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Electrochemical study of lithium insertion into carbon-rich polymer-derived silicon carbonitride ceramics
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono materiał ceramiczny, bogaty w węgiel krzemo azotek węgla (SiCN), otrzymany na drodze pirolizy w zakresie temperatur od 1100 do 1700°C. Badania elektrochemiczne insercji litu wykazały, że materiał elektrodowy na bazie SiCN może być obiecujący jako anoda w bateriach litowych. Próbka otrzymana w 1300°C cechuje się pojemnością 392 mAh/g i jest stabilna aktywna elektrochemicznie w trakcie interkalacji i deinterkalacji...
Effect of pyrolysis temperature on the microstructure and thermal conductivity of polymer-derived monolithic and porous SiC ceramics
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Electrochemical Characterization of Gelatine Derived Ceramics
PublicationNew materials obtained by pyrolysis of gelatine (G) and poly(1,2-dimethylsilazane) (PSN) (weight ratio: G/PSN 70/30) at temperatures 700 and 900 °C were characterized by SEM and Raman spectroscopy. The presence of ceramics influences on the cluster size of the materials. Electrochemical tests were performed by cyclic voltammetry and galvanostatic cyclic polarization. The capacity of G/PSN was 464 and 527 mAh/g for materials pyrolysed...
Thermal properties of dense polymer-derived SiCN(O) glasses
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Recent Progress in Polymer Waste-Derived Porous Carbon for Supercapacitors
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Processing and thermal characterization of polymer derived SiCN(O) and SiOC reticulated foams
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Ru/Al2O3 on Polymer-Derived SiC Foams as Structured Catalysts for CO2 Methanation
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Polymer-derived Si3N4 nanofelts as a novel oil spills clean-up architecture
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Processing of polymer‐derived, aerogel‐filled, SiC foams for high‐temperature insulation
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Influence of free carbon on the Young's modulus and hardness of polymer‐derived silicon oxycarbide glasses
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Determination of the Diffusion Coefficient of Lithium Ions in Graphite Coated with Polymer-Derived SiCN Ceramic
PublicationPraca dotyczy wyznaczenia wsółczynnik adyfuzji jonów litu w materiale elektrodowym składającym się z grafitu pokrytego materiałem ceramicznym krzemo-azotkiem węgla (SiCN). Wartość współczynnika dyfuzji zmierzono elektrochemicznie technikami: woltamperometrii cyklicznej (CV), elektrochemicznej spektrodkopii impedancyjnej (EIS) oraz miareczkowania galwanostatycznego (GITT). Materiał otrzymano na drodze pirolizy mieszaniny grafit:polimer...
Determination of Chemical Diffusion Coefficient of Lithium Ions in Ceramics Derived from Pyrolysed Poly(1,2-dimethylsilazane) and Starch
PublicationThe apparent chemical diffusion coefficient Li+ (DappLI+) in pyrolysed poly(1,2-dimethylsilazane)/starch (PSN/S) (weight ratio: 30/70) ceramic anode composite is determined by galvanostatic intermittent titration technique (GITT). The electrode material composition is C6.00N0.14H0.47O0.12Si0.13. The calculated values of DappLI+, depend on the applied potential, vary from 10-14 to 10-9 [cm2/s]. The diffusion coefficient of lithium...
Influence of pyrolysis atmosphere on the lithium storage properties of carbon-rich polymer derived SiOC ceramic anodes
PublicationPolymer derived carbon-rich SiOC ceramics are prepared from polysiloxane precursors through a pyrolysis process at 1000 °C using pure argon and argon/hydrogen mixture as pyrolysis atmosphere. The precursor is synthesized from a linear (Si–H)-containing polysiloxane cross-linked with divinylbenzene using hydrosilylation reaction in the presence of a platinum catalyst. Pyrolysis in Ar/H2 mixtures, compared to the treatment under...
Composite Materials Based on Polymer-Derived SiCN Ceramic and Disordered Hard Carbons as Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries
PublicationNew composite materials based on polymer-derived SiCN ceramics and hard carbons were studied in view of its application as anodes for lithium-ion batteries. Two kinds of composites were prepared by pyrolysis of the preceramic polysilazane (HTT1800, Clariant) at 1000 °C in Ar atmosphere mixed with hard carbons derived from potato starch (HC_PS) or with a hard carbon precursor, namely potato starch (PS), denoted as HTT/HC_PS and...
The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy studies of the anode material based on polymer and starch derived ceramic for lithium ion batteries
PublicationThe anode materials derived of preceramic polymer poly(1,2-dimethylsilazane) (PSN) and starch was study. Commercially available polysilazane (poly(1,2-dimethylsilazane (PSN 2M01 Gelest) was mixed with commercially available starch (POCH Gliwice). The ratio polymer/starch (PSN/starch) was 1/1 or 3/7. The polysialazane/starch blend was cross-linked at 230 ºC for 2 h followed by heating to the final temperature (500 ºC, 700 ºC and...
Polymer derived SiOC/Sn nanocomposites from a low-cost single source precursor as anode materials for lithium storage applications
PublicationMetal- based materials capable of lithium (Li) alloy formation are key to realization of the next generation of high-energy density anodes for Li-ion batteries, owing to their high storage capacity. Designing a good sup- porting matrix is essential for homogeneously nesting these metallic nanodomains, to effectively utilize their high capacity while tackling the volume expansion issues. Silicon oxycarbides (SiOC), obtained via...
Novel porous carbon/clay nanocomposites derived from kaolinite/resorcinol-formaldehyde polymer blends: synthesis, structure and sorption properties
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MAX phase ternary carbide derived 2-D ceramic nanostructures [CDCN] as chemically interactive functional fillers for damage tolerant epoxy polymer nanocomposites
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Balanand Santhosh Ph.D.
PeopleDr. Balanand Santhosh, obtained his Ph.D. (cum laude) in Materials, Mechatronics and Systems engineering from the Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Trento, Italy. He is currently working as Research Assistant Professor at Gdansk Univerity of Technology, Poland. Formerly he was working as a post-doctoral researcher at University of Trento, Italy. His research expertise is mainly in the area of ceramic processing...
Silicon Oxycarbide (SiOC) Ceramic Materials as Anodes for Lithium Ion Batteries
PublicationPolymer derived ceramics (PDCs) have attracted attention as alternative anode material for Li-ion batteries. It has been found that ternary SiOC and SiCN ceramics obtained through pyrolysis of various preceramic polymers display high reversible capacities of 500 – 650 mAh/g. In this work we try to correlate the electrochemical performance of polymer derived silicon oxycarbide with its chemical composition and microstructural features....
Impact of blending with polystyrene on the microstructural and electrochemical properties of SiOC ceramic
PublicationIn this work, we present the electrochemical behavior and microstructural analysis of silicon oxycarbide (SiOC) ceramics influenced by an addition of polystyrene (PS). Polymer-derived ceramics were obtained by pyrolysis (1000°C, Ar atmosphere) of different polysiloxanes prepared by sol–gel synthesis. This method is very effective to obtain desired composition of final ceramic. Two alkoxysilanes phenylthriethoxysilane and diphenyldimethoxysilane...
Tailoring of SiOC composition as a way to better performing anodes for Li-ion batteries
PublicationPolymer derived silicon oxycarbide (SiOC) ceramics are investigated as potential anodes for lithiumion batteries. Different SiOC ceramics are prepared by pyrolysis (1000 °C and 1400 °C under controlled argon atmosphere) of polysiloxanes ceramic precursors. Preceramic polymers are synthesized using the sol–gel method. Phenyltriethoxysilane (PhTES) and methyltriethoxysilane (MTES) have been used as starting precursors and mixed with...
Dielectric Properties of BiNbO<sub>4</sub>-Based Ceramic-Polymer Composites with 0-3 Connectivity
PublicationIn the present study two-phase BiNbO4//PVDF composites with 0-3 connectivity were studied by impedance spectroscopy within the frequency range Δν=100Hz-1MHz at room temperature. Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) acted as a matrix whereas bismuth niobate (BiNbO4) powder acted as a dispersed phase. The volume fraction of the ceramic phase was cV=2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 16 and 20vol%. Analysis of the impedance data registered for composites...
Bioactive core material for porous load-bearing implants
PublicationSo far state of knowledge on biodegradable materials is reviewed. Among a variety of investigated materials, those composed of polymers and ceramics may be considered as only candidates for a core material in porous titanium alloy. The collagen and chitosan among natural polymers, polyhydroxy acids among synthetic polymers, and hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphate among ceramics are proposed for further research. Three essential...
Modulation of dielectric properties in low-loss polypropylene-based composites at GHz frequencies: theory and experiment
PublicationPolymer composites with high dielectric constant and low loss tangent are highly regarded as substrates for modern high-speed electronics. In this work, we analyze the high-frequency dielectric properties of two types of composites based on polypropylene infused with high-dielectric-constant microparticles. Two types of fillers are used: commercial ceramics or titanium oxide ( TiO2) with different concentrations. The key observation...
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Janusz Datta prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleIn 1988, Janusz Datta finished his studies at the Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT), Faculty of Chemistry. Since then he has been employed at the Faculty of Chemistry in the Department of Polymer Technology. During the first six years of employement he was worked as a scientist. In this period, he travelled extensively to ZACHEM company located in Bydgoszcz to gain practical experience related to chemical processing. In 1994,...
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Ecological Aspects of Polymer Package Recycling
e-Learning CoursesEcological Aspects of Polymer Package Recycling dr hab. inż. Justyna Kucińska-Lipka
Immittance Studies of Bi6Fe2Ti3O18 Ceramics
PublicationResults of studies focusing on the electric behavior of Bi6Fe2Ti3O18 (BFTO) ceramics are reported. BFTO ceramics were fabricated by solid state reaction methods. The simple oxides Bi2O3, TiO2, and Fe2O3 were used as starting materials. Immittance spectroscopy was chosen as a method to characterize electric and dielectric properties of polycrystalline ceramics. The experimental data were measured in the frequency range D = (101–107)...
Zirconia ceramics with additions of Alumina for advanced tribological and biomedical applications
PublicationThe results of an investigation on slip cast and sintered Y2O3 (3 wt%)- stabilized ZrO2 with additions of 5, 10, 15 wt% Al2O3 are reported. The surface roughness, porosity and density of the samples were measured. The hardness HRc and Hv, fracture toughness K1C, and friction coefficients were also measured using standard methods. The structural properties of the samples were observed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The surface...
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Fabrication of La-Doped Bi4Ti3O12 Ceramics
PublicationLa-modified Bi4Ti3O12 is a typical ferroelectric, piezoelectric and electro-optic material, having relatively low coercive field, low dielectric constant, high Curie temperature and high breakdown strength. Goal of the present research was to apply mixed oxide method for fabrication of BiTLax ceramics, study its chemical composition, crystalline structure and microstructure. The compound BiTLax for x=0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 ceramic...
Fabrication and Study of BiNbO4 Ceramics
PublicationAim of the present research was to fabricate and study crystalline structure as well as dielectric properties of BiNbO4 ceramics. In the present study BiNbO4 ceramics was fabricated by solid state reaction from the mixture of simple oxides viz. Bi2O3, and Nb2O5. Stoichiometric mixture of the powders was thermally analyzed so parameters of the thermal treatment were determined. The EDS measurements proved conservation of the chemical...
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Maria Gazda prof. dr hab. inż.
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Properties of LiMnBO3 glasses and nanostructured glass-ceramics
PublicationPolycrystalline LiMnBO3 is a promising cathode material for Li-ion batteries. In this work, we investigated the thermal, structural and electrical properties of glassy and nanocrystallized materials having the same chemical composition. The original glass was obtained via a standard melt-quenching method. SEM and 7Li solid-state NMR indicate that it contains a mixture of two distinct glassy phases. The results suggest that the...
Fabrication of Bi6Fe2Ti3O18 Ceramics by Mixed Oxide Method
PublicationIn the present study Bi6Fe2Ti3O18 (BFTO) ceramics has been fabricated by solid state reaction from the mixture of simple oxides viz. Bi2O3, TiO2 and Fe2O3. Stoichiometric mixture of the powders was thermally analyzed so parameters of the thermal treatment were determined. The EDS measurements have shown conservation of the chemical composition of the ceramic powder after calcination. Hot-pressing method was used for final densification...
Effect of Bi2O3 Excess on Morphology and Structure of BiNbO4 Ceramics
PublicationGoal of the present research was to fabricate BiNbO4 ceramics from the mixture of powders by the solid state reaction route and pressureless sintering at various temperatures (TS =8700C and TS =9100C) and study microstructure, phase composition and crystalline structure of BiNbO4 ceramics. Four batches were fabricated and examined, namely the one fabricated from the stoichiometric mixture of reagent – grade oxide powders, viz....
Effects of V2O5 Additive on Structure and Dielectric Properties of BiNbO4 Ceramics
PublicationGoal of the present research was to investigate the influence of V2O5 additive on the structure and dielectric properties of BiNbO4 ceramics. To fabricate BiNbO4 ceramics with V2O5 added the solid state reaction route and pressureless sintering was utilized. Thus obtained ceramics was characterized in terms of its microstructure (SEM), chemical composition (EDS), phase composition and crystalline structure (X-ray phase and structural...
Characterization of Bi6Fe2Ti3O18 Ceramics with Impedance Spectroscopy
PublicationIn the present research the tool of impedance spectroscopy was utilized to characterize dielectric behavior of Aurivillius-type ceramics of Bi6Fe2Ti3O18 composition fabricated by hot pressing method from the stoichiometric mixture of oxides Bi2O3, TiO2 and Fe2O3. Impedance spectroscopy was applied to characterize dielectric response of bulk, grain boundary, and material/electrode interfaces of the fabricated polycrystalline ceramic...
Rheology of polymer blends
PublicationPolymer blends are physical mixtures of two or more homopolymers or copolymers. This type of materials have wide spectrum of technological applications, and their properties are influenced, e.g., by the properties of single components and morphology of final material. The rheology of polymer blends is connected with the processing of polymer blends and is influenced by thermodynamics, morphology, and their evolution during testing....
Influence of Processing Conditions on Crystal Structure of Bi6Fe2Ti3O18 Ceramics
PublicationAim of the present research was to apply a solid state reaction route to fabricate Aurivillius-type ceramics described with the formula Bi6Fe2Ti3O18 (BFTO) and reveal the influence of processing conditions on its crystal structure. Pressureless sintering in ambient air was employed and the sintering temperatures were 850 and 1080 °C. It was found that the fabricated BFTO ceramics were multiphase ones. They consisted of two Bim+1Fem-3Ti3O3m+3...
Modelling of dielectric properties of BiNbO4-based microwave ceramics
PublicationIn the present paper results of the studies devoted to computer simulations of dielectric response of electroceramics in a frequency domain as well as analysis of the experimental data are given. As an object of investigations BiNbO4-based microwave ceramics was taken. Simulations of the hypothetical impedance response of the ceramic system were performed under assumption of the brick-layer model. A strategy for analysis and modelling...
Influence of Flat Lapping Kinematics on Machinability of Ceramics
PublicationNew tools for flat grinding of ceramics are presented in the paper. Electroplated CBN tools (B64 and B107) were used in a modified single-disc lapping machine configuration. The results from experiments, such as the material removal rate and surface roughness parameters are presented and analyzed. Numerical simulations, based on the model for the shape error and tool wear estimation in machining with flat lapping kinematics, are...
PublicationGoal of the present research was to apply a solid state reaction route to fabricate bismuth layer-structured multiferroic ceramics described with the formula Bi5FeTi3O15 and reveal the influence of processing conditions on its crystal structure and phase composition. Simple oxide powders Bi2O3, TiO2 and Fe2O3 were used to fabricate Aurivillius-type bismuth layer-structured ferroelectrics. Pressureless sintering in ambient air was...
Effect of Semiconductor Element Substitution on the Electric Properties of Barium Titanate Ceramics
PublicationThe investigated ceramics were prepared by a solid-state reaction from simple oxides and carbonates with the use of a mixed oxide method (MOM). The morphology of BaTi0.96Si0.04O3 (BTSi04) ceramics was characterised by means of a scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was found that Si+4 ion substitution supported the grain growth process in BT-based ceramics. The EDS results confirmed the high purity and expected quantitative composition...
Synthesis and structure of Bi 5 FeTi 3 O 15 ceramics
PublicationAim of the present research was to fabricate and study crystal structure and phase composition of Bi5FeTi3O15 (BTFO) ceramics exhibiting Aurivillius - type structure. By means of simultaneous thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction analysis the process of synthesis of BTFO ceramics has been studied. Mixed oxide method followed by pressureless sintering was used for ceramics preparation. Three endothermic thermal effects have been...
Influence of processing conditions on crystal structure of BiNbO 4 ceramics
PublicationBismuth niobate (BiNbO4) has attracted attention as a low-fired ceramics with promising microwave application potential. It belongs to the bismutocolumbite oxides with similarly to scheelite-like stibiotantalite structure (SbTaO4) A3+B5+O4. Aim of the present research was to fabricate BiNbO4 ceramics by solid state reaction route from the mixture of simple oxides viz. Bi2O3, and Nb2O5, and study its phase composition as well as...