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Fusion-based Representation Learning Model for Multimode User-generated Social Network Content
PublicationAs mobile networks and APPs are developed, user-generated content (UGC), which includes multi-source heterogeneous data like user reviews, tags, scores, images, and videos, has become an essential basis for improving the quality of personalized services. Due to the multi-source heterogeneous nature of the data, big data fusion offers both promise and drawbacks. With the rise of mobile networks and applications, UGC, which includes...
User-generated images and its impact on consumer-based brand equity and on purchase intention
PublicationResearchers and brand managers have limited knowledge of the effects that different types of user-generated content (UGC) have on consumers’ perception of brands and behavior. In this study we investigated 301 authors of a specific category of UGC, i.e., user-generated images (UGI) on a social networking site to confirm the relationships of four drivers reported in literature (co-creation, empowerment, community, and self-concept)...
Wiktoria Wojnicz dr hab. inż.
PeopleDSc in Mechanics (in the field of Biomechanics) - Lodz Univeristy of Technology, 2019 PhD in Mechanics (in the field of Biomechanics) - Lodz Univeristy of Technology, 2009 (with distinction) List of papers (2009 - ) Wojnicz W., Wittbrodt E., Analysis of muscles' behaviour. Part I. The computational model of muscle. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, Vol. 11, No.4, 2009, p. 15-21 Wojnicz W., Wittbrodt E., Analysis of...
User satisfaction model
PublicationRaport techniczny - opis metody ''User Satisfaction Methods'' wykorzystywanej w projektowaniu komunikacji człowiek-komputer oraz doskonaleniu interfejsu użytkownika.
Effect of User Mobility upon Trust Building among Autonomous Content Routers in an Information-Centric Network
PublicationThe capability of proactive in-network caching and sharing of content is one of the most important features of an informationcentric network (ICN). We describe an ICN model featuring autonomous agents controlling the content routers. Such agents are unlikely to share cached content with other agents without an incentive to do so. To stimulate cooperation between agents, we adopt a reputation and trust building scheme that is able...
Personal Branding and Brand Loyalty, Social Network Users Brand Identification: Polish-French Model
PublicationSocial network brand sites are increasingly attracting the attention of scientists and managers intrigued by their potential application for brand value creation. The aim of this research, based on a multinational sample, is to fill the gap in understanding how users choose among social networking sites as an act of brand identification. The authors of the paper point to the fact that creating a personal brand is becoming more...
Model-free and Model-based Reinforcement Learning, the Intersection of Learning and Planning
PublicationMy doctoral dissertation is intended as the compound of four publications considering: structure and randomness in planning and reinforcement learning, continuous control with ensemble deep deterministic policy gradients, toddler-inspired active representation learning, and large-scale deep reinforcement learning costs.
Identyfikacja instrumentu muzycznego z nagrania fonicznego za pomocą sztucznych sieci neuronowych
PublicationCelem rozprawy jest zbadanie algorytmów do identyfikacji instrumentów występujących w sygnale polifonicznym z wykorzystaniem sztucznych sieci neuronowych. W części teoretycznej przywołano podstawy przetwarzania sygnałów fonicznych w kontekście ekstrakcji parametrów sygnałów wykorzystywanych w treningu sieci neuronowych. Dodatkowo dokonano analizy rozwoju metod uczenia maszynowego z uwzględnieniem podziału na sieci neuronowe pierwszej,...
Agent-based social network as a simulation of a market behaviour
PublicationRecent years and the outbreak of world's economic crisis in 2008 proved the crucial importance of reliable analysis of market dynamics. However, werarely apply models of proper detail level (the global prosperity forecast of 2007 can be seen as a grim proof). The behaviour of individuals and companies is far from being ideal and rational. Many claims that the economic paradigm of rational expectations (coming from J. Muth and R....
Exploring the Usability and User Experience of Social Media Apps through a Text Mining Approach
PublicationThis study aims to evaluate the applicability of a text mining approach for extracting UUX-related issues from a dataset of user comments and not to evaluate the Instagram (IG) app. This study analyses textual data mined from reviews in English written by IG mobile application users. The article’s authors used text mining (based on the LDA algorithm) to identify the main UUX-related topics. Next, they mapped the identified topics...
Revisiting Supervision for Continual Representation Learning
Publication"In the field of continual learning, models are designed to learn tasks one after the other. While most research has centered on supervised continual learning, there is a growing interest in unsupervised continual learning, which makes use of the vast amounts of unlabeled data. Recent studies have highlighted the strengths of unsupervised methods, particularly self-supervised learning, in providing robust representations. The improved...
Social learning in cluster initiatives
PublicationPurpose – The purpose of the paper is to portray social learning in cluster initiatives (CIs), namely: 1) to explore, with the lens of the communities of practice (CoPs) theory, in what ways social learning occurs in CIs; 2) to discover how various CoPs emerge and evolve in CIs to facilitate a collective journey in their learning process. Subsequently, the authors address the research questions: In what ways does social learning...
Visual Content Representation for Cognitive Systems: Towards Augmented Intelligence
PublicationCognitive Vision Systems have gained significant attention from academia and industry during the past few decades. One of the main reasons behind this interest is the potential of such technologies to revolutionize human life since they intend to work robustly under complex visual scenes (which environmental conditions may vary), adapting to a comprehensive range of unforeseen changes, and exhibiting prospective behavior. The combination...
Student model representation for pedagogical virtual mentors
PublicationThe paper concerns technological aspects of virtual mentors construction, especially concentrating on the student model representation. The article distinguishes several types of information that is gathered by the pedagogical agents and other educational platforms, including student knowledge model, student progress tracking, interaction process patterns and learner preferences. A set of technologies used for the student model...
Model of distributed learning objects repository for a heterogenic internet environment
PublicationW artykule wprowadzono pojęcie komponentu edukacyjnego jako rozszerzenie obiektu edukacyjnego o elementy zachowania (metody). Zaproponowane podejście jest zgodne z paradygmatem obiektowym. W oparciu o komponent edukacyjny zaprojektowano model budowy repozytorium materiałów edukacyjnych. Model ten jest oparty o usługi sieciowe i rejestry UDDI. Komponent edukacyjny oraz model repozytorium mogą znaleźć zastosowanie w konstrukcji zbiorów...
Integrating Experience-Based Knowledge Representation and Machine Learning for Efficient Virtual Engineering Object Performance
PublicationMachine learning and Artificial Intelligence have grown significant attention from industry and academia during the past decade. The key reason behind interest is such technologies capabilities to revolutionize human life since they seamlessly integrate classical networks, networked objects and people to create more efficient environments. In this paper, the Knowledge Representation technique of Set of Experience...
Visual content representation and retrieval for Cognitive Cyber Physical Systems
PublicationCognitive Cyber Physical Systems have gained significant attention from academia and industry during the past few decade. One of the main reasons behind this interest is the potential of such technologies to revolutionize human life since they intend to work robustly under complex visual scenes, which environmental conditions may vary, adapting to a comprehensive range of unforeseen changes, and exhibiting prospective behavior...
Brand loyalty creation in the social network. Does the product category matter?
PublicationThe final goal of all marketers’ effort is to achieve a high level of loyalty toward their brands. Social network brand sites are increasingly attracting the attention of scientists and managers intrigued by their potential application for brand loyalty creation. The aim of this research, based on European sample, is to fill the gap in understanding the product category loyalty and brand loyalty relation as an output of brand identification...
PublicationThis paper presents an architecture overview and some aspects of implementation of the social network service directed at users localization. It shows how web services can be used as a tool for integrating different mobile platforms with a web application. The main focus is set on communication between system elements and related problems.
Global Surrogate Modeling by Neural Network-Based Model Uncertainty
PublicationThis work proposes a novel adaptive global surrogate modeling algorithm which uses two neural networks, one for prediction and the other for the model uncertainty. Specifically, the algorithm proceeds in cycles and adaptively enhances the neural network-based surrogate model by selecting the next sampling points guided by an auxiliary neural network approximation of the spatial error. The proposed algorithm is tested numerically...
An Adaptive Network Model Simulating the Effects of Different Culture Types and Leader Qualities on Mistake Handling and Organisational Learning
PublicationThis paper investigates computationally the following research hypotheses: (1) Higher flexibility and discretion in organizational culture results in better mistake management and thus better organizational learning, (2) Effective organizational learning requires a transformational leader to have both high social and formal status and consistency, and (3) Company culture and leader’s behavior must align for the best learning effects....
An Adaptive Network Model Simulating the Effects of Different Culture Types and Leader Qualities on Mistake Handling and Organisational Learning
PublicationThis paper investigates computationally the following research hypotheses: (1) Higher flexibility and discretion in organizational culture results in better mistake management and thus better organizational learning, (2) Effective organizational learning requires a transformational leader to have both high social and formal status and consistency, and (3) Company culture and leader's behavior must align for the best learning effects....
An Adaptive Network Model for a Double Bias Perspective on Learning from Mistakes within Organizations
PublicationAlthough making mistakes is a crucial part of learning, it is still often being avoided in companies as it is considered as a shameful incident. This goes hand in hand with a mindset of a boss who dominantly believes that mistakes usually have negative consequences and therefore avoids them by only accepting simple tasks. Thus, there is no mechanism to learn from mistakes. Employees working for and being influenced by such a boss...
Plasma models, contribution matrix for detector setup and generated projections for plasma emissivity reconstruction in fusion devices
Open Research DataThe original plasma models for fusion devices, together with the complementary detector setup in the form of a contribution matrix and generated projections. Samples are packed inside a Plasma Tomography Format (PTF) files which is a part of the Plasma Tomography in Fusion Devices Python package, and inside the general JSON format. The constructed dataset...
Social Learning in Cluster Organizations and Accumulation of Technological Capability
PublicationThe purpose of the paper is to present how members of cluster organizations perceive their role in the accumulation of technological capability through social learning. The paper presents the results of a qualitative study of four cluster organizations. The theoretical foundation of the study are the communities of practice and the organizational inertia theories. The study indicates that the dynamics of technological capability...
Resourcing in social enterprise – content analysis of 'good practices' profiled in 'Atlas of social economy' in Poland
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to analyze and show what processes accompany resource mobilization among social enterprises. For this, the author uses a sample of 25 ‘good practice’ examples selected and presented in ‘Atlas of social economy’ in Poland, in the most popular and well-established knowledge base web portal on social economy and social enterprise in Poland. The author makes an attempt at deconstructing the profiles of the...
Jaroslaw Spychala dr
PeopleOprócz bardzo dobrego wykształcenia osoba posiada również wieloletnie doświadczenie zawodowe, które jest poświadczeniem tego, że potrafi wykorzystać swoją wiedzę teoretyczną w praktycznych działaniach. Doświadczenie zawodowe jest bardzo bogate i rozbudowane. Ze względu na nabyte całkiem nowe umiejętności zwiększa się atrakcyjność doświadczonego pracownika. Są to między innymi kreatywne myślenie, zorientowanie na cel, odporność...
Study of Statistical Text Representation Methods for Performance Improvement of a Hierarchical Attention Network
PublicationTo effectively process textual data, many approaches have been proposed to create text representations. The transformation of a text into a form of numbers that can be computed using computers is crucial for further applications in downstream tasks such as document classification, document summarization, and so forth. In our work, we study the quality of text representations using statistical methods and compare them to approaches...
Consumer social network brand identification and personal branding. How do social network users choose among brand sites?
PublicationBrands’ social networking sites (fan pages) are increasingly attracting the attention of scientists and managers intrigued by their potential application for brand value creation. The aim of this research is to understand better how users choose among social networking sites as an act of brand identification. The study presents a new model whose structure of identification drivers for social networking brand sites varies for customer...
Path-based methods on categorical structures for conceptual representation of wikipedia articles
PublicationMachine learning algorithms applied to text categorization mostly employ the Bag of Words (BoW) representation to describe the content of the documents. This method has been successfully used in many applications, but it is known to have several limitations. One way of improving text representation is usage of Wikipedia as the lexical knowledge base – an approach that has already shown promising results in many research studies....
Current trends in consumption of multimedia content using online streaming platforms: A user-centric survey
PublicationIn its early days, consumption of multimedia content was only possible at a stationary terminal device. The music player was located at home, and had to have a physical drive. Over the last decade, there has been an enormous increase in the number of online streaming platforms. These services enable users to consume rich multimedia content on various devices. Thanks to the widespread and availability of portable devices, any person...
Evaluation of Path Based Methods for Conceptual Representation of the Text
PublicationTypical text clustering methods use the bag of words (BoW) representation to describe content of documents. However, this method is known to have several limitations. Employing Wikipedia as the lexical knowledge base has shown an improvement of the text representation for data-mining purposes. Promising extensions of that trend employ hierarchical organization of Wikipedia category system. In this paper we propose three path-based...
Model-Based Adaptive Machine Learning Approach in Concrete Mix Design
PublicationConcrete mix design is one of the most critical issues in concrete technology. This process aims to create a concrete mix which helps deliver concrete with desired features and quality. Contemporary requirements for concrete concern not only its structural properties, but also increasingly its production process and environmental friendliness, forcing concrete producers to use both chemically and technologically complex concrete...
On the Consumption of Multimedia Content Using Mobile Devices: a Year to Year User Case Study
PublicationIn the early days, consumption of multimedia content related with audio signals was only possible in a stationary manner. The music player was located at home, with a necessary physical drive. An alternative way for an individual was to attend a live performance at a concert hall or host a private concert at home. To sum up, audio-visual effects were only reserved for a narrow group of recipients. Today, thanks to portable players,...
Energy-Efficient Self-Supervised Technique to Identify Abnormal User Over 5G Network for E-Commerce
PublicationWithin the realm of e-commerce networks, it is frequently observed that certain users exhibit behavior patterns that differ substantially from the normative behaviors exhibited by the majority of users. The identification of these atypical individuals and the understanding of their behavioral patterns are of significant practical significance in maintaining order on e-commerce platforms. One such method for accomplishing this objective...
Energy-Efficient Self-Supervised Technique to Identify Abnormal User Over 5G Network for E-Commerce
PublicationWithin the realm of e-commerce networks, it is frequently observed that certain users exhibit behavior patterns that differ substantially from the normative behaviors exhibited by the majority of users. The identification of these atypical individuals and the understanding of their behavioral patterns are of significant practical significance in maintaining order on e-commerce platforms. One such method for accomplishing this...
Network on Chip implementation using FPGAs resources
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono implementację sieci typu ''Network on Chip'' w układach FPGA. Sieci typu ''Network on Chip'' stały się bardzo interesującym i obiecującym rozwiązaniem dla systemów typu ''System on Chip'' które charakteryzują się intensywną komunikacją wewnętrzną. Ze względu na inne paradygmaty projektowania nie ma obecnie dostępnych efektywnych platform do budowy prototypów sieci typu ''Network on Chip'' i ich weryfikacji....
Social media for e-learning of citizens in smart city
PublicationThe rapid development of social media can be applied for citizens’ e-learning in a smart city. Big cities have to cope with several open issues like a growing population or a traffic congestion. Especially, a home and public space is supposed to be used in more efficient way. Sustainable homes and buildings can be planned with using some modern techniques. Even currently, there is a huge problem with a lack of key resources like...
Automated Reasoning Based User Interface
PublicationMotivation: The ability to directly trace how requirements are implemented in a software system is crucial in domains that require a high level of trust (e.g. medicine, law, crisis management). This paper describes an approach that allows a high level of traceability to be achieved with model-driven engineering supported by automated reasoning. The paper gives an introduction to the novel, automated user interface synthesis in...
Optimization of river network representation data models for web-based systems
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Measuring Consumers' Engagement With Brand-Related Social-Media Content. Development and Validation of a Scale that Identifies Levels of Social-Media Engagement with Brands
PublicationThe purpose of the current study was to develop a scale to measure the consumer's engagement with brand-related social-media content, based on three dimensions established in the framework of an earlier theoretical construct, “Consumer's Online Brand-Related Activities” (Muntinga, Moorman, and Smit, 2011). Qualitative techniques were used to generate an initial pool of items that captured different levels of consumer engagement...
Comparative Analysis of Text Representation Methods Using Classification
PublicationIn our work, we review and empirically evaluate five different raw methods of text representation that allow automatic processing of Wikipedia articles. The main contribution of the article—evaluation of approaches to text representation for machine learning tasks—indicates that the text representation is fundamental for achieving good categorization results. The analysis of the representation methods creates a baseline that cannot...
Marzena Starnawska dr
People -
Agnieszka Landowska dr hab. inż.
PeopleAgnieszka Landowska works for Gdansk University of Technology, FETI, Department of Software Engineering. Her research concentrates on usability, accessibility and technology adoption, as well as affective computing methods. She initiated Emotions in HCI Research Group and conducts resarch on User eXperiene evaluation of applications and other technologies.
Real-Time Basic Principles Nuclear Reactor Simulator Based on Client-Server Network Architecture with WebBrowser as User Interface
PublicationThe real-time simulator of nuclear reactor basic processes (neutron kinetics, heat generation and its exchange, poisoning and burn- ing up fuel) build in a network environment is presented in this paper. The client-server architecture was introduced, where the server is a pow- erful computing unit and the web browser application is a client for user interface purposes. The challenge was to develop an application running under the...
User Orientation Detection in Relation to Antenna Geometry in Ultra-Wideband Wireless Body Area Networks Using Deep Learning
PublicationIn this paper, the issue of detecting a user’s position in relation to the antenna geometry in ultra-wideband (UWB) off-body wireless body area network (WBAN) communication using deep learning methods is presented. To measure the impulse response of the channel, a measurement stand consisting of EVB1000 devices and DW1000 radio modules was developed and indoor static measurement scenarios were performed. It was proven that for...
Sensors and Sensor’s Fusion in Autonomous Vehicles
PublicationAutonomous vehicle navigation has been at the center of several major developments, both in civilian and defense applications. New technologies such as multisensory data fusion, big data processing, and deep learning are changing the quality of areas of applications, improving the sensors and systems used. New ideas such as 3D radar, 3D sonar, LiDAR, and others are based on autonomous vehicle revolutionary development. The Special...
Deep Learning-Based Cellular Nuclei Segmentation Using Transformer Model
PublicationAccurate segmentation of cellular nuclei is imperative for various biological and medical applications, such as cancer diagnosis and drug discovery. Histopathology, a discipline employing microscopic examination of bodily tissues, serves as a cornerstone for cancer diagnosis. Nonetheless, the conventional histopathological diagnosis process is frequently marred by time constraints and potential inaccuracies. Consequently, there...
User -friendly E-learning Platform: a Case Study of a Design Thinking Approach Use
PublicationE-learning systems are very popular means to support the teaching process today. These systems are mainly used by universities as well as by commercial training centres. We analysed several popular e-learning platforms used in Polish universities and find them very unfriendly for the users. For this reason, the authors began the work on the creation of a new system that would be not only useful, but also usable for students, teachers...
Spatial Visualization Based on Geodata Fusion Using an Autonomous Unmanned Vessel
PublicationThe visualization of riverbeds and surface facilities on the banks is crucial for systems that analyze conditions, safety, and changes in this environment. Hence, in this paper, we propose collecting, and processing data from a variety of sensors—sonar, LiDAR, multibeam echosounder (MBES), and camera—to create a visualization for further analysis. For this purpose, we took measurements from sensors installed on an autonomous, unmanned...