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Search results for: LOOP HEAT PIPE
Investigation of the influence of capilary effect on operation of the loop heat pipe
PublicationIn the paper presented are studies on the inestigation of the capillary forces effect inducted in the porous structure of a loop heat pipe using water and ethanol ad test fluids. The potential application of such effects is for example in the evaporator of the domestic micro-CHP unit, where the reduction of pumping power could be obtained. Preliminary analysis of the results indicates water as having the best potential for developing...
Recent Advances in Loop Heat Pipes with Flat Evaporator
PublicationThe focus of this review is to present the current advances in Loop Heat Pipes (LHP) with flat evaporators, which address the current challenges to the wide implementation of the technology. A recent advance in LHP is the design of flat-shaped evaporators, which is better suited to the geometry of discretely mounted electronics components (microprocessors) and therefore negate the need for an additional transfer surface (saddle)...
Current Trends in Wick Structure Construction in Loop Heat Pipes Applications: A Review
PublicationThermal control systems have been introduced as an important part of electronic devices, enabling thermal management of their electronic components. Loop heat pipe (LHP) is a passive two-phase heat transfer device with significant potential for numerous applications, such as aerospace applications, high-power LEDs, and solar central receivers. Its advantages are high heat transfer capability, low thermal resistance, long-distance...
Challenges in operating and testing loop heat pipes in 500–700 K temperature ranges
PublicationThe potential applications of loop heat pipes (LHPs) are the nuclear power space systems, fuel cell thermal management systems, waste heat recovery systems, medium temperature electronic systems, medium temperature military systems, among others. Such applications usually operate in temperature ranges between 500–700 K, hence it is necessary to develop an LHP system that will meet this requirement. Such a thermal management device...
The Influence of Loop Heat Pipe Evaporator Porous Structure Parameters and Charge on Its Effectiveness for Ethanol and Water as Working Fluids
PublicationAbstract: This paper presents the results of experiments carried out on a specially designed experimental rig designed for the study of capillary pressure generated in the Loop Heat Pipe (LHP) evaporator. The commercially available porous structure made of sintered stainless steel constitutes the wick. Three different geometries of the porous wicks were tested, featuring the pore radius of 1, 3 and 7 um. Ethanol and water as two...
Heat Dissipation from the Power Cable in the Casing Pipe
PublicationThe current carrying capacity of a power cable determines its ability to carry a specific current and is related to the efficiency of dissipation of heat generated in the cable laid in a specific environment. The studies were conducted in order to determine how the characteristics of the medium around the cable affected its temperature, and thus the ability of the cable to transmit electricity. The experimentation in the lab and...
Additive Manufacturing as a Solution to Challenges Associated with Heat Pipe Production
PublicationThe aim of this review is to present the recent developments in heat pipe production, which respond to the current technical problems related to the wide implementation of this technology. A novel approach in HP manufacturing is to utilise hi-tech additive manufacturing techniques where the most complicated geometries are fabricated layer-by-layer directly from a digital file. This technology might be a solution to various challenges...
Experimental investigation of heat transfer enhancement in straight and U-bend double-pipe heat exchanger with wire insert
PublicationIn this paper, the possibility of heat transfer enhancement in the U-bend exchanger was presented. Experimental research has been carried out for four individual heat exchanger constructions i.e. plain tube in tube, turbulized tube in tube, plain U-bend and U-bend with turbulator. Also, heat transfer experiments for various boundary conditions were performed to obtain reference values. In case of U-bend exchanger with and without...
Experiment-Based Study of Heat Dissipation from the Power Cable in a Casing Pipe
PublicationThe paper deals with the important challenges in terms of electricity transmission by means of underground cable lines. The power cable’s performance is characterized by an ampacity that represents its maximum electric current-carrying capacity. The ampacity of power cables depends on their ability to diffuse the heat generated by the current flow into the environment. In the performed research, the analysis of the efficiency of...
The Laboratory Stand for the Evaluation of Heat Dissipation from the Power Cable in a Casing Pipe
PublicationThe current carrying capacity of a power cable determines its efficiency, which depends on its capability to dissipate heat produced inside the cable, as a result of current flow, into the surrounding. The studies were conducted to determine how the characteristics of the medium around the cable affected its temperature and, as a result, its ability to transport electricity. The experimentation in the lab and real measurements...
The In-House Method of Manufacturing a Low-Cost Heat Pipe with Specified Thermophysical Properties and Geometry
PublicationVarious types of heat pipes are available to purchase off the shelf, from various manufacturers, but most of them have strictly defined geometry and technical parameters. However, when there is a need to use a heat pipe (HP) with an unusual size and shape or working conditions other than the standard ones, it becomes very costly to order them from manufacturers, especially in small quantities, and only a few producers are willing...
Capillary pumped loop as a tool for collecting large heat fluxes from electronic devices on warships
PublicationThe combat potential of future warships will be directly related to the use of modern electronic devices being parts of advanced systems, such as, for instance, radar systems, fire aiming systems, fire detection systems, electric drive systems, and even electronic and radio-electronic weaponry, railguns and lasers, installed on these warships. The capacity and functionality of these devices is continually increasing, at decreasing...
Thermal Design of Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Used as an Oil Cooler in Ships: A Comparative Case Study
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Synergistic effects of a swirl generator and MXene/ water nanofluids used in a heat exchanger pipe of a negative CO2 emission gas power plant
Publicationfocus on optimizing heat exchangers contributes to improved temperature control mechanisms, ensuring the sustainable operation of innovative power plants working towards negative CO2 emissions. In the realm of oxy-combustion within Negative CO2 Emission Power Plants (nCO2PP), the temperature of combustion products surpasses 3000 (K). Addressing this challenge, the imperative arises to reduce these elevated temperatures to a manageable...
Experimental Investigation of the Thermal Performance of a Wickless Heat Pipe Operating with Different Fluids: Water, Ethanol, and SES36. Analysis of Influences of Instability Processes at Working Operation Parameters
PublicationIn this study, the influences of different parameters on performance of a wickless heat pipe have been presented. Experiments have been carried out for an input power range from 50 W to 300 W, constant cooling water mass flow rate of 0.01 kg/s, and constant temperature at the inlet to condenser of 10 C. Three working fluids have been tested: water, ethanol, and SES36 (1,1,1,3,3-Pentafluorobutane) with different filling ratios (0.32,...
Rurka ciepła z pętlą obiegową jako urządzenie do odzysku ciepła
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono możliwości odzysku ciepła za pomocą rurki ciepła z pętlą obiegową (ang. loop heat pipe)
The concept of capillary forces supported evaporator for application to domestic ORC unit
PublicationIn the paper presented are studies on the investigation of the capillary forces effect inducted in the porous structure of a loop heat pipe. The potential application of such heat exchanger is for example an evaporator of the domestic micro CHP unit. Preliminary analysis of the results indicates water as having the best potential, however taking into account all issues it can be said that the best effect is obtained using ethanol.
Koncepcja stanowiska oraz badania możliwości bezpompowego przetłaczania czynnika w rurce ciepła z pętlą obiegową. Część I - Wstęp-charakterystyka obiegu LHP
PublicationBezpompowa cyrkulacja czynnika roboczego występuje w rurkach ciepła z pętlą obiegową (LHP, ang. Loop Heat Pipe). Rurki ciepła oparte na pętli, to urządzenia dwufazowe służące do transportu ciepła, wykorzystujące grawitacyjne i kapilarne siły do wzbudzania obiegu czynnika roboczego. LHP stało się bardzo obiecującym urządzeniem, możliwym do wykorzystania w różnego rodzaju zaawansowanych urządzeniach pracujących naziemnie. W pierwszej...
Measurements of the heat of hydration released by concrete specimens cured under adiabatic conditions
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains measurements of heat of hydartion of concrete cubes (150 x 150 x 150 mm) cured under adiabatic conditions. The specimens were moulded from six types of concrete mixtures produced in the laboratory conditions. Mix #1: Portland cement CEM I 42.5R and gravel aggregate, mix #2: CEM I 42.5R and basalt aggregate, mix#3: Portland-composite...
Selektywne chłodzenie mózgu noworodka po niedotlenieniu okołoporodowym. Cześć 3. Hybrydowy system selektywnego chłodzenia mózgu noworodka
PublicationZapoczątkowane brakiem tlenu procesy biochemiczne mają zgubne skutki dla układu nerwowego, w szczególności rozwijającego się. Hipotermia, czyli stan oziębienia poniżej pewnych wartości temperatur, spowalnia znacznie lub całkowicie wyhamowuje poszczególne reakcje, i to leży u podstaw jej własności neuroprotekcyjnych. Powyższe twierdzenie poparte licznymi faktami naukowymi leży u podstaw koncepcji selektywnego chłodzenia mózgu i...
Badania połączeń spawanych rurociągu wody pitnej we Włocławku, ang. Welding joints tests in drinking water pipeline.
PublicationCelem badań opisanych w pracy było określenie przyczyn korozji powstałej w strefie wpływu ciepła (SWC) w obwodowych połączeniach spawanych w rurociągu wody pitnej. Materiałem, z którego wykonano rurociąg to stal 304/304L. W obszarze złącza spawanego stwierdzono wżery inicjowane od niezgodności geometrycznych, gdzie mogły gromadzić się osady zwiększające udział chlorków bezpośrednio przy powierzchni rury, promujące tym procesy korozyjne....
Experimental study of pressure rise at the evaporator of capillary pumped loop with acetone and water as working fluids
PublicationIn this work studied is the possibility of fluid pumping using capillary forces in the capillary pumped loop. Experimental and theoretical studies have been performed to understand the phenomena associated with heat transfer in porous structure of the evaporator. The capillary effect was studied during operation of two different capillary porous structures with two different working fluids, namely water and acetone. The results...
The loop impedance measurement
Open Research DataThe loop impedance measurement
Sound intensity distribution around organ pipe
PublicationThe aim of the paper was to compare acoustic field around the open and stopped organ pipes. The wooden organ pipe was located in the anechoic chamber and activated with a constant air flow, produced by an external air-compressor. Thus, long-term steady state response was possible to obtain. Multichannel acoustic vector sensor was used to measure the sound intensity distribution of radiated acoustic energy. Measurements have been...
Extremal thermal loading of a bifurcation pipe
PublicationThe subject of considerations is a spherical bifurcation pipe of a live steam made of steel P91, which is an element of a block of coal-fired power plant working with a 18K370 turbine. As experience shows, it is a very sensitive element of the boiler pipelines. An extreme work scenario for such a block has been adopted, in which the turbine is shutting down to a warm state three times in 24 hours. This is an action dictated by...
Verification of baffle factor for straight pipe flow
PublicationDuring the water disinfection devices designing, it is often assumed that the baffle factor for a straight pipe reactors is equal to one. It would be possible only for the plug flow, which is a simplified model of the flow and does not appear in real situations. The paper contains an equation which enables calculation of the real value of the baffle factor for the pipe flow.
Improved energy management technique in pipe-embedded wall heating/cooling system in residential buildings
PublicationEffective and environmentally responsive techniques of energy management in residential buildings are desirable for the resulting reduction of energy costs and consumption. In this paper, an improved and efficient technique of energy management in pipe-embedded wall heating/cooling systems, called the Thermal Barrier, is described. Specifically, the Thermal Barrier is a technique focused on the management and control of heat...
Improved energy management technique in pipe-embedded wall heating/cooling system in residential buildings
PublicationEffective and environmentally responsive techniques of energy management in residential buildings are desirable for the resulting reduction of energy costs and consumption. In this paper, an improved and efficient technique of energy management in pipe-embedded wall heating/cooling systems, called the Thermal Barrier, is described. Specifically, the Thermal Barrier is a technique focused on the management and control of heat supply...
Flow Boiling in Minigap in the Reversed Two-Phase Thermosiphon Loop
PublicationThe paper presents the results of experimental investigations of a model of a heat exchanger featuring a minigap, which is perceived as an evaporator for an inverted thermosiphon. The system works with a single component test fluid. The tested evaporator generates pumping power in the test loop in a way similar to the mammoth pump. The tests regarded a module of the heat exchanger, consisting of a hot leg and a cold leg with the...
High Performance Tubular Heat Exchanger with Minijet Heat Transfer Enhancement
PublicationIn the paper, the original cylindrical heat exchanger with minijets (MJHE) was introduced. The systematic experimental analysis of the prototype heat exchanger was described with special attention paid to such parameters as the heat transfer effectiveness, heat transfer rates, overall heat transfer coefficients, and pressure drop. The heat transfer coefficients were determined based on Wilson plot method, the most suitable approach...
Design and experimental investigations of a cylindrical microjet heat exchanger for waste heat recovery systems
PublicationCompact heat exchangers have more and more applications in many areas, including the HVAC, food and petrochemical industry. This paper describes the development of heat exchanger technology for waste heat recovery (WHR) from a range of processes. Case-study testing shows that the proposed heat exchanger can successfully enhance heat transfer and recover waste heat in a range of applications making them economically, environmentally and...
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Measurements and visualization of sound field distribution around organ pipe
PublicationMeasurements and visualization of acoustic field around an organ pipe are presented. Sound intensity technique was applied for this purpose. Measurements were performed in free field. The organ pipe was activated with a constant air flow, produced by an external compressor, aimed at obtaining long-term steady state responses of generated acoustic signal. Sound energy distribution was measured in a defined fixed grid of points...
Numerical Study of Turbulent Flow and Heat Transfer of Nanofluids in Pipes
PublicationIn this work, Nusselt number and friction factor are calculated numerically for turbulent pipe flow (Reynolds number between 6000 and 12000) with constant heat flux boundary condition using nanofluids. The nanofluid is modelled with the single-phase approach and the simulation results are compared with experimental data. Ethylene glycol and water, 60:40 EG/W mass ratio, as base fluid and SiO2 nanoparticles are used as nanofluid...
Uncertainty estimation of loop impedance measurement determined by the vector method
PublicationThis article presents a detailed analysis of uncertainty estimation of loop impedance measurement determined by the vector method. The analysis includes the following estimates: resistance variance, voltage variance and time measurement variance. This paper presents a methodology for estimating the combined standard uncertainty of loop impedance by the vector method. The vector method allows to determine loop impedance based on...
Partition of friction heat between sliding semispaces due to adhesion-deformational heat generation
PublicationAnalytical expressions of heat-partition coefficient and contact temperatures for two sliding semispaces with account for adhesion-deformational heat generation and contact heat exchange have been obtained. The rate of deformational heat generation is assumed to decay exponentially with increase of distance from the interface. It has been shown that heat-generation configuration and the intensity of contact heat exchange have impact...
Sounding Mechanism of a Flue Organ Pipe—A Multi-Sensor Measurement Approach
PublicationThis work presents an approach that integrates the results of measuring, analyzing, and modeling air flow phenomena driven by pressurized air in a flue organ pipe. The investigation concerns a Bourdon organ pipe. Measurements are performed in an anechoic chamber using the Cartesian robot equipped with a 3D acoustic vector sensor (AVS) that acquires both acoustic pressure and air particle velocity. Also, a high-speed camera is employed...
Experimental studies on the impact of changing the pipe material on the propagation of the pressure wave during water hammer
PublicationAim of the paper is to present the results studying the water hammer phenomenon in pipes made of different materials, and to show the impact of changing the type of material of the pipe on the velocity of the pressure wave during the transient flow in the pipes. In terms of research material and methods, pipes made of galvanized steel and high-density polyethylene were tested. Measurements were made using strain gauges with a high...
Alternative Approach to Convolution Term of Viscoelasticity in Equations of Unsteady Pipe Flow
PublicationIn the paper the selected aspects concerning description of viscoelastic behavior of pipe walls during unsteady flow are analyzed. The alternative convolution expression of the viscoelastic term is presented and compared with the corresponding term referring to unsteady friction. Both approaches indicate similarities in the forms of impulse response functions and the parameter properties. The flow memory was introduced into convolution...
Experimental and Computational Fluid Dynamics Studies on Straight and U-Bend Double Tube Heat Exchangers with Active and Passive Enhancement Methods
PublicationIn this work, the authors wanted to demonstrate the possibility to increase the heat transfer efficiency by using simple wire coil inserts to create turbulent flow in the boundary layer as well as air blowing into the annulus of the pipe. Experimental investigations were carried out for four heat exchanger constructions, i.e., plain double tube, turbulized double tube, plain U-bend double tube, U-tube with turbulator, plain double...
Numerical methods in heat and fluid flow
e-Learning CoursesThis course introduces numerical methods for solving complex problems in heat and fluid flow using computational tools such as ANSYS Fluent. Topics include geometry creation, meshing, steady and transient flow simulations, heat transfer, and turbulence modeling. The course emphasizes practical applications through exercises like laminar and turbulent flow, conjugate heat transfer, and combustion modeling, culminating in a final...
A simplified model of 3-D pipe system conveying flowing liquid
PublicationThe paper presents a model reduction technique of a 3-D pipe system with flowing liquid. In the analysis and design of control (mechatronic) systems it is useful to work with simple, low order models. A hybrid reduced order model is proposed. The system model consists of two parts, the modal model and the finite element model.
Power Hardware-in-the-Loop Approach In Power System Development
PublicationThe main objective of the research is the verification of the Power Hardware-In-The-Loop (PHIL) approach in power system analysis and design. The premise of the article is that using PHIL approach the performance of the power system in steady and transient state conditions can be analysed in real power system conditions. Models of induction machine were developed and real time simulations were performed. Simulation variables were...
Performance analyses of helical coil heat exchangers. The effect of external coil surface modification on heat exchanger effectiveness
PublicationThe shell and coil heat exchangers are commonly used in heating, ventilation, nuclear industry, process plant, heat recovery and air conditioning systems. This type of recuperators benefits from simple construction, the low value of pressure drops and high heat transfer. In helical coil,centrifugal force is acting on the moving fluid due to the curvature of thetube results in the development. It has been long recognized that the...
An inverse algorithm for contact heat conduction problems with an interfacial heat source based on a first-order thermocouple model
PublicationInverse problems of contact heat conduction with an interfacial heat source are common in various fields of science, engineering and technology. In this study, an algorithm for their solution is developed based on an inverse parametric optimisation method with an impulse response function describing the heat partition and contact heat transfer. A first-order thermocouple model with a time constant parameter is embedded in the impulse...
Weldability of pipe grade polyethylenes as realized from thermal and mechanical properties assessments
PublicationSince polyethylene (PE) has been widely accepted for the production of high-pressure fluid conveying pipelines, studies devoted to weldability of PE connections were always of major importance. In this study, two industrial PE grades designed for pipe production, namely PE80 and PE100, were injection molded, cut, and then welded as PE100-PE100, PE100-PE80, and PE80-PE80. The heat-welded joints were assessed by differential scanning...
Fault Loop Impedance Measurement in Circuits Fed by UPS and Principle of Safety Protection
PublicationThis paper indicates a significant problem of uncertainty of fault loop impedance (FLI) measurement in circuits powered from uninterruptible power supply (UPS) (double-conversion AC-DC-AC). The correctly determined value of this impedance, related to the short-circuit current disconnection time and to the reference value, is one of the most important elements that determines the approval of an electrical installation and its receivers...
High-temperature heat pumps – potential technology for heat recovery and production of process heat
PublicationIn the paper, the high temperature vapour compressor based heat pump with a selection of working fluids, both perspective and ecological ones, is considered. Such system is not yet commercially available on the market and in author’s opinion it has significant potential for various applications. In the presented analysis it was assumed that the heat source has a temperature of 50oC and the temperature lift is 60, 80 and 100K respectively....
Alternative convolution approach to friction in unsteady pipe flow
PublicationIn the paper some aspects of the unsteady friction in pipe flow expressed by the convolution are analyzed. This additional term introduced into the motion equation involves the accelerations of fluid occurring in the past and a weighting function. The essence of such approach is to assume the appropriate form of weighting function. However, until now no fully reliable formula for this function has been found. To avoid some inconveniences...