Search results for: MULTIPLES
The accuracy of alternative stock valuation methods – the case of the Warsaw Stock Exchange
PublicationThe main aim of this article is to examine the accuracy of different methods of share valuation used by Polish analysts in reports prepared in order to issue recommendations for companies listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. In the literature on the subject, the view which prevails is that the more sophisticated methods, i.e. those taking into account the discounting process, are characterised by higher valuation accuracy. However,...
Zero-visibility cops and robber and the pathwidth of a graph
PublicationWe examine the zero-visibility cops and robber graph searching model, which differs from the classical cops and robber game in one way: the robber is invisible. We show that this model is not monotonic. We show that the zero-visibility copnumber of a graph is bounded above by its pathwidth and cannot be bounded below by any nontrivial function of the pathwidth. As well, we define a monotonic version of this game and show that the...
High Frequency Harmonics Emission of Modern Power Electronic AC-DC Converters
PublicationModern AC/DC converters with bidirectional power flow employing PWM boost topology generate harmonic distortions of input current in relatively high frequency range tightly related to modulation carrier frequency. These frequencies and its multiples in typical applications are usually located in frequency range from single up to several of kHz. Increased harmonic emission in this frequency range can easily and harmfully influence...
Analysis of the harmonic structure of the vowel /a/ taking into account the age and gender of the speaker
PublicationSound waves are disturbances propagating through an elastic medium that, upon reaching the ear, elicit auditory sensations. Sounds generated by the surroundings can be captured by a transducer (microphone), which transforms them into an electrical signal. The signal from the microphone is then transmitted to a computer, where software allows for the extraction and analysis of individual tones. This process enables the description...
Błędy w przedstawianiu wyników pomiarów i wartości wielkości fizycznych popełniane w pracach studenckich
PublicationArtykuł powstał na bazie doświadczeń zdobytych podczas pracy dydaktycznej autora jako wykładowcy i nauczyciela akademickiego prowadzącego zajęcia w Laboratorium Podstaw Metrologii. Przytoczono przykłady nieprawidłowości w przedsta-wianiu wyników pomiarów i wartości wielkości fizycznych pochodzące z prac pisemnych studentów i skonfrontowano je z zaleceniami Międzynarodowego Układu Jednostek Miar (SI), oraz polskimi aktami prawnymi.