Broadband interference in speech reinforcement systems
PublicationArtykuł podejmuje niedoceniany problem wpływu liczby i rozkładu głośników w systemach nagłośnienia, na jakość przekazu głosowego, czyli na zrozumiałość mowy w audytoriach. Superpozycji przesuniętych w czasie szerokopasmowych sygnałów o tym samym kształcie i lekko różnych wielkościach, które docierają do słuchacza z licznych spójnych źródeł, towarzyszy zjawisko interferencji prowadzące do głębokiej modyfikacji odbieranych sygnałów...
A Comparison of STI Measured by Direct and Indirect Methods for Interiors Coupled with Sound Reinforcement Systems
PublicationThis paper presents a comparison of STI (Speech Transmission Index) coefficient measurement results carried out by direct and indirect methods. First, acoustic parameters important in the context of public address and sound reinforcement systems are recalled. A measurement methodology is presented that employs various test signals to determine impulse responses. The process of evaluating sound system performance, signals enabling...
The influence of reinforcement on load carrying capacity and cracking of the reinforced concrete deep beam joint
PublicationThe paper presents the results of experimental research of the spatial reinforced concrete deep beam systems orthogonally reinforced and with additional inclined bars. Joint of the deep beams in this research was composed of the longitudinal deep beam with a cantilever suspended at the transversal deep beam. The cantilever deep beam was loaded throughout the depth and the transversal deep beam was loaded at the mid-span by longitudinal...
Force transfer and stress distribution in short cantilever deep beams loaded throughout the depth with a various reinforcement
PublicationDeep beams used as the main reinforced concrete structural elements which taking over the load and stiffening construction are often found in high-rise buildings. The architecture of these buildings is sometimes sophisticated and varied, arouse the admiration of the majority of recipients, and thus causing an engineering challenge to correctly design the structural system and force transfer. In such structures is important to shape...
A note on total reinforcement in graphs
PublicationIn this note we prove a conjecture and inprove some results presendet in a recent paper of N. Sridharan, M.D. Elias, V.S.A. Subramanian, Total reinforcement number of a graph, AKCE Int. J. Graphs Comb. 4 (2) (2007) 197-202.
Problems of reinforcement designing for plates
PublicationPrzedstawiono problem projektowania zbrojenia nietrajektorialnego płyt w aspekcie ich odkształcalności. Na podstawie niektórych wyników badań doświadczalnych, przeprowadzonych na żelbetowych płytach skręcanych, zweryfikowano procedury wymiarowania. Analiza wykazuje, że pomimo formalnego zapewnienia nośności przekroju płyt nietrajektorialnie zbrojonych, ich odkształcalność znacznie wzrasta. Aby zapewnić im sztywność na poziomie...
PublicationThe quality of voice messages in speech reinforcement and public address systems is often poor. The sound engineering projects of such systems take care of sound intensity and possible reverberation phenomena in public space without, however, considering the influence of acoustic interference related to the number and distribution of loudspeakers. This paper presents the results of measurements and numerical simulations of the...
Structure and Randomness in Planning and Reinforcement Learning
PublicationPlanning in large state spaces inevitably needs to balance the depth and breadth of the search. It has a crucial impact on the performance of a planner and most manage this interplay implicitly. We present a novel method \textit{Shoot Tree Search (STS)}, which makes it possible to control this trade-off more explicitly. Our algorithm can be understood as an interpolation between two celebrated search mechanisms: MCTS and random...
Minimal transverse reinforcement of reinforced concrete members
PublicationW pierwszej części pracy omówiono zagadnienia dotyczące minimalnego zbrojenia na ścinanie elementów żelbetowych w kontekście norm europejskich oraz pozaeuropejskich. W drugiej części pracy dokonano analizy wyników badań eksperymentalnych dotyczących nośności elementów bez zbrojenia poprzecznego, które stanowią podstawę do weryfikacji zaleceń normowych w zakresie minimalnego zbrojenia na ścinanie.
Alternative way of the main reinforcement anchorage in reinforced short cantilevers
PublicationThe results of the experimental investigation of the reinforced corbels and dapped end beams with steel studs were introduced in the work. The efficiency of this type of the reinforcement was compared with the typical reinforcenet applied in reinforced conctrete construcions.
Slope Reinforcement with the Utilization of the Coal Waste Anthropogenic Material
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Effectiveness of Concrete Reinforcement with Recycled Tyre Steel Fibres
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Model-free and Model-based Reinforcement Learning, the Intersection of Learning and Planning
PublicationMy doctoral dissertation is intended as the compound of four publications considering: structure and randomness in planning and reinforcement learning, continuous control with ensemble deep deterministic policy gradients, toddler-inspired active representation learning, and large-scale deep reinforcement learning costs.
Central sympathetic nervous system reinforcement in obstructive sleep apnoea
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Fibres from recycled post-consumer tyres for concrete reinforcement
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono aktualną sytuację dot. wykorzystania drutu stalowego z recyklingu opon samochodowych. Przedstawiono wyniki badań przeprowadzonych w laboratorium Katedry Konstrukcji Betonowych i Technologii Betonu nad zastosowaniem włókien stalowych z recyklingu do zbrojenia betonu. Otrzymane wyniki porównano z próbkami fibrobetonu uzyskanego na bazie przemysłowo produkowanych włókien stalowych.
Effect of polymer fibres reinforcement on selected properties of asphalt mixtures
PublicationThe paper presents selected results of the research program concerning fibre reinforced asphalt concrete. Aramid-polyalphaolefin fibres was used in this study. Selected properties responsible for low temperature cracking and resistance to permanent deformation are presented in this paper. Low temperature cracking susceptibility was evaluated with the results obtained from bending test of rectangular beams with constant rate of...
The Application of Fibres from Recycled Postconsumer Tyres for Concrete Reinforcement
PublicationPoland as a Member State is obliged to implement the EU specific environmental legislation focused on the reduction, transport and treatment of waste. The Landfill Directive prohibited the landfilling of whole tyres and their by-products. Although the EU Directive of Waste limits the use of tyres as secondary fuel, Poland is still the EU leader in burning tyres in cement kilns. Post-consumer tyres are utilised in a number of...
PublicationNowadays, more often than before, civil engineering designers are willing to use steel build-up members composed of single or doubled cold-formed chords interconnected using different mechanical connectors. This paper subject is an analysis of cooperation of a closely spaced built-up cold-formed chord interconnected with series of bolts that are located along the length of the member in a specific spacing. This distance along the...
Basic sensitivity analysis of a telecommunication tower complementing standard reinforcement design process
PublicationThis paper presents straightforward sensitivity assessment of a telecommunication tower. The analysis is set toidentify the elements of the tower which may be reinforced with the greatest structural advantage. As current expertopin ions on structural redesign of similar structures due to a planned addition of extra loads are mainly based ondeterministic computations or engineering intuition,...
Experiments and calibration of a bond-slip relation and efficiency factors for textile reinforcement in concrete
PublicationTextile reinforcement yarns consist of many filaments, which can slip relative each other. At modelling of the global structural behaviour, interfilament slip in the yarns, and slip between the yarns and the concrete can be considered by efficiency factors for the stiffness and strength of the yarns, and by applying a bond-slip relation between yarns and concrete. In this work, an effective and robust method for calibration of...
Influence of effective width of flange on calculation and reinforcement dimensioning of beam of reinforced concrete frame
PublicationThe paper analyses the influence of modelling the cross-section of a beam in two-storey reinforced concrete frame of industrial warehouse with dimensions: 18.0 m × 32.0 m using bar elements on the results of bending moments, the value of elastic deflection and the dimensioning of reinforcement due to bending. Six options were considered: a beam as a rectangular section and five T-beam variants with different definitions of effective...
The Role of Dopaminergic Genes in Probabilistic Reinforcement Learning in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders
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Confirmation Bias in the Course of Instructed Reinforcement Learning in Schizophrenia-Spectrum Disorders
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Accelerated Pavement Testing to Evaluate the Reinforcement Effect of Geogrids in Flexible Pavements
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Evaluation of reinforcement corrosion rate in concrete structures by electrochemical noise measurements
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń rezystancji polaryzacyjnej w układzie złożonym z dwóch elektrod (ze stali węglowej oraz elektrody odniesienia), umieszczonych w otulinie betonowej. Szybkość korozji ulega zmianom uzależnionym od stopnia nasiąknięcia betonu roztworem zawierającym jony chlorkowe. Zmiany rezystancji polaryzacyjnej elektrody stalowej oceniane są na podstawie pomiarów prądowego i potencjałowego szumu elektrochemicznego....
Verification of selected calculation methods regarding shear strength in beams without web reinforcement
PublicationThe purpose of the article was to compare selected calculation methods regarding shear strength in reinforced concrete beams without web reinforcement. Several calculation methods were tested. This included codes: PN-EN 1992-1-1:2008, ACI 318-14 and fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010. The analysis also consists of authorial methods published in technical literature. Calculations of shear strengths were made based on experimental...
FRP-based reinforcement coatings of steel with application prospects in ships and offshore structures: a review
PublicationLatest research on novel FRP-based anti-corrosion structural coatings (for enhancing structural capacity and strengthening the coating layer) is discussed with application prospects for ships and offshore structures. In the marine environment, structures constantly face corrosion and fatigue cracks. Combining this with high operational and wave loads, it might cause a structural collapse. Recently, polymer composites have been...
Cellulose Nanofibers Isolated from the Cuscuta Reflexa Plant as a Green Reinforcement of Natural Rubber
PublicationIn the present work, we used the steam explosion method for the isolation of cellulose nanofiber (CNF) from Cuscuta reflexa, a parasitic plant commonly seen in Kerala and we evaluated its reinforcing efficiency in natural rubber (NR). Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), and Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) techniques...
Optimizing Medical Personnel Speech Recognition Models Using Speech Synthesis and Reinforcement Learning
PublicationText-to-Speech synthesis (TTS) can be used to generate training data for building Automatic Speech Recognition models (ASR). Access to medical speech data is because it is sensitive data that is difficult to obtain for privacy reasons; TTS can help expand the data set. Speech can be synthesized by mimicking different accents, dialects, and speaking styles that may occur in a medical language. Reinforcement Learning (RL), in the...
An Empirical Study of a Dynamic Stop Loss Strategy with Deep Reinforcement Learning on the NASDAQ Stock Market
PublicationThe objective of this paper is to empirically investigate the efficacy of using Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) to maximize investment returns by incorporating expected optimal closing prices of long positions into a daily strategy. This paper extends existing research on the impact of stop-loss orders on investment strategy results and brings contribution of these orders to trading strategies into a completely new perspective....
The effect of multiaxial geocomposite reinforcement on fatigue performance and crack propagation delay in double-layered asphalt beams
PublicationThe presented study investigates the effect of a recently developed multiaxial geocomposite made of polypropylene geogrid and non-woven fabric on the delay of crack propagation, based on four-point bending tests of large asphalt concrete beams – both for reinforced and non-reinforced specimens. Several approaches are described in this study, including analysis of stiffness modulus decrease and analysis of crack propagation using...
Functional 3D-Printed Polymeric Materials with Metallic Reinforcement for Use in Cut-Resistant Gloves
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Reinforcement Learning Algorithm and FDTD-based Simulation Applied to Schroeder Diffuser Design Optimization
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to propose a novel approach to the algorithmic design of Schroeder acoustic diffusers employing a deep learning optimization algorithm and a fitness function based on a computer simulation of the propagation of acoustic waves. The deep learning method employed for the research is a deep policy gradient algorithm. It is used as a tool for carrying out a sequential optimization process the goal of which is...
Comparative Study of the Reinforcement Type Effect on the Thermomechanical Properties and Burning of Epoxy-Based Composites
PublicationAramid (AF), glass (GF), carbon (CF), basalt (BF), and flax (FF) fibers in the form of fabrics were used to produce the composites by hand-lay up method. The use of fabrics of similar grammage for composites’ manufacturing allowed for a comprehensive comparison of the properties of the final products. The most important task was to prepare a complex setup of mechanical and thermomechanical properties, supplemented by fire behavior...
Autonomous port management based AGV path planning and optimization via an ensemble reinforcement learning framework
PublicationThe rapid development of shipping trade pushes automated container terminals toward the direction of intelligence, safety and efficiency. In particular, the formulation of AGV scheduling tasks and the safety and stability of transportation path is an important part of port operation and management, and it is one of the basic tasks to build an intelligent port. Existing research mainly focuses on collaborative operation between...
The vibration-based assessment of the influence of elevated temperature on the condition of concrete beams with pultruded GFRP reinforcement
PublicationConcrete beams reinforced with glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) bars subjected to elevated temperature have been experimentally studied. The influence of high temperatures on GFRP-reinforced concrete beams condition has been check both, destructively and nondestructively. The nondestructive tests foresaw vibration-based tests to obtain the natural frequency values after exposure to varying temperatures. The vibration-based...
Experimental and numerical assessment of size effect in geometrically similar slender concrete beams with basalt reinforcement
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono doświadczalne i numeryczne wyniki badań efektu skali w geometrycznie podobnych smukłych belkach betonowych ze zbrojeniem bazaltowym. Doświadczenia zostały symulowane stosując metodę elementów skończonych w oparciu o model sprężysto-plastyczny z degradacją sztywności i nielokalnym osłabieniem. Otrzymano dobrą zgodność wyników doświadczalnych z numerycznymi.
Hybrid all-cellulose reinforcement in polypropylene matrix biocomposites for injection moulding - influence of particle geometry and volume fraction on hybrid effect
PublicationThe presented study is focused on evaluation of influence of reinforcement volume fraction and geometry on the occurrence of positive hybrid effect by the hybridisation of man-made cellulose fibres (rayon viscose) with cellulose microparticle fillers applied in polypropylene matrix. Four volume fractions of reinforcement were used at 1:1 combination of short man-made cellulose fibres with cellulose microfillers of different aspect...
Preparation and characterization of natural rubber composites highly filled with brewers' spent grain/ground tire rubber hybrid reinforcement
PublicationBrewers' spent grain (BSG) and ground tire rubber (GTR) were applied as low-cost hybrid reinforcement natural rubber (NR). The impact of BSG/GTR ratio (in range: 100/0, 75/25, 50/50, 25/75 and 0/100 phr) on processing and performance properties of highly filled natural rubber composites was evaluated by oscillating disc rheometer, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, scanning electron microscopy,...
Laboratory Investigation of Critical Factors Affecting Geogrid Reinforcement on Aggregate Base Using Loaded Wheel Tester
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Thermo-oxidative exfoliation of carbon black from ground tire rubber as potential reinforcement in green tires
PublicationConsidering the balance between rapidly growing global tire demand and scarcity of natural resources, recycling and reclaiming techniques of tire rubber have become the state of the art. Herein, we set out to implement a self-designed thermo-oxidative reactor for the exfoliation of carbon black (CB) from ground tire rubber, which is efficiently functioned under a thermo-oxidative reclaiming condition without any additive. The exfoliation...
Optimizing Control of Wastewater Treatment Plant With Reinforcement Learning: Technical Evaluation of Twin-Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient Agent
PublicationControl of the wastewater treatment processes presents significant challenges due to the fluctuating nature of inflow and wastewater composition, alongside the system’s non-linear dynamics. Traditional control methods struggle to adapt to these variations, leading to an economically suboptimal operation of the process and a violation of norms imposed on the quality of wastewater discharged to the catchment area. This study proposes...
Vegetable derived-oil facilitating carbon black migration from waste tire rubbers and its reinforcement effect
PublicationThree dimensional chemically cross-linked polymer networks present a great challenge for recycling and reutilization of waste tire rubber. In this work, the covalently cross-linked networks of ground tire rubber (GTR) were degraded heterogeneously under 150 °C due to the synergistic effects of the soybean oil and controlled oxidation. The degradation mechanism was discussed using Horikx theory and Fourier transformation infrared...
Boosting Portland cement-free composite performance via alkali-activation and reinforcement with pre-treated functionalised wheat straw
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Hossein Nejatbakhsh Esfahani Dr.
PeopleMy research interests lie primarily in the area of Learning-based Safety-Critical Control Systems, for which I leverage the following concepts and tools:-Robust/Optimal Control-Reinforcement Learning-Model Predictive Control-Data-Driven Control-Control Barrier Function-Risk-Averse Controland with applications to:-Aerial and Marine robotics (fixed-wing UAVs, autonomous ships and underwater vehicles)-Multi-Robot and Networked Control...
FE analysis of size effects in reinforced concrete beams without shear reinforcement based on stochastic elasto-plasticity with non-local softening.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki analizy MES dotyczącej deterministycznego i statystycznego efektu skali w żelbetowych belkach bez zbrojenia na ścinanie. W analizie zastosowano prawo sprężysto-plastyczne z nielokalnym osłabieniem. Wyniki analizy porównano z doświadczeniami i modelem skali Bazanta.
Teachers’ Feedback Contribution to the Reinforcement of Students’ Writing Competence in Light of AI Widespread: Third-Year EFL Student at Saida University as a Case Study
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Designing acoustic scattering elements using machine learning methods
PublicationIn the process of the design and correction of room acoustic properties, it is often necessary to select the appropriate type of acoustic treatment devices and make decisions regarding their size, geometry, and location of the devices inside the room under the treatment process. The goal of this doctoral dissertation is to develop and validate a mathematical model that allows predicting the effects of the application of the scattering...
Integracja bezprzewodowych heterogenicznych sieci IP dla poprawy efektywności transmisji danych na morzu
PublicationWraz ze wzrostem istotności środowiska morskiego w naszym codziennym życiu np. w postaci zwiększonego wolumenu transportu realizowanego drogą morską. czy zintensyfikowanych prac dotyczących obserwacji i monitoringu środowiska morskiego, wzrasta również potrzeba opracowania efektywnych systemów komunikacyjnych dedykowanych dla tego środowiska. Heterogeniczne systemy łączności bezprzewodowej integrowane na poziomie warstwy sieciowej...
An new method of audio-visual correlation analysis
PublicationThis paper presents a new methodology of conducting the audio-visual correlation analysis employing the gaze tracking system. Interaction between two perceptual modalities, seeing and hearing, their interaction and mutual reinforcement in a complex relationship was a subject of many research studies. Earlier stage of the carried out experiments at the Multimedia Systems Department (MSD) showed that there exists a relationship between...