Search results for: PHOSPHORUS REMOVAL
The Occurrence and Role of Tetrasphaera in Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal Systems
PublicationThe application of enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) has commonly been utilized worldwide. However, the optimum efficiency has not been realized over the past decades, prompting many studies and publications. The limitations, especially comprehension of the abundance and actual potential of polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (PAOs), are not fully understood. Recently identified...
Effects of different external carbon sources and electron acceptors on interactions between denitrification and phosphorus removal in BNR processes
PublicationThe effects of two different external carbon sources (acetate, ethanol) and electron acceptors (dissolved oxygen, nitrate and nitrite) were investigated under aerobic and anoxic conditions with non-acclimated process biomass from a full-scale biological nutrient removal activated sludge system. When acetate was added as an external carbon source, phosphate release was observed even in the presence of electron acceptors. The release...
Recent advances on the removal of phosphorus in aquatic plant-based systems
PublicationPhosphorus (P) is a vital nutrient for the ecosystems and its excess in wastewater streams leads to some environmental issues such as extensive algae growth (eutrophication). Phytoremediation is a green technology that is based on the combined actions of plants and their associated microbial groups to remove and transfer the toxic compounds in surface water, groundwater and soil. Aquatic plants are widely used for the remediation...
Preliminary Results from the Removal of Phosphorus Compounds with Selected Sorption Material
PublicationDue to the resources of phosphorous are limited and are exhausted in the next 30 years the management of the resources is become current issue. Most of the phosphorus compounds is lost forever, because it is discharged with sewage into surface waters, causing eutrophication and in this way causing a further problem and challenge. On the other hand, there is a considerable need for phosphorus compounds, primarily in bioavailable...
Phosphorus removal by application of natural and semi-natural materials for possible recovery according to assumptions of circular economy and closed circuit of P
PublicationIn the last fewyears the idea of circular economy has become essential. Thus, designing methods of nutrients removal should be based on usingmaterials that make it possible to recover those nutrients. Recently,methods applied in wastewater treatment plants cannot provide optimal results; moreover, the application of commercial coagulants like ferric chloride and polyaluminumchloride can cause difficulties in potential recovery...
Strategies for mitigating nitrous oxide production and decreasing the carbon footprint of a full-scale combined nitrogen and phosphorus removal activated sludge system
PublicationNitrous oxide (N2O) emitted from biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems contributes significantly to the total carbon footprint of modern wastewater treatment plants. In the present study, N2O production and emissions were experimentally determined in a large-scale plant (220,000 PE) employing combined nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) removal. As a modelling tool, the Activated Sludge Model 2d (ASM2d) was extended...
Biomass Production and Removal of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Processed Municipal Wastewater by Salix schwerinii: A Field Trial
PublicationIn many Baltic regions, short-rotation willow (Salix spp.) is used as a vegetation filter for wastewater treatment and recycling of valuable nutrients to upsurge bioeconomy development. In this context, a four-year field trial (2016–2019) was carried out near a wastewater treatment plant in eastern Finland (Outokumpu) to investigate the effect of the processed wastewater (WW) on biomass production as well as the nutrients uptake...
Influence of Phosphorus Speciation on Its Chemical Removal from Reject Water from Dewatering of Municipal Sewage Sludge
PublicationThe aim of the presented research was the assessment of phosphorus speciation impact on the precipitation of phosphorus in reject water using Ca(OH)2. To achieve this, phosphorus speciation (organic and inorganic phosphorus in suspension and in dissolved form) in reject water that is produced during sludge dewatering, after methane digestion in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), was determined. This study covered the materials...
The influence of phosphorus fractions in bottom sediments on phosphate removal in semi-natural systems as the 3rd stage of biological wastewater treatment
PublicationThe research was carried out in two semi-natural systems (the polishing ponds in Swarzewo and the free water surface constructed wetland in Zarnowiec) in Poland. They were built as the 3rd stage of a conventional mechanical–biological wastewater treatment plant. These systems were built to improve the quality of the effluent of treated wastewater. In the polishing ponds and FWS wetland system, suspended solids, organic matter as...
Influence of the particle size of carbonate-siliceous rock on the efficiency of phosphorous removal from domestic wastewater
PublicationtThe aim of the study was to determine the influence of the particle size of carbonate–silica rock (opoka)used in rock filters on the efficiency of phosphorus removal from domestic wastewater. The investigationswere carried out in a laboratory using a model consisting of three vertical flow filters with carbonate–silicarock of different particle sizes (G1= 1–2 mm; G2= 2–5 mm; G3= 5–10 mm). The tested rock was subjectedto decarbonising...
The efficiency and technological reliability of biogenic compounds removal during long-term operation of a one-stage subsurface horizontal flow constructed wetland
PublicationThe paper presents the results of a study of the efficiency and technological reliability of total nitrogen and total phosphorus removal during long term operation of a one-stage constructed wetland system with subsurface horizontal wastewater flow. The flow rate of the wastewater treatment plant was 1.2m3/d during the research period. Physical and chemical analyses of raw wastewater and treated effluent were carried out in the...
Waste materials assessment for phosphorus adsorption toward sustainable application in circular economy
PublicationPhosphorus is the main determinant of nutrient enrichment in the water bodies. Many resources including nutrients may be shortly exhausted, assuming current consumption. This scenario leads to growing interest in resources recovery and/or reuse, which together with sustainable energy consumption and waste reduction are the main courses of the circular economy. Usage of coagulants in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) does not allow...
Pollutants removal effectiveness in hydrophyte filters with sequential vertical and horizontal flow
PublicationThe object of investigations was the constructed wetland in Wiedersberg in Saxonia in Germany supplied with domestic sewage from 145 inhabitants. The biological part was composed of sequential reed beds with vertical and horizontal flow of sewage. It in one of new solutions, because up till now configuration with vertical bed situated at front of biological part of treatment was applied.The evaluation of object performance was...
The efficiency and reliability of pollutant removal in a hybrid constructed wetland with giant miscanthus and Jerusalem artichoke in Poland
PublicationIn this paper, we analysed the pollutant removal efficiency and reliability of a vertical and horizontal flow hybrid constructed wetland (CW) planted with giant miscanthus and Jerusalem artichoke. The wastewater treatment plant, located in south-eastern Poland, treated domestic sewage at an average flow rate of 1.2m3·d−1. The tests were carried out during. 5-years of operation of the sewage treatment plant (2011–2016). During this...
Nutrient removal in municipal wastewater treatment
e-Learning CoursesThis series of lectures and interactive teaching sessions will cover all the important aspects of nutrient removal in municipal wastewater treatment. There will be five sessions. The topics of the sessions are: 1) Nutrient removal – why, how and what has been achieved?; 2) Biological treatment processes and conventional nitrogen removal; 3) Shortcut nitrogen removal processes and climate implication of nitrogen removal; 4) Biological...
PublicationThe aim of the study is to assess the removal effectiveness of phosphorus compoundsby using lanthanum-modified bentonite. This material was produced by the Australian company Phoslock® Water Solutions Pty Ltd. According to the company, Phoslock® has substantial capacity to bound phosphate anions. The investigation was carried out in steady conditions in laboratory model with beakers. The results of the study are related to the...
Application of Eco-innovative Technologies of Nutrients Removal in Wastewater – Case Study BARITECH Project
PublicationEco-innovative technologies in wastewater treatment should provide not only stringent standards for the quality of treated wastewater but also ensure maximum recovery of energy and raw materials from wastewater. One of the ways to improve the removal efficiency of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in existing conventional wastewater treatment plants is pretreatment of reject water generated during the mechanical...
Impact of enhanced pretreatment on biological nutrient removal in municipal wastewater treatment plants
PublicationThe aim of this study was to determine the effect of enhanced primary treatment on: increasing primary sludge production for increased biogas production; reducing the organic load on downstream biological treatment processes and thereby reducing energy consumption for aeration; denitrification and enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) rates in the activated sludge system. For this purpose, three commercial organic polymers...
Possibilities of Phoslock® application to remove phosphorus compounds from wastewater treated in hybrid wetlands
PublicationTreatment wetland technologies for wastewater treatment can be easily applied for removal of all pollutants except phosphorous. They are applicable in a small towns and rural areas, places where conventional wastewater treatment plant cannot properly operate because of common economic constraints. In Poland only the 8% of rural areas are equipped with sewer system, thus treatment wetlands might be an alternative, effective and...
Modeling nitrous oxide production by a denitrifying-enhancedbiologically phosphorus removing (EBPR) activated sludge in thepresence of different carbon sources and electron acceptors
PublicationIn this study, the IWA Activated Sludge Model No. 2d (ASM2d) was expanded to identify the most important mechanisms leading to the anoxic nitrous oxide (N2O) production in the combined nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) removal activated sludge systems. The new model adopted a three-stage denitrification concept and was evaluated against the measured data from one/two-phase batch experiments carried out with activated sludge withdrawn...
The role of biodegradable particulate and colloidal organic compounds in biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems
PublicationThe efficiency of denitrification and enhanced biological phosphorus removal in biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems is strongly dependent on the availability of appropriate carbon sources. Due to high costs of commercial compounds (such as methanol, ethanol, acetic acid, etc.) and acclimation periods (usually) required, the effective use of internal substrates is preferred. The aim of this study was to determine...
Treatment of landfill leachate in a constructed free water surface wetland system over a decade – Identification of disturbance in process behaviour and removal of eutrophying substances and organic material
PublicationAn 8 ha free water surface wetland system in Örebro, Sweden, which has sediment traps followed by 10 ponds for treatment of landfill leachate in the methanogenic stage, was studied from 2003 to 2012. The wetland was irregularly loaded and the leachate characteristics showed high temporal and spatial variability, so Multivariate Statistical Process Control was chosen as the diagnostic tool for detecting anomalies prior to assessing...
Modeling hydrolysis of slowly biodegradable organic compounds in biological nutrient removal activated sludge systems
PublicationHydrolysis is an important process in biological wastewater treatment and is known to be the ratelimiting step in organic carbon removal from municipal or industrial wastewater. The influence of the readily biodegradable chemical oxygen demand fraction in biological wastewater treatment systems has been extensively investigated, but little is known about the effects of slowly biodegradable substrate (XS) on denitrification and...
Sustainable recovery of plant essential Nitrogen and Phosphorus from human urine using industrial coal fly ash
PublicationCoal-based thermal power plants play a pivotal role in meeting global energy demand. The amount of fly ash generated from these plants increases every year, and its successful use has posed a significant environmental risk in the last decade. In this study, coal fly ash was packed in a fixed-bed adsorption column to remove Urea–N from synthetic human urine. To assess the efficacy of fly ash in the removal of Nitrogen, various process...
Analysis of efficiency of phosphates sorption by different granulation of selected reactive material
PublicationIn the light of the need to find an effective way to remove phosphorus from wastewater, studies on the suitability of sorption materials in this process should be conducted. The aim of the study was to examine the potential benefits of using selected adsorbents to reduce orthophosphates from the model solution under steady conditions. The study was conducted on a laboratory scale using synthetic wastewater with concentration of...
25 years of research and experiences about the application of constructed wetlands in southeastern Poland
PublicationThis paper is a review of research and experiences related to the application of constructed wetland systems (CWs) in southeastern Poland in 1992–2016. On the basis of literature data, a comparison between pollutant removal efficiencies of one-stage and hybrid CWs was made. Some problems regarding the operation of these treatment plants were also presented. Data from various facilities indicate that one-stage CWs with horizontal...
A new technology of crude vegetable oil degumming with rhamnolipid solutions
PublicationA new technology of crude vegetable oil degumming is described. It is based on rhamnolipid biocomplex solution application for phosphatides removal. The rhamnolipid biocomplex produced by Pseudomonas sp. PS-17 was used as biosurfactant. Rapeseed oil was used in all experiments. First, it was degummed with H2SO4 in order to remove all phosphatides and then 1% (w/w) of granular soybean lecithin was added. Model oil was treated with...
The impact of precipitation and external carbon source addition on biological nutrient removal in activated sludge systems - experimentalinvestigation and mathematical modeling
PublicationThe aim of this study was to determine the effects of chemical precipitation and addition of external carbonsources on the denitrification capability and enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) interactions atthe 'Wschod' WWTP (600,000 PE) in Gdansk (northern Poland). For this purpose, different kinds of batch experimentswere carried out with the settled wastewater (without pretreatment and after coagulation-flocculation)and...
The impact of precipitation and external carbon source addition on biological nutrient removal in activated sludge systems – experimental investigation and mathematical modeling
PublicationThe aim of this study was to determine the effects of chemical precipitation and addition of external carbonsources on the denitrification capability and enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) interactions atthe ‘Wschod’ WWTP (600,000 PE) in Gdansk (northern Poland). For this purpose, different kinds of batch experimentswere carried out with the settled wastewater (without pretreatment and after coagulation-flocculation)and...
The Use of Organic Coagulants in the Primary Precipitation Process at Wastewater Treatment Plants
PublicationMeasurements for determining the effect of chemically enhanced primary treatment (CEPT) on the efficiency of pollutant removal from wastewater were carried out using conventional inorganic coagulants PIX113 with polymer A110 (Kemipol, Police, Poland) and unconventional cationic organic coagulants Cofloc (Attana, Coalville, UK) C29510 (Kemipol, Police, Poland) and Sedifloc 575 (3F Chimica, Sandrigo, Italy). The average removal efficiency...
Porównanie efektywności biologicznego usuwania związków biogennych w procesach MUCT i A2/O na przykładzie oczyszczalni w Gdańsku
PublicationThis paper presents a comparison of the efficiency of nutrient removal in two different technological systems functioning in WWTP in Gdansk. The upgrade was necessary in order to adjust the parameters of wastewater treatment to more stringent requirements for Total Nitrogen removal (Total Nitrogen concentration < 10 mg/L). Since 2012 the biological treatment line has operated based on modified A2/O process instead of MUCT process....
Agri-food waste biosorbents for volatile organic compounds removal from air and industrial gases – A review
PublicationApproximately 1.3 billion metric tons of agricultural and food waste is produced annually, highlighting the need for appropriate processing and management strategies. This paper provides an exhaustive overview of the utilization of agri-food waste as a biosorbents for the elimination of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from gaseous streams. The review paper underscores the critical role of waste management in the context of a...
Research 1: Heterojunction of (P, S) co-doped g-C3N4 and 2D TiO2 for improved carbamazepine and acetaminophen photocatalytic degradation
Open Research DataThe first research article consisted on the synthesis of phosphorus and sulfur co-doped graphitic carbon nitride incorporated in 2D TiO2 structure for solar-driven degradation of emerging pollutants from the group of pharmaceuticals not susceptible to biodegradation. The hybrid photocatalysts with different loadings of (P, S)-doped g-C3N4 were characterized...
Modeling external carbon addition in combined N-P activated sludge systems with an extension of the IWA Activated Sludge Models
PublicationThe aim of this study was to expand the IWA Activated Sludge Model No. 2d (ASM2d) to account for a newly defined readily biodegradable substrate that can be consumed by polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs) under anoxic and aerobic conditions, but not under anaerobic conditions. The model change was to add a new substrate component and process terms for its use by PAOs and other heterotrophic bacteria under anoxic and aerobic...
Modeling external carbon addition in combined N-P activated sludge systems with an extension of the IWA Activated Sludge Models
PublicationThe aim of this study was to expand the IWA Activated Sludge Model No. 2d (ASM2d) to account for a newly defined readily biodegradable substrate that can be consumed by polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs) under anoxic and aerobic conditions, but not under anaerobic conditions. The model change was to add a new substrate component and process terms for its use by PAOs and other heterotrophic bacteria under anoxic and aerobic...
PublicationEffects of short term exposure of nitrifying biomass to direct current were studied. DC was applied to mixed liquor from municipal BNR plant using graphite electrodes in no substrate limiting conditions. Both, ammonia oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and nitrite oxidizing bacteria (NOB) populations were affected by the current, however in opposite ways. The AOB population activity was inhibited by applied voltage. Activity decrease was...
The process generation of WWTP models for optimization of activated sludge systems
PublicationThe objective of water and wastewater utilities, which are responsible for optimization of wastewater treatment plant operation, is threefold: environmental protection, saving money, and mitigation of pollutant emissions, both to water and air. The performed study aimed to assess the process generation of WWTP models that improve activated sludge systems operation, by means of new developed Mantis2 model. This model accounts for...
Nutrient recovery from deammonification effluent in a pilot study using two-step reject water treatment technology
PublicationThe aim of this study was to assess the possibility of phosphorus and nitrogen recovery from the liquid fraction of digestates (reject water) pilot study using a two-step technology, where the precipitation of biogenic compounds in the form of magnesium ammonium phosphate (struvite) will be preceded by a deammonification process. The tests confirmed the possibility of nutrient recovery from deammonification effluent. A removal...
Distillery Wastes as External Carbon Sources for Denitrification in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants
PublicationIn order to improve efficiency of N removal within the existing capacities, the denitrification process can be enhanced by adding external carbon sources. The studies on utilization of various by-products or waste materials as alternative carbon sources for denitrification have been carried out for over 20 years (Sage et al. 2006). Among several commercially available organic compounds (such as methanol, ethanol, acetic acid, glucose),...
Evaluation and start-up of an electro-Fenton-sequencing batch reactor for dairy wastewater treatment
PublicationThis study examined the performance of an integrated wastewater (WW) treatment system, namely an electro-Fenton (EF)-sequencing batch reactor (SBR), for dairy industry WW. The EF process was used as the first stage of the SBR. It degrades bio-refractory compounds via advanced oxidation processes, thereby resulting in the formation of simple biodegradable intermediates. Several factors, including the hydraulic retention time (HRT),...
Treatment Wetland effluent quality improvement by usage sorbents of various origin
PublicationTWs are finding as low-cost and also effective system to treat domestic wastewater. The aim of this study is to find suitable adsorbing material for application in an additional treatment unit where treatment wetlands do not provide sufficient PO4 3- reduction level. Material M1 is a fine-grained by-product of thermal treatment of carbonate-siliceous rock (opoka) with high content of calcium carbonate CaCO3 in temperature 700°C....
Combinated treatment of landfill leachates with wastewater in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR)
PublicationSanitary landfill leachates are treated usually by multistage systems using physical, chemical and biological processes. One of the most economic and efficient method is combined treatment of landfill leachates with municipal wastewater in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR. The main advantage of such co-treatment is that landfill leachates variability (in quality and quantity) do not influence the effectiveness of biological processes....
Screening of perfluoroalkyl substances and their environmental impact in sequencing batch reactors combined with nature-based solutions
PublicationPerfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a growing problem in the environment. The research indicates that they are present in surface water, groundwater, drinking water sources, wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents, and landfill leachates. Additionally, the conventional methods of wastewater treatment are ineffective in their removal. This study aimed to indicate the concentration of PFAS in wastewater during treatment processes...
The Simulation of Activated Sludge System for Optimization of Predictive Aeration at Large WWTP
PublicationEffective use of biodegradable substrates as an internal carbon sources (ICS) for denitrification and EBPR and predicting performance of aeration systems during nitrification in activated sludge bioreactors, may be useful in realization the sustainable development by potentially saving energy consumption at WWTPs. A large number of WWTPs use activated sludge systems with an integrated removal of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus...
Application of the Anammox Process for Treatment of Liquid Phase Digestate
PublicationThe liquid phase of the digestate (LPD) contains a relatively high concentration of nitrogen, with total ammonium nitrogen being the dominant form of nitrogen, as well as other essential nutrients such as phosphorus and potassium. Consequently, it must be treated before it is released into the environment. However, there are no reports of co-purification of LPD in the anammox process in sequencing batch reactor with granular sludge,...
Heterojunction of (P, S) co-doped g-C3N4 and 2D TiO2 for improved carbamazepine and acetaminophen photocatalytic degradation
PublicationNovel photocatalysts of phosphorus and sulfur co-doped graphitic carbon nitride incorporated in 2D TiO2 structure were successfully fabricated and applied for solar-driven degradation of emerging pollutants from the group of pharmaceuticals not susceptible to biodegradation. The hybrid photocatalysts with different loadings of (P, S)-doped g-C3N4 were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR),...
Insights into the microbial community of treated wastewater, its year-round variability and impact on the receiver, using cultivation, microscopy and amplicon-based methods
PublicationApart from chemical constituents, wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents also release microorganisms that can be important to the receiving water bodies either from a sanitary point of view, or taking to the account the biogeochemical potential of the recipients. However, little is known about the treated wastewater microbial community, its composition, seasonal changes, functions and fate in the waters of the receiver. Thus,...
Macro-nutrients recovery from liquid waste as a sustainable resource for production of recovered mineral fertilizer: Uncovering alternative options to sustain global food security cost-effectively
PublicationGlobal food security, which has emerged as one of the sustainability challenges, impacts every country. As food cannot be generated without involving nutrients, research has intensified recently to recover unused nutrients from waste streams. As a finite resource, phosphorus (P) is largely wasted. This work critically reviews the technical applicability of various water technologies to recover macro-nutrients such as P, N, and...
Processes and pathways of nutrients, selected heavy metal and arsenic removal from surface runoff from the agricultural and urban catchments in floating treatment wetlands - microcosm study nutrients results
Open Research DataA dataset containing results of nutrients (N and P) concentrations in synthetic effluents (simulating surface runoff contaminated with nutrients, metals - Cu, Cd, and Pb, and metalloid - As) treated with 4 native macrophytes: Phragmites australis, Iris pseudacorus, Typha latifolia, and Alisma plantago aquatica. Nitrogen and phosphorus (total phosphorus,...