Search results for: Professional activity
Elderly persons professional activity - substantive issues and methodical challenges
PublicationPopulation ageing and mass withdrawal of persons around retirement age from the labour market constitutes a serious threat for European Union economy, especially in the so-called new member states. The coming years are expected to bring a considerable increase in public spending on pensions and health care, as well as changes in the structure and size of consumer demand and an increase in the number of socially excluded individuals....
Elderly persons professional activity - substantive issues and methodological challenges
PublicationPopulation ageing in Europe and mass withdrawal from professional activity leads to a number of adverse phenomena, such as increased public spending, reduced consumer demand and the growing problem of social exclusion. The study focuses on the problems of population ageing in Europe as well as on the feasible steps that may be taken with a view to professional activation of the elderly. The first part is concerned with the trends...
Elderly persons professional activity - substantive issues and methodical challenges
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Professional activity and women entrepreneurship in Poland – Europe 2020 Strategy perspective
PublicationThe level of economic activity of women in Poland is the lowest among Baltic Sea Region countries. The analysis of Europe 2020 targets, shows that at least 3 of the 5 main objectives relate, more or less, to women (e.g. participation in labor market). The objective concerning social inclusion assumes the increase in the employment rate of men and women (aged 20-64) in Poland up to 71%. To achieve this goal, support programs to...
Professional activity, gender and disease-related emotions: The impact on parents' experiences in caring for children with phenylketonuria
PublicationIntroduction: Clinical management of rare diseases often fails to acknowledge the challenges faced by caregivers.Whilst management of phenylketonuria (PKU) may not be considered as dire as other conditions, most studiesprimarily concentrate on clinical issues, dietary adherence, or the quality of life of the PKU patients, leavingcaregivers in the background. The aim of the study was to evaluate the psychosocial...
Professional activity, gender and disease-related emotions: The impact on parents' experiences in caring for children with phenylketonuria
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How do institutions from Pomerania Province support professional activity of people aged 50 and over?
PublicationThe article presents the solutions that were implemented in last years in the pomorskie province with regard to the economic activation of individuals aged 50+. The author presents the priorities in this area included in regional policy and specific initiatives of different types of institutions operating in the region.
Budesonide treatment of professional athletes and anti-doping testing- case studies
PublicationAccording to the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Prohibited List, glucocorticosteroids are prohibited in competition and only when administered by oral, intravenous, intramuscular or rectal routes. Up to now, in order to differentiate whether glucocorticosteroids were administered by one of the prohibited routes or not, a specific reporting limit for urinary concentrations of parent compounds and their metabolites was established...
Post-match recovery profile of leukocyte cell subsets among professional soccer players
PublicationThis study assessed the impact of cumulative match time on the distribution of CD45+ cell subtests in the capillary blood of professional soccer players. Twenty-two males (aged 18–30 years) took part in the 36-week study. Participants playing up to 540 in cumulative match time and less than 30 min in each single match during the observation period formed the control group. White blood cell (WBC) phenotyping and creatine kinase...
Fatigue and Professional Burnout in Police Officers and Firefighters
PublicationExcessive demands, work overload and the working time arrangements are an important cause of burnout and fatigue in employees. Specific working time arrangements are characteristic of the internal security services, such as police officers and firefighters. This applies to both the ordering of day and night shifts and the length of shifts. Depletion of personal resources is a common component for acute fatigue and burnout. However,...
Gender and support Polish women at the beginning of their professional career in IT
PublicationThe development of ICT should be understood not only as an increase in the number of users skilled in the use of new technologies, but also as an ever-increasing demand for qualified professionals capable of creating, administering, supporting, and servicing ICT systems. With regard to the continuous development of innovative technologies, there is a noticeably low share of women who actively create and co-create this sector,...
Characteristic of Injuries and Rehabilitation to Professional Rugby Players
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Building Sustainable Cities. Challenges for professional education
PublicationW artykule zawarto rozważania na temat problemu dostosowania profilu i charakteru edukacji planistycznej i urbanistycznej do potrzeb zmianiającego się świata. W szczególności okreslone zostały przyczyny koniecznych zmian wtym zakresie oraz kierunki działania.
The methods of professional activation of the elderly - the Polish experience
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The Interrelationships of Coping Styles and Professional Burnout Among Physiotherapists
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Hydrodron — New Step for Professional Hydrography for Restricted Waters
PublicationHydrographic surveys in restricted areas are becoming increasingly important, but often impossible to carry out with conventional hydrographic vessels. Presumably in this case an employment of unmanned vehicles is the only reasonable solution. As restricted water areas include, among others: harbours, roadsteads, rivers or lakes. The HydroDron platform, due to its mobility, can operate in the above-mentioned areas. It is adapted...
Police stress: The role of professional and organizational demands on burnout
PublicationJob demands - resources - empirical study in police officers
Talents, Competencies and Techniques of Business Analyst: A Balanced Professional Development Program
PublicationThis paper presents preliminary results of action research in which we search for fundamentals of an universal theory of balanced approaches to software process. It is developed on the basis of balanced approach for professional development program for business analysts which integrates approaches oriented on talents, competencies and techniques. This paper includes the description of key concepts in background approaches, components...
Data from the Survey on Gdańsk University of Technology Graduates’ Professional Careers
PublicationThe dataset titled Data from the survey on Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ professional careers includes data from a survey of Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk Tech) graduates’ professional careers. The survey was conducted in 2017, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 2553 respondents. The study concerned, i.a. the percentage of people working among graduates...
Professional Ethics of Social Entrepreneurs: The Perspective of Christian Personalist Ethics
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Improving quality of life in automotive by professional preparation to external audits
PublicationZaproponowano podniesienie jakości procesów zarządzania w przemyśle samochodowym w oparciu o rozbudowany model profesjonalnego przygotowania i późniejszego wykorzystania wyników zewnętrznych audytów.
Geometrically nonlinear analysis of shells - Benchmark problems for Autocad Robot Analysis Professional
PublicationThe aim of this work is to verify the suitability of commercial engineering software for geometrically nonlinear analysis of shells. This paper deals with the static, geometrically nonlinear analysis of shells made of an isotropic material. The Finite Element Method (FEM) is chosen to solve the problem. The results of the commercial software Autocad Robot Structural Analysis Professional (ARSAP) are compared with the litera-ture...
Professional prospects of polish logisticians in the light of the higher education: students’ opinion research.
PublicationThe paper focuses on a topic concerning the students’ professional future. Students more often and more are prepared to leave the labor market. In addition to the ongoing higher education they get their education at a variety of courses and trainings; they increase their skills in workshops or attend internships and practices to become attractive candidates for the job in the eyes of a potential employer. At this point a number...
The Idea of a Student Research Project as a Method of Preparing a Student for Professional and Scientific Work
PublicationIn the paper we present the idea and implementation of a student research project course within the master’s program at the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdansk Tech. It aims at preparing students for performing research and scientific tasks in future professional work. We outline the evolution from group projects into research project and the current deployment of both at bachelor’s and master’s levels...
Nursing students’ perception of the professional nurse's role in four European countries
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Evaluation of Professional Demands and Financial Reward Through the Perception of Police Managers
PublicationThe aim of the study was to examine the relationship between job demands and salary in the subjective perception of mid-level police managers. An occupational stress model in which effort spent on job demands are not balanced by the received reward, was adopted. The study comprised 51 police officers (4 women). The partial least squares method was used for the analysis, and the SmartPLS 2.0 program was applied. The income and...
Building Sustainable Cities - Challenges for professional Education with Special Attention on Poland
PublicationW artykule omówiono problemy związane ze współczesnym kształceniem urbanistów w Polsce. Dokonano tego na tle zarysowanych problemów gospodarowania przestrzenią w kraju oraz z uwzględnieniem istniejących potrzeb w zakresie równoważenia jego rozwoju.
On Guard for Lighting Quality. The establishment of the first association of professional lighting designers
PublicationNot many people in the lighting community are aware of the fact, that after electricity was invented and in general use in the United States from the late nineteenth century, only electrical engineers were responsible for the illumination of architecture. After 1906, when the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) was established in the USA, companies and individuals professionally involved in the field of gas...
Survey of ICT students' views on self-assessment of professional preparation after remote study
PublicationThe contemporary post-pandemic reality is characterised by an undisputable shift toward remote education and work. The aim of this article is to identify the assessment of ICT evaluation of different forms of study, including desktop, remote and hybrid forms; to find out their preferences towards different forms of education and work, and to determine their sense of self-efficacy in terms of professional tasks undertaken after...
Professional burnout of nurses and the level of rationing of nursing care: an observational preliminary study
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Caring Ability and Professional Values of Polish Nursing Students—A Cross-Sectional Study
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Attributions of educational and professional paths: Analysing reasons for adolescent and young adults choices
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Impact of Paleo Diet on Body Composition, Carbohydrate and Fat Metabolism of Professional Handball Players
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Initiatives supporting professional activation of the 50+ group in Poland with particular focus in the region of Pomerania
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Evaluation of technical efficiency of heat and electric power generation
PublicationThis paper presents an evaluation of technical efficiency and time-dependent changes in productivity of Polish professional electric power and heat&electric power stations by using Data Envelopment Analysis non-parametric method. The research covered the enterprises whose total available electric power amounted to about 98% of that of all professional thermal electric power stations in this country. The analysis has concerned...
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The rationing of nursing care phenomenon in the light of scientific reports – professional and personal satisfaction, life orientation of nursing staff – PART III
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Conditions of Best Practice Transfer - Results of the Quick IGA Project
PublicationThe Quick IGA project supports the development of working and organizational structures in SMEs in order to increase the employment rate of women and elderly and concurrently increases innovation capacities. One of the main project’s tasks was to find best practices from SMEs in Nordic countries in that field (in the first step) and identify (in second step) possibilities and conditions of their implementation in SMEs in other...
Sub-national structures matter when evaluating physical activity promotion: Lessons from Germany
PublicationBackground Public policies are increasingly acknowledged as important part of promoting physical activity (PA). However, especially in states with sub-national administrative structures such as Germany, national and sub-national approaches differ considerably. In Germany, sport for all (SfA) promotion is mostly organized at sub-national level, which is usually not covered in national evaluations. Knowledge of these structures helps...
Artur Piekarczuk dr hab. inż. prof. ITB
PeopleMy professional activity includes issues related to the examination and evaluation of construction products and the preparation of academic, technical and expert opinions on building construction structures as well as scientific articles in the field of buildings. My interests were focused on the use of modern methods of numerical analysis in research and expert works. I am currently the Manager of the Durability Testing Laboratory...
Analiza kohortowa przyczyn bierności zawodowej osób w wieku 45+
PublicationZmiany demograficzne następujące w ostatnich latach w krajach rozwiniętych stawiają nowe wyzwania przed badaczami i praktykami rynku pracy. Jedną z najbardziej zauważalnych konsekwencji „starzenia społeczeństw” jest wydłużenie czasu bierności zawodowej. Jednocześnie w wolniejszym tempie występuje proces wydłużenia czasu aktywności zawodowej. Z punktu widzenia stabilności systemu emerytalnego istotne jest zatem określenie przyczyn...
Beata Krawczyk dr hab.
PeopleBeata Krawczyk, PhD, Professor Academic degrees, education, qualifications: B. Krawczyk earned his master degree in Biology at the University of Gdansk, Biology Faculty, in 1986, and her PhD in Molecular Biology at the University of Gdansk, Biology Faculty, in 1996. Postdoctoral degree (habilitation) in biological sciences in the discipline biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Szczecin, Szczecin, in 2009. In 2012...
School psychologist’s interventions to promote successful school re-entry of chronically ill children aiming at altering peers’ attitudes towards them
PublicationThe aim of this article is to outline school psychologist’s interventions, which might be useful while supporting a chronically, somatically ill child in their re-entry to school, aiming at broadening their peers’ knowledge about the chronic disease and positively changing their attitudes towards the ill child. In the first part, the importance of peer relationships in childhood and adolescence, the relation of their quality...
Leszek Ziemczonek dr
PeopleUniversity education 1973-1978 – Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, University of Gdańsk in Gdańsk, Mathematical Physics, M. Sc. 1979 – Diploma of Postgraduate Studies, Pedagogics 1989 – Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Theoretical Physics, Ph. D. 2010-2012 – Diploma of Postgraduate Studies, Mathematics Training: · 09.1983 – Trieste (Italy) – International Centre for Theoretical Physics...
Człowiek i jego samochód - relacje w strukturach mieszkaniowych w warunkach zrównoważonego rozwoju. Zapis refleksji
PublicationJakość środowiska zbudowanego - przekształcanego i tworzonego dla coraz liczniejszych pokoleń mieszkańców jest przedmiotem wieloletniej i narastającej dyskusji zawodowej środowiska architektonicznego.Ludzka potrzeba samorealizacji poprzez codzienną aktywność, działalność zawodową, przyjmowane role społeczne wpływa na kształtowanie indywidualnych modeli codzienności miejskiej, na decyzje o wyborach miejsca zamieszkania, miejsca...
Niezgodność przekonań i działań menedżerów wobec pracowników w wieku 55+
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy problematyki postaw i działań menadżerów wobec pracowników w wieku 55+. W literaturze dotyczącej zarządzania wiekiem przytaczane są wyniki badań na temat cech charakteryzujących starszych pracowników. Porównuje się je czasami z cechami przypisywanymi pracownikom młodym. Cel prezentowanych w artykule badań sformułowany został nieco inaczej i dotyczył zweryfikowania zbieżności zalet przypisywanych starszym pracownikom...
The additional elements of remuneration, apart from the basic salary
Open Research DataThe results include employee responses from Australia, Japan, Malaysia, Uzbekistan and the UK. The respondents declared different professional experience (from 1 to 40 years). It is worth emphasizing that among the respondents there were people with many years of professional career. This is important because the results of this research can be compared...
Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ self-assessment of the use of digital skills in professional work – the year 2017
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates' from the year 2017 on their self-assessment of the use of digital skills in professional work. The survey was conducted in 2019, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 1594 respondents. To summarize, the vast majority...
Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ self-assessment of the use of digital skills in professional work – the year 2018
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates' from the year 2018 on their self-assessment of the use of digital skills in professional work. The survey was conducted in 2020, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 1315 respondents. To summarize, the vast majority...
Gdańsk University of Technology graduates’ self-assessment of the use of digital skills in professional work – the year 2016
Open Research DataThe dataset includes data from the survey on the Gdańsk University of Technology graduates' from the year 2016 on their self-assessment of the use of digital skills in professional work. The survey was conducted in 2018, two years after the respondents obtained graduate status. The research sample included 1947 respondents. To summarize, the vast majority...