Search results for: HEALTHCARE SYSTEM
PublicationIncreased spending on healthcare systems in many countries tends to attract attention to their efficiency. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the efficiency of healthcare systems in the OECD countries and indicate causes of inefficiency by applying Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and using additive and super-efficiency models. The homogeneity of the sample is assessed and outliers are excluded. A ranking is established on the...
Wirelessly Interfacing Objects and Subjects of Healthcare System – IoT Approach
PublicationWireless sensor networks, WSN, for which development has begun by military applications, are nowadays applied to all human activities; e.g. in medicine for patience monitoring or to reduce the effects of disasters. Therefore, the WSNs area has been also one of the emerging and fast growing scientific fields. Increasing interest of WSNs is even caused by equally intense growth of interest in the Internet of Things domain, IoT, in...
PublicationHealthcare systems in Europe are constantly undergoing reforms which adapt them to social, economic and political requirements. The aim of this article is to examine the efficiency of healthcare systems in 30 European countries in 2014. The Network Data Envelopment Analysis (NDEA) model was used. The efficiency of the countries’ overall health systems and their two main components were examined: the public health system and the...
Comparative Analysis of the Key Factors Influencing Healthcare Systems of OECD Countries
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PublicationOut-of-pocket expenditures are a significant barrier in accessing health services. This paper aims to analyse the structure of financing system in the context of the performance indicators of healthcare systems. The study was conducted for the 28 countries of the former Eastern bloc in the years 2000 and 2013, based on data from the World Health Organization. In the DEA-CCR input-oriented model, inputs are the percentage share...
IISE Transactions on Healthcare Systems Engineering
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Towards Healthcare Cloud Computing
PublicationIn this paper we present construction of a software platform for supporting medical research teams, in the area of impedance cardiography, called IPMed. Using the platform, research tasks will be performed by the teams through computer-supported cooperative work. The platform enables secure medical data storing, access to the data for research group members, cooperative analysis of medical data and provide analysis supporting tools...
An IoT-Based Computational Framework for Healthcare Monitoring in Mobile Environments
PublicationThe new Internet of Things paradigm allows for small devices with sensing, processing and communication capabilities to be designed, which enable the development of sensors, embedded devices and other ‘things’ ready to understand the environment. In this paper, a distributed framework based on the internet of things paradigm is proposed for monitoring human biomedical signals in activities involving physical exertion. The main...
Iranian future healthcare professionals’ knowledge and opinions about rare diseases: cross‑sectional study
PublicationBackground: Rare diseases are a new global health priority, requiring evidence-based estimates of the global prevalenceof diseases to inform public policymakers and provide a serious challenge to the healthcare system that must not be ignored. The purpose of this study is to investigate Iranian future healthcare professionals’ knowledge and opinions about rare diseases.Results: A total of 6838 students responded...
The data exchange between smart glasses and healthcare information systems using the HL7 FHIR standard
PublicationIn this study we evaluated system architecture for the use of smart glasses as a viewer of information, as a source of medical data (vital sign measurements: temperature, pulse rate, and respiration rate), and as a filter of healthcare information. All activities were based on patient/device identification procedures using graphical markers or features based on visual appearance. The architecture and particular use cases were implemented...
Tacit knowledge influence on intellectual capital and innovativeness in the healthcare sector: A cross-country study of Poland and the US
PublicationThis study provides empirical proof that whole organizational innovativeness is rooted in tacit knowledge due to its potency of human capital creation and, that a learning culture composed of a learning climate and mistakes acceptance component fosters human capital development. The main practical implication is that if the IC components are externally rather than internally determined in the particular organization embedded in...
IoT for healthcare applications
PublicationThis chapter summarizes IRACON contributions related to the application of IoT in healthcare. It consists of the following three sections. Section 8.1 presents the measurement campaigns and the related statistical analysis to obtain various channel models for wearable and implantable devices. In addition, the importance of physical human-body phantoms used for channel, Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), and Electromagnetic (EM) exposure...
Modernization of historic healthcare buildings
PublicationThe practice of transforming and adapting the existing healthcare facilities to meet the growing demands of modern medicine applies not only to buildings of historical value. Of course, one can set a time point from which hospitals, erected mostly with industrialized technologies, undergo upgrades for better or worse effect. Existing healthcare buildings or facilities, including historic ones, have to be refurbished and adapted...
Herbal carbohydrates in healthcare
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Challenges and Opportunities of the Sustainability in Healthcare
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Managing Cystic Fibrosis in Polish Healthcare
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A Special Issue on Ubiquitous Computing in Healthcare
PublicationPrzetwarzanie bez granic w opiece zdrowotnej jest szczególnie istotne w konteście starzejącego się społeczeństwa. W pracy przedstawiono omówienie roli przetwarzania bez granic oraz opisano powiązane dziedziny tematyczne i prezentowane w numerze specjalnym zagadnienia.
Federated Learning in Healthcare Industry: Mammography Case Study
PublicationThe paper focuses on the role of federated learning in a healthcare environment. The experimental setup involved different healthcare providers, each with their datasets. A comparison was made between training a deep learning model using traditional methods, where all the data is stored in one place, and using federated learning, where the data is distributed among the workers. The experiment aimed to identify possible challenges...
The Evaluation of Use of Colors in Graphical User-Interfaces in Healthcare
PublicationIn this paper, color difference/contrast measures are investigated in reference to results of experiments with the participation of average, color-normal observers and with individuals with deuteranopia. Additionally, a new method for the automatic analysis of color contrast is proposed, which supports designers of graphical user- interfaces in healthcare. The method was verified using the GUI phantom of a vital signs monitor (the...
Modern methods of process management at healthcare facilities
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Awareness of hypertension guidelines in primary healthcare in Poland
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Redefiniowanie przestrzeni medycznej = Redefining healthcare space
PublicationSzpital jest obiektem publicznym, budynkiem-miastem, jego architektura nakierowana jest na realizację procesu leczenia i zdrowienia, a jednocześnie formuje przestrzenne ramy mikrokosmosu interakcji społecznych rozgrywających się pomiędzy pacjentami i personelem, gośćmi i „mieszkańcami”. Współcześnie w podejściu do rozumienia czym jest szpital - a zatem również do kształtowania architektury obiektów medycznych - można zauważyć dwa...
Validation of Services Supporting Healthcare Standards Conformance
PublicationThe paper presents the results of experimental validation of a set of innovative software services supporting processes of achieving, assessing and maintaining conformance with standards and regulations. The study involved several hospitals implementing the Accreditation Standard promoted by the Polish Ministry of Health. First we introduce NOR-STA services that implement the TRUST-IT methodology of argument management. Then we...
Focused crawler for trustworthy healthcare information search
PublicationArtykuł zawiera opis prac wykonanych w projekcie 6 Programu Ramowego Unii Europejskiej: Personalised Information Platform for life and health Services (PIPS). Głównym celem projektu jest zapewnienie obywatelowi Unii kompleksowego wspomagania w zakresie zagadnień ochrony zdrowia oraz odżywiania. Do realizacji tego celu konieczne jest pozyskanie i dostarczenie obywatelowi wiarygodnej, prawdziwej i aktualnej informacji z tych dziedzin....
Art and Healthcare - Healing Potential of Artistic Interventions in Medical Settings
PublicationThe stereotype of a machine for healing seems to be well rooted in common thinking and social perception of hospital buildings. The technological aspect of healthcare architecture has been influenced for several years by three major factors. The first is linked to the necessity of providing safety and security in the environment of elevated epidemiological risk. The second concerns the need for incorporating advanced technology...
A Special Section on Intelligent User Interfaces in Healthcare (IUIH)
PublicationA concept of interface has evolved from the first appearance in the form of a command line interface to the established use of direct manipulation or WIMP (windows, icons, menus and pointing) interfaces in nearly all applications. Intelligent user interfaces (IUI) form a subfield of Human-Computer Interaction research. Optimal human-computer interactions are defined as ones where users are able to perform complex tasks more quickly...
Active and Dynamic Graphical Code for Object Identification in Healthcare
PublicationA new approach for item marking using two dimensional discrete graphics markers. Proposed solution allow o change the code rapidly, upon request and in the case of thermal markers make the code invisible for unauthorized observers. Connecting the proposed codes with wearable multmedial platform such as eGlasses can create new possibilities in human-environment interaction.
Challenges of overcoming ageism towards elderly people in healthcare context
PublicationRESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the paper is to analyse the impact ageism may have on providing healthcare to elderly people. THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The article investigates the consequences of ageism in medical settings, where the elderly are particularly vulnerable to discrimination, distinguishing ageism from appropriate practice variation as well as giving suggestions to improve the situation. The paper analyses...
Investigating Analytics Dashboards’ Support for the Value-based Healthcare Delivery Model
PublicationImproving the value of care is one of the essential aspects of Value-Based Healthcare (VBHC) model today. VBHC is a new HC delivery model which is centered on patient health outcomes and improvements. There is anecdotal evidence that the use of decision aid tools like dashboards can play a significant role in the successful implementation of VBHC models. However, there has been little or no systematic studies and reviews to establish...
Healthcare Supply Chain Reliability: The Case of Medical Air Transport
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Family caregivers’ experiences with healthcare services: a case of Huntington disease
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Knowledge and Attitudes of Future Healthcare Professionals Toward Rare Diseases
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Poland: Quality Monitoring of Therapeutic Processes in a Small Treatment Center for Children
PublicationThis article presents the case of the first ISO 9001:2000-certified small healthcare organization (the Center for Therapy and Rehabilitation) providing therapeutic and rehabilitation services for disabled children in Northern Poland. Elements of the process-oriented healthcare quality system implementation, initial benefits, and the organization's quality system structure and process descriptions are described. Particular attention...
Telehealth and Artificial Intelligence Insights into Healthcare during the COVID-19 Pandemic
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Determinants of primary healthcare patients’ dissatisfaction with the quality of provided medical services
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Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Health Behaviours and Literacy of Future Healthcare Professionals
PublicationOur everyday behaviours in life can positively and negatively impact our health, thus cumulatively shaping our lifestyles as more or less healthy. These behaviours are often determined by our knowledge, literacy, motivations and socioeconomic backgrounds. The authors aimed to assess health behaviours and explore variables that may affect persons studying to become future healthcare professionals in Poland. This study was conducted...
Healthcare workers’ awareness of risks related to the use of X-rays in medical procedures
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Healthcare Professionals’ Knowledge of Influenza and Influenza Vaccination: Results of a National Survey in Poland
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A single and triple-objective mathematical programming models for assignment of services in a healthcare institution
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A Reference Point Method to Triple-Objective Assignment of Supporting Services in a Healthcare Institution
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The Association Between Religion and Healthcare Professionals’ Attitudes Towards the Conscience Clause. A Preliminary Study From Poland
PublicationObjectives: This study was designed to determine the relationship between religion and healthcare practitioners’ attitudes towards conscience clauses in Poland.Methods: We developed a survey assessing impact of religion on attitudes healthcare professionals towards the conscience clause. These questions were explored using a sample of 300 Polish healthcare professionals.Results: The results indicate that religiosity...
To donate or not to donate? Future healthcare professionals’ opinions on biobanking of human biological material for research purposes
PublicationBackground Over the last few decades biobanks have been recognised as institutions that may revolutionisebiomedical research and the development of personalised medicine. Poland, however, still lacks clear regulationsregarding the running of biobanks and the conducting of biomedical research. While the awareness of the generalpublic regarding biobanks is low, healthcare professions and medical students also...
Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Health Behaviours and the Literacy of Future Healthcare Professionals
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Technologia medyczna w obiektach świadczących usługi lecznicze- Medical technology in healthcare facilities
PublicationArchitektura budynków szpitalnych kreowana jest pod silnym wpływem wymagań sanitarno-higienicznych oraz wytycznych wynikających z charakteru świadczonych usług medycznych. Naczelną rolę odgrywa tu technologia medyczna, która jest zasobem wiedzy, procesów organizacyjnych i środków fizycznych uczestniczących w realizacji zdefiniowanych świadczeń zdrowotnych. Istotnym elementem takiej kreacji architektonicznej jest szereg procesów...
The Energy of Finance in Refining of Medical Surge Capacity
PublicationThe availability of resources and their concentration in the place of greatest need, will not allow us to successfully overcome a medical surge without the energy required to activate these resources and activities, and increase their quantities if necessary, that is why the staff and management of healthcare institutions are forced to making ethical crisis decisions about who wins and who loses. This study highlights the versatility...
Medical care and manifestations of ageism in healthcare institutions: opinion of elderly people. The example of four countries
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Iranian future healthcare professionals' knowledge and opinions about rare diseases: cross-sectional study
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To donate or not to donate? Future healthcare professionals’ opinions on biobanking of human biological material for research purposes
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Tacit knowledge awareness and sharing as a focal part of knowledge production, Polish-US view on IT, healthcare, and construction industry
PublicationIn the knowledge economy era, knowledge production and dissemination are of key interest to individuals, organizations, and economies. Tacit knowledge results from experience, leading to innovation. The learning culture can facilitate the transformation of errors into experiences. This study explores whether mistake acceptance facilitates tacit knowledge awareness and sharing in the information technology, healthcare, and construction...
Hospital chaplains facing the pandemic. A qualitative study
PublicationThe article explores hospital chaplains perspective on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the provision of spiritual care in Poland. Semi-structured interviews with sixteen hospital chaplains providing spiritual care in hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic were performed. Six main themes emerged during the interviews: chaplains' experience of the pandemic, chaplaincy during the outbreak, patients' needs, health professionals...