Degradation of stiffness of building columns exposed to bending and impact load during ground motions
PublicationThe safety of civil engineering structures under external loads, including ground motions, is one of the issues related to the idea of sustainable society. The earthquake-induced soft-storey failure is a typical type of damage observed in buildings due to seismic excitation. The failure of an intermediate soft storey of a structure results in large vertical impact loading acting on the lower floors due to the fall of the upper...
Influence of anisotropic stiffness in numerical analyses of tunneling and excavation problems in stiff soils
PublicationIn the stiff overconsolidated soil deposits anisotropy influences small and intermediate strain stiffness and hence it has important impact on the results of discplacement preditcions in soil-structure modelling. The authors developed a cross-anisotropic soil model which combines both stress dependent and micro-structural anisotropy. The model is based on the anisotropic hyperelastic kernel for small strain stiffness. Reference...
Stiffness assessment of the laminate recovered from end-of-life wind turbine blade
PublicationIn the paper the stiffness parameters of the laminate recovered from an aerodynamic shell of a decommissioned wind turbine blade are evaluated. The aim of the work is to assess selected methods for identifying material data, as well as to estimate the level of stiffness degradation during turbine operation. Several practical identification methods are presented and compared. Two concepts of a single laminate layer are considered,...
The impact of material degradation on the resistance and reliability of truss structures
PublicationThe paper analyses limit load-carrying capacity and buckling load of truss towers used to support high voltage power lines. The analysed typical structure was subjected to characteristic loads and their combinations. The results were applied to assess structural resistance with regard to steel corrosion in the long-term operation. The extent of structural deterioration was assessed due to Young's modulus decrement in the course...
Influence of soil anisotropic stiffness on the deformation induced by an open pit excavation.
PublicationIn this paper, the problem of deformation induced by an open pit excavation in anisotropic stiff soils is analysed by FE modelling. The presented research is focused on the influence of material model with anisotropic stiffness on the accuracy of deformation predictions as compared with the field measurements. A new hyperelastic-plastic model is applied to simulate anisotropic mechanical behaviour of stiff soils. It is capable...
An approach for the response of buildings subjected to impact load after soft-story failure due to earthquake excitation
Publicationhe soft-story failure is one of the most typical types of damage observed in buildings during earthquakes. The failure of an intermediate soft story of a structure results in large impact loading acting on the lower floors due to the fall of the upper stories. The aim of the present paper is to study the behavior of the structural members exposed to such extreme load conditions occurring under ground motion excitation. Special...
Influence of Water-Induced Degradation of Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)-Coated Woven Fabrics Mechanical Properties
PublicationThe impact of water-induced degradation on the mechanical properties of the chosen two PTFE-coated, glass threads woven fabrics is investigated in this paper. The paper begins with a survey of literature concerning the investigation and determination of coated woven fabric properties. The authors carried out the uniaxial tensile tests with an application of flat and curved grips to establish the proper values of the ultimate tensile...
Some aspects of the constitutive modelling of natural fine grained soils
PublicationThe monograph deals with selected problems of the constitutive modelling of natural fine grained soils commonly known as clays. The main idea is not to propose a unified model which is capable of describing all known features of mechanical behaviour of fine grained soils. Instead, separate models are proposed describing the mechanical behaviour of heavily overconsolidated, lightly overconsolidated and normally consolidated clays....
Monte Carlo simulations of the fracture resistance degradation of asphalt concrete subjected to environmental factors
PublicationThe paper presents the results of laboratory tests of SCB (semi-circular beam) samples of asphalt concrete, subjected to the destructive effect of water and frost as well as the aging processes. The determined values of material parameters show significant dispersions, which makes the design of mixtures difficult. Statistical analysis of the test results supplemented by computer simulations made with the use of the proprietary...
Some Aspects of Shear Behavior of Soft Soil–Concrete Interfaces and Its Consequences in Pile Shaft Friction Modeling
PublicationThis paper examines the stiffness degradation and interface failure load on soft soil–concrete interface. The friction behavior and its variability is investigated. The direct shear tests under constant normal load were used to establish parameters to hyperbolic interface model which provided a good approximation of the data from instrumented piles. Four instrumented piles were used to obtain reference soil–concrete interface behavior....
Refinement of the Hardening Soil model within the small strain range
PublicationThe popularity of the elasto-plastic Hardening Soil (HS) model is based on simple parameter identification from standard testing and empirical formulas. The HS model is implemented in many commercial FE codes designed to analyse geotechnical problems. In its basic version, the stress–strain behaviour within the elastic range is subject to the hypoelastic power law, which assures the barotropy of the elastic stiffness. However,...
Modelling tunnelling-induced deformation in stiff soils with a hyperelastic–plastic anisotropic model
PublicationIn this paper, the tunnelling-induced deformation in anisotropic stiff soils is analysed using FE modelling. The influence of material description is investigated rather than an advanced simulation of the tunnelling method. A new hyperelastic– plastic model is proposed to describe the anisotropic mechanical behaviour of stiff highly overconsolidated soil. This model can reproduce the superposition of variable stress-induced anisotropy...
Finite element modeling of plastic hinges based on ductility demand-capacity method using nonlinear material for dynamic analysis
PublicationThe article discusses modeling plastic hinges in reinforced concrete interme-diate supports using finite elements methods. The ductility demand-capacitymethod was used to determine the geometrical parameters of cross-section plas-ticization zones, their ability to move and rotate, as well as their ductility. Dueto the varied geometry and stiffness of the supports and their nonlinear behav-ior under dynamic load, this method was...
Review and evaluation of cold recycling with bitumen emulsion and cement for rehabilitation of old pavements
PublicationThe article presents Polish experience with cold recycling of asphalt pavements with theusage of bituminous emulsion and cement. In the 1990s numerous roads in Polandrequired immediate reinforcement due to their significant degradation. Implementation ofthe cold recycling technology was one of the solutions to this problem. Cold recycledmixtures containebeside the recycled asphalt pavement and aggregateetwo differenttypes of binding...
Recent Achievements in Constitutive Equations of Laminates and Functionally Graded Structures Formulated in the Resultant Nonlinear Shell Theory
PublicationThe development of constitutive equations formulated in the resultant nonlinear shell theory is presented. The specific features of the present shell theory are drilling rotation naturally included in the formulation and asymmetric measures of strains and stress resultants. The special attention in the chapter is given to recent achievements: progressive failure analysis of laminated shells and elastoplastic constitutive relation...
Damage-involved response of two colliding buildings under non-uniform earthquake loading
PublicationPounding between insufficiently separated buildings, which may result in considerable damage or may even lead to the total collapse of colliding structures, has been repeatedly observed during earthquakes. Earthquake-induced collisions of buildings has been intensively studied applying various structural models. It was assumed in the analyses, however, that the seismic excitation is identical for all structural supports; whereas,...
Sensitivity analysis of critical forces of trusses with side bracing
PublicationThe present research is devoted to the study of out-of-plane buckling of trusses with elastic side bracing. Inthis paper, a sensitivity analysis of critical buckling loads of a truss due to bracing stiffness is carried out. A method based on the sensitivity analysis for the determination of the threshold bracing stiffness conditionfor full bracing of a truss is proposed. The influence lines of the unit change of the bracing stiffness...
Study on deformed steel columns subjected to impact load due to soft-storey failure in buildings during earthquakes
PublicationThe so called soft-storey failure is one of the most typical types of damage induced in buildings as the result of earthquake excitation. It has been observed during ground motions that the failure of an upper soft storey of a structure results in large vertical impact load acting on the lower floors. If the resistance of the structural members of the lower storeys is not sufficient it may further lead to progressive collapse of...
Rotational stiffness of a connection made using a single prestressed bolt
PublicationThe often overlooked rotational stiffness of connections utilizing a single prestressed bolt leads to the common assumption of treating such connections as pinned or even modeling them as rigid. Nevertheless, considering the friction between interconnected elements, it is evident that the actual rotational stiffness lies between these simplified assumptions. This study is dedicated to quantifying this stiffness and addressing the...
Effect of strain level on the stiffness of cold recycled bituminous mixtures
PublicationCold recycling is a sustainable technology for the rehabilitation of bitumi-nous pavements. This study investigates the stiffness response of cement-bitumen treated materials (CBTM)manufactured with 80% reclaimed asphalt and treated with 2.0% Portland cement and 4.0% bitumen emulsion. Indirect tensile stiffness modulus tests were carried out to assess the strain dependence of stiffness at target horizontal deformation levels between...
Stability and load bearing capacity of a braced truss under upward wind loading
PublicationThe paper is focused on the numerical and experimental investigation of stability of a steel truss under upward wind loading. The structure was stiffened by elastic braces situated at the top and bottom chord. Usually the lateral (translational) brace stiffness is considered. However, the rotational stiffness of braces caused by interaction between torsional stiffness of the truss top chord and bending stiffness of the roof elements...
Stability and load bearing capacity of a braced truss under upward wind loading
PublicationThe paper is focused on the numerical and experimental investigation of stability of a steel truss under upward wind loading. The structure was stiffened by elastic braces situated at the top and bottom chord. Usually the lateral (translational) brace stiffness is considered. However, the rotational stiffness of braces caused by interaction between torsional stiffness of the truss top chord and bending stiffness of the roof elements...
Mechanical behaviour of knit synthetic mesh used in hernia surgery
PublicationPurpose: There is a discussion in literature concerning mechanical properties and modelling of surgical meshes. An important feature of elastic modulus dependency on load history is taken into account in this paper, as implants are subjected to variable loading during human activity. The example of DynaMesh®-IPOM surgical implant is studied. Methods: The analysis is based on failure tension tests and cyclic loading and unloading...
Buckling of braced frames
PublicationIn this paper the classical Winter model, developed originally for columns is applied for frame structures and compared with the results of parametric study of frame with bracing. Sensitivity analysis of critical loads of frame due to bracing stiffness is carried out and the threshold bracing stiffness for full bracing is found. In the non-linear statical analysis the forces in bracings are calculated.
The Impact of Long-Time Chemical Bonds in Mineral-Cement-Emulsion Mixtures on Stiffness Modulus
PublicationDeep cold in-place recycling is the most popular method of reuse of existing old and deteriorated asphalt layers of road pavements. In Poland, in most cases, the Mineral-Cement-Emulsion mixture technology is used, but there are also applications combining foamed bitumen and cement. Mineral-Cement-Emulsion mixtures contain two different binding agents – cement as well as asphalt from the asphalt emulsion. Asphalt creates asphalt...
Vibration surveillance for efficient milling of flexible details fixed in adjustable stiffness holder
PublicationThe paper presents the results of research related to the possibility of using an intelligent workpiece holder with adjustable stiffness, during end milling process. Machining a one side supported flexible workpiece will be performed with constant spindle speed and feed speed. In order to avoid hazardous vibration, stiffness of the especially designed spring (mounted in a workpiece holder) will be modified off-line. In order to...
PublicationThe analyzes were aimed at demonstrating the influence of parameters describing the deformation of the structure on the uncertainty of critical force, and the impact of technological imperfections on stress uncertainty in compression conditions. In a linear buckling analysis, the problem is considered only for the initial, permanent state of the stiffness matrix. In the case of demonstrating the influence of initial deformations...
Zur Entwicklung der Steifigkeitsmatrizen fur dunnwandige Stabe
PublicationOn the development of stiffness matrices for thin-walled members
Discussion of “Stress-Displacement Response of Sand–Geosynthetic Interfaces under Different Volume Change Boundary Conditions” by Aliyeh Afzali-Nejad, Ali Lashkari, and Alejandro Martinez
PublicationThe influence of normal stiffness of interface on the interpretation of shear box tests
Biomimetic torene shells
PublicationThe genome inside the eukaryotic cells is guarded by a unique shell structure, called the nuclear envelope (NE), made of lipid membranes. This structure has an ultra torus topology with thousands of torus-shaped holes that imparts the structure a high flexural stiffness. Inspired from this biological design, here we present a novel ‘‘torene’’ architecture to design lightweight shell structures with ultra-stiffness for engineering...
Distorsional analysis of I-section beam
PublicationAn elastic stiffness matrix was derived in the case of distortion of a restrained thin-walled I-section beam using the minimum total stationary elastic energy condition. The function describing the angle of distortion was adopted form the solution of differential equation in the case of restrained distortion. The example presented in the paper helps to assess the correctness of the proposed solution. The proposed elastic stiffness...
Adjusting the Stiffness of Supports during Milling of a Large-Size Workpiece Using the Salp Swarm Algorithm
PublicationThis paper concerns the problem of vibration reduction during milling. For this purpose, it is proposed that the standard supports of the workpiece be replaced with adjustable stiffness supports. This affects the modal parameters of the whole system, i.e., object and its supports, which is essential from the point of view of the relative tool–workpiece vibrations. To reduce the vibration level during milling, it is necessary to...
Discussion on “Dynamic soil-structure interaction: A three-dimensional numerical approach and its application to the Lotung case study”. Poor performance of the HSS model
PublicationThe Hardening Soil Small (HSS) is a constitutive model being extension to the well established Hardening Soil Model (HS) accounting for the nonlinearity of small strain stiffness. It is implemented in commercial finite element computer codes for geotechnical analyses and used widely in research and design. The article deals with a problem known as overshooting after very small load reversals. It induces much higher stiffness than...
Mechanics of mesh implanted into abdominal wall under repetitive load. Experimental and numerical study
PublicationThere are a number of papers discussing medical and mechanical aspects of ventral hernia management. Despite intensive work on the problem understanding, recurrences of the sickness still happen too often. For that reason new aspects of the problem must be considered. In this paper, a change in the abdominal implant’s stiffness is discussed, which is caused by cyclic loading. Such loading influence abdominal implant e.g. while...
Effects of deviations from thermo-rheologically simple behavior of asphalt mixes in creep on developing of master curves of their stiffness modulus
PublicationThe paper presents the deviations from the thermo-rheologically simple behavior of asphalt mixes and their effects on the developing of master curves of stiffness modulus. Eleven different mixes were tested in three point bending test under constant load at temperatures –20°C, –10 °C and 0 °C, and in some cases at +10 °C. The test method was developed at the Gdansk University of Technology, Poland. The applied stress level was...
A Deformation Sweep Testing Procedure to Evaluate Damage in Cold Recycled Material Mixtures
PublicationThis chapter describes a new testing procedure to assess damage in cold recycled material mixtures. Specifically, stiffness modulus tests were performed at increasing deformation levels, with the objective of creating a gradual increase in damage. The succession of tests with increasing deformation was interspersed with tests at small deformation, with the objective of evaluating the damage gradually inflicted on the specimen....
Textile reinforced concrete members subjected to tension, bending, and in-plane loads: Experimental study and numerical analyses
PublicationTextile reinforced concrete has raised increasing research interest during the last years, mainly due to its potential to be used for freeform shell structures involving complex load situations. Yet, most experimental work has focused on test setups with primarily uniaxial loading. In the current work, such setups are complemented with a novel test setup of deep beams, including in-plane bending and shear. Further, nonlinear finite...
Pure cross-anisotropy for geotechnical elastic potentials
PublicationThe pure cross-anisotropy is understood as a special scaling of strain (or stress). The scaled tensor is used as an argument in the elastic stiffness (or compliance). Such anisotropy can be overlaid on the top of any elastic stiffness, in particular on one obtained from an elastic potential with its own stress-induced anisotropy. This superposition does not violate the Second Law. The method can be also applied to other functions...
Numerical Study on Seismic Response of a High-Rise RC Irregular Residential Building Considering Soil-Structure Interaction
PublicationThe objective of the present study is to investigate the importance of soilstructure interaction effects on the seismic response of a high-rise irregular reinforced-concrete residential building. In order to conduct this research, a detailed three-dimensional structure model was subjected to various earthquake excitations, also including a strong mining tremor. Soil-foundation flexibility was represented using the spring-based...
Numerical and experimental investigation of rotational stiffness of zed-purlins connection with sandwich panels
PublicationA rotational resistant stiffness of the zed-purlins connection with sandwich panels is investigated. A simple finite element method model of the connection is proposed. The numerical analysis of the model performed by ABAQUS software, in physically linear and geometrically nonlinear ranges, leads to the rotational resistant stiffness sought. The numerical solution obtained is verified experimentally. Two variants of distribution...
Analysis of the influence of geometrical imperfections on the equivalent load stabilizing roof truss with lateral bracing system
PublicationThe paper is focused on the numerical analysis of the stability and load bearing capacity of a flat steel truss. The structure was supported by elastic lateral braces. The translational and rotational brace stiffness was taken into account. The linear buckling analysis were performed for the beam and shell model of the truss. The nonlinear static analysis were conducted for the structure initial geometric imperfections. As a result...
The Influence of Binding Agents on Stiffness of Mineral-cement-emulsion Mixtures
PublicationThis paper attempts to determine the behavior of mineral-cement-emulsion mixture (MCE) under load, whether is it similar to asphalt mixtures (viscoelastic behavior) or to cement treated materials (elastic behavior). To answer this question nine mineral- cement-emulsion mixtures with different combinations of cement and emulsion content were tested in laboratory using Simple Performance Test (SPT). For each mixture stiffness moduli...
Modelling and Simulation of a New Variable Stiffness Holder for Milling of Flexible Details
PublicationModern industry expectations in terms of milling operations often demand the milling of the flexible details by using slender ball-end tools. This is a difficult task because of possible vibration occurrence. Due to existence of certain conditions (small depths of cutting, regeneration phenomena), cutting process may become unstable and self-excited chatter vibration may appear. Frequency of the chatter vibration is close to dominant...
Linear viscoelastic transversely isotropic model based on the spectral decomposition of elasticity tensors
PublicationThe linear viscoelasticity is still a useful model in the engineering for studying the behavior of materials loaded with different loading rates (frequencies). Certain types of materials reveal also an anisotropic behavior: fiber reinforced composites, asphalt concrete mixtures, or wood, to name a few. In general, researchers try to identify experimentally the dependence of engineering constants like: directional Young’s moduli...
Stiffness of cold-recycled mixtures under variable deformation conditions in the IT-CY test
PublicationStiffness modulus belongs to the most important properties describing the cold-recycled mixtures (CRM) in terms of their usability in road pavement structures. Previous research proved that this property is strongly dependent on the scheme and conditions of the test (temperature and time of loading) and the time that has passed since the compaction of the specimen or pavement layer. It is a result of the influence of two different...
Flexoelectricity and apparent piezoelectricity of a pantographic micro-bar
PublicationWe discuss a homogenized model of a pantographic bar considering flexoelectricity. A pantographic bar consists of relatively stiff small bars connected by small soft flexoelectric pivots. As a result, an elongation of the bar relates almost to the torsion of pivots. Taking into account their flexoelectric properties we find the corresponding electric polarization. As a results, the homogenized pantographic bar demonstrates piezoelectric...
Assessment of damage causes of a 17 m long wind turbine blade model
PublicationThe subject matter is to verify the stiffness of the steel supporting structure and assess the causes of cracks in the 17 m long wind turbine blade model
Estimation of structural stiffness with the use of Particle Swarm Optimization
PublicationThe paper presents the theoretical background and four applications examples of the new method for the estimation of support stiffness coefficients of complex structures modelled discretely (e.g. with the use of the Finite Element Model (FEM) method based on the modified Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. In real-life cases, exact values of the supports’ stiffness coefficients may change for various reasons...
Influence of the Shear Cap Size and Stiffness on the Distribution of Shear Forces in Flat Slabs
PublicationThe scope of this paper is to investigate analytically and numerically the influence of shear cap size and stiffness on the distribution of shear forces in flat slabs in a slab–column-connections-reinforced concrete structure. The effect of support (shear cap) stiffness on the calculation of the length of the shear control perimeter according to the available methods is presented. Based on the analysis, the authors indicate in...
Load introduction to composite columns revisited—Significance of force allocation and shear connection stiffness
PublicationThe AISC 360-16 Specification recommends that the design shear force between parts of a composite column in the load introduction area shall be calculated based on the force allocation at ultimate limit state. Applicability of this straightforward method to the load levels that usually arise in slender composite columns is questionable, as this capacity-based force allocation is only true when the axial force is equal to the plastic...