Search results for: FOURIER ANALYSIS
Compressible gas density measurement by means of Fourier analysis of interferograms
PublicationThis paper describes a method for nonintrusive compressible gas density measurement by means of automated analysis of interferograms using FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), and its implementation using DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform), that does make this measurement technique a fairly valuable and accessible experimental method. The presented approach makes it possible to use the finite fringe setting of the interferometer, thus reducing...
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Marcinkiewicz Averages of Smooth Orthogonal Projections on Sphere
PublicationWe construct a single smooth orthogonal projection with desired localization whose average under a group action yields the decomposition of the identity operator. For any full rank lattice \Gamma ⊂ R^d , a smooth projection is localized in a neighborhood of an arbitrary precompact fundamental domain R^d / \Gamma. We also show the existence of a highly localized smooth orthogonal projection, whose Marcinkiewicz average under the...
Fourier transform symmetry and invariance for neurocontrol of NARMA models
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Application of the Fractional Fourier Transform for dispersion compensation in signals from a fiber-based Fabry-Perot interferometer
PublicationOptical methods of measurement do not require contact of a probe and the object under study, and thus have found use in a broad range of applications such as nondestructive testing (NDT), where noninvasive measurement is crucial. Measuring the refractive index of a material can give a valuable insight into its composition. Low‑coherence radiation sources enable measurement of the sample’s properties across a wide spectrum, while...
In situ study of a composition of outlet gases from biogas fuelled Solid Oxide Fuel Cell performed by the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
PublicationThe purpose of this study was to develop a method and software based on the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy for the in-situ, quantitative analysis of the composition of outlet gases from Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC). The calibration procedure performed at the beginning of the experiment indicated a polynomial dependence between the concentration of a calibrating gas (CO, CO2, CH4) and the corresponding integrated absorbance in...
Quality Assessment of 3D Printed Surfaces in Fourier Domain
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Fourier based stabilization of thermal images in dynamic thermography
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Fourier transforms on Cantor sets: A study in non-Diophantine arithmetic and calculus
PublicationFractals equipped with intrinsic arithmetic lead to a natural definition of differentiation, integration, and complex structure. Applying the formalism to the problem of a Fourier transform on fractals we show that the resulting transform has all the required basic properties. As an example we discuss a sawtooth signal on the ternary middle-third Cantor set. The formalism works also for fractals that are not self-similar.
Using phase of short-term Fourier transform for evaluation of spectrogram performance
PublicationThe concept of spectrogram performance evaluation which exploits information on phase of short-term Fourier transform (STFT) is presented. A spectrograph which is time-frequency analyzing tool, is compared to a filter bank that demultiplexes a signal. Local group delay (LGD) and channelized instantaneous frequency (CIF) is obtained for each filtered component signal. In presented solution the performance is evaluated using so-called...
Application of fourier series to determine the measurements error of harmonics with selected power quality analyzers
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High Performance Liquid chromatography - Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Coupling: A Comprehensive Review
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Application of the short time Fourier transformation to the continuous frequency method of measurement of electrode impedance
PublicationPrzedstawiona została nowa metoda pomiaru impedancji elektrodowej. Wykorzystuje ona jako pobudzenie niestacjonarny sygnał napięciowy, którego częstotliwość jest liniową funkcją czasu. Zastosowanie transformacji STFT do analizy napięciowego sygnału pobudzenia i odpowiedzi prądowej umożliwia wyznaczenie widma impedancyjnego. Dokładność otrzymywanych wartości impedancji uwarunkowana jest wielkością okna i zastosowanej funkcji analizującej.
Anharmonic Infrared Spectroscopy through the Fourier Transform of Time Correlation Function Formalism in ONETEP
PublicationDensity functional theory molecular dynamics (DFT-MD) provides an efficient framework for accurately computing several types of spectra. The major benefit of DFTMD approaches lies in the ability to naturally take into account the effects of temperature and anharmonicity, without having to introduce any ad hoc or a posteriori corrections. Consequently, computational spectroscopy based on DFT-MD approaches plays a pivotal role in...
Using concentrated spectrogram for analysis of audio acoustic signals
PublicationThe paper presents results of time-frequency analysis of audio acoustic signals using the method of Concentrated Spectrograph also known as ''Cross-spectral method'' or ''Reassignment method''. Presented algorithm involves signal's local group delay and channelized instantaneous frequency to relevantly redistribute all Short-time Fourier transform lines in time-frequency plain. The main intention of the paper is to compare various...
Detection and time/frequency analysis of electric fields in the ground
PublicationThis paper sets out to detect and characterize electric fields in the ground (such as stray current fields) using a tandem time/frequency method of signal analysis. Results were obtained from investigations performed in the presence of a generated electric field with controlled variable characteristics, and in the presence of an electric field generated by a tramline. The analysis of measurement registers was performed using Short‐Time...
Application of time-frequency methods for analysis of dynamic silo flow
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono możliwość stosowania metod czasowo-częstotliwościowych w analizie dynamicznego przepływu materiału sypkiego w silosie. W pracy omówiono wyniki FT (Fourier Transform), STFT (Short Time Fourier Transform) oraz WT (Wavelet Transform)
Comment on "Quantitative comparison of analysis methods for spectroscopic optical coherence tomography"
PublicationIn a recent paper by Bosschaart et al. [Biomed. Opt. Express 4, 2570 (2013)] various algorithms of time-frequency signal analysis have been tested for their performance in blood analysis with spectroscopic optical coherence tomography sOCT). The measurement of hemoglobin concentration and oxygen saturation based on blood absorption spectra have been considered. Short time Fourier transform (STFT) was found as the best method for...
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic and theoretical study of water interactions with glycine and its N-methylated derivatives
PublicationZbadano hydratację glicyny i jej metylowych pochodnych: N-metyloglicyny (NMG), N,N-dimetyloglicyny (DMG) i N,N,N-trimetyloglicyny (TMG) przy wykorzystaniu spektroskopii FTIR, z zastosowaniem cząsteczki HDO jako sondy molekularnej. Ilościowa wersja metody widm różnicowych pozwoliła na wyizolowanie widma wody zaburzonej przez substancję rozpuszczoną. Wyniki widmowe zostały skonfrontowane z obliczeniami teoretycznymi w ramach teorii...
Sobol’ sensitivity analysis of a 1D stochastic elasto-plastic seismic wave propagation
PublicationA novel numerical framework for the Sobol’ sensitivity analysis of 1D stochastic elasto-plastic wave propagation is proposed and evaluated. The forward propagation of uncertain input motions through uncertain elasto-plastic soils and structures is often conducted using the finite element method (FEM) together with the Monte Carlo simulation. However, it is computationally much more efficient to use the stochastic elasto-plastic FEM...
Time-frequency analysis of acoustic signals using concentrated spectrogram
PublicationThe paper presents improved method of time-frequency (TF) analysis of discrete-time signals. The method involves signal's local group delay (LGD) and channelized instantaneous frequency (CIF) to purposely redistribute all Short-time Fourier transform (STFT) lines. Additionally, the energy concentration index (ECI) and some histogram-like statistics are used to evaluate readability of estimated TF distributions of the energy. Recorded...
Influence of bio-polyols with different molecular weight on properites of PUR-PIR foams
Open Research DataThis work attempts to validate the possibility of replacing petrochemical polyols with previously synthesized bio-polyols and their impact on the structure and properties of rigid polyurethane-polyisocyanurate (PUR-PIR). The influence of bio-polyols addition on foam properties was investigated by mechanical testing, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy...
Treatment strategies for comorbid conditions lower residual risk in patients with treated hypertension: FOURIER and other randomized outcome trials
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Dynamic analysis of the impact of the wind spectrum according to the theory of Davenport for lightweight structures of the roof in sports hall Czyzyna in Cracow.
PublicationThe main aim of this analysis is to characterize numerical simulations connected with modeling dynamic influence of wind on the lightweight structures of the roof in sports hall – “Czyżyna”. This hall is built in Cracow. The article also involves the proposals of the solutions connected with dynamic influence of the wind – Davenport’s method has been used. These proposals have not been taken into consideration at the detailed engineering...
Roughness evaluation of turned composite surfaces by analysis of the shape of Autocorrelation Function
PublicationIn this paper, the application of an Autocorrelation Function for the characterisation of surface topography was validated. The roughness evaluation of turned composite surfaces was supported by sophisticated studies of the Autocorrelation Function properties, considering especially the shape of the function. Details were measured with the optical method. The selection of the surface roughness evaluation procedures was carried...
Fast Fourier Transform detection and reduction of high-frequency errors from the results of surface topography profile measurements of honed textures
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Particle rotation effects in Cosserat-Maxwell boundary layer flow with non-Fourier heat transfer using a new novel approach
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Assessment of the structural evolution of polyimide-derived carbons obtained by phosphoric acid activation using Fourier transform infrared and Raman spectroscopy
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A novel method of spectral analysis of oscillatory Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction. Nowa metoda analizy spektralnej reakcji oscylacyjnej Biełousowa-Żabotyńskiego.
PublicationPrzedstawiono wstępne wyniki analizy czasowo-częstotliwościowej reakcji Biełousowa-Żabotyńskiego w reaktorze zamkniętym. Do analizy rejestrów potencjałowych reakcji BZ zaproponowano wykorzystanie metody STFT (Short Time Fourier Analysis). Uzyskane spektrogramy wykazały spadek częstotliwości oscylacji wraz z postępem reakcji. Na podstawie analizy trzech składowych harmonicznych badanych rejestrów wykazano ekspotencjalną zmianę...
Quantification of Compatibility Between Polymeric Excipients and Atenolol Using Principal Component Analysis and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis
PublicationAn important challenge to overcome in the solid dosage forms technology is the selection of the most biopharmaceutically efficient polymeric excipients. The excipients can be selected, among others, by compatibility studies since incompatibilities between ingredients of the drug formulations adversely affect their bioavailability, stability, efficacy, and safety. Therefore, new, fast, and reliable methods for detecting incompatibility...
Methods of measurement signal acquisition from the rotational flow meter for frequency analysis
PublicationOne of the simplest and commonly used instruments for measuring the flow of homogeneous substances is the rotational flow meter. The main part of such a device is a rotor (vane or screw) rotating at a speed which is the function of the fluid or gas flow rate. A pulse signal with a frequency proportional to the speed of the rotor is obtained at the sensor output. For measurements in dynamic conditions, a variable interval between...
A Comprehensive Analysis of Impedance of the Electrochemical Cell
PublicationA comprehensive impedance characteristics of two electrodes electrochemical cell has been pre sented. In this method a multisinusoidal current excitation signal is used. The change of potential of both the electrodes are all registered as a function of time. The proposed method gives the possibility of determining the impedance of both electrodes individually as well as the impedance of a twoelectrode system. Additional application...
Valorization of bio-based polyols synthesized via biomass liquefaction
Open Research DataAs the properties of polyols have a huge impact on the properties of manufactured polyurethanes, this study aims to determine the influence of polyethylene glycols with different molecular masses on the course of the biomass liquefaction process and bio-polyol properties. The obtained polyols were characterized by rheological studies. To confirm the...
Preliminary Investigation on Auto-Thermal Extrusion of Ground Tire Rubber
PublicationGround tire rubber (GTR) was processed using an auto-thermal extrusion as a prerequisite to green reclaiming of waste rubbers. The reclaimed GTR underwent a series of tests: thermogravimetric analysis combined with Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (TGA-FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and static headspace and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (SHS-GC-MS) in order...
A complete impedance analysis of electrochemical cells used as energy sources
PublicationA comprehensive description of impedance ofelectrochemical systems has been presented, along withthe assumptions of the method used. In this method, amultisinusoidal current excitation signal is used. Thechanges of potential of both the electrodes and thepotential difference between these electrodes are allregistered simultaneously as a function of time. Theproposed method offers the possibility of separatelydetermining the instantaneous...
Need for multiple risk reduction strategies in clinical trials enrolling high risk patients - FOURIER investigating PCSK-9 inhibitor to lower cholesterol revisited
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Parallel multithread computing for spectroscopic analysis in optical coherence tomography
PublicationSpectroscopic Optical Coherence Tomography (SOCT) is an extension of Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT). It allows gathering spectroscopic information from individual scattering points inside the sample. It is based on time-frequency analysis of interferometric signals. Such analysis requires calculating hundreds of Fourier transforms while performing a single A-scan. Additionally, further processing of acquired spectroscopic information...
A fast time-frequency multi-window analysis using a tuning directional kernel
PublicationIn this paper, a novel approach for time-frequency analysis and detection, based on the chirplet transform and dedicated to non-stationary as well as multi-component signals, is presented. Its main purpose is the estimation of spectral energy, instantaneous frequency (IF), spectral delay (SD), and chirp rate (CR) with a high time-frequency resolution (separation ability) achieved by adaptive fitting of the transform kernel. We...
A finite element analysis of thermal energy inclination based on ternary hybrid nanoparticles influenced by induced magnetic field
PublicationThe use of hybrid nanoparticles to improve thermal processes is a key method that has implications for a variety of interventions utilized in many sectors. This paper aimed to look into the impacts of ternary nanoparticles on hyperbolic tangent materials to establish their thermal characteristics. Flow describing equations have been explored in the presence of heat production, non-Fourier heat flux, and an induced magnetic field....
Comparative analysis of various transformation techniques for voiceless consonants modeling
PublicationIn this paper, a comparison of various transformation techniques, namely Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT), Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) and Discrete Walsh Hadamard Transform (DWHT) are performed in the context of their application to voiceless consonant modeling. Speech features based on these transformation techniques are extracted. These features are mean and derivative values of cepstrum coefficients, derived from each transformation....
Structure analysis and thermal degradation characteristics of bio-based poly(propylene succinate)s obtained by using different catalyst amounts
PublicationLinear bio-based polyester polyols were prepared with the use of succinic acid and 1.3-propanediol (both with natural origin). As a catalyst was used tetraisopropyl orthotitanate (TPT). In order to determine the effect of various catalyst content on the thermal degradation characteristics, three different TPT amounts, as a 1.3-propanediol equivalent, were used, namely 0.1 mass% (PPS-0.1), 0.2 mass% (PPS-0.2) and 0.25 mass% (PPS-0.25)....
Structural and physico-mechanical properties of natural rubber/GTR composites devulcanized by microwaves: Influence of GTR source and irradiation time
PublicationGround tire rubber from car and truck was modified using microwave irradiation at variable time. The irradiated ground tire rubber was used as filler in composites based on natural rubber. The composites, with high content of ground tire rubber, were prepared using an internal batch mixer and subsequently cross-linked at 160℃. The influence of the ground tire rubber source (car/truck) and irradiation time on structure, physico-mechanical...
Morphology, Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Thermoplastic Polyurethane Containing Reduced Graphene Oxide and Graphene Nanoplatelets
PublicationPolyurethane/graphene nanocomposites were synthesized using commercial thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU, Apilon 52DE55), and two types of graphene derivatives: graphene nanoplatelets (GNP) and reduced graphene oxide (RGO). Fourier Transformation Infrared Spectroscopy Fourier Transformation Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) spectroscopy, TEM, and SEM microscopy and XRD techniques were used to chemically and structurally characterize GNP...
A new time-frequency detection method of stray current field interferenceon metal structures.
PublicationA new detection method has been presented of stray current field interference on underground metal structures. The method employs short time Fourier transformation (STFT). This method of analysis allows determination of signal spectral power density changes (e.g., structure potential) in the function of time. In the paper results have been presented of total time–frequency analysis of a pipeline potential in a stray current field...
Laser-textured cross-hatched surface topography analysis with evaluation of high-frequency measurement noise
PublicationThe precision of surface roughness determination using ISO 25178 parameters relies on various factors that directly impact the measurement process. In industry applications, the contactless roughness measurement reduces data collection time. However, it introduces several potential errors, including those stemming from the environment. One of the main types of errors encountered during topography analysis is measurement noise,...
FFT spectrum based matching algorithm for activedynamic thermography
PublicationIn Active Dynamic thermography (ADT) sequences of consecutive temperature distributions are analyzed. In biomedical applications of ADT, the problems of a patient's movements in front of a thermal camera should be eliminated before data analysis. Complete mechanical stabilization of the patients is impossible due to natural voluntary and involuntary moves caused by pulse breathing, etc. This paper presents a simple and efficient...
Noise Analysis of Continuous GPS Time Series of Selected EPN Stations to Investigate Variations in Stability of Monument Types
PublicationThe type of monument that a GPS antenna is placed on plays a significant role in noise estimation for each permanent GPS station. In this research 18 Polish permanent GPS stations that belong to the EPN (EUREF Permanent Network) were analyzed using Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE). The antennae of Polish EPN stations are placed on roofs of buildings or on concrete pillars. The analyzed data covers a period of 5 years from 2008...
Data used for article "Chemical composition and techno-functional properties of high-purity water-soluble keratein and its enzymatic hydrolysates"
Open Research DataThe dataset contains data regarding chicken feather keratin isolate (KI) obtained by reductive extraction with L-cysteine and its enzymatic hydrolysates produced by trypsin (KI-T), chymotrypsin (KI-C), pepsin (KI-P) and subtilisin (KI-S). The dataset includes data on the keratin extraction yield (% of feather solubilization), data from high-performance...
The power spectral density of audible noise and electric disturbances in ship’s electrical drive systems with frequency converters
Open Research DataThe presented dataset is part of research focusing on the impact of the ship's electrical drive systems with frequency converters on vibrations and the level of audible noise on ships.
Physicochemical and Volatile Compounds Analysis of Fruit Wines Fermented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae: FTIR and Microscopy Study with Focus on Anti-Inflammatory Potential
PublicationThe growing trend in fruit wine production reflects consumers’ interest in novel, diverse drinking experiences and the increasing demand for healthier beverage options. Fruit wines made from kiwi, pomegranates, and persimmons fermented using S. bayanus Lalvin strain EC1118 demonstrate the versatility of winemaking techniques. Kiwifruit, persimmon, and pomegranate wines were analyzed using HPLC and GC-TOFMS analyses to determine...