid and electric cars may benefit from specially designed tires that are optimized for driving conditions typical for such vehicles. It is possible that in the future Low Emission Vehicles, especially passenger cars, will substitute conventional vehicles in all applications, however for the time being they are mostly used in urban and suburban areas. Urban traffic has a rather low demand for grip...
Comparison of road and laboratory measurements of tyre/road noise
PublicationTyre/road noise is one of the major environmental problems related to road traffic. There are several measuring methods of tyre/road noise that may be carried out on the road (for example Coast-down and Close Proximity Method) or in the laboratory (Drum Method). Road measurements are preferred for evaluations of pavement properties while laboratory methods are mostly used to evaluate tyres. One of the biggest problems associated...
The environmental dimension of city dwellers’ quality of life and the city’s social and spatial variability
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to attempt an analysis of the environmental dimension of the quality of life using quantitative surveys conducted among residents of Gdańsk. In the paper, we make reference to the theoretical assumptions ensuing from the concept of a comprehensive and integrated approach to the development of the urban environment, whilst noting the profound impact humans bring to their evaluation of the environmental...
Low noise poroelastic road pavements based on modified asphalt binder
PublicationTire/road noise is one of the most important environmental problems related to road traffic. As the most effective way to fight noise is reduction of sound emission from the source, a lot of work is being done to improve tire and road surfaces construction. This paper describes the first “road” results obtained within the SEPOR project, which is focused on developing a low noise poroelastic road surface based on bituminous binder....
The application of environmental issues in designing urban structures – a framework for comprehensive local planning policies
PublicationThe implementation of environmental issues in planning and designing urban structures is becoming a novel approach and a common practice consistent with the paradigm of sustainable development. Maintaining environmental quality in urban areas, managing natural resources and understanding the complexity of urban systems is becoming increasingly challenging. Therefore, it is important to develop strategies for the integration of...
Dimethyl ether (DME) as potential environmental friendly fuel
PublicationIn recent years, there has been a growing interest in replacing petroleum fuels with so-called second generation environmental friendly fuels. Compared to traditional petroleum fuels dimethyl ether (DME) could be used as a clean high-efficiency compression ignition fuel with reduced particulate matter (PM), sulfur oxides (SOx), hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO) as well as combustion noise. Compared to some of the other leading...
Separability Assessment of Selected Types of Vehicle-Associated Noise
PublicationMusic Information Retrieval (MIR) area as well as development of speech and environmental information recognition techniques brought various tools in-tended for recognizing low-level features of acoustic signals based on a set of calculated parameters. In this study, the MIRtoolbox MATLAB tool, designed for music parameter extraction, is used to obtain a vector of parameters to check whether they are suitable for separation of...
Visual Traffic Noise Monitoring in Urban Areas
PublicationThe paper presents an advanced system for railway and road traffic noise monitoring in metropolitan areas. This system is a functional part of a more complex solution designed for environmental monitoring in cities utilizing analyses of sound, vision and air pollution, based on a ubiquitous computing approach. The system consists of many autonomous, universal measuring units and a multimedia server, which gathers, processes and...
PublicationTyre/road noise is one of the most important environmental problems related to road traffic. Nowadays a few standard procedures of tyre/road noise measurements are in use. Unfortunately, measurement conditions specified within relevant standards are very different. For example, procedure described in ISO 11819-2 used for pavement investigations requires tyre load of 3200 N and capped inflation pressure of 200 kPa. At the same time...
PublicationIn today’s world, fossil fuels, including coal, oil, and gas, are the primary energy sources from which electricity is obtained. As they are exhaustible and their exploitation has a negative impact on the natural environment, they should be, at least partially, replaced by renewable energy sources. One of these sources is solar energy. The use of solar energy releases no CO2, SO2, or NO2 gases, and does not contribute to global...
The life cycle cost of a building from the point of view of environmental criteria of selecting the most beneficial offer in the area of competitive tendering
PublicationThe article analyses environmental and ecological criteria of selecting the most beneficial offer in the aspect of LCC. Construction works contracts and the potential method of defining the above criteria, among others, is pondered on (for example by the recommendation of a material, which is supposed to be used, a ban on substances that are harmful for human health as well for the environment). In the relation to the above, it...
Acoustics - new services for urban planning, research and education
PublicationThe main purpose of the presented design is twofold, namely: providing detailed information about the noise threats that occur every day in city areas and preventing the noise induced hearing loss especially among young people. An experimental system designed for the continuous monitoring of the acoustic climate of urban areas was developed and implemented within the PLGrid Plus project. The assessment of environmental threats...
The effect of tire aging on acoustic performance of CPX reference tires
PublicationReduction of tire/road noise is one of the biggest environmental challenges of road traffic. To reduce that noise it is necessary to perform acoustic measurements on the base of wellproven standard procedures. One method of measurements that is in common use, namely the Close Proximity Method (CPX), is described in standard ISO-DIS 11819-2. As this method is used to classify road surfaces regarding their influence on vehicle noise,...
PublicationTraffic noise is one of the most important environmental problems in densely populated urban areas. At low speeds the tyre/road interaction dominates all other sources. It is anticipated that when electric and hybrid vehicles gain dominance in city traffic, the importance of tyre/road noise will still increase as electric engines are much less noisy than combustion engines. On the other hand, electric and hybrid urban vehicles...
Kazimierz Darowicki prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleStudia wyższe ukończyłem w czerwcu 1981 roku po zdaniu egzaminu dyplomowego i obronie pracy magisterskiej. Opiekunem pracy magisterskiej był dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Szauer. W roku 1991, 27 listopada uzyskałem stopień naukowy broniąc pracę doktorską zatytułowaną „Symulacyjna i korelacyjna analiza widm immitancyjnych inhibitowanej reakcji elektrodowej”. Promotorem pracy był prof. dr hab. inż. Józef Kubicki (Wydział Chemiczny...
AI-Driven Sustainability in Agriculture and Farming
PublicationIn this chapter, we discuss the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in promoting sustainable agriculture and farming. Three main themes run through the chapter. First, we review the state of the art of smart farming and explore the transformative impact of AI on modern agricultural practices, focusing on its contribution to sustainability. With this in mind, our analysis focuses on topics such as data collection and storage, AI...
Study of vibrational surface topography measurement errors of LPBF Inconel 718 alloy after shot peening process
PublicationA study of surface topography can provide valuable information on the product. Since the material finishing relies on the measured topography, the manufacturing process can be controlled by studying the roughness. The Laser Power Bed Fusion (LPBF) materials belong to the commonly used surfaces in the industry. Measuring this type of material with a contactless method can be found in many practical implementations. The white light interference...
The study of acoustic climate of the Southern Baltic
PublicationThis paper presents the statistical characteristics of seawater properties, which are necessary for predicting the propagation of acoustic waves in selected areas of the Baltic Sea. The statistics were elaborated based on long-term measurements of vertical distributions of sound speed, temperature, and salinity, and the nonlinearity parameter B/A. Nonlinear properties of the environment are considered, in connection...
Urban noise propagation modeling in the Multimedia Noise Monitoring System
Objectivity in a Noisy Photonic Environment through Quantum State Information Broadcasting
PublicationRecently, the emergence of classical objectivity as a property of a quantum state has been explicitly derived for a small object embedded in a photonic environment in terms of a spectrum broadcast form—a specific classically correlated state, redundantly encoding information about the preferred states of the object in the environment. However, the environment was in a pure state and the fundamental problem was how generic and robust...
Non-Gaussian Resistance Fluctuations in Gold-Nanoparticle-Based Gas Sensors: An Appraisal of Different Evaluation Techniques
PublicationVolatile organic compounds, such as formaldehyde, can be used as biomarkers in human exhaled breath in order to non-invasively detect various diseases, and the same compounds are of much interest also in the context of environmental monitoring and protection. Here, we report on a recently-developed gas sensor, based on surface-functionalized gold nanoparticles, which is able to generate voltage noise with a distinctly non-Gaussian...
Applying a Mesoscopic Transport Model to Analyse the Effects of Urban Freight Regulatory Measures on Transport Emissions—An Assessment
PublicationSustainable urban freight management is a growing challenge for local authorities due to social pressures and increasingly more stringent environmental protection requirements. Freight and its adverse impacts, which include emissions and noise, considerably influence the urban environment. This calls for a reliable assessment of what can be done to improve urban freight and meet stakeholders’ requirements. While changes in a transport...
The Processing Procedure for the Interpretation of Microseismic Signal Acquired from a Surface Array During Hydraulic Fracturing in Pomerania Region in Poland
PublicationHydraulic fracturing is a procedure of injecting high pressure fluid into the wellbore in order to break shell rock and facilitate gas flow. It is a very costly procedure and, if not conducted properly, it may lead to environmental pollution. To avoid costs associated with pumping fluid outside the perspective (gas rich) zone and improve one’s knowledge about the reservoir rock, microseismic monitoring can be applied. The method...
Application of the ISE Optimized Proportional Control of the Wave Maker in a Towing Tank
PublicationThis paper presents the improvement of the wave maker control system. The wave maker is a facility widely used in hydromechanics laboratories to generate waves in towing tanks. It is equipped with an electrohydraulic drive and an actuator submerged into water. The waves are generated to model the environmental conditions for physical experiments, performed on reduced-scale models of maritime objects. The physical experiments allow...
PublicationThe development and growing availability of modern technologies, along with more and more severe environment protection standards which frequently take a form of legal regulations, are the reason why attempts are made to find a quiet and economical propulsion system not only for newly built watercraft units, but also for modernised ones. Correct selection of the propulsion and supply system for a given vessel affects significantly...
Strength analysis of the support structure of the offshore wind turbine
PublicationThe global power demand from renewable sources is growing. One of a very favorable solution which meets severe environmental protection requirements are the offshore wind turbines. The offshore wind energy sector has experienced very fast development over last decade. Offshore wind farms, in comparison with onshore applications, can provide increased efficiency with reduced noise, visual, transportation and installation con-flicts....
Factors Shaping the Working Environment, Living Conditions and Recreation on Board Ship
PublicationA seagoing ship is a working place, an accommodation space and a recreation area at the same time. Being exposed to harsh physical conditions, it must satisfy different requirements. The human organism and its qualities become a point of reference here; consequently, the functions and spatial arrangement and interiors of a ship must be subordinated to its needs. The organisation of the space in contemporary ships meant for human...
Identification of Optocoupler Devices with RTS Noise
PublicationThe results of noise measurements in low frequency range for CNY 17 type optocouplers are presented. The research were carried out on devices with different values of Current Transfer Ratio (CTR). The methods for identification of Random Telegraph Signal (RTS) in noise signal of optocouplers were proposed. It was found that the Noise Scattering Pattern method (NSP method) enables to identify RTS noise as non-Gaussian component...
Online urban acoustic noise monitoring system
PublicationConcepts and implementation of the Online Urban Noise Monitoring System are presented. Principles of proposed solution used for dynamic acoustical maps creating are discussed. The architecture of the system and the data acquisition scheme are described. The concept of noise mapping, based on noise source model and propagation simulations, was developed and employed in the system. Dynamic estimation of noise source parameters utilized...
Application of the Mathar method to identify internal stress variation in steel as a welding process result
PublicationThe paper deals with the method to identify internal stresses in two-dimensional steel members. Steel members were investigated in the delivery stage and after assembly, by means of electric-arc welding. In order to perform the member assessment two methods to identify the stress variation were applied. The first is a non-destructive measurement method employing local external magnetic field and to detecting the induced voltage,...
Evaluation of excessive noise effects on hearing employing psychoacoustic dosimetry
PublicationResearch results regarding the noise impact on hearing applying the concept of the Psychoacoustic Noise Dosimetry (PND) are presented. The general characteristics of the PND algorithm are discussed. Additionally, the results of hearing examinations conducted in the laboratory conditions are shown. The main objective of the research was to determine the time needed for the Temporary Threshold Shift to reverse. The results were used...
Reduction of road traffic noise by source measures — present and future strategies
PublicationThe current trend worldwide is less focused on reducing road traffic noise. This is in strong contrast to the severe impact of traffic noise to the general health and quality of life. A more holistic and combined strategy is needed. Current international rules and regulations regarding vehicles and tyres are not sufficient to reduce traffic noise levels in an effective way. Calculations show that these regulations will only yield...