Search results for: HYBRID HETEROGENEOUS ENVIRONMENT - Bridge of Knowledge




  • Optimization of Data Assignment for Parallel Processing in a Hybrid Heterogeneous Environment Using Integer Linear Programming


    In the paper we investigate a practical approach to application of integer linear programming for optimization of data assignment to compute units in a multi-level heterogeneous environment with various compute devices, including CPUs, GPUs and Intel Xeon Phis. The model considers an application that processes a large number of data chunks in parallel on various compute units and takes into account computations, communication including...

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  • Ubiquity of client access in heterogeneous access environment

    With popularization of mobile computing and diverse offer of mobile devices providing functionality comparable to stationary computers, the necessity of providing network access for such users cannot be disputed. The requirement is further reinforced by emergence of general purpose mobile operating systems which provide their full functionality only with network connectivity available and popular XaaS (Anything as a Service) approach....

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  • Parallelization of large vector similarity computations in a hybrid CPU+GPU environment


    The paper presents design, implementation and tuning of a hybrid parallel OpenMP+CUDA code for computation of similarity between pairs of a large number of multidimensional vectors. The problem has a wide range of applications, and consequently its optimization is of high importance, especially on currently widespread hybrid CPU+GPU systems targeted in the paper. The following are presented and tested for computation of all vector...

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  • Evolutionary - fuzzy hybrid system of steering the moveable object in dynamic environment

    • A. Łebkowski
    • R. Smierzchalski

    - Year 2003


  • Optimization of hybrid parallel application execution in heterogeneous high performance computing systems considering execution time and power consumption


    - Year 2018

    Many important computational problems require utilization of high performance computing (HPC) systems that consist of multi-level structures combining higher and higher numbers of devices with various characteristics. Utilizing full power of such systems requires programming parallel applications that are hybrid in two meanings: they can utilize parallelism on multiple levels at the same time and combine together programming interfaces...

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  • Parallelization of Selected Algorithms on Multi-core CPUs, a Cluster and in a Hybrid CPU+Xeon Phi Environment

    In the paper we present parallel implementations as well as execution times and speed-ups of three different algorithms run in various environments such as on a workstation with multi-core CPUs and a cluster. The parallel codes, implementing the master-slave model in C+MPI, differ in computation to communication ratios. The considered problems include: a genetic algorithm with various ratios of master processing time to communication...

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  • Paweł Rościszewski dr inż.


    Paweł Rościszewski received his PhD in Computer Science at Gdańsk University of Technology in 2018 based on PhD thesis entitled: "Optimization of hybrid parallel application execution in heterogeneous high performance computing systems considering execution time and power consumption". Currently, he is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland....

  • Pathways of Nitrogen Removal in Hybrid Treatment Wetlands

    Hybrid Treatment Wetlands (HTWs) are composed of two or more filters with different modes of flow, allowing the benefits of both types of bed to be combined, resulting in better effluent quality (nitrogen and organic compounds removal). Such a heterogeneous environment creates possibilities for different mechanisms of nitrogen removal. The objective of the present study was to investigate the removal of nitrogen versus a range...

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  • Pathways of nitrogen compounds depletion in hybrid constructed wetlands


    - Year 2008

    Hybrid Constructed Wetlands are composed of two or more filters with mixed flow direction of sewage. Apparently in the HCWS the benefits of both types of bed are merged, resulting in better effluent quality (organic and nitrogen componds removal). Such heterogeneous environment creates possibilities for different ways of nitrogen "disappearing". The objective of the present study was to compare the removal of nitrogen with accompanying...

  • Parallel Programming for Modern High Performance Computing Systems


    - Year 2018

    In view of the growing presence and popularity of multicore and manycore processors, accelerators, and coprocessors, as well as clusters using such computing devices, the development of efficient parallel applications has become a key challenge to be able to exploit the performance of such systems. This book covers the scope of parallel programming for modern high performance computing systems. It first discusses selected and...

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  • Integracja bezprzewodowych heterogenicznych sieci IP dla poprawy efektywności transmisji danych na morzu


    - Year 2023

    Wraz ze wzrostem istotności środowiska morskiego w naszym codziennym życiu np. w postaci zwiększonego wolumenu transportu realizowanego drogą morską. czy zintensyfikowanych prac dotyczących obserwacji i monitoringu środowiska morskiego, wzrasta również potrzeba opracowania efektywnych systemów komunikacyjnych dedykowanych dla tego środowiska. Heterogeniczne systemy łączności bezprzewodowej integrowane na poziomie warstwy sieciowej...

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    Hybrid nanocomposites consisting of inorganic component and organic conducting polymer are promising materials, which can be applied in heterogeneous photocatalysis. Titanium(IV) oxide is widely used photocatalysts due to its non-toxicity, low cost and chemical stability. The main disadvantage of TiO2 is low photocatalytic activity under visible light. Conducting polymers, also known as conjugated polymers are polymer materials...

  • Auto-tuning methodology for configuration and application parameters of hybrid CPU + GPU parallel systems based on expert knowledge


    Auto-tuning of configuration and application param- eters allows to achieve significant performance gains in many contemporary compute-intensive applications. Feasible search spaces of parameters tend to become too big to allow for exhaustive search in the auto-tuning process. Expert knowledge about the utilized computing systems becomes useful to prune the search space and new methodologies are needed in the face of emerging heterogeneous...

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  • Badanie i analiza efektywności alokacji strumieni danych w heterogenicznej sieci WBAN


    - Year 2017

    W niniejszej dysertacji doktorskiej poddano dyskusji efektywność alokacji strumieni danych w heterogenicznej radiowej sieci WBAN (Wireless Body Area Networks). Biorąc pod uwagę dynamiczny rozwój nowoczesnych sieci radiokomunikacyjnych piątej generacji (5G), którego część stanowią radiowe sieci działające w obrębie ciała człowieka, bardzo ważnym aspektem są metody maksymalizujące wykorzystanie dostępnych zasobów czasowo –częstotliwościowych...

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  • Andrzej Chybicki dr inż.

    A graduate of the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics at the Gdańsk University of Technology, PhD in technical sciences in the field of IT specializing in distributed data processing in IT . Aimed at exploiting the achievements and knowledge in the field of industrial research. He cooperated with a number of companies including OpeGieka Elbląg, Reson Inc., Powel Sp. z o. o., Wasat, Better Solutions, the European...

  • Przegląd technologii lokalizowania osób/obiektów w środowiskach zamkniętych

    W artykule przedstawiono przegląd wybranych rozwiązań stosowanych do lokalizowania osób/obiektów w środowiskach zamkniętych. Scharakteryzowano metody oparte na technice radiowej, inercyjnej oraz hybrydowej. W podsumowaniu wskazano na przydatność praktyczną opisanych rozwiązań, zwłaszcza do zastosowań specjalnych.

  • Acceleration of the DGF-FDTD method on GPU using the CUDA technology

    We present a parallel implementation of the discrete Green's function formulation of the finite-difference time-domain (DGF-FDTD) method on a graphics processing unit (GPU). The compute unified device architecture (CUDA) parallel computing platform is applied in the developed implementation. For the sake of example, arrays of Yagi-Uda antennas were simulated with the use of DGF-FDTD on GPU. The efficiency of parallel computations...

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  • Genetic Hybrid Predictive Controller for Optimized Dissolved-Oxygen Tracking at Lower Control Level

    A hierarchical two-level controller for dissolvedoxygenreference trajectory tracking in activated sludge processeshas been recently developed and successfully validated on a realwastewater treatment plant. The upper level control unit generatestrajectories of the desired airflows to be delivered by theaeration system to the aerobic zones of the biological reactor. Anonlinear model predictive control algorithm is applied to designthis...

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  • Grzegorz Boczkaj dr hab. inż.

  • Architecture Civil Engineering Environment


    ISSN: 1899-0142



    ISSN: 0048-9697 , eISSN: 1879-1026

  • Wzory kreatywności. Koncepcja modelu prawdopodobieństwa działania kreatywnego jako narzędzie badania procesu twórczego w środowisku miejskim


    - Year 2021

    Współczesne koncepcje kształtowania miast, takie jak zrównoważony rozwój, miasto odporne, inteligentne miasto, miasto kreatywne, tworzą obecnie ramy urbanistyki o charakterze jednej uogólnionej idei kształtującej środowisko społeczno-materialne. Kontekstualne ujęcie badań kreatywności opisuje zależności między środowiskiem miejskim a twórczością w mieście kreatywnym. Ujęcie procesualne kreatywności stanowi hic et nunc urbanizmu,...

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  • Agnieszka Ubowska dr hab. inż.

    Agnieszka Ubowska, PhD Dsc Eng was born in 1978 in Piła, where she graduated from the Secondary School of Environmental Protection. In the years 1998-2003 she studied at the Faculty of Technology and Chemical Engineering of the Szczecin University of Technology, majoring in environmental protection. She obtained her doctorate in technical sciences in 2008, defending her thesis entitled "Hybrid hydrophilic acrylamide (co)polymers"....

  • Elective seminar: Designing Urban Lighting for the Built Environment – from Theory to Practice

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Zielińska-Dąbkowska
    • A. Zdanowicz

    Goal of the course:    Understanding the basic design issues related to illumination of the exterior spaces in the built environment  Course content / class schedule:   1.Student will learn the difference between Functional versus Decorative lighting in exterior spaces 2. Student will learn how artificial lighting can shape the appearance of an urban space 3. Student will learn necessary tools (luminaires, light sources,...

  • Searching by heterogeneous agents

    In this work we introduce and study a pursuit-evasion game in which the search is performed by heterogeneous entities. We incorporate heterogeneity into the classical edge search problem by considering edge-labeled graphs: once a search strategy initially assigns labels to the searchers, each searcher can be only present on an edge of its own label. We prove that this problem is not monotone even for trees and we give instances...

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  • Searching by Heterogeneous Agents


    - Year 2019

    In this work we introduce and study a pursuit-evasion game in which the search is performed by heterogeneous entities. We incorporate heterogeneity into the classical edge search problem by considering edge-labeled graphs. In such setting a searcher, once a search strategy initially decides on the label of the searcher, can be present on an edge only if the label of the searcher and the label of the edge are the same. We prove...

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  • Robert Bogdanowicz prof. dr hab. inż.

    Robert Bogdanowicz received his Ph.D. degree with honours in Electronics from the Gdansk University of Technology. He worked as a post-doc researcher in Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald Institut für Physik. He has initiated optical emission imaging of muti-magnetron pulsed plasma and contributed to the development of antibacterial implant coatings deposited by high-power impulse magnetron sputtering. He moved back to...

  • Statistical significance of displacements in heterogeneous control networks


    - Geodesy and Cartography - Year 2013

    This paper proposes a modification of the classical process for evaluating the statistical significance of displacements in the case of heterogeneous (e.g. linear-angular) control networks established to deformation measurements and analysis. The basis for the proposed solution is the idea of local variance factors. The theoretical discussion was complemented with an example of its application on a simulated horizontal control...

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  • A Novel Bitrate Adaptation Method for Heterogeneous Wireless Body Area Networks

    In the article, a novel bitrate adaptation method for data streams allocation in heterogeneous Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) is presented. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm was compared with other known algorithms of data stream allocation using computer simulation. A dedicated simulator has been developed using results of measurements in the real environment. The usage of the proposed adaptive data streams allocation...

  • A Novel Bitrate Adaptation Method for Heterogeneous Wireless Body Area Networks

    In the article, a novel bitrate adaptation method for data streams allocation in heterogeneous Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) is presented. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm was compared with other known algorithms of data stream allocation using computer simulation. A dedicated simulator has been developed using results of measurements in the real environment. The usage of the proposed adaptive data streams allocation...

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  • Networks and Heterogeneous Media


    ISSN: 1556-1801 , eISSN: 1556-181X

  • Integration of heterogeneous web services in exceptional situations

    Web services are intended to enable interoperability between heterogeneous distributed systems. Although the technology has been widely adopted and accepted, there are still differences between runtime platforms in exception structure and handling. This results in difficulties in effective handling of exceptions during Web services invocation. The paper presents a solution that enables coordinated exception handling between different...

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  • Ranking of Heterogeneous Catalysts Metals by Their Greenness

    Catalysis is very important process in industry and laboratory practice, especially from the point of green chemistry principles. However, eco-friendly character of heterogeneous catalysts, containing transition metal components has not been evaluated, yet. Therefore, we perform a comprehensive assessment of 18 heterogeneous metal catalysts (Pd, Pt, V, Co, Ni, Mo, Ru, Mn, Au, Cu, Cd, Zr, Fe, Rh, Ir, Sn, Zn, Ag) using multicriteria...

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  • Application of Spinel and Hexagonal Ferrites in Heterogeneous Photocatalysis


    - Applied Sciences-Basel - Year 2021

    Semiconducting materials display unique features that enable their use in a variety of applications, including self-cleaning surfaces, water purification systems, hydrogen generation, solar energy conversion, etc. However, one of the major issues is separation of the used materials from the process suspension. Therefore, chemical compounds with magnetic properties have been proposed as crucial components of photocatalytic composites,...

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    • J. Kočišek
    • J. Lengyel
    • K. Grygoryeva
    • A. Pysanenko
    • M. Zawadzki
    • J. Fedor
    • M. Fárník

    - Year 2017

    Heterogeneous clusters are unique model species enabling studies of bulk and surface processes by vacuum restricted methods. This is of particular importance for the reactions of low-energy electrons which have extremely short penetration depth in bulk environments. This contribution overviews our recent experiments with low-energy electrons and clusters prepared by different techniques. First, the deposition of molecules on argon...

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  • A concept of heterogeneous numerical model of concrete for GPR simulations


    - Year 2017

    The Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) method, which is increasingly being used in the non-destructive diagnostics of reinforced concrete structures, often needs more accurate interpretation tools for analysis of experimental data. Recently, there has been growing interest in developing of various numerical models for exhaustive understanding of GPR data. This paper presents the concept of a heterogeneous numerical model of concrete,...

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  • List of initial and final geometries of hybrid organic-inborganic perovskites

    Open Research Data

    List of initial and optimized geometries of hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites. Calculations were performed on DFT level of theory. Those results were reported in the Influence of Orientational Disorder on the Optical Absorption Properties of the Hybrid Metal‐Halide Perovskite CH3NH3PbI3 publication. Geometries, HOMO, LUMO, Band gap energies are concatenated...

  • Integrating heterogeneous systems with high-dependability requirements by means of web services


    - Year 2012

    Web services are commonly used on boundaries of heterogeneous components in Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) as they provide a universal communication channel not bound to any particular programming language or run-time platform. This paper describes how web services can be used to integrate heterogeneous systems which serve purposes requiring high dependability, reliability and availability. Examples of such systems include...

  • Hybrid and additive manufacturing processes

    e-Learning Courses
    • D. Zieliński
    • A. Mroziński

  • Testbed for development and verification of hybrid localization systems


    - Year 2011

    In this paper a testbed for development and verification of hybrid localization systems is presented. It allows for systematic analysis of hybrid localization methods and speed up the development of new schemes. The proposed testbed platform is composed of subsystem for sequential data collection and testing infrastructure that can be used for investigating the localization mechanisms in controllable environment.

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  • Rendezvous of heterogeneous mobile agents in edge-weighted networks

    We introduce a variant of the deterministic rendezvous problem for a pair of heterogeneous agents operating in an undirected graph, which differ in the time they require to traverse particular edges of the graph. Each agent knows the complete topology of the graph and the initial positions of both agents. The agent also knows its own traversal times for all of the edges of the graph, but is unaware of the corresponding traversal...

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  • Rendezvous of Heterogeneous Mobile Agents in Edge-Weighted Networks


    - Year 2014

    We introduce a variant of the deterministic rendezvous problem for a pair of heterogeneous agents operating in an undirected graph, which differ in the time they require to traverse particular edges of the graph. Each agent knows the complete topology of the graph and the initial positions of both agents. The agent also knows its own traversal times for all of the edges of the graph, but is unaware of the corresponding traversal...

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    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Kasprzyk
    • M. Gajewska

    The course is dedicated to students at 3 semester of Environmental Engineering. The subject is related to two issues. First is monitoring of the environment- different component of the environment like water, air, soil. Conditions necessary for reliable monitoring and analysis of the results of this monitoring are also discussed. Second is management and covers: Historical development of environmental strategies for protection...


    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Kasprzyk
    • M. Gajewska

    The course is dedicated to students at 3 semester of Environmental Engineering. The subject is related to two issues. First is monitoring of the environment- different component of the environment like water, air, soil. Conditions necessary for reliable monitoring and analysis of the results of this monitoring are also discussed. Second is management and covers: Historical development of environmental strategies for protection...


    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Kasprzyk
    • M. Gajewska

    The course is dedicated to students at 3 semester of Environmental Engineering. The subject is related to two issues. First is monitoring of the environment- different component of the environment like water, air, soil. Conditions necessary for reliable monitoring and analysis of the results of this monitoring are also discussed. Second is management and covers: Historical development of environmental strategies for protection...

  • Network-aware Data Prefetching Optimization of Computations in a Heterogeneous HPC Framework

    Rapid development of diverse computer architectures and hardware accelerators caused that designing parallel systems faces new problems resulting from their heterogeneity. Our implementation of a parallel system called KernelHive allows to efficiently run applications in a heterogeneous environment consisting of multiple collections of nodes with different types of computing devices. The execution engine of the system is open for...

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  • Nanotechnology and human environment

    e-Learning Courses
    • M. Chmielewski

  • Speciation of Iron in the Aquatic Environment



    Iron is one of the basic metals occurring in the aquatic environment and it is considered a macroelement with regard to live organisms. This metal has a broad range of applications that, together with factors conditioning its chemical transitions, results in the occurrence of many iron species in water. Depending on water and land development type, as well as the use of water for household and industrial purposes, iron may be found...

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  • Pesticides in the Environment


    - Year 2013

    Applied all over the world, pesticides are some of the most dangerous pollutants of the environment becauseof their mobility and ability to accumulate in the environment and their consequent long-term adverseeffects on living organisms in general and human health in particular. For these reasons, it is essential tomonitor and analyze pesticide residues in the environment. This entry discusses the classification of pesticidesas...

  • Category-Based Workload Modeling for Hardware Load Prediction in Heterogeneous IaaS Cloud

    The paper presents a method of hardware load prediction using workload models based on application categories and high-level characteristics. Application of the method to the problem of optimization of virtual machine scheduling in a heterogeneous Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) computing cloud is described.

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