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Search results for: Romanticism
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Studies in Romanticism
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Romanticism on the Net
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Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net
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Poe Studies / Dark Romanticism
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Cuadernos de Ilustracion y Romanticismo
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Zbigniew Kaźmierczyk dr hab.
PeopleProf. Zbigniew Kaźmierczyk, PhD in Literature, associate professor in the Department of History of Literature at the Institute of Polish Language and Literature at the University of Gdańsk. He has displayed the Gnostic – Manichaean dimension of existence in Miłosz’s writings ('The Work of Demiurge', 2011) by applying the language of access to apocrypha of the religion of gnosis. He has gathered linguistic, historic, religious,...
Wczesny Mickiewicz jako zapowiadający się historiozof
PublicationThe paper shows young Mickiewicz’s family and historical experiences. It discussesthe knightly premises for his historiosophy and explains its radicalism and structureon the grounds of the knightly tradition. The study reveals the pre-Slavic deposits ofspiritual archeology in the Romantic poet. It proves that the activation of these depositsshaped Mickiewicz’s view on the collision between Poland and...
Neomanichejski dualizm w dziełach literackich Słowian