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Gas chromatography-olfactometry of alcoholic beverages
PublicationW rozdziale 5 książki przedstawiono zastosowanie techniki chromatografia gazowa-olfaktometria (GC-O)w ustalaniu zależności między zapachem a składem chemicznym lotnej frakcji napojów alkoholowych. W pierwszej części przedstawiono zasadę techniki GC-O, procedury przygotowania próbek do analizy, metody zbierania danych oraz warunki analizy. Następnie omówiono zastosowanie techniki GC-O w analizie i ocenie jakości różnych napojów...
Application of gas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O) in analysis and quality assessment of alcoholic beverages - a review
PublicationW ostatnich latach prowadzone są intensywne badania nad aktywnością sensoryczną poszczególnych składników zapachów napojów alkoholowych i nad zależnościami pomiędzy zapachem, a składem chemicznym lotnej frakcji tych produktów z wykorzystaniem techniki chromatografii gazowej z detekcją olfaktometryczną (GC-O). GC-O jest techniką wykorzystującą możliwość oceny sensorycznej eluatu z kolumny chromatograficznej, przy czym dla każdego...
Headspace solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography-olfactometry analysis of raw spirits of different organoleptic quality
PublicationCelem pracy było określenie, ktore związki wnoszą wkład w aromat destylatów rolniczych i wskazać te z nich które mogą powodować obniżenie ich właściwości organoleptycznych. W badaniach zastosowano ekstrakcję lotnych analitów z fazy nadpowierzchniowej techniką mikroekstrakcji do fazy nadpowierzchniowej w połączeniu z chromatografia gazową z detekcja olfaktometryczną . Znaleziono 40 zsubstancji, które mogą być markerami jakości organoleptycznej
Gas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O), electronic noses (e-noses) and electronic tongues (e-tongues) for in vivo food flavour measurement
PublicationThe capter revies two types of artificial olfaction instrumentation, i.e. gas-chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O) and chemical sensor technologies (electronic nose and tongue), combined with multivariate data processing methods as promising approaches for rapid analysis of food. The chapter also includes examples of specific applications for the detection of food flavour and volatile components.
Identification of aromatic compounds in odours mixture by gas chromatography and field olfactometry techniques
PublicationThis paper shows the results of investigation on identification aromatic compounds present in odorous mixture in atmospheric air samples collected in a vicinity of the oil refinery LOTOS S.A., located in Gdansk, during March and April period have be presented. The studies were conducted by the use of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatograph equipped with a cryogenic modulator and coupled with a time-of-flight mass spectrometer,...
Sulfur compounds: Gas chromatography
PublicationSulfur compounds, due to their properties, are responsible for the damage of our environment. For this reason sulfur containing compounds are of constant concern in many fields. Gas chromatography (GC), due to combination of separation capability and sensitive detection is a prime technique for the analysis of thes compounds in various matrices. The chapter rewies general problems of the determination of these compounds by GC and...
Developments in Miniaturization of Gas Chromatography
Application of gas chromatography,mass spectrometry and olfactometry for quality assessment of selected food products = Zastosowanie chromatografii gazowej, spektrometrii mas i olfaktometrii w ocenie jakości wybranych produktów spożywczych
PublicationStosując mikroekstrakcję do fazy stacjonarnej z fazy nadpowierzchniowej jako metodę przygotowania próbek i chromatografię gazową (GC) ze spektrometrią mas (MS) i olfaktometrią (O) jako metodę oznaczeń końcowych oznaczono lotne związki w spirytusach i miodach. Identyfikację przeprowadzono przez porównanie widm masowych z widmami z biblioteki NIST. Dodatkowo, wykrywane przez panel oceniający związki zapachowe rejestrowano w formie...
Determination of β-blockers and β-agonists using gas chromatography and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry – A comparative study of the derivatization step
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GC (gas chromatography) measurements during photocatalytic decomposition of ethylene
Open Research DataData include data logs of measurements performed in a quartz reactor using photocatalyst-coated expanded polystyrene spheres. Measurements were made using an SRI 8010 gas chromatograph and UV light under a flow of ethylene gas diluted in air. A detailed description of the method used to obtain the materials is described in the article: Coating of expanded...
Comparison of an Electronic Nose Based on Ultrafast Gas Chromatography, Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography, and Sensory Evaluation for an Analysis of Type of Whisky
PublicationWhisky is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages. There are many types of whisky, for example, Scotch, Irish, and American whisky (called bourbon). The whisky market is highly diversified, and, because of this, it is important to have a method which would enable rapid quality evaluation and authentication of the type of whisky. The aim of this work was to compare 3 methods: an electronic nose based on the technology of ultrafast...
PublicationPotentialities of ultrafast gas chromatography applied to periodical monitoring of odor nuisance originating from a municipal landfill have been examined. The results of investigation on classification of the atmospheric air samples collected in a vicinity of the landfill during winter and summer season have been presented. The investigation was performed using ultrafast gas chromatography of Fast/Flash GC type HERACLES II by Alpha...
Novel stationary phases based on asphaltenes for gas chromatography
PublicationWe present the results of investigations on the possibility of the application of the asphaltene fraction isolated from the oxidized residue from vacuum distillation of crude oil as a stationary phase for gas chromatography. The results of the investigation revealed that the asphaltene stationary phases can find use for the separation of a wide range of volatile organic compounds. The experimental values of Rohrschneider/McReynolds...
Application of gas chromatography to evaluate the quality of rapeseed oil
PublicationTwo-dimensional gas chromatography is an analytical technique, which is increasingly being used in food research. Through the analysis of volatile fraction, it is possible to determine the quality of food products. One of the reasons for the deterioration of food is thermal degradation. Products that are often subject to degradation reactions due to temperatures are edible oils. In the thesis, the results of edible oils with different...
Identification of acrylate copolymers using pyrolysis and gas chromatography
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Two-dimensional gas chromatography – principles and application in fruits analysis
PublicationTwo-dimensional gas chromatography is a rapidly developing analytical technique. One of the major uses of this technique is its use for food analysis. The paper presents the principle of operation and history of this analytical technique. The specification of the two-dimensional gas chromatography technique has been discussed. The principles of separation of ingredients and application of the method, particularly in the analysis...
Application of gas chromatography to the analysis of spirit-based alcoholic beverages
PublicationSpirit-based beverages are alcoholic drinks, which production processes are dependent on the type and origin of raw materials. The composition of this complex matrix is difficult to analyze and scientists commonly choose a gas chromatography techniques for this reason. With a wide selection of extraction methods and detectors it is possible to provide qualitative and quantitative analysis for many chemical compounds with a various...
Meat freshness classification using ultra-fast gas chromatography
PublicationMeat constitutes an important component of human diet. In order to ensure that it is safe to consume, it is important to be able to determine whether a particular sample is fresh. To this end, an analysis of the headspace of pork, beef, and poultrywas performed over a period of seven days using ultra-fast gas chromatography. Compounds that may possibly be used as indicators of spoilage were identified. Based on the obtained results...
Classification of Polish wines by application of ultra-fast gas chromatography
PublicationThe potential of ultra-fast gas chromatography (GC) combined with chemometric analysis for classification of wine originating from Poland according to the variety of grape used for production was investigated. A total of 44 Polish wine samples differing in the type of grape (and grape growth region) used for the production as well as parameters of the fermentation process, alcohol content, sweetness, and others which characterize...
Chemometric analysis for optimizing derivatization in gas chromatography-based procedures
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Chiral gas chromatography as a tool for investigation into illicitly manufactured methamphetamine
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono zastosowanie gazowej chromatografii chiralnej do rozdzielania związków ubocznych powstających w trakcie syntezy metylamfetaminy. Opisano rozdzielanie enancjomerów efedryny, pseudoefedryny, chlorowanych związków posrednich i metylamfetaminy stosując do derywatyzacji bezwodniki fluorowanych kwasów. Jako fazę chiralną zastosowano CHIRALDEX B-DM. Do rozdzielenia enancjomerów pseudoefedryny oraz chlorowanych produktów...
Sorption properties of asphaltene stationary phases for gas chromatography separations
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad możliwością wykorzystania faz stacjonarnych na bazie frakcji asfaltenowych do rozdzielania mieszanin związków chemicznych z wykorzystaniem chromatografii gazowej oraz porównano selektywność faz przygotowanych z frakcji asfaltenowych wyizolowanych z różnych surowców. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników obliczono wartości liniowych indeksów retencji oraz stałych Rohrschneidera McReynoldsa, za pomocą...
Application of normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography followed by gas chromatography for analytics of diesel fuel additives
PublicationThe paper presents the results of investigations on new procedures of determination of selected cleaning additives in diesel fuel. Two procedures: one-step analysis using gas chromatography with flame ionization detection (GC-FID) or mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and a two-step procedure in which normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (NP-HPLC) was used for preliminary separation of the additives, were compared. The additive...
Application of normal-phase high-performance liquid chromatography followed by gas chromatography for analytics of diesel fuel additives
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Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography Coupled With Mass Spectrometry in Food Analysis
PublicationThe development of instrumental analytical techniques provided the opportunity for in-depth characterization of many food matrices. In particular, the use of gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry gives impressive results in terms of quality and authenticity testing, conducting food freshness evaluations and contamination assessments. A new variant of gas chromatography, namely two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC...
Detection of apple in orange juice using ultra-fast gas chromatography
PublicationThe determination of authenticity is an increasingly important issue for food quality and safety. The use of an electronic nose based on ultra-fast gas chromatography technique ensures rapid analysis of the volatile compounds from food products. Due to the fact that this technique enables chemical profiling of agricultural products, it can be an effective tool for authentication when combined with chemometrics. In this article...
A procedure for the determination of dichloromethane and tetrachloroethene in water using pervaporation and gas chromatography
PublicationIn the present study, pervaporation was applied to the determination of tetrachloroethene (PCE) and dichloromethane (DCM) in liquid samples. PCE is the most commonly used solvent in dry-cleaning processes. PCE belongs to group 2A of carcinogens (probably carcinogenic to humans) according to the classification of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). DCM is also widely used as an industrial solvent for the purification...
Procedure of determination of volatile trihalomethanes in human urine with pervaporation and gas chromatography
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Procedure of determination of volatile trihalomethanes in human urine with perwaporation and gas chromatography
PublicationPraca przedstawia wyznaczanie podstawowych parametrów walidacyjnych nowej procedury oznaczania lotnych związków chlorowcoorganicznych z grupy trihalometanów w próbkach moczu ludzkiego, opartej na zastosowaniu:- techniki perwaporacji na etapie izolacji i wzbogacania analitów;- bezpośredniego dozowania próbek ekstraktów (permeatu) do kolumny chromatograficznej;- chromatograficznego rozdzielanie mieszaniny na poszczególne składniki;-wykorzystaniu...
Modern techniques of sample preparation for determination of organic analytes by gas chromatography
PublicationW pracy dokonano przeglądu szerokiego spektrum technik przygotowania próbki, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem technik o charakterze prośrodowiskowym. Opisu technik dokonano pod kątem wykorzystywanych mechanizmów izolacji analitów oraz stosowanych rozwiązań aparaturowych. Przegląd rozwiązań aparaturowych uzupełniono o podstawy teoretyczne izolacji bazującej na zjawisku podziału analitów.
Enantioselective comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography of lavender essential oil
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Simultaneous analysis of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and estrogenic hormones in water and wastewater samples using gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and gas chromatography with electron capture detection
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Funcionality assessment of Citrus Hysteria peel as a protective barrier using gas chromatography
PublicationThe aim of this study was to analyse the volatile fractions of fruit peel and pulp using two-dimensional gas chromatography technique coupled with mass spectrometry. The isolation of the compounds was achieved by microextraction to the stationary phase from the headspace of the sample (HS-SPME). Mass spectrometry with time-of-flight analyser (TOF-MS) was used to identify the chemical compounds. There are no reports in the literature...
Chemometric optimization of derivatization reactions prior to gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis
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Combined gas chromatography—mass spectrometry for the analysis of central and peripheral biogenic amines
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Multidimensional Gas Chromatography in Essential Oil Analysis. Part 1: Technical Developments
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Headspace liquid phase microextraction for quantitation of hexanal in potato crisps by gas chromatography
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Determination of aliphatic amines in water by gas chromatography using headspace solvent microextraction
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Determination of MDPBP in postmortem blood samples by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry
PublicationMDPBP (1-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-(1-pyrrolidinyl)-1-butanone) is a new psychoactive substance sold on the black market. It has been a controlled drug of abuse in Poland and China since 2015 as some toxic and fatal cases connected with use of synthetic cathinone derivatives were observed. The fatal case outlined here concerns a 19 year-old man, who was found dead with an envelope containing white powder lying nearby the cadaver....
Qualitative characteristics and comparison of volatile fraction of vodkas made from different botanical materials by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography and the electronic nose based on the technology of ultra-fast gas chromatography
PublicationBACKGROUND Vodka is a spirit-based beverage made from ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin. At present, increasingly more vodka brands have labels that specify the botanical origin of the product. Until now, the techniques for distinguishing between vodkas of different botanical origin have been costly, time-consuming and insufficient for making a distinction between vodka produced from similar raw materials. Therefore, it is...
Methods of assaying volatile oxygenated organic compounds in effluent samples by gas chromatography—A review
PublicationThe paper is a review of the procedures for the determination of volatile and semivolatile oxygenated organic compounds (O-VOCs) in effluent samples by gas chromatography. Current trends and outlook for individual steps of the procedure for the determination of O-VOCs in effluents are discussed. The available sample preparation techniques and their limitations are described along with GC capillary columns used for O-VOCs separation...
Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography - promising technique for analysis of complex food matrices
PublicationThe present paper is focused on brief description of operational principle of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC×GC) technique, instrumentation and data processing. Furthermore, the examples of application in the field of food analysis, performed also in the author's laboratory, are given. The detailed discussion of GC×GC characterization and comparison of the volatile composition of berries of different blue...
Monitoring of absorptive model biogas purification process using sensor matrices and gas chromatography
PublicationThis study examined the process of purifying model biogas using a new type of absorbent based on a Deep Eutectic Solvent (DES) and a commercially available absorbent (Genosorb) to remove acetone, toluene, and cyclohexane. The main aim of the research was to control the purification efficiency using gas chromatography (GC) and an alternative method based on sensor matrices (SM). As a result of comparing the multidimensional SM signals...
Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography for determination of the terpenes profile of blue honeysuckle berries
PublicationTerpenes are the main group of secondary metabolites, which play essential role in human. The establishment of the terpenes profile of berries of different blue honeysuckle cultivars was achieved by headspace solid-phase microextraction coupled with comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (HS-SPME/GCGC-TOFMS). The berries were found to contain 44 terpenes identified by GCGC-TOFMS....
Development and evaluation of headspace gas chromatography method for the analysis of carbonyl compounds in spirits and vodkas
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki oznaczania związków karbonylowych (po przeprowadzeniu w pochodne przy użyciu odczynnika derywatyzującego - o-PFBHA) przy wykorzystaniu techniki analizy fazy nadpowierzchniowej w połączeniu z chromatografią gazową i detektorem wychwytu elektronów(ECD). Przedstawiono optymalizację metodyki oraz wyniki uzyskane podczas próbek rzeczywistych wybranych wyrobów spirytusowych.
Determination of solvents residues in vegetable oils and pharmaceuticals by headspace analysis and capillary gas chromatography.
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki zastosowania techniki analizy fazy nadpowierzchniowej w połączeniu z kapilarną chromatografią gazową do oznaczania wybranych rozpuszczalników organicznych w próbkach olejów jadalnych i produktów farmaceutycznych. Oznaczane rozpuszczalniki to: benzen, toluen, heksan oraz chlorowcopochodne węglowodorów alifatycznych. Opracowaną procedurę poddano walidacji. Wyznaczono granicę wytrzymalności, oznaczalności, liniowość...
Multidimensional Gas Chromatography in Essential Oil Analysis. Part 2: Application to Characterisation and Identification
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Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry: Recent evolution and current trends
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Essential-Oil Analysis of Irradiated Spices by Using Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography
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Analysis of essential oils through comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography: General utility