total: 56
Search results for: SHIP PROPELLER
Hydroacustic activity of the ship propeller operation
PublicationPraca przedstawia działanie śrub okretowych jako źródła sygnałów hydroakustycznych, związanych przede wszystkim z różnymi formami kawitacji występującymi podczas pracy śrub.
Numerical Simulations of Hydrodynamic Open-Water Characteristics of a Ship Propeller
PublicationThe paper presents the results of numerical simulations of ship propeller operation bearing the name of Propeller Open Water (POW) Tests. The object of tests was a sample ship propeller (PPTC1), the geometrical and kinematic data of which are available, along with the results of model tests, on the official page of the research centre involved in the measurements. The research aimed at verifying the correctness of results of numerical...
The Possibilities of Improving the Fatigue Durabilityof the Ship Propeller Shaft by Burnishing Process
PublicationHeavily loaded structural elements operating in a corrosive environment are usuallyquickly destroyed. An example of such an element is a ship propeller operating in a seawaterenvironment. This research presents a fatigue resistance test performed on elements operating inseawater. Different processing parameters applied on the samples in particular were compared withthe specimens whose surface had been burnished differently and...
A method to assess transverse vibration energy of ship propeller shaft for diagnostic purposes
PublicationThe article discusses a key problem of ship propulsion system vibration diagnostics, which concerns assessing this part of mechanical energy transmitted from the main engine to the ship propeller which is dissipated due to propeller shaft vibration. A simplified calculation model is proposed which allows the total energy of the generated torsional vibration to be assessed from the shaft deflection amplitude measured at the mind-span...
Experimental and Computational Analysis of the Ship Propeller in Open Water Conditions for Inclined Flow
PublicationThe paper presents the results of computational analyses simulating the open water tests of ship propeller in inclined flow. The results of computations are compared with the results of corresponding experimental analyses carried out in the towing tank of Ship Design and Research Centre (CTO S.A.). The object of the research was the model propeller identified as CP469. The aim of the study was to validate the results of numerical...
Cloud-based system for monitoring loads generated on the quay wall by ship propeller jets
PublicationThe paper presents a cloud-based system for monitoring loads generated on the quay wall by ship propeller jets during berthing and unberthing maneuvers. The system provides online measurements of the dynamic pressure generated loads by propellers and warns of exceeding the permissible jet velocities over the seabed protection along the berth. The system has a modular structure consisting of a network of pressure sensors, information...
Influence of main design parameters of ship propeller shaft water-lubricated bearings on their properties
PublicationW artykule omówiono wpływ głównych parametrów konstrukcyjnych i eksploatacyjnych takich jak wielkość luzu łożyskowego, własności materiału panwi, stanu powierzchni skojarzenia ślizgowego oraz temperatury i zasolenia wody na nośność hydrodynamiczną łożyska okrętowego wału śrubowego smarowanego wodą.
Water-lubricated bearings of ship propeller shafts - problems, experimental tests and theoretical investigations
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono problemy związane z projektowaniem, montażem i ekspolatcją smarowanych wodą łożysk okrętowych wałów głównych.Przedstawiono wyniki prowadzonych prac badawczych ekperymntalnych i obliczeń.
Determination of Propeller-Rudder-Hull Interaction Coefficients in Ship Manoeuvring Prediction
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A method for selection of parameters of ship propulsion system fitted with compromise screw propeller
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy algorytmicznej metody wstępnego doboru parametrów układu napędowego okrętu wyposażonego w śrubę o skoku stałym, gdy eksploatacja okrętu związana jest z istotnymi zmianami: głębokości i szerokości drogi wodnej, oporu kadłuba i prędkości marszowej. Argumentami modelu matematycznego rozważanego zagadnienia projektowego są identyfikowane na etapie projektowania wstępnego główne parametry projektowe okrętu. Struktura...
Numerical Analysis of the Unsteady Propeller Performance in the Ship Wake Modified by Different Wake Improvement Devices
PublicationThe paper presents summary of numerical analysis of the unsteady propeller forces and induced pressure pulses generated by the selected real propeller of 7000 tons product tanker, operating in five different wakefields including four inflenced by the different wake improvement devices. The results of the analysis are partly compared with experimental data and univocal conclusions about the optimum wake improvement device are presented.
The Analysis of Overall Ship Fuel Consumption in Acceleration Manoeuvre using Hull-Propeller-Engine Interaction Principles and Governor Features
PublicationThe problem of reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in shipping is currently addressed by many research works and related industries. There are many existing and visionary technologies and ideas, which are conceptually defined or practically realised. This goal can be achieved in different ways, and reducing fuel consumption is one of the major methods. In these circumstances, the aim of this study is to analyse the possibility...
A computer system for the complete design of ship propellers
PublicationPraca zawiera opis metody obliczeniowej pozwalającej na zaprojektowanie okrętowej śruby napędowej dla również obliczeniowo wyznaczonego niejednorodnego pola prędkości za kadłubem statku o znanej geometrii i parametrach ruchu. Metoda pozwala na właściwe ujęcie efektu skali i konsekwencji obecności płetwy sterowej za projektowaną śrubą.
A Complete Design of Ship Propellers Using the New Computer System
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia nowy system komputerowy do projektowania śrub okrętowych. Obliczenia oparte są na teorii linii nośnej i teorii powierzchni nośnej. System umożliwia wielokryterialną optymalizację projektu z punktu widzenia sprawności napędowej, własności kawitacyjnych, wytrzymałości skrzydeł oraz poziomu generowanych wymuszeń niestacjonarnych.
Modelling of mechanical properties of cooper alloys sand cast ship propellers.
PublicationBadania właściwości mechanicznych (Rm ,A5) stopów miedzi, stosowanych na pędniki okrętowe, w zależności od ich składu chemicznego i grubości odlewów piaskowych pozwalają na wyznaczenie równań regresji mających zastosowanie do prognozowania wytrzymałości statycznej na rozciąganie (Rm) i wydłużenia plastycznego (A5).Obliczenia wartości Rm i A5 dla wybranych odlewów piaskowych (mosiądz MM55, brązy BA93, BA2 i CMA1) wykazały, że opracowane...
Vortex cavitation as a source of high level acoustic pressure generated by ship propellers
PublicationPraca przedstawia wyniki badań teoretycznych i eksperymentalnych nad mechanizmami fizycznymi generowania wysokiego ciśnienia akustycznego przez kawitujące wiry wierzchołkowe powstające na śrubach okrętowych
Predicting Thrust Loss of Ship Propellers Due to Ventilation and Out-of-Water Effect
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Different aspects of hydrodynamic optimisation of ship propellers. Vershiedene Aspekte der hydrodynamischen Optimierung von Schiffspropellern.
PublicationArtykuł opisuje ogólną strategię optymalizacji hydrodynamicznej pędników okrętowych. Celem optymalizacji jest wysoka sprawność, dostateczna wytrzymałość, niski poziom wymuszeń niestacjonarnych i niska masa. Pokrótce przedstawiono dostępne analityczne narzędzia optymalizacyjne. Przedyskutowano trzy przykłady ręcznej optymalizacji, wspomaganej komputerowo. Przedstawiono również przykład pełnej, automatycznej optymalizacji opartej...
Impact of Propeller Emergence on Hull, Propeller, Engine, and Fuel Consumption Performance in Regular Head Waves
PublicationIn this study, the impact of propeller emergence on the performance of a ship (speed), propeller (thrust, torque, and RPM), a diesel engine (torque and RPM) and fuel consumption are analysed under severe sea conditions. The goal is to describe the variation in the system variables and fuel consumption rather than analysing the motion of the ship or the phenomenon of propeller ventilation in itself. A mathematical model of the...
Scale effect in the self-propulsion prediction for Ultra Large Container Ship with contra-rotating propellers
PublicationThis article addresses the problem of the scale effect for an Ultra Large Container Ship (ULCS) with a novel twin-crp-pod propulsion system. Twin-crp-pod steering-propulsion arrangement is an innovative solution that gains from three well-known systems: twin-propeller, contra-rotating propellers and pod propulsors. It is expected that applying the twin-crp-pod system to the analysed Ultra Large Container Ship will increase propulsion...
Investigating Fuel Injection Strategies to Enhance Ship Energy Efficiency in Wave Conditions
PublicationThe prediction of fuel consumption and resulting transportation costs is a crucial stage in ship design, particularly for conditions involving motion in waves. This study investigates the real-time fuel consumption of a container ship when sailing in waves. The overall ship performance is evaluated using a novel non-linear coupled hull-engine-propeller interaction model. A series of towing tank experiments for hull resistance in...
Analiza możliwości zastosowania środowiska SCILAB do wspomagania projektowania podsystemów energetycznych statków = Analysis of capability of using SCILAB for adding design of power ship subsystems
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono koncepcję wykorzystania środowiska symulacyjnego Scilab, modeli matematycznych oraz badań symulacyjnych przy projektowaniu podsystemów energetycznych statku. Zredagowano przykładową strukturę zawierającą model wysokoprężnego silnika oraz model śruby okrętowej. Przedstawione procedury oraz modele matematyczne zostaną włączone do systemu ekspertowego wspomagającego projektowanie statków. This paper deals...
Determination of probabilities defining safety of a sea-going ship during performance of a transportation task in stormy weather conditions
PublicationThe paper presents the possibility of applying the theory of semi-Markov processes to determine the limiting distribution for the process of changes of technical states being reliability states of the systems of sea-going ships significantly affecting safety of such ships, which include main engine, propeller and steering gear. The distribution concerns the probabilities of occurrence of the said states defined for a long time...
PublicationThe analyses of hydroacoustics are of high interest at the moment due to strong impact of hydroacoustic phenomena on marine environment; the noises, generated e.g. by marine traffic, may be harmful for sea life. The analyses presented here are focused on one of main sources of noises generated by ships, i.e. cavitating propeller. The goal of the work is the assessment of the cavitation phenomenon, carried out with the standard...
Influence of Lubrication Water Contamination by Solid Particles of Mineral Origin on Marine Strut Propeller Shafts Bearings of Ships
PublicationThe stern tube or strat bearings are key important component for safety of shipping. Modern global regulations required a low as possible negative impact on environment including lubricants leaking to the sea. The ship owners are looking for reliable and durable solutions. The costs of each ship components are carefully studied. The water lubricated bearings for ship propeller shafts are an environmentally friendly solution. That...
Applying artificial neural networks for modelling ship speed and fuel consumption
PublicationThis paper deals with modelling ship speed and fuel consumption using artificial neural network (ANN) techniques. These tools allowed us to develop ANN models that can be used for predicting both the fuel consumption and the travel time to the destination for commanded outputs (the ship driveline shaft speed and the propeller pitch) selected by the ship operator. In these cases, due to variable environmental conditions, making...
Pre-swirl energy saving device in marine application
PublicationThis paper covers topics of energy saving device (ESD) with application to marine propulsors. The form of ESD, considered in this paper, consists of fixed lifting foils mounted in front of the screw propeller (the pre-swirl stator/guide vanes). An algorithm for designing propulsion systems, consisting of guide vanes and screw propeller, is presented. The proposed method relies on hybrid lifting line (guide vanes)-lifting surface...
Comparison of selected parametric methods for prediction of inland waterways ship hull resistance in towing tank test
PublicationIn the paper selected approximate methods for calculation of inland waterways ship resistance and their verification by towing tests, compared on the example of a small urban ferry, are presented. The test results are made for both the bare hull and the hull with appendages (skeg, azimuthal propeller). Significant differences between results of the theoretical methods and experimental ones, especially in the case of the model with...
Monitoring of Ship Operations in Seaport Areas in the Sustainable Development of Ocean–Land Connections
PublicationThe paper is devoted to underlining the important role of monitoring systems in the sustainable development of seaport areas—sensitive ocean–land connections exposed to the harmful effects of multimodal transport. The study concerns the existing monitoring possibilities of the environmental factors and ship traffic near port infrastructure. The main aim of the study is presenting the example of solutions, supporting the sustainable...
Dynamic Positioning Capability Assessment for Ship Design Purposes
PublicationThe article focuses on solving a problem of optimal thrust distribution over the actuators in a ship Dynamic Positioning, according to DNV-ST-0111 standard, Level 1. The classic Quadratic Programming approach is combined with the numerical solusion used to handle the propeller with the rudder constraints in the optimization task and the influence between thrusters and skeg. It is presented as an efficient method of minimizing the...
Manoeuvring forces on azimuthing podded propulsor model
PublicationThis paper presents the preliminary part of comprehensive manoeuvring open- water tests of a gas carrier model. The paper focuses on open water experiments with an azimuthing podded propulsor. The test program was carried out in the cavitation tunnel and the large towing tank of Ship Hydromechanics Division, Ship Design and Research Centre, Gdańsk. The pod was tested as a pushing unit with a 161.3 mm diameter propeller. Steering...
Simulation of ship turning circle test for ballast and full load conditions
Open Research DataThe data show the results of the turning circle spiral test for the simplified ship model, taking into account two states of loading: ballast and full load. During the circulation test, the manoeuvrability of the vessel is tested.
PublicationThe paper deals mainly with investigation of underwater noise that propagation is in shallow water. In this paper has been presented the experimental investigation results concerning the distribution of the sound field pressure generated by moving ships in the shallow water at the small distance from the ship. The main acoustical characteristics describing features of the field are spectrograms in pseudo 3D system – distance and frequency...
Simulation of ship spiral test for ballast and full load conditions
Open Research DataThe data show the results of the spiral test for the simplified ship model, taking into account two states of loading: ballast and full load. The data set contains the results of time simulation for sea state 10 on the Beaufort scale: changes in rudder angle delta_tab[deg]; angular velocity r_tab[deg/s]; surge velocity u_tab (m/s); sway velocity v_tab...
Experimental study on the selected aspects of bow thruster generated flow field at ship zero-speed conditions
PublicationThe paper presents the results of experimental study on the interaction between the bow thrusters understood as the flow field changes generated by bow tunnel thruster in deep water conditions operated as a single and twin units. The research was limited to zero-speed case for the ship dead in the water. The influence of the hull form and jet spread between the neighbouring thrusters for several combinations of the applied bow...
PublicationThe article presents a continuation of research carried out concerning identification of energy consequences of mechanical fatigue within a propeller shaft in a rotating mechanical system, while working under conditions of the loss of the required alignment of shaft lines. Experimental research was carried out on a physical model reflecting a full-sized real object: i.e., the propulsion system of the ship. It is proven, by means...
PublicationIn the present article, selected problems connected with identification of slowly changing energy-related processes accompanying high cyclic fatigue of construction materials of simple mechanical systems, with special consideration of transmission shafts, are mentioned for diagnostic purposes. The article also presents physical models of object and processes that in a simplified way reflect mechanical energy transmission from transmission...
Numerical analysis of the container vessel's self-propulsion at different rudder deflection angles
PublicationNowadays, CFD becomes one of the most commonly used research method in ship hydrodynamics, limited to the analyses of hull resistance in calm water. With continuously improving computing power and increasingly more accurate numerical methods it is possible to simulate more complex cases. State of the art CFD tools also enable development of new ways of assessing ship maneuvering performance. This paper presents an attempt on...
Numerical analysis of the container vessel's self-propulsion at different rudder deflection angles
PublicationNowadays, CFD becomes one of the most commonly used research method in ship hydrodynamics, limited to the analyses of hull resistance in calm water. With continuously improving computing power and increasingly more accurate numerical methods it is possible to simulate more complex cases. State of the art CFD tools also enable development of new ways of assessing ship maneuvering performance. This paper presents an attempt on using...
Equivalent standard manoeuvres for pod-driven ships
PublicationProcedures for carrying out the manoeuvring tests presented in International Maritime Organisation (IMO) resolution MSC.137(76) are based on the capabilities of ships with conventional steering-propulsion systems. Therefore they do not correspond to ships with other steering-propulsion devices, like pod drives. IMO is aware of this shortcoming and for ships with non-conventional steering and propulsion system may permit the use...
Tracking of the broadband source of the underwater noise in the very shallow water conditions
PublicationThe paper contains the result s, both theoretical and experimental , connected with the tracking of the underwater noise source as small ships, pontoon , diver and so on. The pro blem of security in the shallow water area is the challenge for underwater acousticians. In this paper there is take n into account the detection of the sources that move on the surface of the sea or underwater in shallow...
Gdansk Bay sea bed sounding and classification of its results
PublicationThe main goal of this paper is to describe the results of sounding the Gdansk Bay sea bed by using a SES-2000 Standard parametric sub-bottom profiler. Quality of data obtained during trials depends inter alia on a proper location of transducer array to reduce influence of pitch, roll and heave motions as well as ship self noise (resulting from bubbles due to propeller and flow around hull, vibration generated by main engine and...
PublicationThe centrifugal magnetic fluid seals have important advantage over the conventional centrifugal seals. They maintain very good sealing capacity at static, medium and high speeds of shaft rotation, with the increased seal lifetime, and minimum torque and static friction. These seals are particularly useful in cases when the angular shaft velocity varies and sometimes decreases to nearly or exactly zero, such as in flywheel applications,...
An electric ring thruster as auxiliary manoeuvring propulsion system for watercraft - construction analysis
PublicationThe reported project aimed at examining properties and purposefulness of use of modern electromagneticbearings for a screw propeller in a prototype version of a synchronous ring motor with rare earths magnets.Bearings of this type generate electromagnetic forces which keep the rotor in a state of levitation. Therotating machine with magnetic bearings can work in any environment which reveals diamagnetic properties(air, vacuum,...
Water-Lubricated Journal Bearings Marine Applications, Design, and Operational Problems and Solutions
PublicationWater-Lubricated Journal Bearings: Marine Applications, Design, and Operational Problems and Solutions provides cutting-edge design solutions, common problems and methods for avoiding them, and material selection considerations for the use of water-lubricated journal bearings in marine environments. These bearings have many advantages, including the absence of the potential for oil contamination. They are also sensitive, and their...
Features of load and wear of main propulsion devices on sea-going ships with piston combustion engines and their impact on changes in technical states of the systems
PublicationThe paper presents the specificity of operation of propulsion systems of seagoing ships which causes the need to control the load on them, especially on their engines called main engines. The characteristics of the load on the propulsion systems, especially on the main engines as well as on the shaft lines and propellers driven by the engines, along with the process of wear in tribological joints (sliding tribological systems)...
Polymer journal bearings behaviour research under limited lubrication and cooling conditions conducted on high torque test rig
PublicationPolymer journal bearings are frequently used as a water-lubricated bearings of small marine units’ propeller shafts . Choice of these bearings is based on their simple construction and relatively low purchase and maintenance costs. Although properly designed and installed water lubricated bearings may well last for over a decade, rapid wear or failure of these bearings can be observed...
The time-varying low-frequency magnetic-field emitted from the ship’s inverter-fed induction motor
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the magnetic field measurement results that are part of a comprehensive study on the assessment of the magnetic field emissions onboard of the research-training vessel. The measurements were carried out, nearby the bow thruster motor fed from the inverter, during maneuvering and the sea voyage. The bow thruster is assembled in the...
Post processing and selecting data obtain with parametric sub-bottom profiler SES-2000 Standard during sounding the Gulf of Gdansk
PublicationThe main goal of the paper is to describe the results of sounding the Gulf of Gdansk seabed using a parametric sub-bottom profiler SES-2000 Standard. Quality of obtained during trials data depends inter alia on proper location of antenna to reduce influence of pitch, roll, heave and ship noise (bubbles from propeller and a hull flow, vibration from main engine and peripheral devices). Furthermore calibration of complementary units...
The statistic properties of rms voltage and frequency in the ship's electrical power system
Open Research DataThe dataset is a part of the research results on the quality of supply voltage on bus bars of the main switchboard of the ship's electrical power system in different states of ship exploitation. The attached dataset contains the results of a statistical analysis of rms voltage and frequency in the ship's electrical power system. The following statistical...