Search results for: GENUINELY MULTIPARTY ENTANGLEMENT - Bridge of Knowledge




  • Entanglement of genuinely entangled subspaces and states: Exact, approximate, and numerical results


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Year 2019

    Genuinely entangled subspaces (GESs) are those subspaces of multipartite Hilbert spaces that consist only of genuinely multiparty entangled pure states. They are natural generalizations of the well-known notion of completely entangled subspaces, which by definition are void of fully product vectors. Entangled subspaces are an important tool of quantum information theory as they directly lead to constructions of entangled states,...

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  • An approach to constructing genuinely entangled subspaces of maximal dimension


    Genuinely entangled subspaces (GESs) are the class of completely entangled subspaces that contain only genuinely multiparty entangled states. They constitute a particularly useful notion in the theory of entanglement but also have found an application, for instance, in quantum error correction and cryptography. In a recent study (Demianowicz and Augusiak in Phys Rev A 98:012313, 2018), we have shown how GESs can be efficiently...

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  • Universal construction of genuinely entangled subspaces of any size


    We put forward a simple construction of genuinely entangled subspaces – subspaces supporting only genuinely multipartite entangled states – of any permissible dimensionality for any number of parties and local dimensions. The method uses nonorthogonal product bases, which are built from totally nonsingular matrices with a certain structure. We give an explicit basis for the constructed subspaces. An immediate consequence of our...

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  • Constructing genuinely entangled multipartite states with applications to local hidden variables and local hidden states models


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Year 2018

    Building upon the results of R. Augusiak et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 030404 (2015)] we develop a general approach to the generation of genuinely entangled multipartite states of any number of parties from genuinely entangled states of a fixed number of parties, in particular, the bipartite entangled ones. In our approach, certain isometries whose output subspaces are either symmetric or genuinely entangled in some multipartite...

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  • Negative result about the construction of genuinely entangled subspaces from unextendible product bases


    Unextendible product bases (UPBs) provide a versatile tool with various applications across different areas of quantum information theory. Their comprehensive characterization is thus of great importance and has been a subject of vital interest for over two decades now. An open question asks about the existence of UPBs, which are genuinely unextendible, i.e., they are not extendible even with biproduct vectors. In other words,...

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  • Simple sufficient condition for subspace to be completely or genuinely entangled


    - NEW JOURNAL OF PHYSICS - Year 2021

    We introduce a simple sufficient criterion, which allows one to tell whether a subspace of a bipartite or multipartite Hilbert space is entangled. The main ingredient of our criterion is a bound on the minimal entanglement of a subspace in terms of entanglement of vectors spanning that subspace expressed for geometrical measures of entanglement. The criterion is applicable to both completely and genuinely entangled subspaces. We...

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  • Entanglement and Nonlocality are Inequivalent for Any Number of Parties



    Understanding the relation between nonlocality and entanglement is one of the fundamental problems in quantum physics. In the bipartite case, it is known that these two phenomena are inequivalent, as there exist entangled states of two parties that do not violate any Bell inequality. However, except for a single example of an entangled three-qubit state that has a local model, almost nothing is known about such a relation in multipartite...

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  • Inequivalence of entanglement, steering, and Bell nonlocality for general measurements

    • M. Quintino
    • T. Vértesi
    • D. Cavalcanti
    • R. Augusiak
    • M. Demianowicz
    • A. Acín
    • N. Brunner

    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Year 2015

    Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering is a form of inseparability in quantum theory commonly acknowledged to be intermediate between entanglement and Bell nonlocality. However, this statement has so far only been proven for a restricted class of measurements, namely, projective measurements. Here we prove that entanglement, one-way steering, two-way steering, and nonlocality are genuinely different considering general measurements,...

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  • From unextendible product bases to genuinely entangled subspaces


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Year 2018

    Unextendible product bases (UPBs) are interesting mathematical objects arising in composite Hilbert spaces that have found various applications in quantum information theory, for instance in a construction of bound entangled states or Bell inequalities without quantum violation. They are closely related to another important notion, completely entangled subspaces (CESs), which are those that do not contain any fully separable pure...

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  • Quantum entanglement



    All our former experience with application of quantum theory seems to say that what is predicted by quantum formalism must occur in the laboratory. But the essence of quantum formalism-entanglement, recognized by Einstein, Podolsky, Rosen, and Schrödinger-waited over 70 years to enter laboratories as a new resource as real as energy. This holistic property of compound quantum systems, which involves nonclassical correlations between...

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  • Dynamics of quantum entanglement


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Year 2002

    A model of discrete dynamics of entanglement of a bipartite quantum state is considered. It involves a global unitary dynamics of the system and periodic actions of local bistochastic or decaying channel. For initially pure states the decay of entanglement is accompanied by an increase of von Neumann entropy of the system. We observe and discuss revivals of entanglement due to unitary interaction of subsystems. For some mixed states...

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  • Entanglement-redistribution boxes


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Year 2008

    We establish a framework to study the classical-communication properties of primitive local operations assisted by classical communication which realize various redistributions of entanglement, like, e.g., entanglement swapping. On the one hand, we analyze what local operations and how much classical communication are needed to perform them. On the other hand, we investigate whether and to what extent such primitives can help to...

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  • Quantum entanglement in time


    In this paper we present a concept of quantum entanglement in time in a context of entangled consistent histories. These considerations are supported by presentation of necessary tools closely related to those acting on a space of spatial multipartite quantum states. We show that in similarity to monogamy of quantum entanglement in space, quantum entanglement in time is also endowed with this property for a particular history....

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  • Sudden death of effective entanglement


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Year 2010

    Sudden death of entanglement is a well-known effect resulting from the finite volume of separable states. We study the case when the observer has a limited measurement capability and analyze the effective entanglement (i.e., entanglement minimized over the output data). We show that in the well-defined system of two quantum dots monitored by single-electron transistors, one may observe a sudden death of effective entanglement when...

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  • Squashed entanglement for multipartite states and entanglement measures based on the mixed convex roof

    • D. Yang
    • K. Horodecki
    • M. Horodecki
    • P. Horodecki
    • J. Oppenheim
    • W. Song


    New measures of multipartite entanglement are constructedbased on two definitions of multipartite information anddifferent methods of optimizing over extensions of the states. Oneis a generalization of the squashed entanglement where one takesthe mutual information of parties conditioned on the state's extensionand takes the infimum over such extensions. Additivity ofthe multipartite squashed entanglement is proved for both versionsof...

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  • Collective Uncertainty Entanglement Test



    For a given pure state of a composite quantum system we analyze the product of its projections onto aset of locally orthogonal separable pure states. We derive a bound for this product analogous to theentropic uncertainty relations. For bipartite systems the bound is saturated for maximally entangled statesand it allows us to construct a family of entanglement measures, we shall call collectibility. As thesequantities are experimentally...

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  • Direct detection of quantum entanglement



    Basing on positive maps separability criterion we propose the experimentally viable, direct detection of quantum entanglement. It is efficient and does not require any a priori knowledge about the state. For two qubits it provides a sharp (i.e., “if and only if”) separability test and estimation of amount of entanglement. We view this method as a new form of quantum computation, namely, as a decision problem with quantum data structure.

  • Progress towards a unified approach to entanglement distribution


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Year 2015

    Entanglement distribution is key to the success of secure communication schemes based on quantum mechanics, and there is a strong need for an ultimate architecture able to overcome the limitations of recent proposals such as those based on entanglement percolation or quantum repeaters. In this work we provide a broad theoretical background for the development of such technologies. In particular, we investigate the question of whether...

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  • Quantum channel capacities: multiparty communication


    Analizowane są różne aspekty wieloużytkownikowej komunikacji kwantowymi kanałami bez pamięci. Uogólnione zostały pewne znane rezultaty dotyczące komunikacji kwantowej w układzie jeden nadawca -jeden odbiorca. W szczególności pokazana została bezużyteczność komunikacji klasycznej ''w przód'' w procesie transmisji informacji kwantowej oraz równoważność definicji regionów pojemności opartych na różnych miarach wierności transmisji:...

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  • Entanglement-swapping boxes and their communication properties


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Year 2008

    We pose the fundamental question of communication properties of primitives irrespectively of their implementation. To illustrate the idea we introduce the concept of entanglement-swapping boxes, i.e., we consider any quantum operations which perform entanglement swapping, not necessarily via simple quantum teleportation. We ask a question about the properties of such boxes, i.e., what local operations and how much classical communication...

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  • Quantum metrology: Heisenberg limit with bound entanglement


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Year 2015

    Quantum entanglement may provide a huge boost in the precision of parameter estimation. However, quantum metrology seems to be extremely sensitive to noise in the probe state. There is an important still open question: What type of entanglement is useful as a resource in quantum metrology? Here we raise this question in relation to entanglement distillation. We provide a counterintuitive example of a family of bound entangled states...

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  • Constructive entanglement test from triangle inequality


    - Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical - Year 2014

    We derive a simple lower bound on the geometric measure of entanglement for mixed quantum states in the case of a general multipartite system. The main ingredient of the presented derivation is the triangle inequality applied to the root infidelity distance in the space of density matrices. The obtained bound leads to entanglement criteria with a straightforward interpretation. The proposed criteria provide an experimentally accessible,...

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  • Separability in terms of a single entanglement witness


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Year 2013

    The separability problem is formulated in terms of a characterization of a single entanglement witness. More specifically, we show that any (in general multipartite) state rho is separable if and only if a specially constructed entanglement witness W-rho is weakly optimal, i.e., its expectation value vanishes on at least one product vector. Interestingly, the witness can always be chosen to be decomposable. Our result changes the...

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  • Nonadditivity of quantum capacity for multiparty communication channels.


    - Year 2004

    Zbadano scenariusze komunikacji pomiędzy wieloma stronami gdzie informacje są przesyłane od wielu nadawców do wielu odbiorców.

  • Method for universal detection of two-photon polarization entanglement

    • K. Bartkiewicz
    • P. Horodecki
    • K. Lemr
    • A. Miranowicz
    • K. Życzkowski

    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Year 2015

    Detecting and quantifying quantum entanglement of a given unknown state poses problems that are fundamentally important for quantum information processing. Surprisingly, no direct (i.e., without quantum tomography) universal experimental implementation of a necessary and sufficient test of entanglement has been designed even for a general two-qubit state. Here we propose an experimental method for detecting a collective universal...

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  • On structural physical approximations and entanglement breaking maps



    Very recently, a conjecture saying that the so-called structural physical approximations (SPAs) to optimal positive maps (optimal entanglement witnesses) give entanglement breaking (EB) maps (separable states) has been posed (Korbicz et al 2008 Phys. Rev. A 78 062105). The main purpose of this contribution is to explore this subject. First, we extend the set of entanglement witnesses supporting the conjecture. Then, we ask whether...

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  • Completely entangled subspaces of entanglement depth k


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Year 2024

    We introduce a class of entangled subspaces: completely entangled subspaces of entanglement depth k (k-CESs). These are subspaces of multipartite Hilbert spaces containing only pure states with an entanglement depth of at least k. We present an efficient construction of k-CESs of any achievable dimensionality in any multipartite scenario. Further, we discuss the relation between these subspaces and unextendible product bases (UPBs)....

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  • All Nonclassical Correlations Can Be Activated into Distillable Entanglement

    • M. Piani
    • S. Gharibian
    • G. Adesso
    • J. Calsamigilia
    • P. Horodecki
    • A. Winter


    We devise a protocol in which general nonclassical multipartite correlations produce a physically relevant effect, leading to the creation of bipartite entanglement. In particular, we show that the relative entropy of quantumness, which measures all nonclassical correlations among subsystems of a quantum system, is equivalent to and can be operationally interpreted as the minimum distillable entanglement generated between the system...

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  • Experimental generation of complex noisy photonic entanglement

    • K. Dobek
    • M. Karpiński
    • R. Demkowicz-Dobrzański
    • K. Banaszek
    • P. Horodecki

    - LASER PHYSICS - Year 2013

    We present an experimental scheme based on spontaneous parametric down-conversion to produce multiple-photon pairs in maximally entangled polarization states using an arrangement of two type-I nonlinear crystals. By introducing correlated polarization noise in the paths of the generated photons we prepare mixed-entangled states whose properties illustrate fundamental results obtained recently in quantum information theory, in particular those...

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  • Multipartite secret key distillation and bound entanglement


    Recently it has been shown that quantum cryptography beyond pure entanglement distillation is possible and a paradigm for the associated protocols has been established. Here we systematically generalize the whole paradigm to the multipartite scenario. We provide constructions of new classes of multipartite bound entangled states, i.e., those with underlying twisted Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) structure and nonzero distillable...

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  • Sensitivity of entanglement decay of quantum-dot spin qubits to the external magnetic field


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Year 2014

    We study the decay of entanglement of quantum-dot electron-spin qubits under hyperfine-interaction-mediated decoherence.We show that two-qubit entanglement of a single entangled initial state may exhibit decay characteristic of two disentanglement regimes in a single sample, when the externalmagnetic field is changed. The transition is manifested by the suppression of time-dependent entanglement oscillations which are superimposed...

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  • Trade-offs in multiparty Bell-inequality violations in qubit networks


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Year 2018

    Two overlapping bipartite binary input Bell inequalities cannot be simultaneously violated as this would contradict the usual no-signalling principle. This property is known as monogamy of Bell inequality violations and generally Bell monogamy relations refer to trade-offs between simultaneous violations of multiple inequalities. It turns out that multipartite Bell inequalities admit weaker forms of monogamies that allow for violations...

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  • A few steps more towards NPT bound entanglement



    In this paper, existence of bound entangled states with nonpositive partial transpose (NPT) is considered. As one knows, existence of such states would in particular imply nonadditivity of distillable entanglement. Moreover, it would rule out a simple mathematical description of the set of distillable states. The particular state, known to be 1-copy nondistillable and supposed to be bound entangled, is considered. The problem of...

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  • Nonadditivity of quantum and classical capacities for entanglement breaking multiple-access channels and the butterfly network


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Year 2010

    We analyze quantum network primitives which are entanglement breaking. We show superadditivity of quantum and classical capacity regions for quantum multiple-access channels and the quantum butterfly network. Since the effects are especially visible at high noise they suggest that quantum information effects may be particularly helpful in the case of the networks with occasional high noise rates. The present effects provide a qualitative...

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  • 12 [Chapter]. Bound entanglement


    - Year 2007

    Kwantowe splątanie jest jednym z podstawowych elementów kwantowej teorii informacji. Jak wiadomo niskowymiarowe (2otimes 2 i 2otimes 3) splątane stany kwantowe są zawsze destylowalne. W wyższych wymiarach jednak istnieją stany, które mimo, że są splątane nie pozwalają na destylację. Ten rodzaj splątania, nazywany związanym, jest często trudny do wykrycia i pozornie bezużyteczny. Jak pokazują jednak liczne badania splątanie związane...

  • Locking entanglement with a single qubit


    - Year 2005

    Badamy utratę plątania dwuczęściowego stanu narażanego na odrzucenie lub pomiar jednego kubitu.

  • Direct detection of quantum entanglement

    • P. Horodecki
    • A. Ekert
    • C. M. Alves
    • D. K. Oi
    • L. C. Kwek
    • D. Kaszlikowski
    • M. Horodecki

    - Year 2003

    Poddano dyskusji teorię splątania w kontekście historycznym. Omówiono detekcję splątania przy użyciu sieci złożonej z bramek kwantowych.

  • Complementarity between entanglement-assisted and quantum distributed random access code


    - PHYSICAL REVIEW A - Year 2017

    Collaborative communication tasks such as random access codes (RACs) employing quantum resources have manifested great potential in enhancing information processing capabilities beyond the classical limitations. The two quantum variants of RACs, namely, quantum random access code (QRAC) and the entanglement-assisted random access code (EARAC), have demonstrated equal prowess for a number of tasks. However, there do exist specific...

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  • Bound entanglement maximally violating Bell inequalities: quantum entanglement is not fully equivalent to cryptographic security


    W pracy pokazano, że czterokubitowy stan o splątaniu związanym może maksymalnie łamać prostą nierówność Bella podobną do standardowej nierówności CHSH. Prostota rozważanego układu oraz odporność splątania sprawiają, że łamanie to jest obiecujące dla współczesnej technologii eksperymentalnej. Z drugiej strony, splątanie tego stanu nie pozwala na destylację bezpiecznego klucza kryptograficznego, zatem ani splątanie, ani maksymalne...

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  • Secure key from bound entanglement


    - Year 2005

    Scharakteryzowaliśmy zestaw dzielonych kwantowych stanów, który zawiera kryptograficznie prywatny klucz. Pozwala nam to przerobić teorię prywatności jako paradygmat blisko związany z tą, która jest używana w manipulacjach splątania.

  • Rotationally invariant bipartite states and bound entanglement


    W pracy rozważano stany kwantowe niezmiennicze na działanie grupy SO(3). Pokazano, że w przypadku, gdy pierwszy podukład ma parzysty wymiar większy lub równy cztery oraz drugi podukład ma wymiar dowolny, większy niż pierwszy to pośród takich stanów zawsze istnieje splątanie związane.

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  • Entanglement in helium atom confined in an impenetrable cavity



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  • Fidelity thresholds in single copy entanglement distillation


    Rozważono różne aspekty destylacji zaszumionego splątania oraz pewne stowarzyszone efekty w kwantowej korekcji błędów. W szczególności pokazano, że w przypadku gdy dozwolona jest komunikacja klasyczna w jedną stronę oraz współdzielony stan kwantowy dxd nie jest czysty, to istnieje próg dla optymalnego ułamka F stanu, który może być otrzymany w procesie destylacji na jednej kopii. Wynika z tego, że aby otrzymać (probabilistycznie)...

  • On direct detection of entanglement properties of unknown states


    - Year 2003

    Przystępnie omówiono detekcję własności splątania kwantowych stanów. Uwzględniono zarówno detekcje o charakterze jakościowym jak i ilościowym.

  • Bound entanglement for continuous variables is a rare phenomenon


    - Year 2003

    Wykazano, że splątanie związane w przypadku zmiennych ciągłych jest rzadkimfenomenem. W szczególności pokazano, że zbiór stanów niedestylowalnych jestnigdzie gęsty w zbiorze wszystkich stanów kwantowych. Poddano dyskusji splą-tanie związane w kontekście liczby Schmidta.

  • Two-electron entanglement in elliptically deformed quantum dots


    - PHYSICS LETTERS A - Year 2010

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  • Entanglement Entropies in the Ground States of Helium-Like Atoms


    - FEW-BODY SYSTEMS - Year 2014

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  • Entanglement in Hooke’s Law Atoms: an Effect of the Dimensionality of the Space


    - FEW-BODY SYSTEMS - Year 2012

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  • Entanglement of Two Charged Bosons in Strongly Anisotropic Traps


    - FEW-BODY SYSTEMS - Year 2013

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  • Quantum Entanglement of Two Harmonically Trapped Dipolar Particles


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