Satellite pump and motor
PublicationThe article describe the design and operation of a prototype of satellite pump and a prototype of satellite motor. In both machines, the operating mechanism consists of a non-circular gear with external teeth (rotor), non-circular gear with internal teeth (curvature), and ten gear wheels which cooperate with the rotor and the curvature. The differences between the commutation unit in the pump and the commutation unit in the motor...
Pressure losses and power balance in the unloaded satellite pump
PublicationThis paper presents the results of laboratory research the pressure drop in the internal channels of unloaded satellite pump pumping tap water. Also shows the characteristics of the increase of pressure in the working chamber of the pump. It has been shown that after reaching cavitation, increase pump speed will increase in torque. This is the moment of inertia caused by the increase of the operating mechanism and the liquid contained...
PublicationThis paper presents the results of laboratory research the pressure drop in the internal channels of unloaded satellite pump pumping tap water. Also shows the characteristics of the increase of pressure in the working chamber of the pump. It has been shown that after reaching cavitation, increase pump speed will increase in torque. This is the moment of inertia caused by the increase of the operating mechanism and the liquid contained...
On the durability of the hydraulic satellite motor working mechanism in overload condition
PublicationThe paper presents the newest construction of the hydraulic satellite pump/motor. In this study, the fracture of the hydraulic satellite motor working mechanism is investigated. Factors influencing the durability of satellite working mechanism have been described. The durability of the hydraulic satellite motor working mechanism at a load, corresponding to a pressure of 15 MPa supplied with refined rapeseed oil is very low. Analyses...
Flow of liquid in flat gaps of the satellite motor working mechanism
PublicationThe article describes the methodology and results of investigations of the flow of oil and HFA-E emulsion in flat gaps of the working mechanism of a satellite motor. The flow of liquid in those gaps is turbulent and not fully developed. The article presents two methods of modelling this flow. Method I makes use of the Darcy-Weisbach formula, while Method II bases on the assumption that in the variable-length gaps the flow is turbulent...
Results of experimental research of hydraulic satellite motor
Open Research DataThe study of the flow rate in the motor and the torque on the motor shaft at low constant speed were carried out.The file contains measurement data of the torque on the motor shaft and the flow rate in the motor as a function of the angle of shaft rotation at various constant pressure drops in the motor.
The basics of design and experimental tests of the commutation unit of a hydraulic satellite motor
Publicationhe article presents an analytical method to design the commutation unit in a hydraulic satellite motor. It is shown that the size of the holes feeding the working chambers and their location on the plates closing those chambers depends on the geometrical dimensions of the working mechanism. The overlap in the commutation unit depends on the rotational speed range. It is demonstrated that the geometrical dimensions of the commutation...
Influence of geometrical and operational parameters on tooth wear in the working mechanism of a satellite motor
PublicationThis article describes the phenomena affecting the wear of the rotor of the working mechanism in a hydraulic satellite motor. The basic geometrical relationships that allow the calculation of the coordinates of the points of contact between the satellite and the rotor and the curvature are presented. A method for calculating the number of contacts of the satellite teeth with the rotor teeth and of the satellite teeth with the curvature...
Influence of operating pressure on the durability of a satellite hydraulic motor supplied by rapeseed oil
PublicationThis article describes the results of a durability test of a hydraulic satellite motor supplied by rapeseed oil. The tests were carried out on a test stand in a power recuperation system. The tests of the motor were carried out at a constant shaft speed for three fixed pressure drops in the motor. This made it possible to demonstrate the influence of the motor operating pressure on the durability of the satellite mechanism. The...
Influence of water and mineral oil on the leaks in satellite motor commutation unit clearances
PublicationThe article describes the flow rates of mineral oil and water flowing, as working media, through the commutation unit of a hydraulic satellite motor. It is demonstrated that geometrical dimensions of commutation unit clearances change as a function of the machine shaft rotation angle. Methods for measuring the rate of this flow and the pressure in the working chamber are presented. The results of pressure measurements in the working...
Losses and power balance in hydraulic satellite motor supplied with oil and HFA-E emulsion
PublicationMineral oil and HFA-E emulsion are liquids which differ in viscosity, density and lubricant properties. Therefore, supplying hydraulic satellite motor with these liquids, differences between quantity of hydraulic, volumetric and mechanical losses are observed. These losses influence efficiency of conversion of hydraulic energy into mechanical energy and thereby power balance of motor. The research of satellite motor has been conducted...
Experimental Study of Flow Rate in Hydraulic Satellite Motor with the Rotating Case at a Low Constant Rotational Speed
PublicationIn this article was described the methodology for the experimental study of flows in the prototype of a satellite hydraulic motor with a rotating body. The experimental tests of the motor were carried out at a low constant rotational speed in a wide range of pressure drop in this motor. The constant rotational speed of the motor was kept by a worm gear. Based on the test results, the leakage characteristics in the flat gaps of...
Compact satellite hydraulic unit
PublicationThe article describes the design and operation of a prototype hydraulic unit. It is based on an inversed kinematics, satellite pump in which the body rotates around the shaft. The pump is placed inside the electric motor. Thanks to that the compact and low mass construction was achieved. Thanks to new commutation unit with enlarged channels, lower pressure losses were obtained. The article presents the construction and results...
New generation of the satellite hydraulic pumps
PublicationHydraulic satellite machines are known and produced in many versions, recognizable by the number of humps on their inner rotor and external gear, and therefore by the number of cooperating gears (satellites). All known shapes were however designed on the base of preliminary assumption that rotor’s and external gear’s pitch lines are formed by merging arcs, tangent to each other in the. This assumption makes calculations easier,...
R&D of satellite pumps and motors with small geometrical displacement supplied with oil and non-flammable liquids
PublicationThe newest construction of satellite motors and self-suction satellite pumps with small geometrical displacement have been described in this article. The characteristics of volumetric and total efficiency of one satellite motor, selected from the series, supplied with oil have been presented. These characteristics have been compared with the orbital motors' characteristics. The remaining specifications of these motors were also...
Geometric working volume of a satellite positive displacement machine
PublicationThis article describes a method for determining the geometric working volume of satellite positive displacement machines (pump and motor). The working mechanism of these machines is satellite mechanism consisting of two non-circular gears (rotor and curvature) and circular gears (satellites). Two variants of the satellite mechanism are presented. In the first mechanism, the rolling line of the rotor is a sinusoid "wrapped" around...
Metodyka badań rozwojowych nowego typu silników i pomp satelitowych
PublicationResearch and development of new type satellite motors and satellite pumps SM with small geometrical displacement, from 5 to 73 cm3/rev, has been conducted in cooperation with Stosowanie Maszyn company from Katowice (manufacturer of motors and pump SM). The improvement of construction of those machines, especially construction of axial compensation and construction of fluid distribution channels have been the main problem of research...
Satelitowy agregat pompowy
PublicationW artykule opisano najnowszą konstrukcję satelitowego agregatu pompowego charakteryzującego się tym, że pompa satelitowa jest umieszczona wewnątrz silnika elektrycznego i zasysa ciecz poprzez otwór wydrążony osiowo w wale silnika. Zastosowana w agregacie pompa satelitowa jest nowatorską konstrukcją zawierającą mechanizm satelitowy o odwróconej kinematyce znamienny tym, że planeta (wirnik) oraz płyty kompensacyjne (rozrządu) są...
The methodology of design of axial clearances compensation unit in hydraulic satellite displacement machine and their experimental verification
PublicationA new methodology of calculating the dimensions of the axial clearance compensation unit in the hydraulic satellite displacement machine is described in this paper. The methods of shaping the compensation unit were also proposed and described. These methods were used to calculate the geometrical dimensions of the compensation field in an innovative prototype of a satellite hydraulic motor. This motor is characterized by the fact...
Mobile satellite measurements in designing and exploitation of rail roads
PublicationThe article presents a summary of several years (2009-2015) of studies on the application of mobile satellite Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) measurements in the field of designing and operation of railways. These studies have been conducted by an interdisciplinary research team from the Gdansk University of Technology and the Gdynia Maritime University. Mobile satellite GNSS measurements are taken during a ride (through...
New satellite pumps
PublicationStosowanie Maszyn company from Katowice was initiator and originator of newest original high pressure satellite pumps series of types PSM. Construction solution, research and development of these pumps have been conducted by Team of Hydraulics and Pneumatics of Gdansk University of Technology in cooperation with this company within the confines of research project nr R0300103 (source of funds: Ministry of Science and Higher Education)....
PublicationIn this paper mechanical losses in a positive displacement pump supplied with water and mineral oil (two liquids having significantly different viscosity and lubricating properties) are described and compared. The experimental tests were conducted using a special design (prototype) of a satellite pump. The design of the satellite pump is presented in the article. The pump features a non-circular tooth working mechanism. This pump...
Analysis of the Heating Process of Hydraulic Motors during Start-Up in Thermal Shock Conditions
PublicationConditions that prevail during harsh winters and hot summers pose a serious challenge for machine designers building devices suitable for operation in extreme weather. It is essential for the designers and the users to define the principles and conditions for the safe operation of machines and devices with hydraulic drive in low ambient temperatures. Bearing in mind the above, the author tested the hydraulic motors in thermal shock...
The Influence of Water and Mineral Oil on Mechanical Losses in a Hydraulic Motor for Offshore and Marine Applications
PublicationIn this paper, mechanical losses in a hydraulic motor supplied with water and mineral oil (two liquids having significantly different viscosity and lubricating properties) are described and compared. The experimental tests were onducted using a special design (prototype) of a hydraulic satellite motor. The design of the satellite motor is presented. This motor was developed to supply both with water and mineral oil and features...
The influence of water and mineral oil on volumetric losses in the displacement pump for offshore and marine applications
PublicationIn this paper volumetric losses in a positive displacement pump supplied with water and mineral oil are described and compared. The experimental tests were conducted using a prototype of a satellite pump (with a non-circular tooth working mechanism). In this paper the sources of volumetric losses in this pump are characterised. On this basis, a mathematical model of these losses has been presented. The results of the calculation...
Funkcjonowanie zespołów napędu hydraulicznego maszyn w niskich temperaturach otoczenia
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono cztery warianty klasyfikacji rozruchów oziębionego napędu hydraulicznego. Pierwsza sytuacja dotyczy zagadnienia, w którym wszystkie zespoły układu napędowego wraz z olejem mają taką samą niską temperaturę podczas rozruchu. Pozostałe warianty odnoszą się do rozruchu w warunkach szoku termicznego wywołanych zasilaniem ciepłym czynnikiem roboczym oziębionych zespołów hydraulicznych. Rozruch zespołów...
Comparison of Mathematical Models of Torque Transmitted by Multi-disc Wet Clutch with Experimental Results
PublicationIn this article was described the methodology for the experimental study of flows in the prototype of a satellite hydraulic motor with a rotating body. The experimental tests of the motor were carried out at a low constant rotational speed in a wide range of pressure drop in this motor. The constant rotational speed of the motor was kept by a worm gear. Based on the test results, the leakage characteristics in the flat gaps of...
The Methodology for Determining the Theoretical Based on the Characteristics of Effective Absorbency Versus Pressure Drop in the Motor
PublicationThis article describes a method for determining the theoretical and actual working volume of a hydraulic motor. It has been shown that the actual working volume of the motor is the sum of the theoretical working volume and the additional volume that depends on the pressure drop in the working chambers of the motor. It was also shown that the volumetric losses in the hydraulic motor are not only a function of the pressure drop in...
Determination of the theoretical and actual working volume of a hydraulic motor
PublicationA new methodology of determination of the theoretical and actual working volume of a hydraulic motor based on the characteristics of the delivered flow rate into hydraulic motor vs. the rotational speed at a constant pressure drop in the working chambers is described in this paper. A new method of describing the delivered flow rate into a motor per one shaft revolution as a nonlinear function of the pressure drop in the motor working...
PublicationA large number of hydraulic devices and systems are started in low ambient temperatures. A good example of such a device is the hoisting winch on the ship. Starting hydraulic drive units in thermal shock conditions (rapid supply of hot oil to the cold unit) may lead to incorrect operation of the actuating system, for instance, due to the loss of clearance between cooperating elements. The article presents methods to prevent the...
The Influence of Water and Mineral Oil on Pressure Losses in Hydraulic Motor
PublicationIn this paper, pressure losses in hydraulic motor supplied with water and mineral oil (two liquids that have significantly different viscosity and lubricating properties) are described and compared. The experimental tests were conducted using a hydraulic satellite motor that is dedicated to working with different liquids, including water. The methodology of measuring the pressure drop in internal channels of this motor is also...
The influence of water and mineral oil on volumetric losses in a hydraulic motor
PublicationIn this paper volumetric losses in hydraulic motor supplied with water and mineral oil (two liquids having significantly different viscosity and lubricating properties) are described and comparison. The experimental tests were conducted using an innovative hydraulic satellite motor, that is dedicated to work with different liquid, including water. The sources of leaks in this motor are characterized and described also. On this...
Methods of Determining Pressure Drop in Internal Channels of a Hydraulic Motor
PublicationIn this paper, new methods for determining the pressure drop in internal channels of a hydraulic motor are proposed and described. Mathematical models of pressure losses in internal channels have also been described. Experimental tests of the satellite motor were carried out according to one of the proposed methods. The tests were carried out for two liquids, i.e., water and mineral oil. Experimental studies have shown that at...
[EMSS] Satellite Technologies: Satellite as a System, Satellite Remote Sensing 2023/24
e-Learning CoursesThis course is designed for M.Sc. students of Space and Satellite Technologies, including HSB diploma profiles Computer Science and Aerospace Technologies, within the specialty Engineering and Management of Space Systems (EMSS).
Nowe możliwości generowania zarysów satelitowych mechanizmów roboczych
PublicationPlanetary hydraulic gear motors have been well known since 70's . first motors were constructed for maritime industry by hydroster from gdansk. the evolution of this type of motors led to an increase of nominal pressure and durability. nowadays the industry needs reliable and efficient motor able to work with alternative hydraulic fluids like water, emulsion and vegetable oil. therefore a new type of motors are being developed...
Satellite navigation [EMSS]
e-Learning CoursesThis course is designed for M.Sc. students of Space and Satellite Technologies, including Computer Science and Aerospace Technologies, within the specialty Engineering and Management of Space System [EMSS].
Satellite navigation [EMSS]
e-Learning CoursesThis course is designed for M.Sc. students of Space and Satellite Technologies, including Computer Science and Aerospace Technologies, within the specialty Engineering and Management of Space System [EMSS].
Diagnostics of commutation unit in satellite pumps and motors
PublicationThe article describes a part of the research on the development of satellite pumps and motors, conducted on Gdansk University of Technology as a part of grant "New elaborate of hydraulic satellite machines for drives with vegetable liquids and non-flammable liquids" (LIDER/35/102/L-2/10/NCBiR/2011) funded by the National Centre for Research and Development in Poland. The presented area includes the diagnostics of commutation units...
Satellite Navigation
Journals -
[EMSS] Satellite Navigation 2023/24
e-Learning CoursesThis course is designed for M.Sc. students of Space and Satellite Technologies, including Computer Science and Aerospace Technologies, within the specialty Engineering and Management of Space System [EMSS].
Satellite remote sensing - EMSS - 2022
e-Learning CoursesThis course is designed for M.Sc. students of Space and Satellite Technologies, including HSB specialries Computer Science and Aerospace Technologies, within the specialty Engineering and Management of Space Systems (EMSS).
Satellite remote sensing - EMSS - 2023
e-Learning CoursesThis course is designed for M.Sc. students of Space and Satellite Technologies, including HSB specialries Computer Science and Aerospace Technologies, within the specialty Engineering and Management of Space Systems (EMSS).
AI in the creation of the satellite maps
PublicationSatellite and aerial imagery acquisition is a very useful source of information for remote monitoring of the Earth’s surface. Modern satellite and aerial systems provide data about the details of the site topography, its characteristics due to different criteria (type of terrain, vegetation cover, soil type and moisture content), or even information about emergency situations or disasters. The paper proposes and discusses the process...
Zagadnienia tribologiczne w hamulcu silnika hydraulicznego
PublicationPrzedmiotem badań był prototypowy hamulec cierny wielopłytkowy do silnika satelitowego SM-0,6 o teoretycznej objętości roboczej 16,7 cm3/obr. Hamulec ten zbudowany był z 27 tarcz ciernych wykonanych z materiału TOLOX oraz z pakietu sprężyn talerzowych zamontowanych w układzie X. Zablokowanie hamulca następuje w skutek siły docisku pakietu sprężyn talerzowych płytek ciernych co następuje w chwili spadku ciśnienia w komorze tłoka...
Multidimensional GIS for satellite imagery analysis
PublicationMultidimensional Geographical Information System allows storing, querying and processing of multidimensional query data. It is able to process satellite imagery and provide tools for its analysis. In the article authors present the developed system that analyzes a time series of SENTINEL - 1 mission satellite imagery acquired over the coast of Poland. The algorithm used finds and detects changes in the shape...
Diagnostics of commutation unit in satellite pumps and motors
PublicationThe article describes a part of the research on the development of satellite pumps and motors, conducted on Gdansk University of Technology as a part of grant "New elaborate of hydraulic satellite machines for drives with vegetable liquids and non-flammable liquids" (LIDER/35/102/L-2/10/NCBiR/2011) funded by the National Centre for Research and Development in Poland. The presented area includes the diagnostics of commutation units...
A method of selecting light sources from night satellite scenes
PublicationSatellite images carries a lot of data. Very sophisticated methods of analyses may reveal very complicated nature of the observed objects. In case of night images, lights play the role of information sources. In this paper we would like to present results of the research aimed to describe light sources from satellite night images by providing description of their luminosity. The authors point source imaging data from the satellite...
Quality of Satellite Communication in Selected Mobile Android Smartphones
PublicationToday, thanks to mobile devices, satellite communication is available to anyone and everywhere. Gaining information on one’s position using GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems), particularly in unknown urban environments, had become an everyday activity. With the widespread of mobile devices, particularly smartphones, each person can obtain information considering his or her location anytime and everywhere. This paper is...
Adam Dąbrowski dr inż.
PeopleAdam Dabrowski has obtained a PhD in mechanical engineering from Gdańsk University of Technology and MSc. degree in mechatronics from Technische Universität Hamburg. He has an industry experience in Institute of Aviation Engineering Design Center (Warsaw, Poland) and SICK AG (Hamburg, Germany). Additionally, as an assistant at Gdansk University of Technology he teaught courses on mechanics, space mechanisms and dynamics of space...
A Survey on the Datasets and Algorithms for Satellite Data Applications
PublicationThis survey compiles insights and describes datasets and algorithms for applications based on remote sensing. The goal of this review is twofold: datasets review for particular groups of tasks and high-level steps of data flow between satellite instruments and end applications from an implementation and development perspective. The article outlines the generalized data processing pipelines, taking into account the variations in...