Search results for: Light pollution
The Indication Methods and Techniques of Urban Light Pollution
PublicationThe goal of this study is to review and categorize approaches and methods of facing urban light pollution. Probing various references and documents, the current practice focus on extracting and reviewing different types of urban light pollution detection, survey, and measurement to define a taxonomy of methods by instant comparison. The means of measurement and detecting this pollution include 14 most cited techniques that have...
PublicationAccess to remote sensing night-time imagery allows for modeling of light pollution Increasingly, data on the propagation of artificial light are a source of interesting information for different fields of science and affect the planning of economic development. The article presents the problem of light pollution in the context of threats to the wildlife corridors in Poland. Wildlife corridors are areas that allow safe migration...
An Innovative New Approach to Light Pollution Measurement by Drone
PublicationThe study of light pollution is a relatively new and specific field of measurement. The current literature is dominated by articles that describe the use of ground and satellite data as a source of information on light pollution. However, there is a need to study the phenomenon on a microscale, i.e., locally within small locations such as housing estates, parks, buildings, or even inside buildings. Therefore, there is an important...
Monitoring Artificial Light Pollution Using a Multispectral Camera
PublicationStudying the adverse effects of artificial light pollution requires systematic monitoring using various methods. One commonly used technique involves assessing the intensity of light reflected from surfaces with different types of digital cameras at various measurement levels. However, this approach does not always fully capture the characteristics of the light source itself. In our study, we focused on the potential application...
Assessment of Citizens’ Actions against Light Pollution with Guidelines for Future Initiatives
PublicationDue to the wide reach of media reports about scientific research and technological tools such as the world wide web (WWW), the Internet, and web browsers, citizens today have access to factual information about the negative impact of artificial light at night (ALAN) on their dark skies, and their health and well-being. This means they can now make educated decisions and take the necessary steps to help protect themselves and their...
Polarised light pollution on river water surfaces caused by artificial light at night from illuminated bridges and surroundings
PublicationLight is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum visible to the human eye, and such electromagnetic waves can be polarised (Foster et al., 2018) (Supplementary Material). Generally, humans are not able to perceive polarised light, apart from some very specific situations (Haidinger, 1844), while several animals are able to perceive it (Foster et al., 2018). Polarisation can occur when unpolarised light is reflected or transmitted...
Light pollution from illuminated bridges as a potential barrier for migrating fish–Linking measurements with a proposal for a conceptual model
PublicationIlluminated bridges have become important assets to navigable aquatic systems. However, if artificial light at night (ALAN) from illuminated bridges reaches aquatic habitats, such as rivers, it can threaten the river's natural heterogeneity and alter the behavioural responses of migratory fish. Here, via a pilot study, we quantified levels of ALAN at illuminated bridges that cross a river and, propose a conceptual model to estimate...
O (bez)skuteczności prawa polskiego wobec antropogenicznych zanieczyszczeń światłem sztucznym (ang. man-made light pollution)
PublicationPrzepisy obowiązującego prawa polskiego nie przewidują skutecznej regulacji w zakresie przeciwdziałania antropogenicznym zanieczyszczeniom światła sztucznego. Określone zjawisko nie jest kwalifikowane do „zanieczyszczeń”, o których mowa w ustawie - Prawo ochrony środowiska, zaś „emisja sztucznego światła” nie mieści się w pojęciu „emisji” uregulowanym w tej ustawie. Zważywszy na negatywne skutki zanieczyszczeń światłem sztucznym...
Global Approaches to Reduce Light Pollution from Media Architecture and Non-Static, Self-Luminous LED Displays for Mixed-Use Urban Developments
PublicationUrban environments have become significantly brighter and more illuminated, and cities now consider media architecture and non-static, self-luminous LED displays an essential element of their strategy to attract residents, visitors, and tourists in the hours after dark. Unfortunately, most often, they are not designed with care, consideration, and awareness, nor do they support the visual wellbeing and circadian rhythms of humans....
Urban city lights. Light pollution as one of the effects of incorrectly designed external illumination. How can a successful lighting masterplan diminish its impact?
PublicationIn the modern world, artificial lighting brings many tangible benefits such as the ability to extend working hours and so increase production, recreational use of the city after dark, or the possibility to travel regardless of the time of day. However, this flexibility comes at a price and negatively impacts on the environment. One such negative phenomenon is Light Pollution ‐ a term used to describe excessive nighttime artificial...
Karolina Zielińska-Dąbkowska dr hab. inż. arch.
PeopleKarolina M. Zielinska-Dabkowska, Ph.D., Eng. Arch., M. Arch., is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Architecture of Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT). In 2002, she completed her studies of Architecture and Urban Planning at Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk Tech) and in 2004, Architectural Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HAWK) in Hildesheim, Germany. After graduation, she worked for several...
Reducing nighttime light exposure in the urban environment to benefit human health and society
PublicationNocturnal light pollution can have profound effects on humans and other organisms. Recent research indicates that nighttime outdoor lighting is increasing rapidly. Evidence from controlled laboratory studies demonstrates that nocturnal light exposure can strain the visual system, disrupt circadian physiology, suppress melatonin secretion, and impair sleep. There is a growing body of work pointing to adverse effects of outdoor lighting...
Paweł Burdziakowski dr inż.
PeoplePaweł Burdziakowski, PhD, is a professional in low-altitude aerial photogrammetry and remote sensing, marine and aerial navigation. He is also a licensed flight instructor and software developer. His main areas of interest are digital photogrammetry, navigation of unmanned platforms and unmanned systems, including aerial, surface, underwater. He conducts research in algorithms and methods to improve the quality of spatial measurements...
An Impact Analysis of Artificial Light at Night (ALAN) on Bats. A Case Study of the Historic Monument and Natura 2000 Wisłoujście Fortress in Gdansk, Poland
PublicationThe artificial light at night (ALAN) present in many cities and towns has a negative impact on numerous organisms that live alongside humans, including bats. Therefore, we investigated if the artificial illumination of the historic Wisłoujście Fortress in Gdańsk, Poland (part of the Natura 2000 network), during nighttime events, which included an outdoor electronic dance music (EDM) festival, might be responsible for increased...
Design and implementation of an illumination system to mimic skyglow at ecosystem level in a large‐scale lake enclosure facility
PublicationLight pollution is an environmental stressor of global extent that is growing exponentially in area and intensity. Artificial skyglow, a form of light pollution with large range, is hypothesized to have environmental impact at ecosystem level. However, testing the impact of skyglow at large scales and in a controlled fashion under in situ conditions has remained elusive so far. Here we present the first experimental setup to mimic...
A method of selecting light sources from night satellite scenes
PublicationSatellite images carries a lot of data. Very sophisticated methods of analyses may reveal very complicated nature of the observed objects. In case of night images, lights play the role of information sources. In this paper we would like to present results of the research aimed to describe light sources from satellite night images by providing description of their luminosity. The authors point source imaging data from the satellite...
A study of nighttime vehicle detection algorithms
Open Research DataThis dataset is from my master's thesis "A study of nighttime vehicle detection algorithms". It contains both raw data and preprocessed dataset ready to use. In the pictures below you can see how images were annotated.
New light on the photocatalytic performance of NH4V4O10 and its composite with rGO
PublicationSolar-driven photocatalysis has shown great potential as a sustainable wastewater treatment technology that utilizes clean solar energy for pollutant degradation. Consequently, much attention is being paid to the development of new, efficient and low-cost photocatalyst materials. In this study, we report the photocatalytic activity of NH4V4O10 (NVO) and its composite with rGO (NVO/rGO). Samples were synthesized via a facile one-pot...
Looking Up to the Stars. A Call for Action to Save New Zealand’s Dark Skies for Future Generations to Come
PublicationThe rapid development of technology coupled with humanity’s desire to reach beyond terra firma, has resulted in more than 60 years of Outer Space activities. Although the exploration of space has provided many advantages and benefits to society so far, including vast, new information that has greatly added to our understanding of our planet and beyond, unfortunately, mankind’s footprint has negative aspects that need to be minimised...
Healthier and Environmentally Responsible Sustainable Cities and Communities. A New Design Framework and Planning Approach for Urban Illumination
PublicationAlthough sustainability and sustainable development are both considered necessary practices in various fields today, a recent analysis showed that the Sustainable Development Goal SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities established by the United Nations does not address urban illumination and its impact. This oversight is of concern because research carried out in the last 20+ years indicates artificial light at night (ALAN)...
PublicationThe paper studies the role of light in architectural creations of contemporary buildings of representative function. Based on the selected projects and completed buildings dedicated to culture and art, it analyzes and systematizes the examples of using light to obtain visual effects that mark the architecture with a universal and timeless message. The method of research is case study and critical analysis of literature. Light plays...
Do the New Requirements for the Use of Energy Efficient Lighting Design Mean the End of Creativity?,
PublicationThis paper addresses issues strongly connected to recent environmental discussions which are currently taking place in Europe, Asia, America, Australia and other parts of the world about global warming, the Greenhouse Effect, light pollution and other negative impacts artificial lighting has on our planet and what can be done about it. The author also attempts to answer indirectly two of the most important questions for lighting...
Data from environmental sensors installed in two locations
Open Research DataThe dataset contains data gathered from environmental sensors installed in two locations:
Calculation methods of interaction of electromagnetic waves with objects of complex geometries
PublicationModeling of the electromagnetic interaction with different homogeneous or inhomo-geneous objects is a fundamental and important problem. It is relatively easy to solve Maxwellequations analytically when the scattering object is spherical or cylindrical, for example. How-ever, when it loses these properties all that is left for us is to useapproximation models, to ac-quire the solution we need. Modeling of complex, non-spherical,...
Exploring the Institutional and Bottom-Up Actions for Urban Air Quality Improvement: Case Studies in Antwerp and Gdańsk
PublicationThe article presents the results of qualitative studies concerning the presence of air quality management in the process of urban planning and in the public discourse in Antwerp, Belgium, and Gdańsk, Poland. We focused on the way urban planners, environmental experts, and stakeholders perceive the problem of air pollution, especially with respect to urban development policy, and whether they consider it one of the major factors...
An overview of the cognitive and biological effects of city nighttime illumination including a London case study
PublicationCurrent scientific research demonstrates how critical the effects of city nighttime illumination are upon cognitive and biological health1 – which needs to be adequately acknowledged, understood and addressed by conscious cities and the plans they develop. Until recent decades, the design of nighttime lighting was determined mostly by electrical engineers who often applied technical standards to meet the requirements of vehicle-focused...
Sources and composition of chemical pollution in Maritime Antarctica (King George Island), part 1: Sediment and water analysis for PAH sources evaluation in the vicinity of Arctowski station
PublicationThe paper presents a study regarding the identification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in fresh waters and surface sediments on the western shore of Admiralty Bay over four sampling seasons from 2017 to 2018. The results were compared to literature data from 2016 to provide a more comprehensive image of the environmental fate of PAHs over the years. The highest value of Σ PAHs was 82.9 ng/L and 445 ng/g dw in water...
Lighting Design for the 21st Century Applied research in lighting practice
PublicationFor those who are unfamiliar with research, it’s important to know there are two categories. Fundamental (or basic) research and applied research. Basic research often discusses scientific ideas/theories, whereas, applied research explores testing these ideas in practice to develop technology or techniques. It’s applied research which most interests lighting practitioners. Great lighting design that creates a pleasant and beneficial...
Enhanced Visible Light Active WO3 Thin Films Toward Air Purification: Effect of the Synthesis Conditions
PublicationTaking into consideration, our current environmental situation in the world people should face with growing problem of air and water pollution. Heterogeneous photocatalysis is highly promising tool to improve both, air and water quality through decomposition/mineralization of contaminations directly into harmless CO2 and H2O under ambient conditions. In this contribution we focused on the synthesis of self-assembly WO3 thin films...
Optimized photodegradation of palm oil agroindustry waste effluent using multivalent manganese–modified black titanium dioxide
PublicationThis article presents a methodological approach to use manganese (Mn3+Mn7+)-modified black titanium dioxide (Mn/BTiO2) as a photocatalyst to optimize and improve visible-light-driven photodegradation of treated agro-industrial effluent (TPOME). A modified wet chemical process was used to prepare BTiO2. The BTiO2 was then wet impregnated with Mn and calcined at 300 °C for 1 h to produce Mn/BTiO2. The activity of Mn/BTiO2 was investigated...
Capillary Electrophoresis in determination of short - chain carboxylic acids in aqueous samples
PublicationAnalysis of pollution is extremely important especially in areas directly adjacent tothe residential district. Studies show that short- chain carboxylic acids are a group ofcompounds widespread around sewage treatment plants, landfills, livestock farms. The mostcommon techniques for determination of short - chain carboxylic acids are chromatographictechniques, especially gas chromatography, whose main limitation is that only volatilemonocarboxylic...
A Review on Metal–Organic Framework as a Promising Catalyst for Biodiesel Production ENERGY & FUELS
PublicationThe rapid depletion of fossil-derived fuels along with rising environmental pollution have motivated academics and manufacturers to pursue more environmentally friendly and sustainable energy options in today’s globe. Biodiesel has developed as an ecologically favorable alternative. However, the mass manufacturing of biodiesel on an industrial scale confronts substantial cost and pricing challenges. To address this issue, high-efficiency...
Transformation of the Odesa Waterfront
PublicationOdesa is a unique city: it is the third-largest city in Ukraine and the second in the Black sea region. During its short but eventful history, it gathered a variety of cultural layers within its boundaries, what had reflected in its architecture, urban life, and unique accent of its inhabitants. The city`s waterfront is considered to be the Pearl of the Black Sea. Starting with the receiving of the Porto Franco status in 1819,...
Badania nad rozdzielaniem grupowym i analityką składu grupowego olejów bazowych i smarowych, zwłaszcza o szerokim zakresie polarności składników
PublicationRozprawa to studia i badania nad rozdzielaniem i analityką składu grupowego olejów bazowych i smarowych o szerokim zakresie polarności składników. Studium literatury wykazało brak metodyk badania udziału frakcji naftowej i roślinnej w takich olejach oraz nieadekwatność w tym celu HPLC. Pierwsza część pracy to badania nad opracowaniem wielokrotnie zastosowanej w praktyce terenowej metodyki i wyposażenia dla zastosowania fluorescencji...
Decolorisation of Methylene Blue with Sodium Persulfate Activated with Visible Light in the Presence of Glucose and Sucrose
PublicationThe paper presents the results of research on the methylene blue (MB) degradation with sodium persulfate (PDS) activated with visible light (Vis) in the presence of glucose and sucrose. The following test were examined: absence and presence of sugars in concentrations of 50–300 mM, presence and absence of Vis radiation, pH of the model solution (6.0–12.0), identification of free radicals, kinetics of the pseudo-first-order reaction....
Photocatalytic decolourization of Rhodamine-B dye by visible light active ZIF-8/BiFeO3 composite
PublicationIn this work, preparation of ZIF-8 supported BiFeO3 photocatalyst by ultrasound cavitation technique was reported. The synthesized materials were characterized using solid UV absorption spectroscopy, Raman Spectroscopy, and SEM. The catalytic function of synthesized photocatalyst under ultraviolet and visible light was examined for the decolourization of Rhodamine-B (Rh-B) dye. To understand the action of the photocatalyst on Rh-B...
Visible Light–Driven Advanced Oxidation Processes to Remove Emerging Contaminants from Water and Wastewater: a Review
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Occurrence and seasonal variations of 25 pharmaceutical residues in wastewater and drinking water treatment plants
PublicationThousands of tons of pharmaceuticals are introduced into the aqueous environment due to their incomplete elimination during treatment process in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and water treat- ment plants (WTPs). The presence of pharmacologically active compounds in the environment is of a great interest because of their potential to cause negative effects. Furthermore, drugs can undergo different pro- cesses leading to the...
A new method and equipment for the detection of presence and estimation of the content of the petroleum-based fraction in lubricating oils, especially those emitted to the atmosphere
PublicationLubricating oil, used in cutting equipment, works in the so-called open lubrication system and is entirely emitted to the environment. When such an oil contains even a small portion of the crude oil-derived fraction, which is still very common, the oil is a serious environmental pollution. In addition, the oil mist poses a serious threat to the health of employees. Current legal regulations require users of saws and harvesters...
Synthesis, characterization, and application of 2D/2D TiO2-GO-ZnFe2O4 obtained by the fluorine-free lyophilization method for solar light-driven photocatalytic degradation of ibuprofen
PublicationIn this study, we report the potential of 2D/2D TiO2- GO-ZnFe2O4 photocatalyst obtained using the fluorine-free lyophilization technique for the degradation of ibuprofen belonging to the group of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API). The improved ibuprofen degradation under simulated solar light was achieved in the presence of a composite of 2D TiO2 combined with GO and embedded ZnFe2O4, which additionally provides superparamagnetic...
Determination of selected parameters/ analytes in surface water samples collected in the surroundings of the capital of Spitsbergen (Longyearbyen)
PublicationPolar regions are extremely sensitive to pollution such as harmful gases, particles or toxic substances which affect the Arctic climate and ecosystems. Spitsbergen, as well as all Arctic region, because of its geographically distant location and lack of industry sector, should be free of chemical pollution. Despite this, many pollutants could be found in the Polar environment, for example in freshwaters. Their occurrence is related...
A comprehensive assessment of environmental pollution by means of heavy metal analysis for oysters' reefs at Hab River Delta, Balochistan, Pakistan
PublicationThe heavy metal pollution status of oyster reefs has been assessed with respect to ten metals pollutants in seawater, sediments, and tissues of above two oysters (soft tissues and shells) for assessing the pollution status in a short food chain in Hab River Delta. The results showed that heavy metals accumulated in M. bilineata were higher than those in M. cuttackensis. Simultaneously, the population of M. bilineata species has...
Trace elements content of surface peat deposits in the Solovetsky Islands (White Sea)
PublicationPeatlands form environmental archives of trace element deposition. In this regard they are particularly valuable for areas such as the Arctic, where regular pollution monitoring is either impossible or extremely costly. The aim of this study was to assess pollution in the Solovetsky Islands (65° 05' N, 35° 53' E) by examining the spatial variability in trace element content of the uppermost layer of peat, immediately below the...
A framework for Air Quality Management Zones - Useful GIS-based tool for urban planning: Case studies in Antwerp and Gdańsk
PublicationThere is a growing recognition of the importance of proper urban design in the improvement of air flow and pollution dispersion and in reducing human exposure to air pollution. However, a limited number of studies have been published so far focusing on the development of standard procedures which could be applied by urban planners to effectively evaluate urban conditions with respect to air quality. To fill this gap, a new approach...
Tackling microplastics pollution in global environment through integration of applied technology, policy instruments, and legislation
PublicationMicroplastic pollution is a serious environmental problem that affects both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Small particles with size of less than 5 mm, known as microplastics (MPs), persist in the environment and pose serious threats to various species from micro-organisms to humans. However, terrestrial environment has received less attention than the aquatic environment, despite being a major source of MPs that eventually...
Contamination of water in Oliwski Stream after the flood in 2016
PublicationIn the article pollution of stream waters with surface runoff from an urbanized area caused by an extremely high rainfall is discussed. The analyzes were carried out after the rainfall of the depth 152 mm which took place in Gdańsk on 14th and 15th July 2016. This extreme rainfall caused urban flooding, damage of several retention ponds and pollution of surface waters. In the article the results of physical and chemical analyzes...
Nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in coastal aquifers in Puck municipality area (northern Poland)
Publication1. Groundwater study shows local variations in chemical composition of selected aquifers caused by human impact The diversity is mainly manifested in • time variation of groundwater chemical composition of all analyzed parameters especially in shallow aquifers (Q1) • relationship between t he ground water chemical composition and depth of the aquifer where an inverse concentration distribution occurs higher concentrations are observed...
Air Pollution: Monitoring
PublicationThe entry presents an overview of the issues in the field of air pollution monitoring. At the beginning, the general objectives of air monitoring, ambient air quality standards for so-called criteria pollutants, and their sources are discussed. In the next part, both analytical methods and instruments for monitoring of ambient air and stack gases are briefly presented. Additionally, other approaches used in air pollution monitoring,...
The influence of global climate change on the environmental fate of anthropogenic pollution released from the permafrost
PublicationThis article presents a review of information related to the influence of potential permafrost degradation on the environmental fate of chemical species which are relased and stored, classified as potential influence in future Antarctic environment. Considering all data regarding climate change prediction, this topic may prove important issue for the future state of the Antarctic environment. A detailed survey on soil and permafrost...
Assessment of the water quality of Kłodnica River catchment using self-organizing maps
PublicationRisk assessment of industrial areas heavily polluted due to anthropogenic actions is of increasing concern worldwide. So is the case of Polish Silesia region where mostly heavy industry like smelters, mining, chemical industries as well as heat and electricity production facilities are being located. Such situation raises numerous questions about environmental state of local water bodies with special attention paid to the Kłodnica...