Search results for: FRACTURE MECHANICS
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PublicationThe suitability of modern fracture mechanic theory was proved for the estimation of the cutting force and the cutting specific resistance. This paper shows modification of Ernst-Merchant theory and its application for determination some other properties of wood sample. This theory is acceptable for evaluation of shear yield stresses and shear plane angle. Sawing by gang saw machine was used as a process similar to the orthogonal...
Modelling of cutting by means of fracture mechanics
PublicationThe suitability of modern fracture mechanic theory was proved for the estimation of the cutting force and the cutting specific resistance. This paper shows modification of Ernst-Merchant theory and its application for determination some other properties of wood sample. This theory is acceptable for evaluation of shear yield stresses and shear plane angle. Sawing by gang saw machine was used as a process similar to the orthogonal...
Application of fracture mechanics for energetic effects predictions while wood sawing
PublicationIn the classical approach, energetic effects (cutting forces and cutting power) of wood sawing process are generally calculated on the basis of the specific cutting resistance, which is in the case of wood cutting the function of more or less important factors. On the other hand, cutting forces (power) could be considered from a point of view of modern fracture mechanics. Cutting forces may be employed to determine not only toughness...
Application of Fracture Mechanics for Energetic Effects Predictions While Wood Sawing
PublicationIn the classical approach, energetic effects (cutting forces and cutting power) of wood sawing process are generally calculated on the basis of the specific cutting resistance, which is in the case of wood cutting the function of more or less important factors. On the other hand, cutting forces (or power - more interesting from energetic point of view) could be considered from a point of view of modern fracture mechanics. Cutting...
Empirical verification in industrial conditions of fracture mechanics models of cutting power prediction
PublicationA comparison of experimental results obtained in the industrial conditions at a sawmill located in the Baltic Natural Forest Region (PL) and theoretical cutting power consumption forecasted with the models which include work of separation (fracture toughness) in addition to plasticity and friction has been described. In computations of cutting power consumption during rip sawing of Scots pine wood (Pinus sylvestris L.) values of...
Predictions of cutting power while sawing of birch and beech with the use of modern fracture mechanics
PublicationPraca zawiera wyniki badań eksperymentalnych procesu przecinania drewna brzozy i buka piłami o rzazie 2 mm na pilarce ramowej PRW15M. Na podstawie teoretycznego modelu Atkinsa, wyznaczono z danych eksperymentalnych stałe materiałowe (wiązkość i naprężenia tnące w strefie ścinania) i opracowano model do prognozowania mocy skrawania podczas przecinania drewna piłami na pilarce ramowej dla innych wartości rzazu w funkcji posuwu na...
PublicationIn the classical approach, energetic effects (cutting forces and cutting power) of wood sawing process are generally calculated on the basis of the specific cutting resistance, which is in the case of wood cutting the function of more or less important factors. On the other hand, cutting forces (power) could be considered from a point of view of modern fracture mechanics. Another way is to forecast cutting power consumption on...
Methods of solving the Atkins equation determine shear angle with taking into consideration a modern fracture mechanics
PublicationIn the paper are presented methods of solving nonlinear Atkins equation . The Atkins equation describe shear angle with taking into account properties of material cutting. To solve Atkins equation has been used iterative methods: Newton method and simplified method of simple iteration. Method of simple iteration is presented in the form of Java application.
Revisiting The Determination Of Cutting Power While Sawing Of Wood With Circular Saw Blades By Means Of Fracture Mechanics
PublicationIn the classical approach, energetic effects (cutting forces and cutting power) of wood sawing process are generally calculated on the basis of the specific cutting resistance, which is in the case of wood cutting the function of more or less important factors. On the other hand, cutting forces (power) could be considered from a point of view of modern fracture mechanics. Cutting forces may be employed to determine not only toughness...
Detremination of the cutting power of the sawing process using both preliminary sawing data and modern fracture mechanics
PublicationPrzedstawiono medodykę prognozowania mocy skrawania dla procesu piłowania drewna cienkimi piłami. Przewidywanie zapotrzebowania mocy skrawania oparte jest na współczesnej mechanice pękania, a do wyznaczenia stałych materiałowych: wiązkości materiału oraz niszczących napężeń ścinających wykorzystano wyniki wstępnych badań eksperymentalnych. Błędy prognozowania nie przekraczają 15.5% dla przypadku cienkich pił gdy rolę znacząca odgrywają...
Fracture mechanics model of cutting power versus widespread regression equations while wood sawing with circular saw blades
PublicationA comparison of the theoretical cutting power consumption results forecasted with the model (FM_CM model) which include work of separation (fracture toughness) in addition to plasticity and friction, and two widespread regression equations while wood sawing with circular saw blades has been described. in and cutting power consumption forecasted. In computations of the cutting power consumption during rip sawing of Scots pine wood...
Estimation of fracture toughness and shear yield stress of orthotropic materials in cutting with rotating tools
PublicationThe cutting force is an energetic effect of splitting material, and might be considered from a point of view of modern fracture mechanics. Forecasting of the shear plane angle in cutting broaden possibilities for modelling of the cutting process even for thin uncut chips. Such mathematical model has been developed here for description of the orthotropic materials’ cutting on the base of fracture theory, and includes work of separation...
Prediction of fracture toughness in fibre-reinforced concrete, mortar, and rocks using various Machine learning techniques
PublicationMachine Learning (ML) method is widely used in engineering applications such as fracture mechanics. In this study, twenty different ML algorithms were employed and compared for the prediction of the fracture toughness and fracture load in modes I, II, and mixed-mode (I-II) of various materials, including fibre-reinforced concrete, cement mortar, sandstone, white travertine, marble, and granite. A set of 401 specimens of “Brazilian...
Beam on elastic foundation with anticlastic curvature: Application to analysis of mode I fracture tests
PublicationA first order correction is proposed taking into account both interface elasticity and transverse anticlastic curvature of flexible substrate(s) in the DCB (and related tests). Adherends are represented by Kirchhoff-Love plates, and the interface by Winkler-type elastic foundation. Two functions are introduced, representing evolution of beam deflection along the sample midline and anticlastic curvature along the plate. A method...
Comparative DEM calculations of fracture process in concrete considering real angular and artificial spherical aggregates
PublicationArtykuł omawia wyniki obliczeń numerycznych pękania dla betonu stosując metodę elementów dyskretnych (DEM). Beton był opisany jako materiał 4-fazowy i był poddany zginaniu. Zbadano wpływ kształtu kruszywa na proces pekania i na zalezność obciązenia od ugięcia. Wyniki dwuwymiarowe i trzywymiarowe porównano bezpośrednio z doświadczeniami. Wyniki pokazały duzy wpływ kształtu kruszywa na wyniki numeryczne.
The experimental and numerical investigation of fracture behaviour in PMMA notched specimens under biaxial loading conditions – Tension with torsion
PublicationThis paper presents the results of experimental fracture test of flat PMMA specimens under biaxial loading condition tension with torsion (proportional). The specimens were made in two thicknesses: 5 and 15 mm and were weakened with V-type edge notches with different root radii: 0.5; 2 and 10 mm. Thanks to the ARAMIS 3D 4 M non-contact vision system, measurement of the elongation and twist angle were recorded. During experimental...
Two-dimensional simulations of concrete fracture at aggregate level with cohesive elements based on X-ray lCT images
PublicationThe paper presents results of two-dimensional meso-scale simulations of fracture in notched concrete beams subjected to three-point bending test. Concrete was assumed as a 4-phase material composed of aggregate grains placed in the cement matrix, interfacial transitional zones (ITZs) and macro-voids. The particle distribution was taken from real concrete beams on the basis of X-ray lCT images. Comprehensive numerical analyses were carried...
A three-dimensional meso-scale approach with cohesive elements to concrete fracture based on X-ray μCT images.
PublicationArtykuł omawia wyniki numeryczne dotyczące pękania betonu uzyskane stosując trójwymiarowy model mezoskopowy z elementami kohezyjnymi. Obliczenia trójwymiarowe zostały wykonane dla zginanej belki betonowej. Beton został opisany jako model 3-fazowy. Mikrostruktura betonu odpowiadała zdjęciom tomograficznym. Wyniki numeryczne zostały porównane z wynikami doświadczalnymi. Uzyskano b. dobra zgodność między wynikami numerycznymi i doświadczalnymi.
Modelling of concrete fracture at aggregate level using FEM and DEM based on X-ray uCT images of internal structure
PublicationArtykuł podejmuje problem pękania w zginanych belkach betonowych. Proces pękania był obserwowany przy zastosowaniu mikrotomografii . Zaobserwowany proces był symulowany numerycznie przy zastosowaniu metody elementów skończonych i metody elementów dyskretnych. Beton był opisany jako materiał 4-fazowy. Otrzymano dobrą zgodność wyników numerycznych z doświadczalnymi.
Mesoscopic simulations of a fracture process in reinforced concrete beam in bending using a 2D coupled DEM/micro-CT approach
PublicationW tej pracy zbadano numerycznie w warunkach 2D złożony proces pękania w krótkiej prostokątnej belce betonowej wzmocnionej jednym prętem podłużnym (bez zbrojenia pionowego) i poddanej quasi-statycznemu zginaniu w trzech punktach. Krytyczne pęknięcie poprzeczne w belce spowodowało jej uszkodzenie podczas doświadczenia. Symulacje numeryczne przeprowadzono klasyczną metodą elementów dyskretnych (DEM). Przyjęto trójfazowy opis betonu:...
Numerical modelling of the mesofracture process of sintered 316L steel under tension using microtomography
PublicationThis paper concerns numerical modelling of the deformation process, taking into account the local fracture of porous 316L sinters at the mesoscopic scale using the finite element method. Calculations are performed with the use of geometrical models, to map the realistic shape of the porous mesostructure of the material, obtained by means of computed microtomography. The microtomographic device has limited and insufficient measurement...
Fractographical quantitative analysis of EN-AW 2024 aluminum alloy after creep pre-strain and LCF loading
PublicationThis paper explores the applicability of a new damage parameter combining both fracture surface topography and loading features to estimate the fatigue lifetime under creep pre-strain and low-cycle fatigue loading. Fractures of EN-AW 2024 aluminum alloy caused by mixed creep and low-cycle fatigue loading are experimentally characterized and quantified via surface topography analysis. The specimens were preliminary damaged in a...
Size effect at aggregate level in microCT scans and DEM simulation – Splitting tensile test of concrete
PublicationThe paper describes an experimental and numerical study of size effect on concrete cylindrical specimens in splitting tensile test. Own experimental campaign was performed on specimens with 5 various diameters from D = 74, 105, 150, 192 and 250 mm with hardboard loading strips (distributed load according to standard methods) scaled proportionally to the specimen diameter. The crack opening-control system was applied to obtain the...
A study on microcrack monitoring in concrete: discrete element method simulations of acoustic emission for non-destructive diagnostics
PublicationThe research is focused on the monitoring of fracture evolution in concrete beams under three-point bending using the acoustic emission technique and the discrete element method. The main objective of the study was to numerically and experimentally investigate the mechanism behind the generation of elastic waves during acoustic emission events and their interaction with micro- and macro-cracking in concrete beams under monotonic...
LCF behavior of 2024AA under uni- and biaxial loading taking into account creep pre-deformation
PublicationThis study presents the results of experimental low-cycle fatigue (LCF) tests of aluminum 2024 alloy T3511 temper in uni- and biaxial loading states. Tests were carried out on both the as-received material (hardened extruded rods) and material with different pre-deformation histories. These deformations were carried out in the creep process at 200 °C and 300 °C for two different levels of at each temperature. The pre-deformed material’s...
Hydraulic fracturing process in rocks – small-scale simulations with a novel fully coupled DEM/CFD-based thermo-hydro-mechanical approach
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono dwuwymiarową (2D) symulację numeryczną szczelinowania hydraulicznego w małej skali przeprowadzoną w próbkach skał posiadających pojedynczą szczelinę wtryskową. Wykorzystano unikalny model termo-hydro-mechaniczny (THM) w skali porów oparty na DEM/CFD do symulacji dwufazowego laminarnego przepływu płynu (wody i gazu) z przenoszeniem ciepła w nienasyconych materiałach porowatych o niskiej porowatości. Korzystając...
Meso-mechanical modelling of damage in concrete using discrete element method with porous ITZs of defined width around aggregates.
PublicationArtykuł omawia wyniki obliczeń numerycznych pękania dla betonu stosując metodę elementów dyskretnych. Beton był opisany jako materiał 4-fazowy i był poddany zginaniu. W obliczeniach uwzględniono strefy ITZ o skończonej szerokości dookoła wszystkich ziaren kruszywa. Nacisk położono na przebieg mikropęknięć przy kruszywie. Wyniki porównano bezpośrednio z doświadczeniami. Obliczenia wykonano także dla szorstkich ziaren kruszywa....
Application of the 3D DEM in the modelling of fractures in pre-flawed marble specimens during uniaxial compression
PublicationPrzedstawiono w tym artykule wyniki modelowania pęknięć w cylindrycznych próbkach marmurowych ze wstępnymi nacięciami w czasie jednoosiowego ściskania . Zastosowano metodę elementów dyskretnych (DEM). Zbadano propagację i koalescencję pęknięć w próbkach marmuru z istniejącymi otwartymi nacięciami pod różnymi kątami do poziomu. Wyniki numerycznych symulacji trójwymiarowych (3D) zostały bezpośrednio porównane z badaniami laboratoryjnymi....
Cyclic deformation and fracture behaviour of additive manufactured maraging steel under variable-amplitude loading
PublicationThe cyclic deformation and fracture behaviour of 18Ni300 maraging steel produced by laser beam powder bed fusion is studied under variable-amplitude loading. The tests were conducted under fully-reversed strain-controlled conditions with a loading sequence comprising three ascending cycles and three descending cycles repeated sequentially until failure. After the tests, fracture surfaces were examined using height and volume surface...
The use of a two-phase Monte Carlo material model to reflect the dispersion of asphalt concrete fracture parameters
PublicationThe work covers comprehensive laboratory tests of semi-circular bending (SCB) of asphalt concrete samples. The results of two test series, including four and 32 SCB specimens, indicate a substantial scatter of force–deflection (F-d) histories. The numerical analysis is aimed to reflect the maximum breaking load and fracture energy of the samples, pointing out their random character. The original simulation-based fictitious Monte...
Orientation effects on the fracture behaviour of additively manufactured stainless steel 316L subjected to high cyclic fatigue
PublicationIn this paper, stainless steel 316L (SS316L) bars were additively manufactured (AM) in three orientations (Z – vertical, XY – horizontal, ZX45 – midway between vertical and horizontal) by using the Laser Powder Bed Fusion Melting (LPBF-M) method. The AM specimens were subjected to load control fatigue testing under full tension and compression (R = -1) at stress amplitudes ±350, ±400 and ±450 MPa. The XY and ZX45 printing orientations...
Fracture prediction in flat PMMA notched specimens under tension - effectiveness of the equivalent material concept and fictitious material concept
PublicationThe fracture of notched elements under mode I loading (tension) remains an inexhaustible research topic, especially when it comes to the fracture of thermoplastic materials such as polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), which experience considerable plastic strains under tension. The paper points out that traditional brittle fracture criteria such as mean stress (MS) or maximum tangential stress (MTS) criteria used to predict this phenomenon do...
The Smith-Watson-Topper parameter and fracture surface topography relationship for additively manufactured 18Ni300 steel subjected to uniaxial variable-amplitude loading
PublicationIn this paper, the association between Smith-Watson-Topper (SWT) parameter and fracture surface topography is studied in additively manufactured maraging steel exposed to variable-amplitude fatigue loading. The post-failure fracture surfaces were examined using a non-contact 3D surface topography measuring system and the entire fracture surface method. The focal point is on the correspondence between fatigue characteristics, articulate...
Process zone in the Single Cantilever Beam under transverse loading. - Part II: Experimental
PublicationThis paper describes an experimental arrangement to evaluate stress/strain fields in the process zone of asymmetric adhesively bonded joints. A transparent polycarbonate flexible beam was bonded to an aluminium alloy rigid block with an epoxy adhesive in a Single Cantilever Beam (SCB) configuration. The flexible adherend was loaded in the direction parallel to the initial crack front at constant rate. To monitor strains induced...
On the crack front curvature in bonded joints
PublicationStandard tests of adhesively bonded specimens are likely to produce heterogeneous stress distribution along the crack front and its vicinity. High separation rate mode I dominated fracture test is performed.Observation of post mortem fractured surfaces with an optical microscope reveals characteristic features of mixed mode I/III fracture near the sides of the specimen but not in the middle. At first, finite elements calculations...
The elasto-plastic numerical study of crack initiation in notched PMMA specimens under uniaxial loading conditions – Tension and torsion
PublicationThis paper presents the results of FEM numerical calculations aimed at describing the plastic strain and stress fields under critical loading conditions: tensile force or torsional moment. The calculations were carried out with reference to the results of experimental tensile and torsional tests of flat PMMA specimens weakened with V-notches of different root radii: 0.5, 2 and 10 mm. The procedure for conducting nonlinear numerical...
Process zone in the Single Cantilever Beam under transverse loading. - Part I: Theoretical analysis
PublicationSingle Cantilever Beam (SCB) specimen loaded with a transverse force parallel to the crack front is proposed for the analysis of crack propagation phenomena under mixed mode conditions. The stress redistribution in the adhesive layer in the vicinity of the crack front so as the beam deformation are estimated using a Timoshenko beam on elastic foundation model. This model emphasizes the Mode II contribution due to flexural beam...
The energy approach to fatigue crack growth of S355 steel welded specimens subjected to bending
PublicationThe study presents the results of the research on the rate of fatigue crack growth subjected to bending in the ferritic-pearlitic structure. The studies were carried out at a constant amplitude of the moment and at various values of the load ratios R and at the operating frequency of the machine of 28.4 Hz. Flat specimens made of S355 steel and with fillet welds and with double-sided blunt external notches as well as concave...
Experimental and numerical investigations of concrete behaviour at meso-level during quasi-static splitting tension.
PublicationArtykuł omawia wyniki numeryczne dotyczące pękania betonu uzyskane stosując metodę elementów dyskretnych. Dwuwymiarowe obliczenia wykonano dla próbek betonowych podczas rozłupywania. Beton został opisany jako model 4-fazowy. Mikrostruktura betonu odpowiadała zdjęciom tomograficznym. Zbadano wpływ warunków brzegowych na proces pękania. W obliczeniach zwrócono uwagę na porzebieg zjawisk mikrostrukturalnych przebieg pękania. Wyniki...
Sawing Processes as a Way of Determining Fracture Toughness and Shear Yield Stresses of Wood
PublicationA new computational model, based on fracture mechanics, was used to determine cutting forces. Unlike traditional computing methods, which depend on many coefficients reflecting the machining of solid wood, the new model uses two main parameters: fracture toughness and shear yield stresses. The aim of this study was to apply this new method to determine these parameters for the tooth cutting edge principal positions and longitudinal...
Report for the Short Term Scientific Mission within COST Action FP1101: development of the in-field sensor for estimation of fracture toughness and shear strength by measuring cutting forces
PublicationKnowledge on the fracture properties of materials is essential to assure structural integrity and proper design of mechanical connections in timber constructions. Measurement of this property is, however, a very challenging task. The linear fracture mechanics is usually used for its assessment assisted with experimental data acquired by means of various techniques, usually of destructive nature. The cutting force is an energetic...
Comparison of the fracture toughness of pine wood determined on the basis of orthogonal linear cutting and frame sawing
PublicationIn this paper, the values of the fracture toughness of Scots pine determined by cutting tests are presented. The cutting tests were carried out using the samples of Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) from Pomeranian Region, Poland. These experiments were carried out on two research stands: orthogonal linear cutting tests were conducted using the microtome instrument and the frame saw PRW-15M was used for sawing tests. The values...
Fracture surface formation of notched 2017A-T4 aluminium alloy under bending fatigue
PublicationThe effect of cyclic loading on facture surface topology in notched components made by aluminium alloys is not completely clear. Fractogra-phy and fracture mechanics can help to understand this interdependency. This paper aims to study the distribution of the fracture surface roughness of notched 2017A-T4 aluminium alloy after bending fatigue using an optical focus-variation surface measurement technique by applying the fracture...
PublicationCutting forces (power) could be considered from a point of view of modern fracture mechanics. The developed cutting model, derived from fracture mechanics, includes work of separation (fracture toughness) in addition to plasticity and friction, and also dullness of the cutting edge described by the cutting edge radius. Moreover, forecasting of the shear plane angle for the cutting models, broaden possibilities of energetic effects...
Fracture in Asymmetric Bonded Joints
PublicationAdhesion was studied in asymmetric bonded joints using fracture mechanics tests. The asymmetric bonded joints consist of two different type and/or thickness materials bonded by an adhesive. Mentions of asymmetric bonded joint tests employed so far are rare in the literature. They are imperfect and therefore are not standardized. Accordingly three new tests were introduced in this work to study bonded joints. The new metrological...
PublicationThe paper describes two-dimensional meso-scale results of fracture in notched concrete beams under bending. Concrete was modelled as a random heterogeneous 4-phase material composed of aggregate particles, cement matrix, interfacial transitional zones and air voids. Within continuum mechanics, the simulations were carried out with the finite element method based on a isotropic damage constitutive model enhanced by a characteristic...
Recent progress in research on the cutting processes of wood. A review COST Action E35 2004-2008: Wood machining - micromechanics and fracture
PublicationZaprezentowano postępy w badaniach przecinania drewna ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem nowych metod dedykowanych zwiększeniu wydajności materiałowej w tartacznictwie. Zademonstrowano przydatność współczesnej mechaniki pękania do szacowania mocy skrawania dla pił, których wartości rozwarcia są różne od pił użytych w badaniach skrawalnościowych. W tych ostatnich wyznaczano wiązkość materiału obrabianego oraz naprężenia tnące. Badania...
Recent progress in research on the cutting processes of wood. A review COST Action E35 2004-2008: Wood machining - micromechanics and fracture
PublicationZaprezentowano postępy w badaniach przecinania drewna ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem nowych metod dedykowanych zwiększeniu wydajności materiałowej w tartacznictwie. Zademonstrowano przydatność współczesnej mechaniki pękania do szacowania mocy skrawania dla pił, których wartości rozwarcia są różne od pił użytych w badaniach skrawalnościowych. W tych ostatnich wyznaczano wiązkość materiału obrabianego oraz naprężenia tnące. Badania...