total: 921
Search results for: QUALITY MANAGEMENT
e-Learning Courses -
Quality Management 2019 / 2020
e-Learning CoursesSt. I stopnia, stacjonarne, Bachelor in Management, sem.5
Quality Management 2022/2023
e-Learning CoursesSt. I stopnia, stacjonarne, Bachelor in Management, sem.5
e-Learning CoursesSt. I stopnia, stacjonarne, Bachelor in Management, sem.5
Quality Management 23/24
e-Learning CoursesSt. I stopnia, stacjonarne, Bachelor in Management, sem.5
e-Learning Courses -
Quality Management 2020/2021
e-Learning CoursesSt. I stopnia, stacjonarne, Bachelor in Management, sem.5
Quality Management 23/24
e-Learning Courses -
e-Learning Courses -
e-Learning Courses -
e-Learning Courses -
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Fundamentals of Quality Management - Organizational Excellence 4.0 2022/2023
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Environmental Quality Management
Journals -
Quality Management Journal
Journals -
Lean Quality Management
PublicationPostrzeganie przedsiębiorstwa przez pryzmat zachodzących w nim procesów powoduje powstanie dynamicznego obrazu zmian zachodzących w firmie. W wyniku takiego spojrzenia obserwator wykracza poza funkcjonalny układ struktur uzyskując możliwość pełniejszej weryfikacji skuteczności licznych, powiązanych ze sobą działań przedsiębiorstwa i podejmowania decyzji o ich doskonaleniu. Kierunki tego doskonalenia to takie budowanie sekwencji...
Quality Management in Health Care
Journals -
Assessment of the activities of private universities in the context of quality management in 2010
Open Research DataIn all universities, the assessment of the quality is made by the supervisor, the opinion of students and the admission of classes have the greatest impact on the assessment of the quality of education. Subsequent tracking of the student's fate has a slightly smaller impact on the grade. Research also shows that only 4 out of 7 respondents monitor the...
International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management
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Quality Assurance of Educational Processes as the Foundation of the Quality Management System in Gdansk University of Technology
PublicationThe paper presents a model of quality management system (QMS) developed by the author in Gdansk University of Technology (GUT). The core of the model is internal quality assurance system of educational processes based on the ENQA guidelines. Next described in the paper steps of GUT QMS development are the implementation of one of the normative QMS models (e.g. ISO 9001, ISO/IEC 17025) in selected organizational units of GUT and...
Quality Assurance of Educational Processes as the Foundation of the Quality Management System in Gdansk University of Technology
PublicationW opracowaniu przedstawiono rozwojowy model systemu zarządzania jakością w dużej uczelni technicznej. Punktem wyjścia dla tego projektowania tego modelu jest wewnętrzny system zapewnienia jakości kształcenia oparty na wytycznych ENQA a kluczowym czynnikiem wspierającym systemowo prowadzone zarządzanie wiedzą oraz samoocena.
Urban Vegetation in Air Quality Management: A Review and Policy Framework
PublicationRecent episodes of high air pollution concentration levels in many Polish cities indicate the urgent need for policy change and for the integration of various aspects of urban development into a common platform for local air quality management. In this article, the focus was placed on the prospects of improving urban air quality through proper design and protection of vegetation systems within local spatial planning strategies....
Measuring the immeasurable: system usability, user satisfaction, and quality management.
PublicationZmierzyć niemierzalne: funkcjonalność systemu, satysfakcja użytkownika a zarządzanie jakością.W artykule przedyskutowano możliwości opracowania nowego podejścia badawczego łączącego badania funkcjonalności, badania konsumenckie oraz wybrane techniki zarządzania jakością. Perspektywa badań konsumenckich jest postrzegana jako szczególnie obiecująca w kontekście rozwijającego się rynku produktów interaktywnych oraz dalszego rozwoju...
Developing the Urban Blue-Green Infrastructure as a Tool for Urban Air Quality Management
PublicationUrban structure is an important factor that shapes the process of urban ventilation and pollution dispersion. With proper planning of the urban spatial layout, city breathability can be effectively regulated, contributing to urban air quality improvement. This paper investigates the development and current management of urban systems of green and open spaces in four Polish cities: Gda ´nsk, Warsaw, Pozna ´n and Wrocław, with a...
The risk assessment of adverse events of nursing activities as the element of quality management in healhcare
PublicationThe purpose of the paper is to present MedCARVER+Shock method and Pareto analysis and its usability for the risk assessment of adverse events of nursing activities. 888 activities carried out by all 190 nurses working at the District Hospital X located in Poland were taken into account. During the research the qualitative approach was used. As the result sixteen groups of nursing activities causing the highest risk of adverse events...
The quality management in precast concrete production and delivery processes supported by association analysis
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The Maturity Level of Quality Management and Medical Service Improvement by Wielkopolska District Hospitals
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Stakeholders Satisfaction Index as an Important Factor of Improving Quality Management Systems of Universities in Poland
PublicationThe following article analyses the role of stakeholders in selected methods of assessing the quality of educational services of universities and discusses quality management systems according to Common Assessment Framework for education. Furthermore, it presents the example of method of stakeholder satisfaction measurement called Stakeholders Satisfaction Index (SSI) which is an original proposal of an aggregate measure of satisfaction...
Dilemmas associated with the implementation of quality management systems in Polish smaller health care units
PublicationThe article presents the considerations and recommendations for the implementation of the process-oriented quality management systems (QMS) in small health care units. As an example, the unit providing services for children with disabilities (therapy and rehabilitation) localized in northern part of Poland have been selected. The essential elements of the implementation of the quality system, taking into account the objectives...
Conception of Interactive Information and Decision Support System for Urban and Industrial Air Quality Management: Extension
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Stakeholders Satisfaction Index as an Important Factor of Improving Quality Management Systems of Universities in Poland Stakeholders Satisfaction
PublicationThe following article analyses selected methods of assessing the quality of educational services of universities and discusses the role of stakeholders in, required by law, quality assurance and quality management systems according to Common Assessment Framework for education. Furthermore, it presents the Stakeholders Satisfaction Index (SSI) which is an original proposal of an aggregate measure of satisfaction perceived by stakeholders....
Quality system documentation of smes in process management framework
PublicationThe article presents elements of original methodology of process-oriented quality management system implementation to be applied in small organizations. The primary objective of the paper is to show process based documentation structure of a quality system and simple method of processes control description. Thus, guidelines for preparation of quality system documentation in process management framework, related research results...
<title>Data quality management system (DQMS) for BAC detector in the ZEUS experiment at the HERA accelerator</title>
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Process management methodology for quality systems of small organizations
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono najważniejsze elementy metodyki wdrażania zorientowanych procesowo systemów zarządzania jakością wg normy ISO 9001. Zaprezentowano przykład struktury procesów systemu jakości oraz prosta metodę opisu procesów (przewodnik procesu). Omówiono założenia metodyki oraz wybrane sposoby nadzorowania procesów. W podsumowaniu wskazano korzyści płynące ze stosowania metody w małych organizacjach.
Interactive information and decision support system for urban and industrial air quality management based on multi-agent system
PublicationThis article presents conception of interactive information and decision support system for urban and industrial air quality management. The emphasis of the project is on real-time analysis and multi-media information, and the support of distributed and mobile clients through the Internet. The approach integrates meteorological data and forecasts, air quality and emission monitoring, dynamic 3D simulation modelling and forecasting,...
Spatial aspects of urban air quality management: Estimating the impact of micro-scale urban form on pollution dispersion
PublicationUrban planning and design solutions affect urban ventilation conditions, thus mitigating the effects of atmospheric pollution. However, these findings are not being implemented in the planning practice to a sufficient extent, partly due to the lack of specific guidelines. Moreover, many urban air quality monitoring (AQM) sites have low represnentativeness and thus do not provide comprehensive data for effective urban air pollution control...
A framework for Air Quality Management Zones - Useful GIS-based tool for urban planning: Case studies in Antwerp and Gdańsk
PublicationThere is a growing recognition of the importance of proper urban design in the improvement of air flow and pollution dispersion and in reducing human exposure to air pollution. However, a limited number of studies have been published so far focusing on the development of standard procedures which could be applied by urban planners to effectively evaluate urban conditions with respect to air quality. To fill this gap, a new approach...
Quality Technology and Quantitative Management
Journals -
Quality and environmental management systems in polish shipbuilding industry - methods of implementation
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono metodę wdrażania systemu zarządzania jakością i środowiskiem, którą wykorzystano przy realizacji projektu BALTECOLOGICALSHIP. Metoda oparta była o wzory i doświadczenia szwedzkie. Rezultatem było wykonanie przeglądu środowiskowego w 50 organizacjach z obszaru przemysłu stoczniowego oraz wdrożenie w 13 firmach systemu zarządzania jakością i środowiskiem. Praca zawiera również wskazanie barier we wdrażaniu obu...
The Potential of Improving Air Quality by Urban Mobility Management: Policy Guidelines and a Case Study
PublicationThere is a growing recognition among planners and policy makers that proper transformation of urban mobility systems is crucial to the reduction of air pollution emission. The main objective of the work was to review the current urban mobility strategies in the city of Gdańsk, Poland in terms of their potential for the improvement of urban air quality. Firstly, general policy guidelines for mobility systems were formulated based...
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management
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Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal
Journals -
Journals -
Integrating modelling, simulation and data management tools to create a planning support system for the improvement of air quality by urban planning solutions
PublicationThe urbanization pressure requires urban planners, designers, and policy makers to be more responsive to the challenges related to improving the quality of the urban environment and the living conditions of the inhabitants. One of the many environmental issues that need to be taken into account is urban air pollution. As the process of urban ventilation and air pollution dis-persion is significantly affected by the urban layout,...
International Conference on Software Quality Management
Conferences -
Results from a collective bound case studies analysis of researched Pol‐ ish metropolises for inspecting information management regarding air quality in light of information ecology
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High-quality academic teachers in business school. The case of The University of Gdańsk, Poland
PublicationThe Bologna process, the increasing number of higher education institutions, the mass education and the demographic problems make the quality of education and quality of the academic teachers a subject of wide public debate and concern. The aim of the paper is to identify the most preferred characteristics of a teacher working at a business school. The research problem was: What should a high-quality business school academic teacher...
Piotr Grudowski dr hab. inż.
PeopleProfessor Dr hab. Eng. Piotr Grudowski heads the Department of Quality and Commodity Management at the Faculty of Management and Economics of Gdansk University of Technology. In the years 1987-2009 he worked at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Gdansk University of Technology, where he obtained a doctoral degree in technical sciences in the discipline of construction and operation of machines and he headed the Department...
Economics of credit scoring management
PublicationCredit scoring models constitute an inevitable element of modern risk and profitability management in retail financial lending institutions. Quality,or separation power of a credit scoring model is usually assessed with the Gini coefficient. Generally, the higher Gini coefficient the better, as in this way a bank can increase number of good customers and/or reject more bad applicants. In...