Influence of the thermal modernization of window on transmission heat losses
PublicationThe article presents the results of calculations of the heat transfer coefficient for the state before and after renovation for the historic windows. The aim of the analysis was to obtain the values of thermal insulation parameters demanded by the regulations, while not losing the historical value of the window. The described example of the renovation of the existing window consisted in installing an additional window panel from...
Finite element simulation of cross shaped window panel supports
PublicationThe aim of the work is to verify suitability of cross-shaped window panel supports for mullion-transom wall systems. The Finite Element Method (FEM) is chosen to determine the behaviour of stainless steel elements under loading. The advanced non-linear numerical simulations are carried out using an implicit FEM software package MSC.Marc. This study is proposed to initiate the comprehensive investigation of mechanical properties...
Finite-window RLS algorithms
PublicationTwo recursive least-squares (RLS) adaptive filtering algorithms are most often used in practice, the exponential and sliding (rectangular) window RLS algorithms. This popularity is mainly due to existence of low-complexity versions of these algorithms. However, these two windows are not always the best choice for identification of fast time-varying systems, when the identification performance is most important. In this paper, we...
Inverse heat transfer problem solution of sounding rocket using moving window optimization
PublicationAn Inverse Heat Transfer Problem is solved for a sounding rocket module given its geometry and measured temperature profile. The solution is obtained via moving window optimization, a technique for solving inverse dynamics. An analysis is performed to modify the method to avoid oscillatory behavior of the resulting heat flux profile. The method parameters are tuned in relation to characteristic phases of the flight. Results are...
Window frame integrable air recuperation minichannel/minigap heat exchanger
PublicationThis article describes an evaluation of mini heat exchangers operation as a decentralized mechanical ventilation system with recuperative heat recovery that can be integrated into the window frame. The relatively small yet efficient air recuperation system allows for retrofitting existing buildings by reducing the overall energy consumption and thus the CO2 emissions. The proposed design, unlike existing systems, is easy to scale...
Methods for Quality Assessment of Window View
PublicationThis paper summarises findings from two workshops evaluating a series of views in various settings by an interdisciplinary group of experts. In the first one (Trondheim, June 2022), ten experts visited and assessed views from nine rooms. In the second one (Lausanne, June 2023), eleven experts assessed window views from four spaces. The workshops’ main objective was to develop and test multi-method assessments of window views. During...
Variable Fractional Delay Filter Design Using a Symmetric Window
PublicationIn this paper a numerically efficient method for designing a nearly optimal variable fractional delay (VFD) filter based on a simple and well-known window method is presented. In the proposed method a single window extracted from the optimal filter with fixed fractional delay (FD) is divided into even and odd part. Subsequently, the odd part is discarded and symmetric even part of the extracted window is used to design a family...
Balkan Stock Exchanges – Consideration of the Length of the Estimation Window in Similar Markets
PublicationPurpose: We study if capital markets in the Balkan are closely and positively related in terms of rate of return, risk, efficiency, and maximum cumulative loss in relation to different lengths of the estimation window. Design/Methodology/Approach: The research was carried out for the period from 01/01/2017 to 31/12/2019 using portfolio analysis. It was divided into an estimation window (01/01/2019 to 31/12/2019) and another with...
Markowitz’s portfolio theory – optimal length of estimation window for gold and the biggests companies on the Warsaw Stock Exchange
PublicationThe following article is dedicated to the construction of an investment portfolio consisting of 3 investments from the Polish capital market found in the WIG20 index and from investment in gold. The purpose of the study was to determine the optimal length of the estimation window for building a portfolio with minimal risk and maximum efficiency. The length of the estimation window was also assessed in terms of the rate of return...
CFD analysis of a flow in commutation window in PWK pump
Open Research DataThe included data is a result of CFD analysis of a flow in a commutation window in PWK pump. The results were obtained for different pressures, viscosities and geometrical parameters of the gap. All the rows and columns have descriptions similar as in PhD Thesis: "Kompensacja skoków ciśnienia w pompie tłoczkowej o zmiennej wydajności z rozrządem krzywkowym",...
A fast time-frequency multi-window analysis using a tuning directional kernel
PublicationIn this paper, a novel approach for time-frequency analysis and detection, based on the chirplet transform and dedicated to non-stationary as well as multi-component signals, is presented. Its main purpose is the estimation of spectral energy, instantaneous frequency (IF), spectral delay (SD), and chirp rate (CR) with a high time-frequency resolution (separation ability) achieved by adaptive fitting of the transform kernel. We...
Influence of Aggregating Window Size on Disparity Maps Obtained from Equal Baseline Multiple Camera Set (EBMCS)
PublicationThis paper is concerned with obtaining disparity maps on the basis of images from Equal Baseline Multiple Camera Set (EBMCS). EBMCS consists of a central camera and side cameras. Algorithms for obtaining disparity maps with the use of EBMCS take advantage of aggregating windows similarly to stereo matching algorithms for a stereo camera, a camera matrix or a camera array. The paper analyzes the influence of aggregating window size...
Impact of Shifting Time-Window Post-Processing on the Quality of Face Detection Algorithms
PublicationWe consider binary classification algorithms, which operate on single frames from video sequences. Such a class of algorithms is named OFA (One Frame Analyzed). Two such algorithms for facial detection are compared in terms of their susceptibility to the FSA (Frame Sequence Analysis) method. It introduces a shifting time-window improvement, which includes the temporal context of frames in a post-processing step that improves the...
Rational Polynomial Windows as an Alternative for Kaiser Window
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Fractional Delay Filter Design with Extracted Window Offsetting
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono koncepcję projektowania filtrów ułamkowoopóźniających (FD) bazującą na metodzie okien. W zaproponowanym podejściu w projektowaniu jest używane okno wyodrębnione z odpowiedzi impulsowej filtru optymalnego offsetowanego o opóźnienie ułamkowe projektowanego filtru. Poszczególne filtry FD zaprojektowany w ten sposób nie są optymalnymi filtrami FD, jednak oferują lepszą jakość w zastosowaniu do zmiany szybkości...
A nearly optimal fractional delay filter design with asymmetric window
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad zastosowaniem asymetrycznego okna wyodrębnionego zawczasu z filtru optymalnego. Pokazano, że takie podejście przy zastosowaniu dodatkowej korekcji wzmocnienia filtru zależnej od opóźnienia filtru pozwala na projektowanie filtrów prawie optymalnych. W efekcie zaproponowana metoda łączy prostotę metody okien z jakością porównywalną do jakości filtrów optymalnych. Efektywność zaprezentowanej...
Jan Buczkowski, widok z okna, view from the window
PublicationKatalog wystawy indywidualnej sztuki, która miała miejsce w Gdańskiej Galerii Güntera Grassa w terminie 2.03 – 14.04.2013. Katalog liczy 32 strony i zawiera tekst krytyczny oraz notę biograficzną autora w języku polskim i angielskim, oraz 17 kolorowych reprodukcji prac. Wydawcą katalogu jest Gdańska Galeria Güntera Grassa. ISBN 978-83-935408-3-9.
Time window based features extraction from temperature modulated gas sensors for prediction of ammonia concentration
PublicationElectronic gas recognition systems, in literature commonly referred as electronic noses, enable the recognition of a type and a concentration of various volatile compounds. Typical electronic gas-analyzing device consists of four main elements, namely, gas delivery subsystem, an array of gas sensors, data acquisition and power supply circuits and data analysis software. The commercially available metal-oxide TGS sensors are widely...
Gain deficit effect in the fractional delay filter design by the window method
PublicationMetoda okien jest sposobem szybkiego i skutecznego projektowania filtrów ułamkowoopóźniających. Jednakże wzmocnienie tak zaprojektowanego filtru różni się od zakładanej wartości idealnej. To zjawisko, nazywane deficytem wzmocnienia, negatywnie wpływa na jakoś projektowanego filtru. Artykuł poświęcono wynikom badań oraz metodom korekcji tego problemu. Omówiono wpływ współczynnika korekcji deficytu wzmocnienia na charakterystykę...
Operation of a free-electron laser from the extreme ultraviolet to the water window
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Using CFD software for the evaluation of hygrothermal conditions at wall-window perimeters
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Extracted window offsetting using maximally flat fractional delay filter
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono koncepcję projektowania filtru ułamkowoopóźniającego (FD) z wykorzystaniem metody okien offsetowanych. W zaproponowanym podejściu jako okna prototypowego, offsetowanego o opóźnienie ułamkowe projektowanego filtru, użyto okna wyodrębnionego z odpowiedzi impulsowej filtru optymalnego. Zaprojektowane w ten sposób filtry FD nie są optymalne jednak zapewniają lepszą jakość algorytmu zmiany szybkości próbkowania...
Influence of the analyzing window on electrode impedance measurement by the continuous frequency scanning method
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Neuroprotective Effects of Cannabidiol in Hypoxic Ischemic Insult. The Therapeutic Window in Newborn Mice
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Versatile Structure for Variable Fractional Delay Filter Based on Extracted Window Method
PublicationW pracy zaproponowano nową strukturę filtru ułamkowoopóźniającego o zmiennym opóźnieniu. Struktura ta umożliwia łatwą zmianę typo oraz długości implementowanego filtru. Zaproponowana struktura jest zmodyfikowaną strukturą Farrowa, której modyfikacje bazują na koncepcji metody okien wyodrębnionych. W metodzie tej filtr prawieoptymalny projektuje się stosując pojedyncze symetryczne okno wyodrębnione z dodatkową korekcją wzmocnienia...
Comparison of Surface Quality and Tool-Life of Glulam Window Elements after Planing
PublicationThe quality of the surface of wooden elements, that have been planed, has a crucial importance in the whole production process, since the obtained effects affect the quality of wooden surface after fi nishing (painting). The occurrence of defects is usually the reason for qualifying a workpiece as scrap or for requiring additional work. This paper presents the selected results of research of the effect of the cutting tool wear...
Influence of the analyzing window on electrode impedance measurement by thecontinuous freqency scanning method
PublicationPrzeprowadzono pomiary impedancyjne modelowego układu elektrycznego RC techniką ciągłego skanowania częstotliwościowego. Wyznaczono impedancję modelowego układu dla różnych okien analizujących oraz ich różnych wielkości. Wyznaczone dla różnych okien analizujących wartości R i C porównywano z wartościami rzeczywistymi. Stwierdzono wpływ rodzaju okna analizującego oraz jego długość na dokładność otrzymywanych wyników.
Impact of the Time Window Length on the Ship Trajectory Reconstruction Based on AIS Data Clustering
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Set membership estimation of parameters and variables in dynamic networks by recursive algorithms with moving measurment window
PublicationW artykule rozważana jest łączna estymacja przedziałowa zmiennych i parametrów w złożonej sieci dynamicznej w oparciu niepewne modele parametryczne i ograniczoną liczbę pomiarów. Opracowany został rekursywny algorytm estymacji z przesuwnym oknem pomiarowym, odpowiedni dla monitorowania sieci on-line. Okno pomiarowe pozwala na stabilizowanie klasycznego algorytmu rekurencyjnego estymacji i znacznie poprawienie obcisłości estymat....
Field investigations of stack ventilation in a residential building with multiple chimneys and tilted window in cold climate
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia wyniki pomiarów wykonanych w budynku mieszkalnym w północnej Polsce w zimnym klimacie podczas zimy i lata. Budynek zawierał kominy i uchylne okna. Pomierzono lokalne i wewnętrzne warunki klimatu oraz prędkości powietrza. Zaproponowano zmodyfikowany model uchylnych okien oparty na modelu wentylacji jednokierunkowej.
Quantitative study of free convective heat losses from thermodynamic partitions using Thermal Imaging
PublicationThe following paper presents a simple method of determining the presence, distribution and values of heat losses from external building walls as thermodynamic partitions using a Thermal Imaging Camera (TIC). According to Fourier's equation, the value of heat loss is proportional to the temperature gradient ∂t/∂y|y=0 in air in the y direction perpendicular to the heated surface. Unfortunately, air temperature cannot be measured...
Wpływ właściwości czynników chłodniczych na straty egzergii w pompie ciepła (Influence of Refrigerants Properties for Exergy Losses in Heat Pump)
PublicationArtykuł poświęcony jest wpływowi występujących w pompie ciepła strat egzergii na jej efektywność energetyczną, a co za tym idzie koszty funkcjonowania instalacji. Autorzy prezentują tu metodologię obliczeniową, która może być zastosowana w procesach projektowania układów cieplno-przepływowych. Obliczenia zostały wykonane na podstawie typowego układu powietrznej pompy ciepła pracującej w klimacie środkowo-europejskim. Ponadto w...
The influence of a sweat rate on heat losses of the selected segments of a sweating thermal manikin
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Michał Ryms dr hab. inż.
PeopleMichał Ryms, PhD, DSc, Eng. is the physicist, graduate of the Gdańsk University of Technology. PhD thesis defended at the Chemical Faculty. Since 2011 an employee at the Department of Energy Conversion and Storage, Chemical Faculty, Gdansk University of Technology, POLAND – now as an associate professor. His research interests includes: improvement of energy efficiency and possibilities of new application of phase change materials...
Windowing of the Discrete Green's Function for Accurate FDTD Computations
PublicationThe paper presents systematic evaluation of the applicability of parametric and nonparametric window functions for truncation of the discrete Green's function (DGF). This function is directly derived from the FDTD update equations, thus the FDTD method and its integral discrete formulation can be perfectly coupled using DGF. Unfortunately, the DGF computations require processor time, hence DGF has to be truncated with appropriate...
Histogram of Gradients with Cell Average Intensity for Human Detection
PublicationThe modification of the descriptor in human detector using Histogram of Oriented Gradients and support vector machine is presented. The proposed modification requires inserting the average cell intensitiesresulting with the increase of the length of the descriptor from 3780 to 4200 values, but it is easy to compute and instantly gives 14-26% of miss rate improvement at 10^-4 False Positives Per Window (FPPW). The modification...
Experimental investigation of the weight averaging of pulse frequency modulated sensor output signal
Open Research DataThe research aims to practically verify the results of theoretical analysis and simulations of the efficiency of weight averaging of pulse frequency modulated signal. For this purpose, a suitable test stand was built, and the control software in the LabVIEW environment was prepared. Then, a series of experiments were carried out to process and analyze...
Szyby zespolone w systemach fasadowych
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wybrane kryteria techniczne stosowane do oceny jakościowej izolacyjnych szyb zespolonych. Bazując na własnych doświadczeniach, autor zwrócił uwagę na pojawiające się problemy w trakcie odbiorów technicznych na budowie. Przedstawiono także krótki przegląd literatury z zakresu szkła budowlanego i szyb zespolonych.
A cumulative probability function of instantaneous flicker sensation values measured in the industrial power system supplying the rolling mill motors
Open Research DataThe dataset presents a cumulative probability function CPF of the instantaneous flicker sensation level measured on the bus bars of the main switchgear of the industrial power network for the supply of rolling mills. The data were obtained during an experiment whose purpose was to determine a level of short-term and long-term flicker caused by voltage...
Metodologia i metodyka odtworzenia stolarki okiennej w zabytkowych obiektach na przykładzie Muzeum Bursztynu w Wielkim Młynie w Gdańsku
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono metodologię i metodykę odtworzenia stolarki okiennej w obiekcie zabytkowym, o zachowanej średniowiecznej formie, przy realizacji Muzeum Bursztynu w Wielkim Młynie w Gdańsku. Omówiono wyniki wykonanych badań w tym zakresie i decyzje projektowe odtworzenia okien. Opisano wpływ współczesnych wymagań dotyczących stolarki w obiektach muzealnych na jej kształt i formę. Wykonane dla Muzeum Bursztynu okna są autorską...
PublicationPower and propulsion systems of offshore units must be of a very high level of reliability. The loss of ability to perform functions of their components causes generally to very high economic losses, which may be increased by unused the weather window resulting to postponing the planned offshore operations. To ensure carrying out so expensive offshore operations in the most reliable way, various types of redundancies are built-in...
Systematic approach to binary classification of images in video streams using shifting time windows
Publicationin the paper, after pointing out of realistic recordings and classifications of their frames, we propose a new shifting time window approach for improving binary classifications. We consider image classification in tewo steps. in the first one the well known binary classification algorithms are used for each image separately. In the second step the results of the previous step mare analysed in relatively short sequences of consecutive...
On the Role of Polarimetric Decomposition and Speckle Filtering Methods for C-Band SAR Wetland Classification Purposes
PublicationPrevious wetlands studies have thoroughly verified the usefulness of data from synthetic aperture radar (SAR) sensors in various acquisition modes. However, the effect of the processing parameters in wetland classification remains poorly explored. In this study, we investigated the influence of speckle filters and decomposition methods with different combinations of filter and decomposition windows sizes on classification accuracy....
Local basis function estimators for identification of nonstationary systems
PublicationThe problem of identification of a nonstationary stochastic system is considered and solved using local basis function approximation of system parameter trajectories. Unlike the classical basis function approach, which yields parameter estimates in the entire analysis interval, the proposed new identification procedure is operated in a sliding window mode and provides a sequence of point (rather than interval) estimates. It is...
Local basis function method for identification of nonstationary systems
PublicationThis thesis is focused on the basis function method for the identification of nonstationary processes. The first chapter describes a group of models that can be identified using the basis function method. The next chapter describes the basic version of the basis function method, including its algebraic and statistical properties. The following section introduces the local basis function (LBF) method: its properties are described...
Zastosowanie redundancji w siłowniach okrętowych statków oceanotechnicznych
PublicationSystemy wytwarzania energii i napędu statków oceanotechnicznych muszą mieć bardzo wysoki poziom niezawodności. Utrata zdolności do wykonywania funkcji przez ich elementy strukturalne z reguły powoduje bardzo wysokie straty ekonomiczne. Straty te mogą być zwiększone przez niemożność wykorzystania tzw. okna pogodowego, skutkującego odłożeniem w czasie zaplanowanych operacji oceanotechnicznych. W celu zapewnienia niezawodnej realizacji...
Adaptive Hounsfield Scale Windowing in Computed Tomography Liver Segmentation
PublicationIn computed tomography (CT) imaging, the Hounsfield Unit (HU) scale quantifies radiodensity, but its nonlinear nature across organs and lesions complicates machine learning analysis. This paper introduces an automated method for adaptive HU scale windowing in deep learning-based CT liver segmentation. We propose a new neural network layer that optimizes HU scale window parameters during training. Experiments on the Liver Tumor...
The share of investments in gold and oil using the example of selected European stock exchanges– A comparative analysis
PublicationIn this article, optimal investment portfolios with minimal risk and maximum efficiency were calculated. The portfolios were designated for ten selected European stock exchanges, based on the listings of the twenty largest companies in each of those markets. All calculations were made based on company shares only, company shares and investments in gold, shares of companies and investments in crude oil as well as shares of companies...
LDRAW based positional renders of LEGO bricks
Open Research Data243 different LEGO bricks renders of size 250x250 in 5 colors in 120 viewing angles stored as JPEG images. The renders are used to train neural networks for bricks recognition. All images were generated using L3P ( and POV-Ray ( tools and were based on the 3D models from LDraw (
Emotion Recognition
Open Research DataThe films presented here were recorded using so-called high-speed camera Phantom Miro. To play the movie You need the special software which can be downloaded from the web site the details of the movie are available after starting the movie in the viewer in the description...