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Search results for: SEA BOTTOM PROFILER
Composition of data visualizations by sub-bottom profiler and multibeam echosounder in Matlab
PublicationThis paper contains description of procedure, which was elaborated in a numerical computing environment Matlab. The result of these procedures is a graphical composition of images obtained from two different hydroacoustic devices. It enables to compare different types of visualizations for the same geographical position and simultaneous work with graphical representation of all data types.
Concept of Neural Model of the Sea Bottom Surface
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Sea bottom structure investigation by means of acoustic methods
PublicationThe main aim of the paper is the result of experimental investigations of the seabed in the Gulf of Gdańsk arried out using parametric echosounder as a main measuring tool. Examination of the surface's upper layer of the seabed, especially is acoustic properties, reflecting most often transsmision and reflection properties of the incident elastic wave, could be a valuable material for determination of the stratification, and the...
Searching of the buried objects in the sea bottom by means of noninvasive methods
PublicationSearching of objects on the seabed or under its surface currently is a challenge for a number of researchers interested in the sea bottom. The problem relates to the objects on the depths of up to several tens of meters from the surface of the seabed. Finding the objects is the subject of interest for a wide group of users starting from archaeologists, and ending on groups interested in marine safety, as well as in military application...
Post processing and selecting data obtain with parametric sub-bottom profiler SES-2000 Standard during sounding the Gulf of Gdansk
PublicationThe main goal of the paper is to describe the results of sounding the Gulf of Gdansk seabed using a parametric sub-bottom profiler SES-2000 Standard. Quality of obtained during trials data depends inter alia on proper location of antenna to reduce influence of pitch, roll, heave and ship noise (bubbles from propeller and a hull flow, vibration from main engine and peripheral devices). Furthermore calibration of complementary units...
Detection of Objects Buried in the Sea Bottom with the Use of Parametric Echosounder
PublicationThe paper contains results of a in situ research main task of which was to detect objects buried, partially or completely, in the sea bottom. Object detecting technologies employing acoustic wave sources based on nonlinear interaction of elastic waves require application of parametric sound sources. Detection of objects buried in the sea bottom with the use of classic hydroacoustic devices such as the sidescan sonar or multibeam...
Processing data on sea bottom structure obtained by means of the parametric sounding
PublicationThe aim of the paper is to analyze data obtained during sounding the Gdansk Bay sea bed by means of the parametric echo-sounder. The accuracy of the sea bottom structure investigation needs correct configuration of research equipment and proper calibration of peripheral devices (GPS, heading sensor, MRU-Z motion sensor and navigation instruments which provide necessary data to bathymetrical measurement system, enabling its work...
Processing data on sea bottom structure obtained by means of the parametric sounding
PublicationThe aim of the paper is to analyze data obtain during sounding of the Gdansk Bay by means of the parametric sonar. The accuracy of the sea bottom structure investigation needs the correct configuration of research equipment and the proper calibration of peripheral devices (GPS, heading sensor, motion sensor MRU-Z and navigation units) which provide necessary data to bathymetrical measurement system enabling its work with whole...
Searching of the buried objects into the sea bottom by means of nonlinear acouctic methods
PublicationThe main goal of this paper is to introduce the methodology of preparing the area for investigations that will be carried out at the sea. As the first step there is recognition of the basic method both in the theory as well as experimental investigation. There were taken into account the nonlinear methods. These ones are very promising methods that have very interesting features, very convenient for examinations of the seabed structure....
Comparison of backscattered sea bottom echo modelling in the acoustic pressure domain and in the intensity domain
PublicationPrzedstawiono dwie metody modelowania rozpraszania wstecznego na dnie morskim: modelowania ciśnienia akustycznego opartego na aproksymacji Kirchhoffa oraz modelowania natężenia echa przy założeniu dominacji rozpraszania niekoherentnego. Porównano i przedyskutowano wyniki w odniesieniu do problemu poszukiwania jak najwłaściwszego opisu zjawiska rozpraszania sygnału akustycznego na dnie.
Possibilities of detection and identification objects located on the sea bottom by means of a simple sidescan sonar
PublicationPraca zawiera omówienie zagadnień związanych z wykrywaniem i identyfikacją obiektów leżących na dnie przy pomocy sonaru bocznego, umieszczonego na zdalnie sterowanym pojeździe głębinowym.
Habitat-related patterns of soft-bottom macrofaunal assemblages in a brackish, low-diversity system (southern Baltic Sea)
PublicationCoastal areas provide a high variety of sedimentary habitats that influence the structure of resident fauna even on small geographical scales. Therefore, examinations of spatial variations in benthic assemblages require background knowledge of the environmental and biotic heterogeneity of habitats in order to understand ecological processes in such areas. The effect of habitat-related abiotic and biological variables on macrofaunal...
Prediction of near-bottom water salinity in the Baltic Sea using Ordinary Least Squares and Geographically Weighted Regression models
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Microbiological analysis of sea water and bottom sediments in Kosakowo – Gdańsk profile
Open Research DataThis dataset contains the results of microbiological analysis of sea water and bottom sediments in Kosakowo – Gdańsk profile in 2013 - 2014 . The tested material consisted of water samples (surface water and bottom water) and bottom sediment samples. Water and sediment samples were analysed for the following: number of Enterobacteriaceae genus bacteria,...
Bacteria in water and bottom sediments in Puck Bay area (Baltic Sea)
Open Research DataThe samples for testing were collected from 5th of November 2007 to 14th of December 2007. In total, there were 147 samples collected from 30 sites, including 57 water samples and 90 sediment samples. Water was sampled from the surface and directly above the layer of bottom sediment. Sediments, regardless of length of the sample core were sampled from...
Bacteria in water and bottom sediments in post-dredging pits - Puck Bay (Baltic Sea)
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of microbiological testing of water and bottom sediments samples taken from the post-dredging pits - Puck Bay (Baltic Sea). The samples for testing were collected from 10th of April 2008 to 14th of April 2008. In total, there were 30 samples collected from 15 sites, including 15 water samples and 15 sediment samples....
Methods of data extraction from sub-bottom profiler's signal
PublicationData obtain during sounding Gdansk Bay with SES-2000 Standard parametric sub-bottom profiler has two types of information: envelope and pure signal. First is used to plot echograms in real time and contain envelope of echo. The second one is stored during sounding and can be processed after recording data. Comparison of results will be shown and discussed. First step in investigation was proper configuration of small measurement...
The Examination of the Upper Layers of the Seabed by the Means of the Acoustic Methods
PublicationPropagation of acoustic waves in the sea, in particular in shallow sea, depends on several factors. The basic of them are source power and frequency of acoustic waves, spatial distribution inhomogeneous medium in which acoustic wave propagates, and distributions of speed of sound and density of seawater. The coastal conditions, which limit water medium from above (free surface of the sea) and from bottom (the seabed), are no less...
A geophysical, geochemical and microbiological study of a newly discovered pockmark with active gas seepage and submarine groundwater discharge (MET1-BH, central Gulf of Gdańsk, southern Baltic Sea)
PublicationHigh-resolution bathymetric data were collected with a multi-beam echosounder in the southern part of the Baltic Sea (region MET1, Gulf of Gdańsk) revealing the presence of a 10 m deep and 50 m in diameter pockmark (MET1-BH) on the sea bottom (78.7 m). To date, no such structures have been observed to reach this size in the Baltic Sea. The salinity of the near-bottom water in the pockmark was about 2 PSU (about 31.22 mmol/l...
PublicationThe main goal of this paper is to find a method to assess remotely the type of sediments on the basis of the signal received using the parametric echosounder. The images of the sea bottom sediments taken by a parametric echosounder show the fine structure of the upper layer of the bottom sediments. The depth of penetration depends on the type of sediment, in fact on the attenuation of acoustic wave. In the paper the method of distinguishing...
Propagation of Acoustic Disturbances in Shallow Sea
PublicationPropagation of acoustic waves in shallow sea differs fundamentally from the same phenomenon occurring in deep sea in view of non-negligible distance from the sea bottom in the first case, where presence of two regions limiting the water layer results in the acoustic pressure distribution induced by a harmonic source has an interferential nature as a result of multi-path propagation of the acoustic signal. These interferential properties...
Selected acoustic images of the Gdansk Bay
PublicationThe main goal of the paper is to describe the results of sounding the Gdansk Bay seabed by using a parametric sub-bottom profiler, multibeam echosounder and side scan sonar. Quality of dsata obtained during trials depends interalia on a proper location of antenna to reduce influence of pitch, roll and heave motions as well as ship noise.
Influence of Natural Conditions on the Imaging of the Bottom of the Gdańsk Bay by Means of the Side Scan Sonar
PublicationThe interest in underwater resources is the reason for the development of modern hydroacoustic systems, including side sonars, which find numerous applications such as: research of seabed morphology and sediment characteristics, preparation of sea sediment maps, and even in special cases of biocenoses such as sea grass meadows, detection of specific targets at the bottom such as shipwrecks, mines, identification of suitable sites...
Sources and fate of microplastics in marine and beach sediments of the Southern Baltic Sea—a preliminary study
PublicationMicroplastics’ sources and fate in marine bottom and beach sediments of strongly polluted Baltic Sea have been investigated.Microplastics were extracted using sodium chloride. Their qualitative identification was conducted using micro-Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (μFT-IR).
Gdansk Bay sea bed sounding and classification of its results
PublicationThe main goal of this paper is to describe the results of sounding the Gdansk Bay sea bed by using a SES-2000 Standard parametric sub-bottom profiler. Quality of data obtained during trials depends inter alia on a proper location of transducer array to reduce influence of pitch, roll and heave motions as well as ship self noise (resulting from bubbles due to propeller and flow around hull, vibration generated by main engine and...
Changes in conditions of acoustic wave propagation in the Gdansk deep as an effect of climate changes in the Baltic Sea region
PublicationThe article presents the results from a research project investigating acoustic climate changes in the Gdansk Deep based on data extending from 1902 to 2019. This part of the southern Gotland Basin, is rarely discussed in the scientific literature. The speed of sound in the seawater is a function of temperature, salinity, and depth. In such shallow sea as Baltic Sea, the impact of depth is not substantial. The other two factors...
Changes in conditions of acoustic wave propagation in the Gdansk deep as an effect of climate changes in the Baltic Sea region
PublicationThe article presents the results from a research project investigating acoustic climate changes in the Gdansk Deepbased on data extending from 1902 to 2019. This part of the southern Gotland Basin, is rarely discussed in thescientific literature.The speed of sound in the seawater is a function of temperature, salinity, and depth. In such shallow sea asBaltic Sea, the impact of depth is not substantial....
Sounding of Layered Marine Bottom - Model Investigations
PublicationThe necessary actions connected with interpretations of examining of physical properties of sea bottom structure is developing of proper procedure of modeling of the layered structure. The implementation of the acoustic waves for the determination of seabed stratification requires a precise diagnosis of the topic from both the theoretical and practical side. Little differences between the parameters of sediments, as well as irregular...
Analysis of hydrodynamic pressure fields of motorboats and pontoons in shallow water
PublicationThe article presents the results of calculations of the pressure fields generated by a motorboat at the bottom of a shallow sea. Calculations were made using the boundary elements method (BEM), arranged on the surface of the boat and the bottom of the sea. This method is described in [3], and applied on a free surface linearized boundary condition. Results for four different lengths of motorboats, from 2.85 m to 9.5 m, sea depth...
Bacteria in the area of influence of sewage tretment plant Gdynia - Dębogórze
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of microbiological analysis of sea waters from Gulf of Puck in area of municipal sewage discharges from the Gdynia Dębogórze sewage treatment plant. The tested material consisted of water samples (surface water and bottom water) collected in 2012. The number of Enterobacteriaceae genus bacteria, number of Escherichia...
Distribution and bioavailability of mercury in the surface sediments of the Baltic Sea
PublicationThe study aimed to determine the level of mercury (Hg) and its labile and stable forms in the surface sediments of the Baltic Sea. The work considers the impact of current and historical sources of Hg on sediment pollution, together with the influence of different environmental parameters, including water inflows from the North Sea. Surface sediments (top 5 cm) were collected in 2016–2017 at 91 stations located in different...
Stationary underwater channel experiment: Acoustic measurements and characteristics in the Bornholm area for model validations
PublicationThe underwater acoustical channel is time-variant, and even on small time scales there is often existing no ‘acoustical frozen ocean’. Popular is the use of WSSUS-channel transmission modeling (Wide-Sense Stationary Uncorrelated Scattering) for the stochastic description of bandpass signals in GSM mobile phones with moving participants; since this results in a halved number of model parameters. For underwater sound applications...
Theoretical Model of Acoustic Wave Propagation in Shallow Water
PublicationThe work is devoted to the propagation of low frequency waves in a shallow sea. As a source of acoustic waves, underwater disturbances generated by ships were adopted. A specific feature of the propagation of acoustic waves in shallow water is the proximity of boundaries of the limiting media characterised by different impedance properties, which affects the acoustic field coming from a source situated in the water layer “ deformed”...
Seagrass vegetation and meiofauna enhance the bacterial abundance in the Baltic Sea sediments (Puck Bay)
PublicationThis study presents the first report on bacterial communities in the sediments of eelgrass (Zostera marina) meadows in the shallow southern Baltic Sea (Puck Bay). Total bacterial cell numbers (TBNs) and bacteria biomass (BBM) assessed with the use of epifluorescence microscope and Norland’s formula were compared between bare and vegetated sediments at two localities and in two sampling summer months. Significantly higher TBNs and...
PublicationThe paper refers to the dynamic short-term response analysis of the Baltic steel drilling platform (see Fig.2) in a random sea-state represented by one-dimensional wave spectrum proposed by Striekalov and Massel and it is recommended for the Baltic Sea area. The Baltic drilling platform is a jack-up type platform for the exploration and exploitation of oil under the Baltic Sea. The analysis presented deals with the stationary...
Environmental Risk Assessment of WWII Shipwreck pollution
PublicationThe pollution of the sea is a global problem that has arisen as a consequence of the industrialization of the world and the intense transportation of crude oil and the products of its refinement. As sailing vessels were replaced by motor propelled ships towards the end of the 19th century, a new source of sea water pollution came into being. Every emergency involving a tanker carrying crude oil and its products is a potential source...
The hydrodynamic pressure field of the ship Zodiak, measurements and calculations
PublicationThe article presents the results of measurements of the slowly changing hydrodynamic pressure field HPF generated by the movement of the ship, Zodiak, in the Bay of Gdansk. The measurement results have been obtained in the framework of the program of the work in Siramis, under the auspices of the European Defence Administration of the EU, by the research team of the Naval Academy in Gdynia. The measurement results were compared with...
Images of the Seabed of the Gulf of Gdansk Obtained by Means of the Parametric Sonar
PublicationThe main goal of this paper is to present results of the experimental investigation of the seabed by means of parametric echosounder in the form of chosen images. The phenomena of nonlinear interaction between two parallel beams of high intensity gives as a results very narrow beam of low frequency wave, that enables to penetrate the sea bottom. The first step of our investigations was calibration of all the elements of the measuring...
Verification of algorithms determining wave loads on support structure of wind turbine
PublicationThe offshore wind turbines require determination of wave loads on their support structure. This structure is fixed and, therefore, this problem is reduced to solving only the diffraction problem, which is determined by Laplace equation and conditions on the following boundaries: on the support structure, on the sea free surface and on its bottom, and at infinity on free surface. The linear problem was applied to determine the wave...
Numerical Analysis of Impact of Energy Buoy Anchoring Configurations on its Motion and Efficiency
PublicationThis paper presents a numerical analysis of the impact of energy buoy mooring configurations on its movement on the wave and effectiveness. The method used to analyse the buoy movement modelling in six degrees of freedom was described in a paper presented at the Conference 2011. Simulations of the buoy movement in regular wave and power calculations were conducted for several configurations of anchoring systems and position of...
Investigation of the vertical distribution of the sound speed of the Gulf of Gdansk in the years 2000-2010
PublicationThe conditions of the acoustic wave propagation in the southern Baltic are much more complex than in other shallow waters. In the typical shallow water, seasonal changes in acoustical conditions in the upper layer, of the depth of about 60-70 m, are observed. They are caused by variation of the annual meteorological conditions. Most often, in the deep water layer, acoustical conditions are stable throughout the year. However, in...
On Algorithm Details in Multibeam Seafloor Classification
PublicationRemote sensing of the seafloor constitutes an important topic in exploration, management, protection and other investigations of the marine environment. In the paper, a combined approach to seafloor characterisation is presented. It relies on calculation of several descriptors related to seabed type using three different types of multibeam sonar data obtained during seafloor sensing, viz.: 1) the grey-level sonar images (echograms)...
Nutrients, oxygen and suspended matter - Gdansk Deep (2001-2005)
Open Research DataThe results show short-term changes in the concentration of nutrients (nitrates, nitrites, ammonium ions, phosphates and total forms of nitrogen and phosphorus), dissolved oxygen and suspended particulate matter - SPM and its main components (organic carbon - POC, nitrogen - PON, phosphorus - TPP) in the water column of the Gdańsk Deep (Gdańsk Bay).
Trophic Transfer of Mercury in a Temperate Marine Food Web, Southern Baltic Sea
PublicationMercury (Hg) is considered to be one of the most dangerous global environmental pollutants. The toxicity and bioavailabilityof Hg depend on its chemical form, and the greatest hazard is posed by the organomercurial compounds. Hg is introduced into the human body primarily through the consumption of fish and seafood. Despite numerous studies on Hg in marine organisms, there is still a gap in the knowledge on Hg uptake and...
Laboratory investigation with subbottom parametric echosounder SES-2000 standard with an emphasis on reflected pure signals analysis
PublicationThe main goal of the paper is to describe correlations between measurements results of trials taken on Gulf of Gdańsk bottom sounded with parametric echosounder SES-2000 Standard and laboratory research where collected during survey sediments were measured. Stationary tests took place at Gdansk University of Technology where 30 meters long 1.8 meter deep and 3 meters wide water tank is located. Main lobe of antenna was directed...
Distribution and extent of benthic habitats in Puck Bay (Gulf of Gdańsk, southern Baltic Sea)
PublicationThe majority of the southern Baltic Sea seabed encompasses homogenous soft-bottom sediments of limited productivity and low biological diversity, but shallow productive areas in the coastal zone such as wetlands, vegetated lagoons and sheltered bays show a high variety of benthic habitat types offering favourable biotopic conditions for benthic fauna. Within Polish marine areas, semi-enclosed Puck Bay (the western part of the...
Stability analysis of a dike constructed of anthropogenic materials
PublicationNumerical analyses of stability are presented for a hypothetical dikes constructed of dredged materials and bottom ash, in varying proportions. The paper is related to the international research project DredgDikes, which focused on the use of anthropogenic materials in dikes construction and flood protection. The aim of this project was to investigate the possibility of using anthropogenic materials from rivers and sea dredging...
Change in Heavy Metals Concentrations in Sediments Deposited in Retention Tanks in a Stream after a Flood
PublicationOur paper presents the results of heavy metal (HM) (Zn, Cu, Pb, Cd) content in bottom sediments from retention tanks along Oliwa Stream in Gdańsk, Poland, before a flood (BF) and after a flood (AF) 14-15 July 2016. The flood had a huge impact on the quality of bottom sediments and their displacement. The concentrations of HM differed significantly for research series conducted 3 months BF and 8 months AF. The concentration of Cu...
Coastal cliff erosion as a source of toxic, essential and nonessential metals in the marine environment
PublicationDue to the rising environmental awareness, emissions and releases of pollutants, including metals, have been considerably reduced in the last decades. Therefore, the remobiliza-tion of natural and anthropogenic contaminants is gaining importance in their biogeochemical cycle. In the marine coastal zone, this process occurs during the erosion of a shore, especially the most vulnerable cliffs. The research was conducted in the...
Bringing Bathymetry LiDAR to Coastal Zone Assessment: A Case Study in the Southern Baltic
PublicationOne of the major tasks in environmental protection is monitoring the coast for negative impacts due to climate change and anthropopressure. Remote sensing techniques are often used in studies of impact assessment. Topographic and bathymetric procedures are treated as separate measurement methods, while methods that combine coastal zone analysis with underwater impacts are rarely used in geotechnical analyses. This study presents...