Search results for: LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT (LCA)
Environmental impacts of food waste management technologies: A critical review of life cycle assessment (LCA) studies
PublicationFood waste is a serious global problem. Therefore, it is essential to reduce food waste and adopt recycling strategies to minimize its environmental impacts. However, conventional waste disposal methods emit harmful gases such as dioxin, CH4, N2O, and NH3, which contaminate the air and water resources. This work reviews the environmental consequences of food waste based on lifecycle assessment (LCA) techniques using methods such...
The Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Cost in public works contracts
PublicationAn important goal, implemented by EU countries under the Europe 2020 strategy, is sustainable development, which includes supporting economy that effectively uses natural and environmentally friendly resources. Solutions in this area are also promoted in tender proceedings in the area of public procurement. The LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) and LCC (Life Cycle Cost) analysis are indicated as the basis for decision-making by awarding...
Life Cycle Assessment of Analytical Protocols
PublicationLife cycle assessment is a relatively new tool for environmental management, which is becoming more and more important owing to the globalization of the world economy, where there is a need to develop standards in protecting the environment
Life Cycle Assessment of Analytical Protocols
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Assessment of Environmental Loads in the Life Cycle of a Retail and Service Building
PublicationIn order to achieve the European Union’s climate and energy goals, investments are required, mainly in the areas of energy efficiency, renewable energy sources and infrastructure. Buildings are responsible for almost half of total energy consumption, and nearly 80% of them are energy and ecologically inefficient. The policy of European countries is increasingly more focused on facilities with the highest potential in the areas...
Life Cycle Cost Assessment and the Optimum Design of Timber Roofs for Sustainable Construction
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Sewage sludge co-pyrolysis with agricultural/forest residues: A comparative life-cycle assessment
PublicationThis study aims to determine the sustainability and energy efficiency of co-pyrolysis scenarios as treatment processes for municipal sewage sludge through a life cycle assessment (LCA). In addition, sensitivity and energy recovery analyses are conducted to determine the possible methods for optimizing the co-pyrolysis process from a circular bioeconomy perspective. Corncob and wood residue have been selected as potential co-feed...
Economic Aspects of Algae Biomass Harvesting for Industrial Purposes. The Life-Cycle Assessment of the Product
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Conversion of waste biomass into activated carbon and evaluation of environmental consequences using life cycle assessment
PublicationIn this article, activated carbon was produced from Lantana camara and olive trees by H3PO4 chemical activation. The prepared activated carbons were analyzed by characterizations such as scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, Brunauer–Emmett–Teller, X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. H3PO4 is used as an activator agent to create an abundant pore...
Manufacturing and Recycling Impact on Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Innovative Wind Power Plant Part 2/2
PublicationThe process of conversion of wind kinetic energy into electricity in innovative wind power plant emits practically no harmful substances into the environment. However, the production stage of its components requires a lot of energy and materials. The biggest problem during production plan-ning process of an innovative wind power plant is selection of materials and technologies and, consequently, the waste generated at this stage....
Manufacturing and Recycling Impact on Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Innovative Wind Power Plant Part 1/2
PublicationWind power plants are considered as ecologically-clean source of energy. However, manufacturing processes cannot be treated that way. Manufacturing processes consume huge amount of electrical and thermal energy and significant amount of materials, e.g. steel, polymers, oils and lubricants. All of the above could be potentially harmful for environment. There are not many works and publications regarding life-cycle analysis of wind...
The use of recycled semiconductor material in crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules production - A life cycle assessment of environmental impacts
PublicationTo offset the negative impact of photovoltaic modules on the environment, it is necessary to introduce a longterm strategy that includes a complete lifecycle assessment of all system components from the production phase through installation and operation to disposal. Recycling of waste products and worn-out systems is an important element of this strategy. As the conclusions from the previous studies have shown, thermal treatment...
Manufacturing and Recycling Impact on Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Innovative Wind Power Plant Part 1/2
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Manufacturing and Recycling Impact on Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Innovative Wind Power Plant Part 2/2
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PublicationThe agenda of Industry 4.0 strongly affects design and construction at all its phases, and three-Dimensional Printing (3DP) is an essential part of it. The emerging technology has the potential to become a more valid and accepted form of construction. This research is based on a literature review regarding the relationships between the concepts of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) and energy efficiency for 3DP in construction research...
A raising alarm on the current global electronic waste situation through bibliometric analysis, life cycle, and techno-economic assessment: a review
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Life cycle assessment - a new approach to the question of environmental strain caused by analytical laboratories = Ocena cyklu życia - nowe podejście do zagadnienia uciążliwości środowiskowej laboratorów analitycznych
PublicationPraca przedstawia wyniki porównawczej oceny cyklu życia dla procesów pozyskiwania ekstraktów końcowych metodą ekstrakcji w układzie ciecz - ciecz i ekstrakcji do fazy stałej. Rozważano jedynie aspekt ekologiczny pozyskiwania wyników, nie bacząc na koszty ekologiczne i inne. Badania oparte są na informacjach uzyskanych w określonym laboratorium analitycznym oraz danych zawartych w bibliotece programu SimaPro. Techniką bardziej przyjazną...
Assessment of the Environmental Impact of a Car Tire throughout Its Lifecycle Using the LCA Method
PublicationThere are numerous threats to the natural environment that pose a significant risk both to the environment and to human health, including car tires. Thus, there is a need to determine the impact of the life cycle of car tires on the environment, starting with the processes of raw materials acquisition, production, and ending with end-of-life management. Therefore, the authors of this study chose to do research on passenger car...
Life cycle theories of savings and consumption
PublicationLife cycle theories of savings and consumption are the economics theories explaining the changes in saving and consumption in the subsequent phases of the human life cycle. There are two main approaches: (1) indicating the dependence of the level of savings and consumption on the average level of income over a long period of human life (life cycle hypothesis; LCH) or (2) on psychological factors, in particular self-control and...
Digital document life cycle development
PublicationPrzedstawiono model DDLC wytwarzania interaktywnych dokumentów cyfrowych z ich pierwowzorów papierowych. Model DDLC opracowany w ramach 5 PR UE IST-2002-33441 MEMORIAL wyróżnia 6 faz i odpowiednie grupy funkcjonalności narzędzi do ich realizacji. Cykl wytwarzanie realizuje politykę całkowitej kontroli jakości, wykorzystującej specjalnie opracowaną metodę Visual GQM.
Smart Innovation Management in Product Life Cycle
PublicationThe present paper proposes a framework for smart innovation management of the product using a Smart Knowledge Management System comprising Set of Experience Knowledge Structure (SOEKS) and Decisional DNA. This proposed system will allow the entrepreneurs and organizations to perform the innovation process technically and quickly as this framework will store knowledge as well as experiences of the past innovations done in various...
Proposed method for estimating the costs of safety barrier life cycle
PublicationToday barrier types are frequently selected for their price with little regard for the total costs the structure will incur over its lifetime. One of the basic tools designed to manage road infrastructure is the life cycle cost method (LCC, Life cycle cost). It sums up the costs to plan, design, build, operate (use and maintain) and decommission a road structure. Having developed dynamically at the turn of the century the method...
Methods of estimating the cost of traffic safety equipment’s life cycle
Publicationn the article, the authors discuss the preliminary information necessary to determine the scope and direction of further research conducted within the project called “The influence of time and operating conditions on the durability and functionality of road safety elements”. The main objective of the project is to develop the concept of a method for optimizing the life cycle costs of road safety devices. The authors draw attention...
The rigid and flexible road pavements in terms of life cycle costs
PublicationThe cost of road pavement construction, its durability and reliability depends on many factors, including: the scope and detail of the technical design, quality of work but also the scope of works related to its maintenance, conservation and operation. Determining the amount of rational expenses, in terms of the life cycle cost of the pavement, requires determination and consideration of the above issues, already at the planning...
Analysis of the Environmental Impact of the Hull Construction of a Small Vessel Based on LCA
PublicationIn recent years, issues related to the impact of human activity on the natural environment have become pressing, and the challenge of global warming necessitates immediate action. To support environmental protection efforts, it has become imperative to adopt a broader perspective when evaluating various products and systems. A valuable tool for such assessments is a life cycle assessment (LCA), which enables a comprehensive analysis...
Machinery Life Cycle Efficiency Models for their Sustainable Development
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The selected roof covering technologies in the aspect of their life cycle costs
PublicationIn the article is presented an analysis of the life cycle costs calculation for selected roof coverings. The scope of research includes costs of construction, maintenance and demolition of the roof covering structure for two alternative technologies – the traditional and new generation. On the presented example of an industrial building with a roof area of 1000 m², the above costs are taken to consideration for the roof covering...
Effect of Overloaded Vehicles on Whole Life Cycle Cost of Flexible Pavements
PublicationThe phenomenon of vehicle overloading—illegal exceeding of maximum legal weight of vehicles, is a serious problem both in developing and developed countries around the world. Overloaded vehicles occur less frequently in comparison to properly loaded vehicles but due to their greater potential to cause damage they significantly contribute to distress of pavement structure. As studies show, the number of overloaded vehicles increases...
Cykl życiowy zespołu mieszkaniowego. Life cycle of the Housing Estate.
PublicationProjektowanie zespołu mieszkaniowego powinno uwzględniać jego oddziaływanie na środowisko przyrodniczo-społeczne. Całkowite oddziaływanie zespołu mieszkaniowego na środowisko można ocenić stosując metodę oceny cyklu życiowego wszystkich jego elemrntów. Omówiono problemy projektowania cyklu życiowego oraz zagadnienia adaptowalności budynków, projektowania uniwersalnego oraz projektowania uczestniczącego.
Environmental impact of construction. Methods of conscious shaping architecture in terms of ecological solutions
PublicationShaping an ecologically conscious society is a process that also affects architecture. Currently, designers are eagerly looking for solutions that are beneficial in terms of carbon footprint. For the proper multi-criteria assessment and selection of adequate solutions, it is necessary to use appropriate tools such as, for example, the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method or the rules of ecological certification (BREEAM and LEED)....
Effects of safety barrier life cycle cost factors - identification and analysis
PublicationThe costs borne by road infrastructure authorities for managing and maintaining road devices such as safety barriers may be very high. This has prompted the need for identifying and analysing in detail all factors that influence the costs of safety barriers throughout their service life. To meet that need, the authors used international experience and field data collected under the LifeRoSE project to define the cost structure...
PublicationSteel materials, due to their numerous advantages - high availability, easiness of processing and possibility of almost any shaping are commonly applied in construction for carrying out basic carrier systems and auxiliary structures. However, the major disadvantage of this material is its high corrosion susceptibility, which depends strictly on the local conditions of the facility and the applied type of corrosion protection system....
The Dilemmas of Choosing a Suitable Technology for Low Energy and Passive Houses in the Context of their Overheating Issues
PublicationIn compliance with European Union directives, numerous countries are introducing increasingly stricter legal limits on the estimated energy consumption of newly designed residential buildings. However, the fact, that regulations and designers' efforts are focused on decreasing energy consumption (and consequently carbon dioxide emissions) only at the post-occupancy stage, may lead to a significant increase in the carbon footprint...
The analysis of the influence of the corrosion protection method of selected steel elements on the steel structure life cycle costs
PublicationSteel products are widely used in the construction for the performance of essential and additional elements of engineering structures. They are characterized by high tensile strength, compression and bending, the structure homogeneity, the possibility of assembly regardless of the season and climatic conditions, ease of processing and the possibility of almost any shape. The main disadvantage of steel structures is their high susceptibility...
Cykl życia wyrobu a ochrona środowiska
PublicationW nienijszym rozdziale poruszono zagadnienia zwiazane z ochrona srodowiska- przedsatwiono genezę i rozwój koncepcji zarządzania środowiskiem. Przedstawiona została rózwnież problematyka wzajemnych oddziaływań przedsiebiorstwa i jego produktów na środowisko naturalne w aspekcie zarządzania środowiskowego i metody LCA(Life Cycle Assessment). Omówiono również zagadnienie związane z Zadsadą Przedłuzonej odpowiedzialności Producenta...
Life Cycle Analysis of Ecological Impacts of an Offshore and a Land-Based Wind Power Plant
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Water Footprint Assessment of Selected Polymers, Polymer Blends, Composites, and Biocomposites for Industrial Application
PublicationThis paper presents a water footprint assessment of polymers, polymer blends, composites, and biocomposites based on a standardized EUR-pallet case study. The water footprint analysis is based on life cycle assessment (LCA). The study investigates six variants of EUR-pallet production depending on the materials used. The system boundary included the production of each material and the injection molding to obtain a standardized...
Multicriteria Optimization Approach to Design and Operation of District Heating Supply System over its Life Cycle
PublicationDistrict Heating (DH) systems are commonly supplied using local heat sources. Nowadays, modern insulation materials allow for effective and economically viable heat transportation over long distances (over 20 km). In the paper a method for optimized selection of design and operating parameters of long distance Heat Transportation System (HTS) is proposed. The method allows for evaluation of feasibility and effectivity of heat transportation...
Analiza porównawcza kosztów środowiskowych budowy i eksploatacji drogi ekspresowej w technologii asfaltowej i betonowej, CZĘŚĆ 1
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono opis analizy porównawczej kosztów środowiskowych budowy i eksploatacji drogi ekspresowej w technologii asfaltowej i betonowej. Do przeprowadzenia badania wykorzystano analizę LCA (ang. Life Cycle Assessment). Jako założenia przyjęto warianty konstrukcji nawierzchni opracowane dla planowanej drogi ekspresowej S6 na odcinku Lębork (wraz z obwodnicą Lęborka) –obwodnica Trójmiasta, a także trzy scenariusze...
Comparative Study of Pavement Rehabilitation Using Hot in-Place Recycling and Hot-Mix Asphalt: Performance Evaluation, Pavement Life Prediction, and Life Cycle Cost Analysis
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Application of the Life Cycle Analysis and the Building Information Modelling Software in the Architectural Climate Change-Oriented Design Process
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The life cycle cost of a building from the point of view of environmental criteria of selecting the most beneficial offer in the area of competitive tendering
PublicationThe article analyses environmental and ecological criteria of selecting the most beneficial offer in the aspect of LCC. Construction works contracts and the potential method of defining the above criteria, among others, is pondered on (for example by the recommendation of a material, which is supposed to be used, a ban on substances that are harmful for human health as well for the environment). In the relation to the above, it...
Ranking of Heterogeneous Catalysts Metals by Their Greenness
PublicationCatalysis is very important process in industry and laboratory practice, especially from the point of green chemistry principles. However, eco-friendly character of heterogeneous catalysts, containing transition metal components has not been evaluated, yet. Therefore, we perform a comprehensive assessment of 18 heterogeneous metal catalysts (Pd, Pt, V, Co, Ni, Mo, Ru, Mn, Au, Cu, Cd, Zr, Fe, Rh, Ir, Sn, Zn, Ag) using multicriteria...
ProSIL Software for functional saferty management in life cycle = Aplikacja ProSIL do zarządzania bezpieczeństwem funkcjonalnym w cyklu życia
PublicationIn the paper the ProSIL software to aid the functional safety management is presented. The software consists of three modules to aid: determination of the required SIL level (ProSILen), veryfication of the SIL level (ProSILver). In the aplication the method of the calibrated risk graph to determine the required safety integrity level SIL for defined safety instrumented functions is applied. The methods concerning functional safety...
Functional safety and cyber security analysis for life cycle management of industrial control systems in hazardous plants and oil port critical infrastructure including insurance
PublicationThis report addresses selected methodological aspects of proactive reliability, functional safety and cyber security management in life cycle of industrial automation and control systems (IACS) in hazardous plants and oil port critical installations based on the analysis of relevant hazards / threats and evaluation of related risks. In addition the insurance company point of view has been also considered, because nowadays the insurer,...
Is the Concept of Zero Waste Possible to Implement in Construction?
PublicationThe scientifically treated problem of reusing building materials appeared in the literature more than 50 years ago. This paper includes an analysis of the characteristics of recycled building materials, which is a prerequisite for rational recycling. The analysis and simulation of building stocks at different scales has led to the conclusion that the most important link in the transformation of the construction industry towards...
Analiza cyklu życia modułu słonecznego i jego wpływ na środowisko = Life cycle analysis of a solar module and its ecological impact
PublicationSystemy fotowoltaiczne są odnawialnym źródłem energii elektrycznej, które w czasie eksploatacji nie emitują żadnych szkodliwych substancji, hałasu, nie zwiększają również efektu cieplarnianego. Wpływ każdego produktu na środowisko naturalne, w tym także systemów fotowoltaicznych, musi uwzględniać końcową fazę istnienia - okres po zakończeniu eksploatacji. Obecnie produkowane moduły ogniw fotowoltaicznych mają 25÷30-letnią gwarancję...
Process engineering in circular economy 22/23
e-Learning CoursesBackground of the circular economy What is the circular economy? (Definition) How is the circular economy different from a linear economy? How do materials circulate in the circular economy? The circular economy and sustainable development How to measure circularity? Link between the circular economy and life cycle assessment (LCA) What are the benefits of the circular economy? The circular economy policies and governance Wastewater...
Analiza cyklu życia
PublicationAnaliza cyklu życia (LCA, ang. Life Cycle Analysis) z założenia obejmuje podejście „od kołyski aż po grób” w ocenie procesów przemysłowych i produktów. Ta wizja zaczyna się już w momencie wydobycia surowców pierwotnych w celu przetworzenia i wytworzenia produktu, a kończy, gdy wszystkie materiały zostają poddane utylizacji, recyklingowi lub składowaniu. LCA ocenia wszystkie etapy życia produktu z założeniem, że są od siebie współzależne,...