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Search results for: NUCLEAR COGENERATION
Profitability criteria of partial cogeneration in nuclear power plant.
PublicationIn this paper, profitability criteria and calculation methodology of profitability conditions for partial cogeneration in nuclear power plant (NPP) was presented. Considered NPP supplies electricity to consumers through public power system, whereas heat is expected to be supplied to consumption regions via long-distance heat transport line. First proposed profitability criterion was total annual costs of electricity and heat delivered...
Thermodynamic and economic analysis of nuclear power unit operating in partial cogeneration mode to produce electricity and district heat
PublicationThis paper presents the methodology of techno-economic analysis for a nuclear unit operating in partial cogeneration mode and its application for the case study: a nuclear power plant planned in Poland. The research objectives were: to propose EPR, AP1000 and ESBWR nuclear condensing-extraction turbine systems modifications required for operation in cogeneration, to determine optimal heat production and heat transport line (HTL)...
The Concept of a Methodology for Selecting the Optimal Parameters of Heat Received from a Nuclear Power Plant Operating in a Partial Cogeneration Mode
PublicationThe paper presents the concept of the objective function which is to allow the selection of optimal parameters of the district heating system using a nuclear power plant operating in partial cogeneration mode. The concept is based on research carried out a number of years ago. The size of annual expenses was proposed as the objective function, which allows to compare the operation of a nuclear power plant in partial cogeneration...
Technical and economic conditions of supplying residential consumers with heat from nuclear power plant
PublicationThe reduction of CO2 emission requires technological shift towards carbon-free options. Cogeneration of electricity and heat based on coal and natural gas will experience generation cost increase, if the costs of emissions are imposed on the plant operators. Therefore, nuclear and renewable options should be considered. In this paper, we present the concept of electricity and heat supply system with nuclear condensing turbine adapted...
Nuclear Co-generation: The Analysis of Technical Capabilities and Cost Estimates
PublicationThis paper presents a concept of the parallel connection of a nuclear power plant fitted to provide heat for district heating application, with the CHP and heat plants existing in the supply region, in this case with the heating systems of Wejherowo and Gdynia. Presented variant proposes to add heat to a nuclear power plant’s total output by supplying heat exchangers with the steam from bleeders of low pressure (LP) turbine stage...
Modelling of Nuclear Power Plant Steam Turbine
PublicationThe paper describes the approach to a Nuclear Power Plant steam turbine modelling which would enable on-line optimal process control (model based) and diagnosis over wide range of operating conditions caused by changing power demand. Presented model is static, multivariable and nonlinear. Such model enables analyzing the heat cogeneration aspects. Developed model is validated and verified by using archive data gained from researches...
Modelling of Nuclear Power Plant Steam Turbine
PublicationThe paper describes the approach to a Nuclear Power Plant steam turbine modelling which would enable on-line optimal process control (model based) and diagnosis over wide range of operating conditions caused by changing power demand. Presented model is static, multivariable and nonlinear. Such model enables analyzing the heat cogeneration aspects. Developed model is validated and verified by using archive data gained from researches...
Optimization of Nuclear Power Share in the Structure of Electricity Production in Poland in Time Perspective by 2060
PublicationThe author of this paper presented the results of a system analysis using MARKAL model, aiming at the optimization of nuclear power share in power generation structure in Poland in time perspective by 2060. Optimization criterion is the minimization of the objective function, i.e. the total cost of energy system, taking into account constraints related to CO2, SOx and NOx emissions and obligatory shares of electricity from renewable...
Pipeline System for Heat Transportation from Nuclear Power Plant – an Optimizing Approach
PublicationOver the last few years heat piping insulation technology and pump systems efficiency have been significantly improved. Reduced thermal losses encourage heat transportation over long distances. It provides an opportunity for increasing thermodynamic efficiency of Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) that are often located in rural areas because of safety issues. It can be achieved by Combined Heat and Power (CHP) generation, as heat produced...
Static Model of Steam/Water Cycle for Thermal and Economic Analysis
PublicationThe thermodynamic efficiency of typical conventional and nuclear power plants is insufficient. A large amount of the generated heat is removed to the environment and regarded as a waste. A solution which is commonly used to increase the efficiency and profitability of the existing and planned power plants refers to cogeneration of heat and power. To prepare sophisticated thermodynamic and economic analyses, a precise static model...
Two-phase optimizing approach to design assessments of long distance heat transportation for CHP systems
PublicationCogeneration or Combined Heat and Power (CHP) for power plants is a method of putting to use waste heat which would be otherwise released to the environment. This allows the increase in thermodynamic efficiency of the plant and can be a source of environmental friendly heat for District Heating (DH). In the paper CHP for Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) is analyzed with the focus on heat transportation. A method for effectivity and feasibility...
Marcin Jaskólski dr inż.
PeopleStudiował na kierunku Elektrotechnika na Wydziale Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej. W roku 2002 obronił pracę magisterską pt. "Analiza zastosowań technologii ogniw paliwowych w energetyce", realizowaną pod opieką dr. inż. Andrzeja Augusiaka z Katedry Elektroenergetyki. W tym samym rozpoczął realizację pracy doktorskiej z zakresu modelowania rozwoju regionalnych systemów energetycznych w programie MARKAL i wykorzystania...