total: 77
Centrifugal magnetic fluid seals
PublicationSeals perform an important and at times overlooked function in a lubricant system. They prevent or minimize the movement of the lubricant between two surfaces and also minimize the level of contamination in the system. Seals are divided into static and dynamic types. Static seals operate in systems where the mating surfaces do not move relative to each other. In contrast, dynamic seals operate under conditions where the mating surfaces...
PublicationT he operating conditions of magnetic fluid seals during reciprocating motion are so different from those observed in rotating motion that the use of their conventional structures for reciprocating motion seals yields no good results. The analysis of the sealing mechanism of magnetic fluid seals in reciprocating motion shows that the operation of these seals is affected by the carry-over phenomenon and magnetic fluid...
PublicationThe article analyses properties of magnetic fluid seals installed in rotary sealing no des which operate in the utility water environment. Seals of this type have been examined as a possible solution to the problem with ship manoeuvring propulsion sealing. The present analysis bases on laboratory durability tests of magnetic fluid seals expo sed to long - term utility water loads, at different water pressures and shaft revolutions....
PublicationThe centrifugal magnetic fluid seals have important advantage over the conventional centrifugal seals. They maintain very good sealing capacity at static, medium and high speeds of shaft rotation, with the increased seal lifetime, and minimum torque and static friction. These seals are particularly useful in cases when the angular shaft velocity varies and sometimes decreases to nearly or exactly zero, such as in flywheel applications,...
The Magnetic Fluid Seals Research Results vs. Kelvin-Helmholtz (K-H) instability and Preliminary Conclusions
PublicationIn the article a magnetic-fluid seals durability research and the tests results are presented. The tests were made with three magnetic fluids using various magnets quantity in magnetic assemblies. If values obtained in the repeated test deviated by more than 10 % from results of the first test an additional control test was made for final characteristics. The characteristics are: critical pressure, critical motion velocity and...
Multi-stage magnetic-fluid seals for operating in water - life test procedure, test stand and research results
PublicationThe edge criteria for magnetic-fluid seals durability research are critical for the seal'stechnological usefulness. The magnetic fluid seal technology in water is much moredifficult technological problem in comparison to gas or vacuum environment. There isalways problem with immediate contact between magnetic fluid and the environmentaluninspected liquids. In the paper are presented ways of experiments definitions carried outwith...
Experimental research on effectiveness of the magnetic fluid seals for rotary shafts working in water
PublicationUszczelnianie wałów obrotowych, łożysk i innych zespołów mechanicznych, za pomocą cieczy magnetycznej, tworzącej przegrodę uszczelniającą utrzymywaną siłami pola magnetycznego jest techniką uszczelniania, stosowaną z powodzeniem w urządzeniach pracujących w środowisku gazowym przy ciśnieniu do około 1,0 MPa. Uszczelnienia te umożliwiają również skuteczne rozwiązywanie problemu szczelności przepustów stałych i ruchowych w urządzeniach...
Multi-stage magnetic-fluid seals for operating in water - life test procedure, test stand and research results. Part II Results of life tests of multi-stage magnetic - fluid seal operating in water
PublicationThe edge criteria for magnetic-fluid seals durability research were described in previous article [24] and now the tests results are presented. The tests were made with three magnetic fluids using various magnets quantity in magnetic assemblies. If values obtained in the repeated test deviated by more than 10 % from results of the first test an additional control test was made for final characteristics. The characteristics are:...
The application of magnetic fluids in sealing nodes designed for operation in difficult conditions and in machines used in sea environment
PublicationPresented in article MF seals are being researched for sea technology purposes due to their excellent tightness and low resistance of motion. These features are most valuable for ring propellers and ship's main propeller shaft. There are more reasons why technologists payf significant attention for various MFseals applications in their difficult operating conditions. For instance, an advanced pumping systems are designed with contactless...
The application of magnetic fluids in sealing nodes designed for operation in difficult conditions and in machines used in sea environment
PublicationPresented in article MF seals are being researched for sea technology purposes due to their excellenttightness and low resistance of motion. These features are most valuable for ring propellers and ship'smain propeller shaft. There are more reasons why technologists payf significant attention for various MFseals applications in their difficult operating conditions. For instance, an advanced pumping systemsare designed with contactless...
Life tests of a rotary single-stage magnetic-fluid seal for shipbuilding applications
PublicationUse of the magnetic fluid seal technology in water is much more difficult technological problem in comparisonto gas or vacuum environment. Some seals constructed up to time been are designed as hybrid, two stagesealing structures with shields or mechanical seals used as protection measures to the magnetic fluid seal.Anyway, there is always problem with immediate contact between magnetic fluid and the environmentalliquid. In the...
Diagnostic Model of Crankshaft Seals
PublicationT he paper presents a research stand being a diagnostic model of radial lip seals used, among others, on crankshafts of piston combustion engines in order to identify the correctness of their operation. The possibility of determining the technical condition of lip seals on the basis of the proposed coefficient of correctness of operation has been described. T he basic features of seals influencing their correctness of...
Influence of lubricating oil improvers on performance of crankshaft seals
PublicationThis paper presents an original method for checking influence of lubricating oil improvers on performance of crankshaft seals of combustion piston engine. Crankshaft seals were tested with the use of a modified friction node of T-02 four- ball apparatus in laboratory conditions. The tests were conducted according to a worked-out algorithm. Their results confirmed usefulness of the method for determining „harmful” performance...
Explanation of Reduction of Pressure Forces in Turbine Chamber Seals
PublicationThe paper describes a chamber seal reducing the aerodynamic forces created in shroud seals. Asymmetrical pressure distribution (due to rotor-stator eccentricity) in the blade tip clearance leads to the creation of pressure forces acting on the blade shroud. By increasing the volume above the shroud, the pressure distribution becomes more uniform on the whole shroud circumference and the effect of rotor eccentricity is reduced....
Explanation of Reduction of Pressure Forces in Turbine Chamber Seals
PublicationThe paper describes a chamber seal reducing the aerodynamic forces created in shroud seals. Asymmetrical pressure distribution (due to rotor-stator eccentricity) in the blade tip clearance leads to the creation of pressure forces acting on the blade shroud. By increasing the volume above the shroud, the pressure distribution becomes more uniform on the whole shroud circumference and the effect of rotor eccentricity is reduced....
Mercury concentrations in marine biota with special focus on grey and ringed seals
PublicationMarine organisms are exposed and sensitive to effects of environmental contamination by heavy metals including different forms of mercury. Baltic seals as the top predators of the marine ecosystem are even more endangered due to (considerable) longevity as well as a long biological half-time of toxin elimination. The concentrations of mercury in seals from the Baltic is poorly known, thus the aim of this work is to determine and...
Calculations of labyrinth seals with and without diagnostic extraction in fluid-flow machines
PublicationLabyrinth seals are essential components of steam turbine unit constructions. Two types of labyrinth seals can be named, the first of which is the seal without diagnostic steam extraction, and the second – with extraction. The distribution of flow parameters along the packing is affected remarkably by the average seal clearance. The presence of diagnostic extraction leads to the equation system which is determinable and can be...
The Method of reduction of aerodynamic forces generated in turbine blade seals
PublicationThe distibution of pressure in the seal gaps does not only affect the so called '' leakage losses'' and the turbine stage overall efficiency but also plays an important role in the generation of aerodynamic forces which may cause self-excited rotor vibrations. The paper describes a chamber seal applied for the reduction of the aerodynamic forces created in shroud seals. This kind of turbine seal was patented and tested.
On the modelling of aerodynamic force coefficients for over-shroud seals of turbine stages
PublicationThis paper presents experimental investigations which made it possible to determine dynamic coefficients of labyrinth over-shroud seal of a model air turbine. The coefficients associate pressure forces with turbine rotor displacement, velocity and acceleration respective to turbine casing (linear model) and play important role in analyzing turbine-set dynamics. The obtained results indicated that involving serious errors can be...
Investigations On Water Circulation in Animal Sea-Water Basins – On the Example of Seals′ Breeding Pools
PublicationThis paper presents general comments concerning investigations on water circulation in animal breeding pools containing sea water. As an example are given results of computer simulation of water circulation in seals’ breeding pools situated in Marine Station at Hel, belonging to Oceanographic Institute, Gdansk University. A mathematical model of three main pools was prepared with taking into account their inflow and outflow water...
Reduction of pressure forces in turbine labyrinth seals
PublicationPrzedstawiono nową metodę zmniejszani sił samowzbudnych typu aerodynamicznego. zastosowano ją do różnych typów nadbandażowych uszczelnień labiryntowych. Efektywność rdukcji sił samowzbudnych wynosiła nawet ponad 60%. Potwierdzone rezultay obliczeniami i eksperymentalnie.
Anisakids of seals found on the southern coast of Baltic Sea
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Flows in turbine blade seals: CFD calculations versus experiment
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki numerycznej analizy przepływu w uszczelnieniu nadbandażowym stopnia turbinowego. Rezultaty obliczeń porównano z danymi doświadczalnymi. Eksperymenty przeprowadzono na modelowej turbinie powietrznej przy różnych częstościach obrotów wału i różnym obciążeniu turbiny.
The Method of Reduction of Aerodynamic Forces Generated in Turbine Blade Seals
PublicationOpisano metodę zmniejszania sił wymuszających drgania aerodynamiczne poprzez zastosowanie nowego uszczelnienia nadbandażowego typu komorowego. Efektywność stosowania uszczelnienia komorowego potwierdzono obliczeniami numerycznymi i badaniami eksperymentalnymi.
Research into flows in turbine blade seals. Part I: Research methods
PublicationOpisano numeryczną i doświadczalną metodę badania przepływu w uszczelnieniu nadbandażowym stopnia turbinowego. Badania numeryczne przeprowadzono programem Fluent, a badania doświadczalne wykonano na powietrznej turbinie modelowej. Zamieszczono przykładowe wyniki.
Research into flows in turbine blade seals. Part II: Numerical analysis
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań numerycznych programem Fluent przepływów w uszczelnieniu nadbandażowym stopnia turbinowego. Badania wykonano przy zastosowaniu różnych typów siatek obliczeniowych, różnych rodzajów "zszywek" oraz różnych metod obliczeniowych (Mixing Plane, Sliding Mesh, Multiple ReferenceFrame).
Influence of the steam within seals and glands of the turbine on its rotor motion stability.
PublicationPrzedstawiono metodę obliczania charakterystyk dynamicznych wpływu parowych uszczelnień turbin na ich dynamikę i stateczność ruchu wirników. Zarysowano model ''masowy'' uszczelnienia. Podano przykłady zastosowań.
Research into flows in turbine blade seals. Part III: Numerical calculations versus experiment
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań doświadczalnych przepływów w uszczelnieniu nadbandażowym stopnia turbinowego, przeprowadzonych na powietrznej turbinie modelowej. Rezultaty te porównano z wynikami badań numerycznych z zastosowaniem programu Fluent.
Static electric and magnetic multipole susceptibilities for Dirac one-electron atoms in the ground state
PublicationWe present tabulated data for several families of static electric and magnetic multipole susceptibilities for hydrogenic atoms with nuclear charge numbers from the range $1\leq Z\leq137$. Atomic nuclei are assumed to be point-like and spinless. The susceptibilities considered include the multipole electric polarizabilities $\alpha_{\mathrm{E}L\to\mathrm{E}L}$ and magnetizabilities (magnetic susceptibilities) $\chi_{\mathrm{M}L\to\mathrm{M}L}$...
Properties of a Sand and Bentonite Mixture as a Material for Spot Seals of Low Flood Embankments in the Area of Żuławy Elbląskie
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Static magnetic multipole susceptibilities of the relativistic hydrogenlike atom in the ground state: Application of the Sturmian expansion of the generalized Dirac-Coulomb Green function
PublicationWe study far- and near-field magnetic and electric multipole moments induced in the ground state of the Dirac one-electron atom placed in a weak 2L-pole magnetostatic field. The analysis is carried out within the framework of the first-order Rayleigh-Schrödinger perturbation theory, with the use of the Sturmian expansion of the generalized Dirac-Coulomb Green function [Szmytkowski, J. Phys. B 30, 825 (1997);J. Phys. B 30, 2747(E)...
Analiza możliwości wpływania na pracę promieniowego uszczelnienia ślizgowego poprzez deformowanie jego panwi = Analysis of possibility of influence on the radial sliding seals operating by deformation of the bearing sleeve
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono zasadę działania promieniowych uszczelnień ślizgowych oraz ukazano istotny wpływ podstawowych parametrów konstrukcyjnych na skuteczność i jakość ich pracy. Uszczelnienia te stosowane są w instalacjach okrętowych śrub nastawnych, w turbinach wodnych typu Kaplana i maszynach górniczych do drążenia tuneli. Umożliwiają one wprowadzenie oleju pod ciśnieniem do wnętrza obracającego się wału. Zapewnienie stabilnej...
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in human peripheral blood neutrophils exposedin vitroto static magnetic field
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Wysokociśnieniowe uszczelnienia ruchu obrotowego wału hydraulicznych maszyn wyporowych
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań mające na celu wytypowanie węzła uszczelniającego wał silnika hydraulicznego zapewniającego najwyższą trwałość przy smarowaniu wodą. Parametry pracy: ciśnienie 2 MPa i minimalna prędkość poślizgu uszczelek 2 m/s. Opisano również nowatorski przyrząd, na którym przeprowadzono pomiary wszystkich parametrów węzła uszczelniającego.
Ferrofluids based analytical extractions and evaluation of their greenness
PublicationFerrofluids are stable dispersions of magnetic nanoparticles in a carrier liquid. They have attracted considerable attention in analytical extractions as they combine fluid-like properties with magnetic character, providing magnetic control over the extraction process. The synthesis of ferrofluids is very straightforward, and it generally involves the preparation of magnetic nanoparticles, their coating, and then mixing in a suitable...
Bio and slide biobearings, their lubrication by non-newtonian fluids and application in non-conventional systems. Vol. 1, Principles of human joint lubrication with non-newtonian liquids for deformable bone and cartilage in magnetic field
PublicationW monografii przedstawiono zasady smarowania stawów człowieka o odkształcalnych chrząstkach i powierzchniach kostnych w polach indukcji magnetycznej. Uwzględnione zostały nienewtonowskie, lepkosprężyste właściwości cieczy synowialnych jako czynnika smarującego. Monografia prezentuje rozkłady wartości ciśnienia i nośności stawów człowieka w warunkach niestacjonarnego smarowania dla drgań o różnych amplitudach i częstotliwościach...
Influence of Bingham fluid viscosity on energy performances of a vortex chamber pump
PublicationOne of the problems in the development of coal-water technologies is the use of reliable and long-lasting pumps. To date, classic pumps, due to the use of mechanical moving parts and seals, are subject to rapid abrasive wear. The solution to this problem can lie in the creation of new vortex chamber pumps developed by the authors. They are highly reliable, simple in design and have no moving parts. The object of this paper consists...
PublicationLabyrinth seals are an important element of a steam turbine set design. The use of diagnostic extraction makes it possible to control the operation of a seal by providing information on the thermodynamic parameters along the length of the seal. Diagnostic extraction has a considerable impact on the change of the parameters, the amount of the extracted mass. This article describes the dependence of pressure in the clearance downstream...
PublicationLabyrinth seals are an important element of a steam turbine set design. The use of diagnostic extraction makes it possible to control the operation of a seal by providing information on the thermodynamic parameters along the length of the seal. Diagnostic extraction has a considerable impact on the change of the parameters, the amount of the extracted mass. This article describes the dependence of pressure in the clearance downstream...
Impact analysis of surface roughness of the plate-plate measuring system on resistance torque in interaction with MR fluid
PublicationMagnetorheological (MR) fluids are complex suspensions of magnetic particles in a non-magnetic carrier fluid. They exhibit ‘smart’ properties that enable them to change their rheological parameters in response to a change in the external magnetic field applied. This behavior is used in some engineering solutions, e.g. MR clutches or brakes. For such systems to work correctly, the resistance torque achieved by contact with the...
Experimental study of magnetorheological fluids under large periodic deformations
PublicationMagnetorheological (MR) fluids are smart materials whose properties can be controlled by a magnetic field. They are used in a variety of applications with tailored operating parameters, facilitating broad and relatively straightforward implementation and control of the functional properties of these systems. The aim of the study was to determine the variation in shear stress of MR fluids under varying...
CFD analysis of fluid flow through the labyrinth seal
PublicationSteam and gas turbines are some of the fundamental means of power generation. The energy efficiency of the turbines, however, is not satisfactory. Ever since the start-up of the first turbine in the world, engineers have been striving for their increased efficiency. Multiple solutions to the problem of steam loss in an operating turbine are available. The use of seals is one of them. Empirical methods or numerical calculations...
Rotordynamic characteristics of a chamber seal
PublicationThe paper presents the results of numerical and experimental investigations into pressure forces generated in a turbine labyrinth seal of a modernized type. The experiments were performed on a single-stage air model turbine of the impulse type. The experiments were performed on a single-stage air model turbine of the impulse type. The experimental data were compared with theoretical results obtained by means of CFD Fluent Code....
Magneto-thermal convection of low concentration nanofluids
PublicationThe main aim of this paper was to analyze possible utilization of the low concentration nanofluids and the magnetic field to enhance heat transfer. The studied fluids were based on water with an addition of copper particles (40-60 nm diameter). They belonged to the diamagnetic group of materials. As a first attempt to stated target the analysis of enclosure placed in the maximal value of square magnetic induction gradient was carried...
3D intact knee model used in analysis of the medial meniscus biomechanics in the osteoarthritic knee joint - input text file for computation
Open Research DataThe finite element method was used to simulate the stance phase of the gait cycle. An intact knee model with original geometry and material parametetrs was prepared based on magnetic resonance scans of the left knee joint of a healthy volunteer. The file was created in Abaqus 6.14-2, but can be read in a text editor.
Jednoelektronowy atom Diraca w słabym polu magnetycznym
PublicationW rozprawie przedstawiono opis wpływu zewnętrznego stałego, słabego, jednorodnego pola magnetycznego na jednoelektronowy atom Diraca. Wykorzystując funkcje gęstości ładunku elektrycznego oraz gęstości prądu elektrycznego, rozważono procesy indukowania się w atomie dodatkowych elektromagnetycznych momentów multipolowych. Dokonano analizy indukowanego momentu dipolowego, w wyniku której uzyskano wyrażenie dla magnetyzowalności atomu....
3D knee model M with decreased material parameters of the cartilage and menisci - input text file for computation
Open Research DataThe finite element method was used to simulate the stance phase of the gait cycle. An intact knee model was prepared based on magnetic resonance scans of the left knee joint of a healthy volunteer. In the model M the material parameters of cartilage and menisci were reduced to simulate degenerative changes in the medial knee osteoarthritis. The file...
3D knee model G with reduced thickness of articular cartilage - input text file for computation
Open Research DataThe finite element method was used to simulate the stance phase of the gait cycle. An intact knee model was prepared based on magnetic resonance scans of the left knee joint of a healthy volunteer. In the model G articular cartilage thickness was reduced in specific areas to simulate degenerative changes in the medial knee osteoarthritis. The file was...
3D model of osteoarthritic (OA) knee joint for analysis of the medial meniscus biomechanics - input text file for computation
Open Research DataThe finite element method was used to simulate the stance phase of the gait cycle. An intact knee model was prepared based on magnetic resonance scans of the left knee joint of a healthy volunteer. In the OA model thickness of articular cartilage and material parameters of the cartilage and menisci were reduced to simulate degenerative changes in the...
Sharp transitions in low-number quantum dots Bayesian magnetometry
PublicationWe consider Bayesian estimate of static magnetic field, characterized by a prior Gaussian probability distribution, in systems of a few electron quantum dot spins interacting with infinite temperature spin environment via hyperfine interaction. Sudden transitions among optimal states and measurements are observed. Usefulness of measuring occupation levels is shown for all times of the evolution, together with the role of entanglement...