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PublicationNonlinear effects of planar and quasi-planar magnetosound perturbations are discussed. Plasma is assumed to be an ideal gas with a finite electrical conductivity permeated by a magnetic filed orthogonal to the trajectories of gas particles. the excitation of non-wave modes in the filed of intense magnetoacoustic perturbations, i.e., magnetoaciustic heating and streaming, is discussed. The analysis includes a derivation if instantaneous...
Electrical conductivity of reduced lead-germanate glasses
PublicationPewna grupa szkieł tlenkowych poddana procesowi redukcji w atmosferze gorącego wodoru wykazuje gwałtowne zmiany swoich właściwości elektrycznych i optycznych. Szkła ołowiowo-germanianowe, którym poświęcona jest niniejsza praca należą do takich szkieł i charakteryzują się szczególnymi redukcyjnie indukowanymi właściwościami. Wystarczająco długie wygrzewanie prowadzi bowiem do wzrostu przewodnictwa elektrycznego nawet o 12 rzędów...
Electrical conductivity of nanocrystalline Sm-doped CeO2 thin film.
PublicationGęste i nanokrystaliczne filmy tlenku ceru domieszkowane 20% samarem przygotowane na szafirze oraz próbki ceramiczne zostały przygotowane z prekursorów polimerowych. Ich konduktacja elektryczna była badana w funkcji temperatury i skorelowana z wielkością krystalitów. Model blokowo-warstwowy przewiduje mniejszą konduktacje próbki gdy wielkości krystalitów są mniejsze, w przypadku gdy rezystancja obszarów międzyziarnowych jest większa...
PublicationIn the present study, the creeks and lakes located at the western shore of Admiralty Bay were analysed. The impact of various sources of water supply was considered, based on the parameters of temperature, pH and specific electrolytic conductivity (SEC25). All measurements were conducted during a field campaign in January-February 2017. A multivariate dataset was also created and a biplot of SEC25 and pH of the investigated waters...
Electrical conductivity and relaxation processes in V2O5 nanorods prepared by sol–gel method
PublicationProperties of high purity V2O5 nanorods prepared by a sol – gel method are presented. The studied materials were characterized by: X-ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The electrical impedance was measured as a function of temperature and frequency. The obtained results show that the electrical conductivity increases with increasing temperature. The d.c. conductivity...
Layer-by-layer polymer deposited fabrics with superior flame retardancy and electrical conductivity
PublicationSmart and multifunctional textiles and fabrics are progressively developing, such that multifunctional fabrics are becoming more widespread. We elaborated herein multi-layered flax fabrics with superior flame retardancy and conductivity, which revealed fireproof feature while keeping conductivity during burning. The flax fabric was reinforced by layer-by-layer (LbL) deposition of sodium polyacrylate (SPA), polyethylenimine (PEI),...
Electrical conductivity of disordered (Bi,Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O materials
PublicationAmorficzny materiał (Bi,Pb)4Sr3Ca3Cu4Ox wygrzewany w odpowiednich warunkach staje się nieuporządkowanym metalem i nadprzewodnikiem. Ma duży opór i zazwyczaj ujemny współczynnik temperaturowej zależności oporu. W pracy dyskutowane są właściwości w stanie normalnym oraz przejście do stanu nadprzewodzącego.
Effect of Synthesis Parameters of Graphene/Fe2O3 Nanocomposites on Their Structural and Electrical Conductivity Properties
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Electrical conductivity of nanostructured acceptor-doped ceria fabricated by spark plasma sintering (SPS)
PublicationHigh purity nanoscale powders (~10–15 nm size) of two different compositions of ceria, doped with Gd3+ and Ca2+, have been consolidated by spark plasma sintering (SPS) at different temperatures. Fully-dense samples were observed only at a sintering temperature of 980 °C. The as-sintered samples showed rather fast grain growth with an average grain size below 300 nm. The electrical properties of the samples were evaluated by impedance...
Predicting the viscosity and electrical conductivity of ionic liquids on the basis of theoretically calculated ionic volumes
PublicationSelected physical properties of the ionic liquids might be quantitatively predicted based on the volumes of the ions these systems are composed of. It is demonstrated that the ionic volumes calculated using relatively simple theoretical quantum chemistry methods can be utilised to estimate the viscosities and electrical conductivities of various commonly used ionic liquids. The fitting formulas of the exponential form are offered...
Using of carbon nanotubes and nano carbon black for electrical conductivity adjustment of pressure-sensitive adhesives
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On the Nonlinea Distortions of Sound and its Coupling with Other Modes in a Gasesous Plasma with Finite Electric Conductivity in a Magnetic Field
PublicationNonlinear phenomena of the planar and quasi-planar magnetoacoustic waves are considered. We focus on deriving of equations which govern nonlinear excitation of the non-wave motions by the intense sound in initially static gaseous plasma. The plasma is treated as an ideal gas with finite electrical conductivity permeated by a magnetic field orthogonal to the trajectories of gas particles. This introduces dispersion of a flow. Magnetoacoustic...
Electrical conductivity of NbN-SiO2 films obtained by ammonolysis of Nb2O5-SiO2 sol-gel derived coatings
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono badania przewodnictwa elektrycznego (w zakresie 5-280K) warstw NbN-SiO2 o grubości 450 nm. Warstwy uzyskano poprzez azotowanie otrzymanych metodą zol-żel warstw Nb2O5-SiO2, o różnym stosunku molowym Nb2O5/SiO2. Azotowanie takich warstw w temperaturze 1200C prowadzi do otrzymania metalicznych granul NbN w amorficznej matrycy SiO2. Struktura warstw była badana mikroskopem sił atomowych (AFM) oraz metodą dyfrakcji...
Recycled rubber wastes-based polymer composites with flame retardancy and electrical conductivity: Rational design, modeling and optimization
PublicationPolymer recycling techniques experience a maturity period of design and application. Rubbers comprise a high proportion of polymer wastes, highly flammable and impossible to re-melt. Polymer composites based on ground tire rubber (GTR) and ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA) containing carbon black (CB) (1–50 phr), with variable EVA/GTR weight composition (10/90, 25/75, 50/50, 75/25 and 90/10), and processing temperature (Low:...
Electrical conductivity and superconductivity in (Bi-Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O glassceramics during the first minutes of crystallisation.
Publication(Bi0.8Pb0.2)4Sr3Ca3Cu4Ox częściowo skrystalizowane próbki otrzymano poprzez wygrzewanie szkła w temperaturze między 700st.C i 870st.C przez krótki czas.Pomiary temperaturowej zależności oporności przeprowadzono metodą 4-punktową w temperaturze od 3K do 300K. Przeprowadzono również pomiary przewodności w czasie trwania wygrzewania. Stwierdzono, że w czasie wygrzewania następuje stopniowa zmiana mechanizmu przewodnictwa. Niektóre...
A modified DC Hebb–Wagner polarization method for determining the partial protonic electrical conductivity in mixed-conducting BaGd0.3La0.7Co2O6−δ
PublicationIn this work, partial protonic conductivity in mixed conducting (BZCY721) and BaGd0.3La0.7Co2O6−d (BGLC137) was studied. For this purpose, a modified DC Hebb–Wagner polarization method was used. A four-wire type of galvanic cell as well as a suitable calculation model was applied. The method was validated using proton conducting electrolyte – BaZr0.7Ce0.2Y0.1O3−d – as a reference material. For the first time, protonic partial conductivity...
Low temperature electrical conductivity of the SrFeO3-d pellet
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of low temperature electrical conductivity measurements of dense SrFeO3-d (SFO) pellet. DC electrical conductivity measurements of SFO were performed by the Van der Pauw method between 400 °C and room temperature with 20 °C step. Studies were performed at Synthetic Air flow under humidified (~4 vol%) gas flow rate of 40...
Low temperature electrical conductivity of the SrTi0.65Fe0.35O3-d pellet
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of low temperature electrical conductivity measurements of dense SrTi0.65Fe0.35O3-d (STF35) pellet. DC electrical conductivity measurements of STF35 were performed by the Van der Pauw method between 400 °C and room temperature with 20 °C step. Studies were performed at Synthetic Air flow under humidified (~4 vol%) gas...
Low temperature electrical conductivity of the SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d pellet
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of low temperature electrical conductivity measurements of dense SrTi0.30Fe0.70O3-d (STF70) pellet. DC electrical conductivity measurements of STF70 were performed by the Van der Pauw method between 400 °C and room temperature with 20 °C step. Studies were performed at Synthetic Air flow under humidified (~4 vol%) gas...
Low temperature electrical conductivity of the SrTi0.10Fe0.90O3-d pellet
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of low temperature electrical conductivity measurements of dense SrTi0.10Fe0.90O3-d (STF90) pellet. DC electrical conductivity measurements of STF90 were performed by the Van der Pauw method between 400 °C and room temperature with 20 °C step. Studies were performed at Synthetic Air flow under humidified (~4 vol%) gas...
Low temperature electrical conductivity of the SrTi0.50Fe0.50O3-d pellet
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of low temperature electrical conductivity measurements of dense SrTi0.50Fe0.50O3-d (STF50) pellet. DC electrical conductivity measurements of STF50 were performed by the Van der Pauw method between 400 °C and room temperature with 20 °C step. Studies were performed at Synthetic Air flow under humidified (~4 vol%) gas...
Constructing multifunctional nanofiller with reactive interface in PLA/CB-g-DOPO composites for simultaneously improving flame retardancy, electrical conductivity and mechanical properties
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Electrical conductivity of the SrTi1-xFexO3-d pellets at 20% pO2
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results electrical conductivity measurements of dense SrTi1-xFexO3-d (x=0.35, 0.50, 0.70) pellets. DC electrical conductivity measurements were performed by the Van der Pauw method between 900 °C and 200 °C. Studies were performed at 20% of oxygen partial pressure under humidified (~4 vol%) gas flow rate of 50 ml min -1.
Electrical conductivity relaxation measurements - water uptake of BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1Tb0.1O3-δ
Open Research DataFor Electrical Conductivity Relaxation (ECR) measurements, platinum reversible electrodes were applied in a four-probe arrangement and the BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1Tb0.1O3-δ sample was measured in the ProboStat™ measurement system. The ECR measurements were performed in air in the temperature range of 450-800 ℃ after switching water partial pressure between...
Electrical conductivity relaxation measurements - oxidation and reduction of BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1Tb0.1O3-δ
Open Research DataThe dataset consists of 2 main catalogs: measurements performed for oxidation/reduction in dry conditions and in humid conditions. For Electrical Conductivity Relaxation (ECR) measurements, platinum reversible electrodes were applied in a four-probe arrangement and the sample was measured in the ProboStat™ measurement system. The ECR measurements were...
Electrical conductivity of the Sr0.86Ti0.65Fe0.35O3-d pellet at different oxygen partial pressures
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results electrical conductivity measurements of dense Sr0.86Ti0.65Fe0.35O3-d (STF35) pellet. DC electrical conductivity measurements of STF35 were performed by the Van der Pauw method. Studies were performed at different oxygen partial pressures (20%, 1% and 0.1%) under humidified (~4 vol%) gas flow rate of 50 ml min -1.
Electrical conductivity of the (Ce0.80Gd0.20)O1.90 pellet at different oxygen partial pressures
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results electrical conductivity measurements of dense (Ce0.80Gd0.20)O1.90 (CGO-20) pellet. DC electrical conductivity measurements of CGO-20 were performed by the Van der Pauw method between 900 °C and 450 °C with 50 °C step. Studies were performed at different oxygen partial pressures (100%, 20% and 1%) under humidified (~4...
The electrical conductivity relaxation curve of the SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3 (x=0.90 and 1.00) at 700 °C
Open Research DataIn this dataset are presented exemplary curves used for analysis of the electrical conductivity relaxation (ECR) mesurement of the SrxTi0.30Fe0.70O3 (x=0.90, 1.00) materials. The applied measuring temperature were 700 °C. Studies were performed in a small tube furnace (internal diameter ~20 mm) with 64 cm3 gas volume. During the four-point single frequency...
The joint effect of electrical conductivity and surface oxygen functionalities of carbon supports on the oxygen reduction reaction studied over bare supports and Mn–Co spinel/carbon catalysts in alkaline media
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The electrical conductivity of pristine, La-, and Nb-doped SFM measured in air and hydrogen atmospheres
Open Research DataThis dataset consists of an Excel sheet with the result of DC4W method of electrical measurements. The measurements were conducted on pristine strontium ferrite molubdate as well as ones doped with La and Nb. Additionally two samples co-doped with La and Ni/Co were analyzed. Pellets were prepared by high temperature sintering at 1400 deg. C, then cut...
Electrical conductivity relaxation measurements - water uptake and oxidation of BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.2-xFexO3-δ (x = 0.02, 0.05, 0.1)
Open Research DataThe dataset consists of 2 main catalogs: measurements performed for oxidation/reduction (Oxidation) and hydration/dehydration (Hydration). Each of them consists individual catalogs for the measurements performed on the samples indicated by the name of the catalog. In the case of oxidation/reduction, inside each them, there are catalogs indicating if...
Total electrical conductivity data of (Cr,Fe,Mn,Co,Ni)3O4 High-entropy spinel oxide thin films deposited on amorphous SiO2 substrate by spray pyrolysis techniqe
Open Research DataThis dataset includes electrical conductivity measurements results measured by van der pauw technique up to 900oC.
Alicja Konczakowska prof. dr hab. inż.
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Electrical and structural properties of Nb-doped SrTiO3
PublicationNiobium-doped strontium titanate synthesized via conventional solid-state reaction has been studied. Influence of niobium content on the lattice parameters and electrical conductivity has been reported. Various reduction conditions have been investigated. For samples reduced in hydrogen at 1400°C, a transition from thermally activated to metallic behavior has been observed. Maximum electrical conductivity (ca. 55 Scm−1 at 650°C)...
Microstructure and Electrical Properties of Fe,Cu Substituted (Co,Mn)3O4 Thin Films
PublicationIn this work, thin films (~1000 nm) of a pure MnCo2O4 spinel together with its partially substituted derivatives (MnCo1.6Cu0.2Fe0.2O4, MnCo1.6Cu0.4O4, MnCo1.6Fe0.4O4) were prepared by spray pyrolysis and were evaluated for electrical conductivity. Doping by Cu increases the electrical conductivity, whereas doping by Fe decreases the conductivity. For Cu containing samples, rapid grain growth occurs and these samples develop cracks...
Conductivity and viscosity changes of imidazolium ionic liquids induced by H2O and CO2
PublicationSeveral solutions of ionic liquids based on 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium cation saturated and unsaturated with carbon dioxide were prepared and characterized by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The in fluence of ILs saturation on its electrical conductivity was determined. Additionally, the in fluence of the water presence and variations of temperature on electrical properties of ionic liquids were investigated. Changes of...
Electrical properties of Y0.08Sr0.92Ti0.92Nb0.08O3-δ after reduction in different reducing conditions
PublicationElectrical properties of perovskite Y0.08Sr0.92Ti0.92Nb0.08O3−ı after reduction in different conditions were studied. Relatively high electrical conductivity in samples reduced in ammonia was observed. The conductivity of Y0.08Sr0.92Ti0.92Nb0.08O3−ı reduced in ammonia at 1500 ◦C was of about 600 S/cm at 200 ◦C. Conductivity after reduction in ammonia at 1500 ◦C was stable both in hydrogen and oxygen atmosphere up to 600 ◦C. Reduction...
Phase Separation and Electrical Properties of Manganese Borosilicate Glasses
PublicationThe structure and electrical properties of manganese borosilicate glasses of a composition of xMnO-(0.8-x)SiO2-(0.2)B2O3 (x=0.4, 0.5 and 0.6 in mol) were investigated by impedance spectroscopy, SEM, XRD and confocal microscopy methods. The influence of composition on the glass structure and electrical properties was discussed. A separation of two amorphous phases was observed and it was concluded that one phase is SiO2-rich and...
Determination of ionic conductivity in the Bi-Si-O and Pb-Si-O glasses
PublicationImpedance spectroscopy measurements in various gas atmospheres were carried out in order to explain the doubts about the type of carriers and the mechanism of electrical conductivity in Bi-Si-O and Pb-Si-O glasses. In bismuth silicate glass, a typical ionic conductivity with oxygen ions as charge carriers was observed. The level of electrical conductivity of the glass at 400 °C was 5 × 10−8 S·cm−1 , with the activation energy of...
New insights into structural, optical, electrical and thermoelectric behavior of Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 single crystals
PublicationThe single crystals of lead-free Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3 were grown using the Czochralski method. The energy gaps determined from X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and optical measurements were approximately 2.92 eV. The current-voltage characteristics, depolarization current, dc (σdc) and ac (σac) electrical conductivity, and Seebeck coefficient of the crystals were investigated. The frequency/temperature-dependent electrical properties...
Microstructure and electrical properties of manganese borosilicate glasses
PublicationThe structure, optical and electrical properties of manganese borosilicate glasses of the composition xMnO–(80 − x)SiO 2 –20B 2 O 3 (x = 40, 50, and 60 mol%) were investigated. The dependence of the glass structure on its composition was discussed and related to electrical properties. A separation of two amorphous phases was observed. It was suggested that one phase is MnO-rich and the other is SiO 2 -rich. It was found that...
Optimizing conductivity in Na-V-Te-O glass through controlled heat treatment
PublicationSemiconducting Na2O-V2O5-TeO2 glasses with various Na2O contents were melted and subjected to controlled heating to improve conductivity. Topography analysis were performed using confocal microscopy and scanning electron microscopy on both as-quenched and heat-treated samples. X-ray diffraction confirmed the amorphous nature of the samples post-melting, with subsequent heating resulting in the formation of nanocrystallites primarily...
Deposition and Electrical and Structural Properties of La0.6Sr0.4CoO3 Thin Films for Application in High-Temperature Electrochemical Cells
PublicationLow-temperature deposition of electroceramic thin films allows the construction of new devices and their integration with existing large-scale fabrication methods. Developing a suitable low-cost deposition method is important to further advance the development of microdevices. In this work, we deposited a 1-lm-thick La0.6Sr0.4CoO3d (LSC) perovskite with high electrical conductivity on sapphire substrates at 400C and analyzed its...
Evaluating the impact of ZnO doping on electrical and thermal properties of calcium-aluminosilicate oxynitride glass-ceramics
PublicationThis study aimed to investigate the impact of ZnO content on the structure, thermal, and electrical properties of oxynitride glass-ceramic(s) within the Ca–Al–Si–O–N (CASON) system. The base glass had the composition of Ca7Al14Si17O52N7, with ZnO additions ranging from 3 to 15 % by weight. A pristine Ca7Al14Si17O52N7 glass was successfully prepared by melt-quenching technique followed by converted into glass-ceramic by incorporating various...
Thermoelectric and electrical transport properties of mixed-conducting multicomponent oxides based on Ba(Zr,Ce)O3-δ
PublicationIn this work, the chosen physicochemical properties of single-phase multicomponent oxides BaTi1/8Fe1/8Co1/8Y1/8Zr1/8Sn1/8Ce1/8Hf1/8O3-δ and BaTi1/9Fe1/9Co1/9Y1/9Zr1/9Sn1/9Ce1/9 Hf1/9Bi1/9O3-δ were studied. The microstructure of the compounds strongly depended on the presence of bismuth in the structure. The electrical transport studies showed a level of electrical conductivity of ∼10−3 - 10−2 S/cm in the temperature range 673–1073...
High-temperature transport properties of entropy-stabilized pyrochlores
PublicationIn this report, the high-temperature transport properties of (Dy1−xCax)(Zr0.2Hf0.2Sn0.2Ti0.2Ge0.2)O7 pyrochlore oxides with x = 0, 0.05, and 0.1 are studied in dry and humid air. The phase composition and crystal structure were determined by using x-ray and neutron diffraction. The addition of calcium to the structure caused an increase in the concentration of oxygen vacancies, indicating an ionic charge compensation mechanism....
Evaluation of structural and electrical properties of multicomponent spinel oxide thin films deposited via spray pyrolysis technique
PublicationThis work reports the preparation of (Mn,Co,Fe,Ni,Cr)3O4 high-entropy spinel oxide in the form of a ~ 500 nm thin film utilising a facile spray pyrolysis technique. The structural and electrical properties of the layers were characterised after exposure to temperatures in the range of 400–900 ◦C. The as-deposited layers were amorphous, and crystallised upon heat treatment at 500 ◦C. Microstructural analyses proved a homogeneous...
Effects of Na+, K+ and B3+ Substitutions on the Electrical Properties of La10Si6O27 Ceramics
PublicationDoping of Na and K at La sites and of B at Si site in La10Si6O27 with oxyapatite structure and fabrication of their ceramics were made by the solid-state reaction method. It was found that partial substitution of Na+ and K+ on La sites decreased the sinterability of the La10Si6O27 based ceramics, whereas partial substitution of B3+ on the Si site improved the sinterability. Na+ and K+ substitutions in La10−xNaxSi6O27−x and La10−xKxSi6O27−x...
The influence of azide and imidazole on the properties of Mn- and Cd-based networks: conductivity and nonlinear phenomena
PublicationWe report a study on a family of four new Mn- and Cd-azide-imidazolate-based compounds with various crystal architectures. Notably, three of these compounds display noncentrosymmetric crystal arrangements at room temperature, a rare phenomenon in hybrid organic–inorganic materials. Both nonlinear optical (NLO) and electrical phenomena in these compounds are observed. The NLO processes include second and third harmonic generation,...
A method of determination of electrical conduction mechanisms in complex amorphous materials
PublicationA novel approach to determine conduction mechanisms in complex amorphous materials was presented and tested on a real system. In the first step of the presented method, total electrical admittance of the material is analyzed in order to separate a couple of processes, each of which can be described by Jonscher's universal dielectric response. In the following step, a temperature dependence of dielectric response parameters of the...