Message Inter-Arrival and Inter-Departure Time Distributions in IMS/NGN Architecture
PublicationCurrently is it assumed that requirements of the information society for delivering multimedia services will be satisfied by the Next Generation Network (NGN) architecture, which includes elements of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) solution. In order to guarantee Quality of Service (QoS), NGN has to be appropriately designed and dimensioned. Therefore, proper traffic models should be proposed and applied. This requires determination...
Approximation of Message Inter-Arrival and Inter-Departure Time Distributions in IMS/NGN Architecture Using Phase-Type Distributions
PublicationCurrently it is assumed that requirements of the information society for delivering multimedia services will be satisfied by the Next Generation Network (NGN) architecture, which includes elements of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) solution. In order to guarantee Quality of Service (QoS), NGN has to be appropriately designed and dimensioned. Therefore, proper traffic models should be proposed and applied. This requires determination...
Analysis of IMS/NGN call processing performance using phase-type distributions
PublicationThis work is a continuation of our research on the traffic model dedicated for design and analysis of the Next Generation Network (NGN), which is standardized for distribution of current and future multimedia services based on the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). Our analytical and simulation models allow evaluation of mean Call Set-up Delay E(CSD) as well as mean Call Disengagement Delay E(CDD) in a single domain of IMS/NGN. Ensuring...
Asynchronous time difference of arrival (ATDOA) method
PublicationA new method for a location service in the asynchronous wireless sensor networks is outlined. This method, which is called asynchronous time difference of arrival (ATDOA), enables calculation of the position of a mobile node without knowledge of relative time differences (RTDs) between measuring sensors. The ATDOA method is based on the measurement of time difference of arrival between the node and the same sensor at the discrete...
Optimization of the efficiency of braking energy recovery in rail transport by changing arrival time
PublicationThe article refers to the previous work of the authors, in which the model of traffic organization of cooperating trains including the optimization of the use of energy returned to the catenary was presented. In the presented article, the model was modified by changing the main control variable, which affects the efficient use of energy. Departure time was changed for the arrival time of the train to the stop or station. The optimization...
A Meta-Analysis of Pulse Arrival Time Based Blood Pressure Estimation
PublicationThe paper presents a preliminary meta-analysis of the sample correlation between pulse arrival time (PAT) and blood pressure (BP). The aim of the study was to verify sample correlation coefficient between PAT and BP using an affine model BP = a · P AT + b for systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The databases included in the search were the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Springer Link and Google Scholar. Only papers from 2005 to...
Comparison of volume-and surface-detention-time distributions
PublicationCzas zatrzymania ścieków w reaktorze jest bardzo ważnym parametrem projektowym. Jego wyznaczenie jest trudne i kłopotliwe. Z tego względu zbadano możliwość zastąpienia wartości tego parametru, wyznaczonej tylko dla swobodnej powierzchni ścieków. W wyniku stwierdzono dopuszczalność takiej zamiany.
Improvement of time difference of arrival measurements resolution by using fractional delay filters in a direct sequence-code division multiple access radionavigation system
PublicationThis study presents a method of improving time measurements resolution in a direct sequence-code division multiple access receiver by using a fine code tracking loop based on fractional delay filtering of a despreading sequence. It briefly describes the structure of a generic digital code tracking loop and the proposed modification which allows to measure time difference of arrival values with the subsample resolution, together...
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Application of Cohen's class time-frequency distributions in the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction analysis.
PublicationW publikacji przedstawiono analizę rejestrów potencjałowych chemicznej reakcji oscylacyjnej Biełousowa-Żabotyńskiego z wykorzystaniem czasowo-częstotliwościowych rozkładów z klasy Cohen'a. Do analizy zastosowano rozkład Wignera-Ville'a, Choi-Williams'a i stożkowy. Opisano zalety oraz wady powyższych metod oraz wnioski o częstotliwościowej kompozycji oscylacji jakie można wyciągnąć na podstawie uzyskanych spektrogramów.
Application of Cohen´s class time-frequency distributions in the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction analysis
PublicationPrzedstawiono rezultaty spektralnej analizy rejestrów Biełousowa-Żabotyńskiego za pomocą czasowo-częstotliwościowych metod analizy sygnałów należących do klasy Cohen´a. Przykładowy rejestr zmian potencjału elektrody bromo-selektywnej został poddany analizie z wykorzystaniem rozkładu Wignera-Ville´a oraz rozkładu stożkowego. Zastosowanie powyższych algorytmów pozwoliło na uzyskanie spektrogramów przedstawiających zależność pomiędzy...
Cloud-to-ground lightning dipole moment from simultaneous observations by ELF receiver and combined direction finding and time-of-arrival lightning detection system
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A taxonomy of challenges to resilient message dissemination in VANETs
PublicationInter-vehicular communications is seen as a promising solution to a number of issues related with public road safety, road congestion management, and infotainment. However, Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs) characterized by high mobility of vehicles and facing a number of other issues related with high frequency wireless communications and network disconnections, encounter major challenges related with reliability of message delivery....
Bearing estimation using double frequency reassignment for a linear passive array
PublicationThe paper demonstrates the use of frequency reassignment for bearing estimation. For this task, signals derived from a linear equispaced passive array are used. The presented method makes use of Fourier transformation based spatial spectrum estimation. It is further developed through the application of two-dimensional reassignment, which leads to obtaining highly concentrated energy distributions in the joint frequency-angle domain...
Blood Pressure Estimation Based on Blood Flow, ECG and Respiratory Signals Using Recurrent Neural Networks
PublicationThe estimation of systolic and diastolic blood pressure using artificial neural network is considered in the paper. The blood pressure values are estimated using pulse arrival time, and additionally RR intervals of ECG signal together with respiration signal. A single layer recurrent neural network with hyperbolic tangent activation function was used. The average blood pressure estimation error for the data obtained from 21 subjects...
Customization of UWB 3D-RTLS Based on the New Uncertainty Model of the AoA Ranging Technique
PublicationThe increased potential and effectiveness of Real-time Locating Systems (RTLSs) substantially influence their application spectrum. They are widely used, inter alia, in the industrial sector, healthcare, home care, and in logistic and security applications. The research aims to develop an analytical method to customize UWB-based RTLS, in order to improve their localization performance in terms of accuracy and precision. The analytical...
Janusz Smulko prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleHe was born on April 25, 1964 in Kolno. He graduated in 1989 with honors from the Faculty of Electronics at Gdańsk University of Technology, specialising in measuring instruments. In 1989 he took second place in the Red Rose competition for the best student in the Pomerania Region. Since the beginning of his career ha has been associated with Gdańsk University of Technology: research assistant (1989-1996), Assistant Professor (1996-2012),...
Weak Stability of Centred Quadratic Stochastic Operators
PublicationWe consider the weak convergence of iterates of so-called centred quadratic stochastic operators. These iterations allow us to study the discrete time evolution of probability distributions of vector-valued traits in populations of inbreeding or hermaphroditic species, whenever the offspring’s trait is equal to an additively perturbed arithmetic mean of the parents’ traits. It is shown that for the existence of a weak limit, it...
Optymalizacja efektywności hamowania odzyskowego w transporcie szynowym przez sterowanie czasem przyjazdu na stację
PublicationArtykuł nawiązuje do poprzednich prac autorów, w których przedstawiono model organizacji ruchu kooperujących pociągów z uwzględnieniem optymalizacji wykorzystania energii zwracanej do sieci jezdnej. W przedstawionej pracy zmodyfikowano model zmieniając główną zmienną sterującą, mającą wpływ na efektywne wykorzystanie energii, z czasu odjazdu na czas przyjazdu pociągu na stację lub przystanek. Optymalizacja dokonywana jest przez...
Improving all-reduce collective operations for imbalanced process arrival patterns
PublicationTwo new algorithms for the all-reduce operation optimized for imbalanced process arrival patterns (PAPs) are presented: (1) sorted linear tree, (2) pre-reduced ring as well as a new way of online PAP detection, including process arrival time estimations, and their distribution between cooperating processes was introduced. The idea, pseudo-code, implementation details, benchmark for performance evaluation and a real case example...
Process arrival pattern aware algorithms for acceleration of scatter and gather operations
PublicationImbalanced process arrival patterns (PAPs) are ubiquitous in many parallel and distributed systems, especially in HPC ones. The collective operations, e.g. in MPI, are designed for equal process arrival times (PATs), and are not optimized for deviations in their appearance. We propose eight new PAP-aware algorithms for the scatter and gather operations. They are binomial or linear tree adaptations introducing additional process...
Information System for Drivers Within the Integrated Traffic Management System - TRISTAR
PublicationAdvanced traveler information systems (ATIS) for drivers are a very important element of modern traffic management. In recent years ITS infrastructure is being developed also in Poland. It allows for delivering to drivers information related to the conditions in the road network through, inter alia, dedicated Variable Message Signs (VMS). Such information enables drivers to take decisions, contributing to improving the efficiency...
Analysis of IMS/NGN Call Processing Performance Using Phase-Type Distributions Based on Experimental Histograms
PublicationThe paper describes our further research done with the proposed analytical and simulation traffic models of the Next Generation Network (NGN), which is standardized for delivering multimedia services with strict quality and includes elements of the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). The aim of our models of a single IMS/NGN domain is to evaluate two standardized call processing performance parameters, which appropriate values are very...
Transmitting Alarm Information in DAB+ Broadcasting System
PublicationThe main goal of digital broadcasting is to deliver high-quality content with the lowest possible bitrate. This paper is focused on transmitting alarm information, such as emergency warning and alerting, in the DAB+ (Digital Audio Broadcasting plus) broadcasting system. These additional services should be available at the lowest possible bitrate, in order to provide a clear and understandable voice message to people. Furthermore, additional...
Signal propagation in electromagnetic media described by fractional-order models
PublicationIn this paper, signal propagation is analysed in electromagnetic media described by fractional-order (FO) models (FOMs). Maxwell’s equations with FO constitutive relations are introduced in the time domain. Then, their phasor representation is derived for one-dimensional case of the plane wave propagation. With the use of the Fourier transformation, the algorithm for simulation of the non-monochromatic wave propagation is introduced....
A novel method of local chirp-rate estimation of LFM chirp signals in the time-frequency domain
PublicationIn the paper, novel dynamic representations of a complex signal in the time-frequency domain are introduced. The proposed approach is based on using the gradient of the short-time Fourier transform complex phase. A channelized instantaneous complex frequency (CICF) and a complex local group delay (CLGD) are included in the presented signal representations. An application of the newly-introduced distributions is demonstrated by...
PublicationIn this paper, we investigate the issue of providing the transmission continuity in IP-MPLS/WDM networks in the presence of failures of nodes/links. Special focus is put on assuring fast restoration of flows affected after a failure in a scenario assuming sharing the backup path capacities in order to decrease the overall bandwidth consumption. In particular, we propose a new approach to inter-layer sharing of link capacity reserved...
Chirp-rate estimation of FM signals in the time-frequency domain
PublicationNovel dynamic representations of a complex signal in the time-frequency domain including: a channelized instantaneous complex frequency (CICF), a complex local group delay (CLGD) and a channelized instantaneous chirp-rate (CICR) are introduced. The proposed approach is based on the use of the gradient of the short-time Fourier transform complex phase. An interpretation of the newly-introduced distributions especially of the CICR...
Impact of probability distribution on the uncertainty of resistance measurement
PublicationThe paper presents studies on the influence of probability distributions on the expanded uncertainty of the resistance measurement. Choosing the correct probability distribution is very important to estimate of measurement uncertainty. The paper presents the results of analysis of the resistance measurement uncertainty using the technical method of resistance: 100 G. The analysis of the uncertainty...
Position and Orientation Estimation in Radio Network With Groups of Locally Synchronized Nodes
PublicationThis article presents a positioning system with groups of locally synchronized nodes. A mobile object is equipped with a group of several synchronized receivers that are able to measure the difference in the time of arrival of signals from reference transmitters. The reference transmitters are synchronized only in local groups, with no global synchronization between groups. It is assumed that the synchronous operation of transmitters...
Hyperbolic position location estimation in the multipath propagation environment
PublicationThe efficiency analysis a hyperbolic position location estimation in the multipath propagation environment in the wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA) interface was presented. Four, the most popular methods: Chan's, Foy's, Fang's and Friedlander's were considered. These algorithms enable the calculation of the geographical position of a mobile station (MS) using the time differences of arrival (TDOA) between several base...
Model organizacji ruchu na sieci kolejowej z uwzględnieniem rekuperacji energii
PublicationNa wstępie przeanalizowano aktualny stan wiedzy z zakresu metod wykorzystywania energii z rekuperacji oraz istniejących modeli optymalizujących ich efektywność. Na tej podstawie za główny cel pracy wyznaczono opracowanie metody modyfikacji kolejowego rozkładu jazdy, która doprowadzi do zwiększenia efektywności wykorzystania energii pochodzącej z rekuperacji. W związku z powyższym postawiono tezę, że możliwe jest zwiększenie efektywności...
A Review of Antennas for Indoor Positioning Systems
PublicationThis paper provides a review of antennas applied for indoor positioning or localization systems. The desired requirements of thoseantennas when integrated in anchor nodes (reference nodes) are discussed, according to different localization techniques and theirperformance. The described antennas will be subdivided into the following sections according to the nature of measurements:received signal strength (RSS), time of flight (ToF),...
Estymacja położenia węzłów ruchomych w sieci UWB synchronizowanej emisją z węzła nieruchomego
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono wyniki testów możliwości wykorzystania modemów IR UWB (Impulse Radio Ultra-Wide Band) typu DWM1000 do budowy sieci radiolokalizacyjnej, w której położenie węzłów ruchomych jest estymowane na podstawie pomiarów różnic odległości metodą TDOA (Time Difference of Arrival). Opisana została struktura sieci i sposób synchronizacji pomiarów czasów w nieruchomych węzłach referencyjnych przez cykliczny odbiór sygnałów...
Filtracja danych TDOA w filtrze UKF w systemie multilateracyjnym
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono implementację metody filtracji danych pomiarowych w systemie MLAT(Multilateration), która ma na celu zwiększenie dokładności estymacji położenia poruszającego się statku powietrznego poprzez kompensację błędów pomiarowych. Opisano sposób implementacji algorytmu bezśladowego filtru Kalmana dla danych pomiarowych TDOA (Time Difference of Arrival), a następnie na podstawie zarejestrowanych rzeczywistych tras...
Modeling of Passive and Forced Convection Heat Transfer in Channels with Rib Turbulators
PublicationThe main goal of the research presented in this paper was the experimental and numerical analysis of heat enhancement and aerodynamic phenomena during air flow in a channel equipped with flow turbulators in the form of properly configured ribs. The use of ribs intensifies the heat transfer and at the same time increases not only the flow resistance but also the energy costs. Therefore, designing modern heat exchangers with optimal...
PublicationThe paper presents studies on the influence of probability distributions on the expanded uncertainty of the resistance measurement. Choosing the correct probability distribution is very important to estimate of measurement uncertainty. The most commonly used distribution is the rectangular distribution. The paper presents the results of analysis of the resistance measurement uncertainty using the technical method of two resistances:...
Efficient signal processing in spectroscopic optical coherence tomography
PublicationSpectroscopic optical coherence tomography (SOCT) is an extension of a standard OCT technique, which allows to obtain depth-resolved, spectroscopic information on the examined sample. It can be used as a source of additional contrast in OCT images e.g. by encoding certain features of the light spectrum into the hue of the image pixels. However, SOCT require computation of time-frequency distributions of each OCT A-scan, what is...
Time-frequency analysis of acoustic signals using concentrated spectrogram
PublicationThe paper presents improved method of time-frequency (TF) analysis of discrete-time signals. The method involves signal's local group delay (LGD) and channelized instantaneous frequency (CIF) to purposely redistribute all Short-time Fourier transform (STFT) lines. Additionally, the energy concentration index (ECI) and some histogram-like statistics are used to evaluate readability of estimated TF distributions of the energy. Recorded...
Statistics 2022_23
e-Learning Courses1.Elements of probability. The axioms of the probability theory 2. Random variables and their distributions. Discrete and continuous random variables 3. Parameters of random variables: expected value, moments 4. Selected distributions of random variables (Bernoulli, Poison, Gaussian) 5.The distribution in the sample. Visualisation by histograms 6. Measures of statistical location: arithmetic mean, median, quantiles. 7. Measures...
Modeling energy consumption of parallel applications
PublicationThe paper presents modeling and simulation of energy consumption of two types of parallel applications: geometric Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) and divide-and-conquer (DAC). Simulation is performed in a new MERPSYS environment. Model of an application uses the Java language with extension representing message exchange between processes working in parallel. Simulation is performed by running threads representing distinct process...
Rating mathematical models for first-pass of tracer in pCT lung studies
PublicationThis paper presents a comparison of model based on the Gauss function and the most commonly used Gamma-variate model in perfusion computed tomography (pCT) lung studies. It also verifies whether used model affects value of blood volume parameter. Three mean concentration-time curves were created from actual pCT measurements: arterial input function, blood vessels in lungs and lung parenchyma. On the basis of these mean curves we...
City as a product. Architecture as an Economic Instrument. Are Global Cities People-Friendly Places?
PublicationWhile spending time in our everyday urban environment do we ever think how particular architecture influences the economic value of that space? Space has its measurable financial value. From the economic point of view a place can be treated as a product that fights for appearing in tourists’ and investors’ consciousnesses. Space - treated as an object of demand and supply - becomes an element in a marketing game. To reach its...
PublicationPrzedstawiono nową metodę lokalizowania terminali ruchomych MT (Mobile Terminal) w sieciach radiowych, w których stacje bazowe BS (Base Station) pracują asynchronicznie względem siebie. Metoda ta, nazwana ATDOA (Asynchronous Time Difference of Arrival), umożliwia estymację położenia MT na podstawie pomiarów różnicy czasów propagacji sygnałów radiowych pomiędzy terminalem ruchomym będącym w ruchu, a pojedynczą stacją bazową w różnych...
Kazimierz Darowicki prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleStudia wyższe ukończyłem w czerwcu 1981 roku po zdaniu egzaminu dyplomowego i obronie pracy magisterskiej. Opiekunem pracy magisterskiej był dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Szauer. W roku 1991, 27 listopada uzyskałem stopień naukowy broniąc pracę doktorską zatytułowaną „Symulacyjna i korelacyjna analiza widm immitancyjnych inhibitowanej reakcji elektrodowej”. Promotorem pracy był prof. dr hab. inż. Józef Kubicki (Wydział Chemiczny...
Analiza efektywności metod estymacji położenia terminala ruchomego w środowisku propagacji wielodrogowej
PublicationW referacie została zaprezentowana analiza efektywności metod estymacji położenia terminala ruchomego w systemie WCDMA/FDD (Wideband Code Division Multiple Access / Frequency Division Duplex) w warunkach propagacji wielodrogowej. Analizie poddano cztery, najczęściej spotykane w literaturze przedmiotu, metody: Chan'a, Foy'a, Fang'a oraz Friedlander'a. Metody te umożliwiają wyznaczanie położenia geograficznego termi-nala ruchomego...
Road traffic can be predicted by machine learning equally effectively as by complex microscopic model
PublicationSince high-quality real data acquired from selected road sections are not always available, a traffic control solution can use data from software traffic simulators working offline. The results show that in contrast to microscopic traffic simulation, the algorithms employing neural networks can work in real-time, so they can be used, among others, to determine the speed displayed on variable message road signs. This paper describes...
Optimization of Energetic Train Cooperation
PublicationIn the article, possible ways of using energy recovered during regenerative braking of trains are presented. It is pointed out that the return of recovered electricity directly to the catenary and its use in the energy cooperation of vehicles can be a no-cost method (without additional infrastructure). The method of energy cooperation between trains and its main assumptions, that uses the law of conservation of energy, are described...
Dissociative photo-double-ionization of isoxazole
PublicationIn the present communication, we present results on the photo-double-ionization and fragmentation of the isoxazole molecules. The experiments were carried out at the CiPo beamline at the Elettra-Sincrotrone radiation facility exploiting the VUV excitation and the ion time-of-flight spectrometry combined with the PEPICO technique. The dissociative processes where only one electron is emitted are quite well known [1]. However, double...
Estimation of time-frequency complex phase-based speech attributes using narrow band filter banks
PublicationIn this paper, we present nonlinear estimators of nonstationary and multicomponent signal attributes (parameters, properties) which are instantaneous frequency, spectral (or group) delay, and chirp-rate (also known as instantaneous frequency slope). We estimate all of these distributions in the time-frequency domain using both finite and infinite impulse response (FIR and IIR) narrow band filers for speech analysis. Then, we present...