total: 86
Modeling of lapping plate wear and conditioning in single-sided lapping
PublicationIn order to achieve higher quality on worked surfaces with lower roughness, very high accuracy of shape and dimensions it is crucial to improve conventional finishing technologies and to develop new working principles. Single-sided lapping is one of the most effective planarization technologies and it is determined by a number of factors and boundary conditions. The most significant influence over a dimensional and profile accuracy,...
Multi-criteria Robot Selection Problem for an Automated Single-Sided Lapping System
PublicationFlat lapping is a crucial process in a number of precision manufacturing technologies. Its aim is to achieve extremely high flatness of the workpiece. Single-sided lapping machines have usually standard kinematic systems and are used in conjunction with conditioning rings, which are set properly be-tween the center and the periphery of the lapping plate. In this paper, instead of conventional single-side lapping machine, an automated...
Tool Wear Prediction in Single-Sided Lapping Process
PublicationSingle-sided lapping is one of the most effective planarization technologies. The process has relatively complex kinematics and it is determined by a number of inputs parameters. It has been noted that prediction of the tool wear during the process is critical for product quality control. To determine the profile wear of the lapping plate, a computer model which simulates abrasive grains trajectories was developed in MATLAB. Moreover,...
Influence and development of new kinematic systems in flat surface lapping
PublicationThe face grinding and lapping technology is widely used in the field of the precise and ultraprecise manufacturing. It has become an indispensable technology in the manufacture of many parts. An absence of material restrictions allows machining both metal and non-metallic materials, including technical ceramics [1]. Nowadays there are mainly two kinematic systems in lapping machines [2]. The machining plane-parallel surfaces is...
New kinematic systems in single-sided lapping and their influence on lap wear
PublicationPrevious studies on one-sided lapping allow to state that not only parameters of lapping elements (i.e. properties of workpiece, abrasive grains and lapping plate) impact on a lapping efficiency. Influential are also kinematics and dynamics of the process. It is crucial to control an average velocity of lapping (v), a distribution of tangential acceleration (at), a nominal pressure (p), a lapping time (t) and disposal of workpiece...
Non-conventional approach in single-sided lapping process: kinematic analysis and parameters optimization
PublicationThe lapping process is strongly affected by a number of input parameters. One of the fundamental mechanical processes in lapping is the abrasive effect of particles. In order to examine the influence of the kinematic parameters on the lapping uniformity of unconventional single-sided machine, numerical simulations of particles sliding trajectories are performed. Changing the kinematic parameters, e.g., rotational velocities or...
Microgrinding with single-disk lapping kinematics.
PublicationGrinding operations are carried out with a variety of tool-workpiece configurations. The selection of a grinding process for a particular application depends on part shape, part size, ease of fixture, requirements concerning the acceptable shape errors. It is evident that lapping is very effective in eliminating the waviness while surface grinding is not. Dual disk machines for the double face grinding with planetary kinematics...
The idea of a robotic single-sided lapping system
PublicationThis paper reviews the idea of a robotic lapping system. Robot’s assistance automates the lap-ping process and supports the development of a flexible lapping system. However, the main aim behind the idea of a robotic lapping system is to provide improved means for controlling the posi-tion of conditioning rings on a lapping plate. Due to the kinematics of lapping process, the profile wear of the tool is not constant along the radius....
Analysis of abrasive particle trajectories during single-sided lapping process with driven conditioning ring
PublicationIn this paper new kinematics systems were studied for a single lapping process. In order to ensure the constant profile wear of the tool a standard kinematic system can be changed. Lapping is carried out by applying loose abrasive grains between two surfaces and causes a relative motion between them. The result is a finish of multi-directional lay. During process, the mechanism of surface formation are decisively affected by a...
Optimization of Single-Sided Lapping Kinematics Based on Statistical Analysis of Abrasive Particles Trajectories
PublicationThe chapter presents the influence of selected kinematic parameters on the geometrical results of the single-sided lapping process. The optimization of these parameters is aimed at improving the quality and flatness of the machined surfaces. The uniformity of tool wear was assumed as main optimization criterion. Lapping plate wear model was created and in detail was analyzed. A Matlab program was designed to simulate the abrasive...
The Influence of Workpiece Hardness on Plate Temperature during One Side Lapping
PublicationLapping leads to a surface with low roughness and high precision. Because of required parts accuracy tool flatness is the key to the successful machining. To avoid its excessive thermal expansion, plate temperature research was taken. The goal was to determine the correlation between the basic lapping conditions and wheel temperature. In work Bulsara et al. authors developed model to estimate the maximum and average temperature...
Technological Problems in Lapping on Flat Surfaces of Ceramic Parts
PublicationThis paper will present the results of research on single-disc lapping of flat surfaces of small ceramic elements. Machining with the use of different tools such as metallic, two-metallic and abrasive-metallic will be analyzed. The basics and techniques of reinforcement of laps will be discussed. The results of the influence of parameters on the surface quality of ceramic conponents (sealing) for three treatments on lapping machines...
Research on the wear evenness of the tool in flat lapping
PublicationIn this paper, the dimensionless distribution of the material removal stock and the trajectories of abrasive grains cutting in single-sided lapping process are presented. They were numerically simulated based on the tribological model and kinematics equations. It can be observed that the trajectories geometry of single abrasive as well the velocities have a great influence on the final geometrical deviation. During machining, the...
Study on the wear characteristics of a 3D printed tool in flat lapping of Al2O3 ceramic materials
PublicationWidespread and popular use of ceramic products in various industry sectors necessitates the search for methods of their efficient processing. Lapping technology, which enables obtaining high dimensional and shape accuracy and high surface flatness, is one of the basic methods of finishing hard and brittle technical ceramics with a porous structure. This study analyzed the characteristics and wear value of an SLS-printed abrasive...
Research on Tool Temperature Dependence on Lapping Grains Size
PublicationCommonly used as a finishing operation, lapping has been used for achieving ultra-high finishes and close tolerances between mating pieces. Its carried out by applying loose abrasive grains between work and lap surfaces, and causing a relative motion between them resulting in a finish of multi-directional lay. The grains activity (sliding and rolling) in the working gap causes not only the material removal but also the temperature...
New Design of Axial Piston Pump with Displaced Swash Plate Axis of Rotation for Hydro-Mechanical Transmissions
PublicationThis paper presents a prototype design of an axial piston pump with displaced swash plate axis of rotation in two directions of discharge with electronic control intended for installation on a hydraulic-mechanical gearbox dedicated to working machines. The effect of displacement of the swash plate rotation axis on dead space volume and volumetric efficiency is presented. The construction and principle of operation of the capacity...
Models of the kinematics of lapping machines.
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki analiz symulacyjnych układów kinematycznych docierania jednotarczowego powierzchni płaskich. Analizowano układ standardowy i układy niekonwencjonalne, zmieniając ich parametry geometryczne i kinematyczne. Wytypowano układ optymalny w aspekcie równomierności zużycia tarczy docierającej.
Torque capacity of multidisc wet clutch with reference to friction occurrence on its spline connections
PublicationIn this article developed mathematical model that includes friction occurrence on spline connections is presented. The work also contains results of experimental research on torque capacity of multidisc wet clutch. These results are expressed as a function of contact pressure for different number of friction surfaces. Due to increased interest in research concerning multidisc wet clutches it is essential to determine impact of...
Emissivity of the one-plate lapping machine tool
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań własnych emisyjności docieraka żeliwnego docierarki jednotarczowej. Omówiono konstrukcje produkowanych docierarek jednotarczowych wyposażonych w system kontroli temperatury lub chłodzenia tarczy docierającej. Podano warunki pomiarów temperatury przy użyciu kamery termowizyjnej typu V-20II firmy VIGO System S.A.
Shaping of the workpiece surface in single-disc lapping
PublicationPrzedstawiono korelację pomiędzy błędami kształtu docieraka i błędami kształtu przedmiotów obrabianych. Wyniki analityczne zostały sprawdzone doświadczalnie, co pozwoliło zbudować komputerowy model kształtowania powierzchni docieranych. Przedstawiono sposób wyznaczania intensywności kontaktu między przedmiotem docieranym, a docierakiem. Opracowano metodę wyznaczania położenia przedmiotu na docieraku.
Shaping of the workpiece surface in single-disc lapping
PublicationShape errors of the tool exert a dominant influence on the shape accuracy of the workpiece. The correlation between flatness errors of the lap and flatness errors of the workpieces was checked experimentally and determined analytically. Computer model of the workpiece shaping by lapping was developed. Evaluation method of the workpiece orientation as well as some simulation results for a lap with shape errors of convexity and cincavity...
Finishing of Ceramics in a Single-Disk Lapping Machine Configuration
PublicationPrzedstawiono metodę obróbki ceramiki technicznej na zmodifikowanej docierarce jednotarczowej z niezależnym napędem pierścienia prowadzącego. Omówiono przebieg obróbki z wykorzystaniem nowych narzędzi i zastosowaniem ziarna wiązanego.
Microgrinding of flat surfaces on a single-disc lapping machine
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych mikroszlifowania z kinematyką docierania jednotarczowego. Przedstawiono propozycję narzędzia z wkładkami ściernymi z ziarnem diamentowym D3/2 i spoiwem żywicznym. Omówiono kinematykę docierania jednotarczowego i sposób oceny krzywizny rys obróbkowych.
Analysis of machining marks curvature in single disk lapping
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono wyniki badań symulacyjnych i eksperymentalnych dotyczących wyznaczania i oceny krzywizny śladów obróbkowych po obróbce mikroszlifowaniem z kinematyką docierania jednotarczowego.
Technological aspects of microgrinding with single-disc lapping kinematics
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań mikroszlifowania powierzchni płaskich na docierarce jednotarczowej. Badano stan powierzchni narzędzia wykonanego na bazie mikroziaren diamentowych D65/50 naniesionych galwanicznie na podłoże stalowe. Analizowano wydajność obróbki oraz chropowatość powierzchni elementów ze stali 18G2A.
Microgrinding of flat surfaces on single-disk lapping machine
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań mikroszlifowania z kinematyką docierania w układzie jednotarczowym z wykorzystaniem nowego narzędzia wykonanego z pastylek ściernych z ziarnem diamentowym (D3/2) i spoiwem żywicznym. Zakres pracy obejmował przeprowadzenie badań eksperymentalnych i modelowych związanych z analizą promienia krzywizny rys obróbkowych.
Microgrinding of flat surfaces on single-disc lapping machine
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono możliwości zastosowania specjalnych narzędzi do mikroszlifowania na docierarce jednotarczowej. Jedno z zastosowanych narzędzi posiada warstwę ścierniwa diamentowego (D64) nałożoną metodą galwaniczną. Drugie przetestowane narzędzie zbudowane zostało z diamentowych pastylek ściernych (D3/2). Przedstawiono analizę kinematyczną i wyniki ubytku materiałowego oraz osiągnięte parametry chropowatości.
Abrasive property evaluation during microgrinding with single-disk lapping kinematics
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań mikroszliwowania z kinematyką docierania jednotarczowego. Analizowano narzędzie pod kątem trwałości. Wyznaczono zmieniające się właściwości ścierne narzędzia z wykorzystaniem systemu do automatycznej analizy obrazu.
Makespan minimization of multi-slot just-in-time scheduling on single and parallel machines
PublicationArtykuł podejmuje problem szeregowania zadań przy założeniu podziału czasu na sloty jednakowej długości, gdzie każde z zadań ma ustaloną długość oraz czas jego zakończenia, który jest relatywny do końca slotu. Problem znalezienia uszeregowania polega na dokonaniu przydziału zadań do poszczególnych slotów, przy czym w ogólności długość zadania może wymuszać sytuację, w której zadańie jest realizowane nie tylko w slocie, w którym...
Problems associated with the up of actuating system of a single-disc lapping machine for flat surfaces
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań nagrzewania się podstawowych elementów układu wykonawczego docierarki jednotarczowej o standardowej kinematyce do obróbki powierzchni płaskich. Analizowano przyrost temperatury zespołu napędowego, rolek i pierścieni prowadzących separatory oraz tarczy docierającej i obrabianych elementów. Badano nagrzewanie się układu obróbkowego podczas wyrównywania żeliwnego narzędzia i docierania powierzchni płaskich....
Koncepcja poprawy jakości docierania elementów cienkościennych na docierarce jednotarczowej = Conception of quality improvement of thin-walled elements lapping done on single-disk lapping machine
PublicationPrzedstawiono problem zapewnienia prawidłowych warunków współpracy przedmiotu obrabianego i narzędzia tarczowego w czasie docierania płaskich elementów cienkościennych. Omówiono sposób dociążania elementów podczas obróbki oraz wytrzymałościowy model układu.
Comparison of heat transfer from single- and double-sided heated horizontal plate under free convection in air with constant heat flux condition
PublicationThis paper presents the results of an experimental and numerical study of convective heat transfer from a newly designed double-sided heated horizontal plate in air. To ensure equal heat transfer from both surfaces, the plate was equipped with two independently supplied electric heaters and resistance thermometers on each side. Minimizing the plate's thickness reduced lateral heat loss and improved measurement accuracy. The study...
Sound signals generated during lapping of technical ceramics using electroplated tools with diamond grains
Open Research DataData contains the recordings of sound generated during single-sided lapping with the use of electroplated diamond tools. This relationship was examined with the use of spectral analysis of the sound signal in the frequency domain with a focus on the Ra parameter of the surface roughness. The estimated sound coefficient increased as the surface roughness...
Influence of Flat Lapping Kinematics on Machinability of Ceramics
PublicationNew tools for flat grinding of ceramics are presented in the paper. Electroplated CBN tools (B64 and B107) were used in a modified single-disc lapping machine configuration. The results from experiments, such as the material removal rate and surface roughness parameters are presented and analyzed. Numerical simulations, based on the model for the shape error and tool wear estimation in machining with flat lapping kinematics, are...
Wear of electroplated diamond tools in lap-grinding of Al2O3 ceramic materials
PublicationCurrent development of modern products, together with ever-increasing demands for their operation and usage, necessitate the search for new processing methods. Abrasive machining is widely used in many industrial areas, especially for processing difficult-to-machine materials such as advanced ceramics. Grinding with lapping kinematics, also called lap-grinding, is still one of the innovative methods of abrasive processing being...
Comparative analysis of the flow control over a circular cylinder with detached flexible and rigid splitter plates
PublicationA comparative study is performed on a circular cylinder with both flexible and rigid splitter plates (SPs). This study has the novelty of using single and dual detached SPs located downstream of the cylinder. The dimensionless gap distance between the first splitter plate and the cylinder as well as the distance between the SPs are varied. The strain of flexible SPs can be used for energy harvesting from the flow. Therefore, a...
Vertical vibration reduction and audible sound analysis in surface grinding with electroplated tools
PublicationOne of the first approaches to the development of a grinding process monitoring system based on audible sound sensors is presented in the paper. Electroplated diamond tools (abrasive D64 and D107) were used in a modified single-disc lapping machine configuration for flat grinding of ceramics (Al2O3). The main aim of the machine modification was to reduce the vertical vibration in order to decrease the tool wear and to increase...
Selected studies of flow maldistribution in a minichannel plate heat exchanger
PublicationAnalysis of the state of-the-art in research of minichannel heat exchangers, especially on the topic of flow maldistribution in multiple channels, has been accomplished. Studies on minichannel plate heat exchanger with 51 parallel minichannels with four hydraulic diameters, i.e., 461 μm, 574 μm, 667 μm, and 750 μm have been presented. Flow at the instance of filling the microchannel with water at low flow rates has been visualized. The...
Comparative analysis of mechanical conditions in bone union following first metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis with varied locking plate positions: A finite element analysis
PublicationFirst metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis is a typical medical treatment performed in cases of arthritis or joint deformity. The gold standard for this procedure is arthrodesis stabilisation with the dorsally positioned plate. However, according to the authors’ previous studies, medially positioned plate provides greater bending stiffness. It is worth to compare the mechanical conditions for bone formation in the fracture callus...
Experimental and numerical study on stability loss of innovative geometry steel girder
PublicationThis paper presents the experimental and numerical analysis of an innovative plate girder geometry with variable web thicknesses. An idea proposed in this research is to increase the stability of the girder web by increasing its thickness in the compressed zone. This solution can replace commonly used longitudinal stiffeners which are designed to prevent web local loss of stability. Moreover, such an innovative approach requires...
Application of guided wave propagation in diagnostics of steel bridge components
PublicationEarly detection of potential defects and identification of their location are necessary to ensure safe, reliable and long-term use of engineering structures. Non-destructive diagnostic tests based on guided wave propagation are becoming more popular because of the possibility to inspect large areas during a single measurement with a small number of sensors. The aim of this study is the application of guided wave propagation in...
Method of Monitoring of the Grinding Process with Lapping Kinematics Using Audible Sound Analysis
PublicationUtilising microphones as audible sound sensors for monitoring a single-side grinding process with lapping kinematics is presented in the paper. The audible sound generated during grinding depended on the cutting properties of electroplated tools with D107 diamond grains and different thicknesses of the nickel bond. The tool wear affected the obtained technological effects such as material removal rate and the surface roughness...
Plate heat exchanger with porous structure for potential use in ORC system
PublicationThe experimental analysis of passive heat transfer intensification in the case of plate heat exchanger has been carried out. The passive intensification was obtained by a modification of the heat transfer surface, which was covered by a metallic porous microlayer. The experiment was accomplished in two stages. In the first stage the commercial stainless steel gasketed plate heat exchanger was investigated, while in the second one...
Plate heat exchanger with porous structure for potential use in ORC system
PublicationThe experimental analysis of passive heat transfer intensification in the case of plate heat exchanger has been carried out. The passive intensification was obtained by a modification of the heat transfer surface, which was covered by a metallic porous microlayer. The experiment was accomplished in two stages. In the first stage the commercial stainless steel gasketed plate heat exchanger was investigated, while in the second one...
Influence of metallic porous microlayer on pressure drop and heat transfer of stainless steel plate heat exchanger
PublicationThe experimental analysis of passive heat transfer intensification in the case of plate heat exchanger has been carried out. On the heat transfer surface of heat exchanger the metallic porous layer was created. The experiment was accomplished in two stages. In the first stage the commercial stainless steel gasketed plate heat exchanger was investigated, while in the second one – the identical heat exchanger but with the modified...
Elastic wave propapagation in diagnostics of self-drilling system of grouted anchors
PublicationThe paper presents an experimental investigation of elastic wave propagation in a self-drilling hollow bar system, which is commonly used in geotechnical industry as the element of grouted ground anchors and soil nails. The single self-drilling hollow bar and self-drilling system of two bars connected by a coupler were considered. Longitudinal waves were excited at one end of the bar and registered at both ends, by means of PZT...
Analysis of guided wave propagation in adhesive joints of steel rods
PublicationThe aim of the study is the elastic wave propagation in adhesive joints of metal rods that are one of the simplest kind of glue connections. They are consisted of two metal members and an adhesive layer joining two parts together. The analysis is directed to technical diagnostics of such type of connections. Longitudinal and transversal guided waves were excited in prepared joints. Signals of propagating waves were registered in...
Influence of metallic porous microlayer on pressure drop and heat transfer of stainless steel plate heat exchanger
PublicationThe experimental analysis of passive heat transfer intensification in the case of plate heat exchanger has been carried out. The metallic porous layer was created on the heat transfer surface of analyzed unit. The experiment was accomplished in two stages. In the first stage the commercial stainless steel gasketed plate heat exchanger was investigated, while in the second one – the identical heat exchanger but with the modified...
Experimental study on single phase operation of microjet augmented heat exchanger with enhanced heat transfer surface
PublicationThe article presents experimental investigations on a prototype heat exchanger. Presented research is focused on combined active and passive enhancement techniques of surface modification and microjet impingement. The results were compared to reference plate heat exchanger without microjet impingement. The Wilson plot method was applied to determine the heat transfer coefficients in the single phase operation. The heat exchanger...
Effect of surface roughness on thermal-hydraulic characteristics of plate heat exchanger
PublicationIn the paper the experimental analysis of passive heat transfer intensification in the case of modeled plate heat exchanger is conducted. The plate heat exchanger is chosen for the analysis because this kind of heat exchangers could be prospectively applied in the ORC systems, however other areas or application are equally possible. The experimental setup was assembled at the Department of Energy and Industrial Apparatus of Gdansk...