total: 450
Efficient methods for radio location service in cellular communication networks
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono dwie oryginalne metody lokalizowania terminala ruchomego w sieciach komórkowych trzeciej generacji. Metody te podczas estymacji położenia terminala nie wymagają znajomości różnicy czasów w synchronizacji poszczególnych stacji bazowych, przez co są tanie w implementacji. Przedstawiono wyniki badań symulacyjnych zaproponowanych metod.
Survey of Radio Navigation Systems
PublicationAt present, there is a growing demand for radio navigation systems, ranging from pedestrian navigation to consumer behavior analysis. These systems have been successfully used in many applications and have become very popular in recent years. In this paper we present a review of selected wireless positioning solutions operating in both indoor and outdoor environments. We describe different positioning techniques, methods, systems,...
Hyperbolic Asynchronous Method of a Radio Navigation Technique
PublicationHumans have always wanted to determine position in an unknown environment. At the beginning methods were simple. They were based on the observation of characteristic points, in the case of shipping additional observations of the coastline. Then came navigation based on astronomical methods (astronavigation). At the beginning of the XX-century a new way of determining the current location was developed. It has used radiowave signals....
Radio Link Measurement Methodology for Location Service Applications
PublicationThe aim of this paper is the methodology of measurements executed in a radio link for the realization of radiolocation services in radiocommunication networks, particularly in cellular networks. The main results of the measurements obtained in the physical layer of the universal mobile telecommunications system (UMTS) are introduced. A new method for the utilization of the multipath propagation phenomenon to improve the estimation...
Accuracy analysis of the radio location service in the sea environment
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono koncepcję systemu bezpieczeństwa na morzu w oparciu o istniejące systemy komórkowe. Scharakteryzowano problem lokalizowania terminala ruchomego przez sieć w warunkach morskich. Przedstawiono wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w warunkach rzeczywistych w odniesieniu do efektywności lokalizowania terminala na morzu. Przedstawiono wnioski, wypływające z przeprowadzonych analiz.
Design of radio communication systems for unmanned transport applications
PublicationIn the paper the principle of OFDMA-based radio communication systems design for unmanned transport applications is presented. The concept of system radio interface is analysed and its basic parameters proposal are considered. In the last part of the paper some air interface characteristics useful for optimization of throughput and system capacity are considered.
A History of Maritime Radio-Navigation Positioning Systems used in Poland
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Hybrid Laboratory of Radio Communication With Online Simulators and Remote Access
PublicationContribution: Two toolsets for the remote teaching of radio communication laboratory classes: 1) online simulators for individual work of students and 2) a remote access system to laboratory workstations for group work. Initial assumptions and method of implementation of both tools are presented. Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a change in teaching at all levels of education. The specificity of practical classes, such...
Velocity measurement using the fdoa method in ground-based radio navigation system
PublicationVelocity is one of the main navigation parameters of the moving objects. However some systems of position estimation using radio wave measurements cannot provide velocity data due to limitation of their performance. In this paper a velocity measurement method for DS-CDMA radio navigation system is proposed, which doesn’t require full synchronization of reference stations carrier frequencies. The article presents basics of FDOA...
Validation of a virtual test environment for C2X communication under radio jamming conditions
PublicationIn this paper, we propose a novel car-2-x communication security testing methodology in the physical layer of wireless systems. The approach is dedicated to automated testing of autonomous vehicles and it is essential for such complex systems operation, especially with regard to safety and security issues. It is based on scenario-driven testing in virtual and real test environments created from collected or simulated data. The...
Validation of a virtual test environment for C2X communication under radio jamming conditions
PublicationIn this paper, we propose a novel car-2-x communication security testing methodology in the physical layer of wireless systems. The approach is dedicated to automated testing of autonomous vehicles and it is essential for such complex systems operation, especially with regard to safety and security issues. It is based on scenario-driven testing in virtual and real test environments created from collected or simulated data. The...
Perspectives of Transport Systems Development in the Light of Radio Communication Systems Evolution Towards 5G
PublicationIn the paper conditions of development and implementation of transport systems with reference to the development of radio communication networks towards 5G are presented. First, general properties of next generation systems are mentioned and their architecture. Moreover, planned characteristics of B4G and 5G systems are depicted which can significantly contribute to the promotion and development of transport systems. In particular...
Multi-channel radio-over-fiber communication systems through modulation instability phenomenon
PublicationRecent advancements in Radio-over-Fiber (RoF) technology have positioned it as a promising solution for highcapacity wireless communications. This paper explores novel applications of RoF systems in enhancing phased array antenna (PAA) performance for multi-channel wireless communication applications through the modulation instability (MI) phenomenon. Utilizing fibers experiencing MI with varying group velocity dispersions (β2)...
Design of OFDM-based radio communication systems for coast-to-sea and coast-to-air propagation environments
PublicationIn the paper the study of radio communication system design process for systems based on OFDM transmission is considered. The signal propagation model for 1.4 GHz frequency band is discussed, and the study of signal propagation characteristics, important from the point of view of OFDM system design, is presented. The methodology of OFDM interface design is proposed and some characteristics of the OFDM-based radio communication...
Radio Communication in Transport
e-Learning Courses -
[ITiT] Transmission Channel in Radio Communication Systems
e-Learning Courses{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: informatyka techniczna i telekomunikacja Zajęcia fakultatywne dla doktorantów II roku Prowadzący: dr hab. inż. Sławomir Ambroziak, prof. PG Liczba godzin: 15 Forma zajęć: wykład {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: technical informatics and telecommunications Elective course for 2nd-year PhD students Academic teachers: dr hab. inż. Sławomir Ambroziak, prof. PG Total hours of training: 15 teaching hours Course...
Next generation radio communication systems (2022)
e-Learning Courses -
Source and Channel Coding in Radio Communication Systems
e-Learning Courses -
Radio Communication Antennas and MIMO Techniques (2023/24)
e-Learning CoursesCourse assigned to the following subject: - Radio Communication Antennas and MIMO Techniques (profile Radio Communication Systems and Networks [EN])
Next generation radio communication systems (October 2023)
e-Learning Courses -
Radio Communication Antennas and MIMO Techniques 2024/25
e-Learning Courses -
Maritime, Aerial & Satellite Radio Communication - 2024/2025
e-Learning CoursesThe aim of the course is to familiarize with selected issues related to maritime, aerial and satellite radio communication systems.
[ITiT] Transmission Channel in Radio Communication Systems - 2023/2024
e-Learning Courses{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: informatyka techniczna i telekomunikacja Zajęcia fakultatywne dla doktorantów II roku Prowadzący: dr hab. inż. Sławomir Ambroziak, prof. PG Liczba godzin: 15 Forma zajęć: wykład {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: technical informatics and telecommunications Elective course for 2nd-year PhD students Academic teachers: dr hab. inż. Sławomir Ambroziak, prof. PG Total hours of training: 15 teaching hours Course...
Source and Channel Coding in Radio Communication Systems 2023/2024
e-Learning CoursesKurs służy jako narzędzie pomocnicze do realizacji przedmiotu.
Jacek Stefański prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleJJacek Stefański received M.Sc., Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees in telecommunications engineering from Gdansk University of Technology (GUT), Poland, in 1993, 2000 and 2012, respectively. Awarded title of Professor by the President of Poland in 2020. Currently, he works as a professor at the Department of Radio Communication Systems and Networks (DRCSN) in GUT. From 2005 to 2009, he worked as an assistant professor in the National Institute...
Sławomir Jerzy Ambroziak dr hab. inż.
PeopleSławomir J. Ambroziak was born in Poland, in 1982. He received the M.Sc., Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees in radio communication from Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk Tech), Poland, in 2008, 2013, and 2020 respectively. Since 2008 he is with the Department of Radiocommunication Systems and Networks of the Gdańsk Tech: 2008-2013 as Research Assistant, 2013-2020 as Assistant Professor, and since 2020 as Associate Professor. He is...
Piotr Rajchowski dr inż.
PeoplePiotr Rajchowski (Member, IEEE) was born in Poland, in 1989. He received the E.Eng., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in radio communication from the Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk Tech), Poland, in 2012, 2013, and 2017, respectively. Since 2013, he has been working at the Department of Radiocommunication Systems and Networks, Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics, Gdańsk University of Technology, as a IT...
Krzysztof Cwalina dr inż.
PeopleKrzysztof Kamil Cwalina w 2013 r. uzyskał tytuł inżyniera na Wydziale Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej; w 2014 r. uzyskał tytuł magistra inżyniera, a w 2017 r. otrzymał stopień doktora nauk technicznych w dyscyplinie: telekomunikacja, także na WETI PG. Aktualnie pracuje na stanowisku adiunkta w Katedrze Systemów i Sieci Radiokomunikacyjnych Wydziału Elektroniki, Telekomunikacji i Informatyki Politechniki...
Trunked Radio Solutions for Special Application
PublicationIn the paper modern concepts of radio communication trunking-dispatch systems for special applications are presented. Basic standards of TETRA, DMR, and cdma2000 are mentioned. The aim of the paper is to present innovative trunking solutions based on the LTE system working both in FDD and TDD mode. The architecture of LTE trunked radio is shown as well as new services possible to implementation are described. The way of TETRA and...
Tracking body movement for radio channel measurements in BAN with indoor positioning system
PublicationThis paper presents indoor positioning system based on inertial navigation with additional distance measurements using UWB modems and map matching to increase accuracy and eliminate position drift. Such system may be used to track position of human body during radio channel measurements for body area networks. Performance of proposed system and limitations caused by inertial navigation are briefly described.
Examination of 5G NR, LTE, and NB-IoT Radio Interfaces and Their Vulnerabilities to Interference
PublicationModern cellular wireless communication systems of the fourth (4G) and fifth generation (5G) face a problem of various types of interference or intentional jamming. Consequently, a degradation of the services provided and an incorrect network operation may occur. In this paper, configuration of the networks’ physical layer is investigated, with the said investigation preceded by the measurement of parameters of commercial networks...
Algorithms for Ship Movement Prediction for Location Data Compression
PublicationDue to safety reasons, the movement of ships on the sea, especially near the coast should be tracked, recorded and stored. However, the amount of vessels which trajectories should be tracked by authorized institutions, often in real time, is usually huge. What is more, many sources of vessels position data (radars, AIS) produces thousands of records describing route of each tracked object, but lots of that records are correlated...
Low Power Baseband Processor for M2M Reconfigurable Radio Test Platform
PublicationSoftware Defined Radio (SDR) is becoming more andmore frequently used technique for wireless communication. Itfacilitates as fast prototyping and is a versatile method fordeveloping new communication systems. SDR can be realizedbased on high computational capacity platform, where powerconsumption is no a primary concern like i.e. DVB or BTStransmitters. Another trend are low power systems, whereavailable power in reduced and more...
A Study of Mutual Coupling Suppression between Two Closely Spaced Planar Monopole Antenna Elements for 5G New Radio Massive MIMO System Applications
Publication5G NR (new radio) introduces the concept of massive MIMO (multiple-input-multiple-output) technology, in which a larger number of antenna arrays are installed on the transceiver. Due to the increased number of antenna elements allocated close to each other (approximately at half-wavelength distance), mutual coupling becomes a serious problem leading to performance degradation of the MIMO communication system. In this communication,...
Nowoczesne systemy radiokomunikacyjne (luty 2023)
e-Learning CoursesJoint course for Modern Radio Communication Systems and Nowoczesne systemy radiokomunikacyjne
Józef Woźniak prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleProfessor Józef Woźniak received his M.Sc., Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees in electronics and telecommunications from the Faculty of Electronics, Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT), Poland, in 1971, 1976 and 1991, respectively. In January 2002 he became a full professor. In 1993 he was elected Associate Dean of the Faculty of Electronics and in 1994 he was he was appointed a Professor at GUT. Simultaneously, from October 1994 till...
Nowoczesne systemy radiokomunikacyjne (luty 2022)
e-Learning CoursesKurs wspólny do przedmiotów: Nowoczesne systemy radiokomunikacyjne oraz Modern Radio Communication Systems
Detection of the Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Signals with BPSK Modulation
PublicationThis paper presents a method of the DS CDMA signals with BPSK modulation detection through the examination of the enhanced signal spectrum density. On the base of experiments carried out on the real radio communication signals the impact of a narrowband emission occurring in the examined frequency band on the detection process effectiveness was shown. The results of the experiment aimed at the detection of the satellite navigation...
Person Tracking in Ultra-Wide Band Hybrid Localization System Using Reduced Number of Reference Nodes
PublicationIn this article a novel method of positional data integration in an indoor hybrid localization system combining inertial navigation with radio distance measurements is presented. A point of interest is the situation when the positional data and the radio distance measurements are obtained from less than thee reference nodes and it is impossible to unambiguously localize the moving person due to undetermined set of positional equations....
Realizacja mobilnego urządzenia do wytwarzania kurtyny elektromagnetycznej do zastosowań specjalnych
PublicationIn the article the assumptions, design and realisation of the technological demonstrator of a mobile device for generating an electromagnetic curtain (AEGIS) were presented, both in the area of hardware and software. The device is designed to block radio communication by which it is possible to detonate the Radio Controlled Improvised Explosive Devices (RCIEDs). The preliminary laboratory tests of the demonstrator for generating...
Radio Channel Measurements in Body-to-Body Communications in Different Scenarios
PublicationThis paper presents body-to-body radio channel measurements at the 2.45 GHz band, for different body motion scenarios and on-body antenna placements, and both indoor and outdoor environments. Measurement equipment, investigated scenarios and considered environments are described, an initial analysis of results being presented. The mean path loss and the standard deviation depend on the mutual location of transmitting and receiving...
Radio Channel Measurements in Body-to-Body Communications in Different Scenarios
PublicationThis paper presents body-to-body radio channel measurements at the 2.45 GHz band, for different body motion scenarios and on-body antenna placements, and both indoor and outdoor environments. Measurement equipment, investigated scenarios and considered environments are described, an initial analysis of results being presented. The mean path loss and the standard deviation depend on the mutual location of transmitting and receiving...
Novel Adaptive Method for Data Streams Allocation Based on the Estimate of Radio Channel Parameters in Heterogeneous WBAN Network
PublicationThe new adaptive method for data streams allocation in heterogeneous Wireless Body Area Networks and meas-urement equipment is presented. The results obtained using the developed method compared with the selected algorithms likely to be used in those networks. The pro-posed adaptive data streams allocation method based on radio channel parameters makes it even twice as efficient to use in terms of resources usage in a WBAN heterogeneous...
AEGIS – Mobile Device for Generating Electromagnetic Curtain for Special Applications and Countering the Threats of RCIED
PublicationIn the article the assumptions, design and realization of the technological demonstrator of a mobile device for generating an electromagnetic curtain (with a cryptonym AEGIS) were presented, both in the area of hardware and software. The device is designed to block the radio communication systems by which it is possible to detonate the Radio Controlled Improvised Explosive Devices (RCIEDs). The preliminary laboratory tests of the...
Spectrum Sensing Based on Hybrid Spectrum Handoff in Cognitive Radio Networks
PublicationThe rapid advancement of wireless communication combined with insufficient spectrum exploitation opens the door for the expansion of novel wireless services. Cognitive radio network (CRN) technology makes it possible to periodically access the open spectrum bands, which in turn improves the effectiveness of CRNs. Spectrum sensing (SS), which allows unauthorized users to locate open spectrum bands, plays a fundamental part in CRNs....
Filozofia sieci 5G - radioinformatyka i wirtualizacja. Część 2. Wirtualny system 5G.
PublicationPrzedstawiono najważniejsze właściwości sieci 5G z punktu widzenia istoty jej działania. Uporządkowano najistotniejsze pojęcia służące do opisu sieci 5G, zwłaszcza w kontekście rozwiązań softwarowych, wirtualizacji sieci oraz jej architektury fizycznej i funkcjonalnej. Wprowadzono i zdefiniowano wiele pojęć wynikających z nowej ery rozwoju radiokomunikacji, w tym pojęcie radioinformatyki, systemu radioinformatycznego, sieci radioinformatycznej....
Evaluation of Selected Modulation Techniques in Underwater Multipath Channel
PublicationThere is a growing interest in the use of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) and Underwater Sensor Networks (USNs) for scientific, military, and industrial applications, leading to the development of wireless underwater communications. However, the channel for Underwater Acoustic (UWA) communications is challenging compared to the radio wave propagation in the air. Especially in shallow waters, where the channel has strong multipath...
New Method for Increasing Precision of Position Estimation of a Moving Person in Hybrid Inertial Navigation System
PublicationIn this article a new method for increasing precision of position estimation of inertial navigation in hybrid localization system with reduced number of reference nodes for radio distance measurements is presented. Measuring tests were carried out to verify precision of position estimation of moving person in indoor environment.
Radio Channel Measurements in Off-Body Communications in a Ferry Passenger Cabin
PublicationThis paper presents an off-body radio channel measurements in a ferry passenger cabin at 2.45 GHz band, for static sleeping scenarios with different body orientation and on-body antennas placements, and also for upper and lower sleeping berths. The measurements have been performed with two types of on-body wearable receiving antennas: FlexPIFA (flexible planar inverted F antenna), and FlexNotch (flexible adhesive-backed notch antenna)...
New Method for Increasing Precision of Position Estimation in Hybrid Inertial Navigation System
PublicationIn article new method for increasing precision of position estimation by using inertial navigation in hybrid localization system with reduced number of reference nodes for radio distance measurements was presented. Measuring campaign using developed measuring stand were carried out to verify precision of position estimation of moving person in indoor environment.