Search results for: MARKOVIAN CONTROL
Simple SIR models with Markovian control
PublicationWe consider a random dynamical system, where the deterministic dynamics are driven by a finite-state space Markov chain. We provide a comprehensive introduction to the required mathematical apparatus and then turn to a special focus on the susceptible-infected-recovered epidemiological model with random steering. Through simulations we visualize the behaviour of the system and the effect of the high-frequency limit of the driving...
On asymptotic periodicity of kernel double Markovian operators
PublicationIt is proved that a kernel, doubly Markovian operator T is asymptotically periodic if and only if its deterministic σ-field Σd(T)(equivalently Σd(T∗)) is finite. It follows that kernel doubly Markovian operator T is asymptotically periodic if and only if T∗ is asymptotically periodic.
Objectivity in the non-Markovian spin-boson model
PublicationObjectivity constitutes one of the main features of the macroscopic classical world. An important aspect of the quantum-to-classical transition issue is to explain how such a property arises from the microscopic quantum theory. Recently, within the framework of open quantum systems, there has been proposed such a mechanism in terms of the so-called spectrum broadcast structures. These are multipartite quantum states of the system...
Solvability of a Markovian model of an IEEE 802.11 LANunder a backoff attack
PublicationPrzedstawiono ulepszony model jakościowy mechanizmu CSMA/CA dla bezprzewodowych sieci lokalnych z indywidualną konfiguracją okien rywalizacji. Sformułowano warunki dostateczne rozwiązywalności modelu oraz wykazano obecność bezwarunkowej motywacji do zmniejszania okien rywalizacji.
Threshold Attendance under Soft-Crash Model: TAG Protocol and Markovian Analysis
PublicationA realistic and systematic network evaluation should subsume an availability model and a failure model. We combine a "hard availability" model we call threshold attendance, whereby a certain minimum number of network elements must be present at any time, with a soft-crash failure model, whereby after experiencing a failure, a network element is still able to function correctly for a while in an emergency mode at a risk of a major...
Semi-Markovian models of the process of technical state changes of technical objects.
PublicationNajistotniejszym problemem eksploatacji wszystkich obiektów technicznych (urządzeń) jest problem racjonalnego (a zwłaszcza optymalnego) decyzyjnego sterowania procesem zmian stanów technicznych tych obiektów. Sterowanie takie może być realizowane w przypadku zastosowania między innymi modelu wspomnianego procesu zmian stanów. Mając to na uwadze, w opracowaniu tym przedstawiono formalny opis procesu eksploatacji obiektów technicznych...
Assesment of operation of ship main diesel engine using the theory of semi-markovian and markov processes.
PublicationTo precisely determine the task it is necessary to specify also its duration time, apart from conditions in which it will be realized. When considering propulsion engine, i.e. the main element of ship propulsion system, especially important becomes not only the problem which amount of energy could be at one's disposal but also within which time interval it could be delivered. Therefore apart from applying the commonly used reliability...
Physical aspect of application and usefulness of semi-Markovian processes for modelling the processes occurring in operational phase of technical objects.
PublicationW artykule zasygnalizowano przydatność teorii procesów semimarkowskich do tworzenia modeli procesów rzeczywistych, zachodzących w fazie eksploatacji różnych obiektów technicznych. Przydatność tej teorii została wykazana w wyniku przedstawienia: specyfiki procesów semimarkowskich oraz fizykalnych aspektów stosowania procesów semimarkowskich jako modeli procesów zachodzących w fazie eksploatacji wspomnianych obiektów. Specyfika została...
Distributed correlations and information flows within a hybrid multipartite quantum-classical system
PublicationUnderstanding the non-Markovian mechanisms underlying the revivals of quantum entanglement in the presence of classical environments is central in the theory of quantum information. Tentative interpretations have been given by either the role of the environment as a control device or the concept of hidden entanglement. We address this issue from an information-theoretic point of view. To this aim, we consider a paradigmatic tripartite...
Average Size of a Suffix Tree for Markov Sources
PublicationWe study a suffix tree built from a sequence generated by a Markovian source. Such sources are more realistic probabilistic models for text generation, data compression, molecular applications, and so forth. We prove that the average size of such a suffix tree is asymptotically equivalent to the average size of a trie built over n independentsequences from the same Markovian source. This equivalenceis only known for memoryless...
Trust Dynamics Analysis of CTR Scheme Subversion under Virtual Anonymity and Trust-Unaware Partner Selection
PublicationWe propose a framework to study Markovian trust value dynamics in a centralized Computational Trust and Reputation (CTR) scheme under trust-unaware partner selection using a mean-value approximation. Analytically founded answers are sought to questions like: Can dishonest agents subvert the CTR scheme (i.e., acquire higher trust values than honest agents)? Is indirect reciprocity incentivized? Is there a qualitative impact of a...
On thermal stability of topological qubit in Kitaev's 4D model
PublicationWe analyse stability of the four-dimensional Kitaev model-a candidate for scalable quantum memory - in finite temperature within the weak coupling Markovian limit. It is shown that, below a critical temperature, certain topological qubit observables X and Z possess relaxation times exponentially long in the size of the system. Their construction involves polynomial in system size algorithm which uses as an input the results of...
Dynamical description of quantum computing: generic nonlocality of quantumnoise
PublicationWe develop a dynamical non-Markovian description of quantum computing in the weak-coupling limit, in the lowest-order approximation. We show that the long-range memory of the quantum reservoir (such as the 1/t4 one exhibited by electromagnetic vacuum) produces a strong interrelation between the structure of noise and the quantum algorithm, implying nonlocal attacks of noise. This shows that the implicit assumption of quantum error...
Trustworthiness and Subversion in Large Service- Oriented Multi-Agent Systems under Virtual Anonymity and Blind Provider Selection
PublicationTo promote honest service provision in multi-agent systems, a Computational Trustworthiness and Rating scheme collects service ratings and computes agents' trustworthiness levels (TLs). Studies of existing schemes fail to reflect closed-loop dynamics of TLs arising from the mutual influence of agents' behavior and TLs, and to capture relevant properties. Recent simulative and analytical models produce results tied to a particular...
Dynamics of Chains as a Tool to Study Thermomechanical Properties of Proteins.
PublicationPolymer dynamics can be formulated on different levels of detail. One approach eliminates microscopic degrees of freedom and a polymer molecule is represented by a simplified structure—a chain. In the simplest case monomers of ideal chain have fixed length, and their orientation is independent of the orientations and positions of neighbouring monomers. This is reason that two monomers can co-exist at the same place. Ideal chain...
Mitigating Time-Constrained Stolen-Credentials Content Poisoning in an NDN Setting
PublicationNDN is a content-centric networking architecture using globally addressable information objects, created by publishers and cached by network nodes to be later accessed by subscribers. Content poisoning attacks consist in the substi-tution by an intruder publisher of bogus objects for genuine ones created by an honest publisher. With valid credentials stolen from an honest publisher, such attacks seem unstoppa-ble unless object...
Lossless Compression of Binary Trees with Correlated Vertex Names
PublicationCompression schemes for advanced data structures have become the challenge of today. Information theory has traditionally dealt with conventional data such as text, image, or video. In contrast, most data available today is multitype and context-dependent. To meet this challenge, we have recently initiated a systematic study of advanced data structures such as unlabeled graphs [1]. In this paper, we continue this program by considering...