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Search results for: STORM WASTE WATER
Storm Water Treatment in TWs
Interaction Between Storm Water Conduit And Surface Flow For Urban Flood Inundation Modelling
PublicationRapid development of urban areas always comes with great side effects. One of them is the occurrence of urban floods. Growth of impervious surfaces in cities leads to increasing run-off values. This together with difficulties connected with sewage modernization in cities marks urban inundations as being one of the most important issues concerning urban water. Accurate prediction of a phenomenon is difficult as it is highly dependent...
Optimization of hydrodynamic vortex separator for removal of sand particles from storm water by computational fluid dynamics
PublicationStorm water treatment has been gradually acknowledged for the removal of pollutants from urban areas using the hydro cyclone separation technique. The separation efficiency of the hydrodynamic vortex separator (HDVS) is a complex phenomenon. With the aim enhance the separation potency of HDVS for storm runoff to get rid of sand particles, the HDVS with different structural configurations was studied by computational fluid dynamics....
Interaction Between Storm Water Conduit Flow and Overland Flow for Numerical Modelling of Urban Area Inundation
PublicationNowadays we can observe increasing frequency of inundations in cities. This makes accurate predicting of inundations more important than ever. Numerical modeling of this issue requires complex approach with simultaneous calculations of pipe flow and surface flow. In this paper, after a short review of known methods used for solving pipe and surface flow, we will try to answer the question if presented methods would be sufficiently...
Water Demineralization by Membrane Distillation Utilizing Cooling Water From Municipal Waste Incinerator
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Particle size analysis of suspensions in removing of organic matter and phosphorus from waste water and surface water
PublicationIn this paper the particle size of suspended solids in the removing of organic matter and phosphorus compounds from lake- and waste- water treated in the Ecological Treatment Systems (ETS) was analyzed.The invesigated materials were taken from two ETS located in Pomerania Region/Poland. Object in Swarzewo is 3rd stage of biological treatment of municipal waste water, while object in Kartuzy has task to remove a phosphorus from...
Characterization of Sunflower Waste Carbonization: Energy Balance and Water Holding Properties
PublicationThis paper characterizes the carbonization process of biomass wastes, including sunflower husk pellets and sunflower sponge stalk pellets, at carbonization temperatures of 450 and 550 ◦C. These studies are important because of the reductions in wood resources for the preparation of barbecue charcoal, as well as agricultural benefits in terms of soil additives. In terms of energy balance, the obtained pyrolysis ensures the autothermal...
Upcycle waste plastics to magnetic carbon materials for dye adsorption from polluted water
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Coupled Urban Areas Inundation Model with Interaction Between Storm Water System and Surface Flow - Case Study of Sea Level Impact on Seaside Areas Flooding
PublicationInundations are becoming more frequent than ever. What is connected with increasing area of impervious surface in cities. This makes predicting urban flooding and its scale especially important. At the seaside we observe additional conditions such as sea level that makes accurate numerical modelling of issue even harder. With complex approach to the matter which is simultaneous calculation of storm water conduit flow and overland...
Expermental investigation on adsorption of methylene blue dye from waste water using corncob cellulose-based hydrogel
PublicationHydrogel from corncob cellulose was synthesized in this investigation. The synthesized Hydrogel was characterized by SEM, XRD, and FTIR instruments. As the results indicate the synthesized hydrogel has required and important features, these suggest the suitability of hydrogel for the adsorption of methylene blue dye (MBD). Three important process variables (dosage, contact time, and initial concentration) with three levels were...
Design and Thermodynamic Analysis of Waste Heat-Driven Zeolite–Water Continuous-Adsorption Refrigeration and Heat Pump System for Ships
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Chemical pollution and toxicity of water samples from stream receiving leachate from controlled municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill
PublicationThe present study was aimed to determine the impact of municipal waste landfill on the pollution level of surface waters, and to investigate whether the choice and number of physical and chemical parameters monitored are sufficient for determining the actual risk related to bioavailability and mobility of contaminants. In 2007–2012, water samples were collected from the stream flowing through the site at two sampling locations,...
SUWMAB Strategies for sustainable communal waste-water management in the Baltic Sea Region
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to S 61 agreement from 2014-12-03
Grzegorz Boczkaj dr hab. inż.
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Simple design criteria and efficiency of hydrodynamic vortex separators
PublicationVortex separators are locally applied for waste water treatment in different systems - from storm waste water sewerage to water treatment in fish ponds. However, the methods for separator design presented in the literature are questionable. The paper presents two simple and functional criteria that were employed to construct a laboratory test stand. The test results gave positive feed back on the efficiency of vortex separators.
Environmental Protection in Energetics, W, E, sem.01, zimowy 22/23
e-Learning CoursesThe principle of sustainable development. Non-renewable and renewable energy sources. Environmental aspects of the use of different energy sources. Atmospheric pollution. Methods of reducing the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere. Waste and hazardous waste. Water and Wastewater. Legal aspects of environmental protection.
RENEMO Reduction of N2O emissions from wastewater treatment plants - measurements, modeling and process optimization
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering according to WPN/7/2013 agreement from 2013-07-15
Energy Systems Stations, W, ET, sem.7, zimowy 22/23 (PG_00042106)
e-Learning CoursesInternal combustion engines - principle of operation and classification. Heat balance of the engine. Uniform and combined propulsion systems.The main comonents of the propulsion system. Power plant efficiency and waste heat utilization. Cooling water system, lubricating oil system, fuel oil systeml, gaseos fuel system (LNG), compressed air system, exhaust gas system. Fittings and accessories of pipeline systems in the power plant....
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BAPR Baltic Phytoremediation
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Process Engineering and Chemical Technology according to STHB.02.02.00-SE-0155/19 agreement from 2020-03-02
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Magdalena Gajewska prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleMagdalena Gajewska (born June 1th 1968 in Gdańsk) in 1993 graduated Hydro-Engineering Faculty at Gdańsk University of Technology. At present she is an assistant professor in the Department of Water and Wastewater Technology at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering GUT. PhD (2001) and habilitation (2013) in the discipline of environmental engineering. In the 2016-2020 term, serves as Vice -dean for science. She...
PublicationThe paper focuses on the assessment of second-order explicit numerical scheme for unsteady flows in sewers. In order to simulate the pressurized flow the 'Preissmann slot' concept is implemented. For simulation of the transcritical flow the original and improved McCormack scheme is used. The calculated results are compared with numerical solutions and laboratory measurements published in the technical literature. Moreover, the...
Experimental Verification of Storm Sewer Transient Flow Simulation
PublicationThe paper focuses mainly on laboratory investigations of transient and transcritical flow in a single pipe of a sewer system. The aim of this paper is to present a comparison between pressure values calculated by an improved McCormack scheme and those measured at the hydraulic laboratory of the Gdansk University of Technology, which were observed inside a pipe in an experiment for water flow with pressurization. The analysis proves...
Application of Multinomial Logistic Regression to Model the Impact of Rainfall Genesis on the Performance of Storm Overflows: Case Study
PublicationIn this study, a mathematical model was proposed to analyze the performance of storm overfows. The model included the infuence of rainfall genesis on the duration of storm overfow, its volume, and the maximum instantaneous fow. The multinomial logistic regression model, which has not been used so far to model objects located in a stormwater system, was proposed to simulate the duration of storm overfow. The Iman–Conover method,...
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Dimensioning of vortex storm overflows
PublicationVortex flow control can be made as a rotational chamber, where the centrifugal force is a supporting factor. The paper presents a simplified, but experimentally verified, method of such device designing.
Water Reuse_2022
e-Learning CoursesLectures on the subject of Water Reuse
Water Reuse_2023
e-Learning CoursesLectures on the subject of Water Reuse
Water Reuse_2024
e-Learning CoursesLectures on the subject of Water Reuse
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AGRO 2022
EventsTematyka konferencji dotyczy bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego oraz podjęcia działań w celu przeciwdziałania zmianom klimatu i ich skutkom.
2024 Waste Management and Waste Disposal
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Karolina Sobieraj mgr inż.
PeopleMSc. Karolina Sobieraj graduated in 2018 in the field of Renewable Energy Sources and Waste Management in the specialization of Waste Management, with a scholarship from the Minister of Science and Higher Education for students for outstanding scientific achievements in the 2017/2018 academic year. From October 2019, she started studies at the UPWr Doctoral School in the discipline of environmental engineering, mining and energy....
Deep learning-based waste detection in natural and urban environments
PublicationWaste pollution is one of the most significant environmental issues in the modern world. The importance of recycling is well known, both for economic and ecological reasons, and the industry demands high efficiency. Current studies towards automatic waste detection are hardly comparable due to the lack of benchmarks and widely accepted standards regarding the used metrics and data. Those problems are addressed in this article by...
Storm petrels as indicators of pelagic seabird exposure to chemical elements in the Antarctic marine ecosystem
PublicationData on trace element bioavailability in the south-polar marine ecosystem is still scarce, compared to that relating to temperate zones. Seabirds can be used as indicators of ecosystem health and sentinels of environmental pollution, constituting a link between marine and terrestrial environments. Here, we analysed the concentration of 17 elements (with special emphasis on mercury, Hg) in feathers of adults and chicks of two pelagic...
e-Learning CoursesWater Resources Management as defined for purpose of this course includes both water use and water excess management. The fundamental water resources engineering processes are the hydrologic processes and the hydraulic processes. The common threads that relate to the explanation of these processes are the fundamentals of fluid mechanics. The hydrologic processes include rainfall, evaporation, infiltration, rainfall-runoff and routing,...
A modern solid waste management strategy – the generation of new by-products
PublicationTo benefit the environment and society, EU legislation has introduced a ‘zero waste’ strategy, in which waste material should be converted to resources. Such legislation is supported by the solid waste hierarchy concept, which is a set of priorities in waste management. Under this concept, municipal solid waste plants (MSWPs) should be equipped with sorting and recycling facilities, composting/incineration units and landfill prisms...
Waste managment and waste disposal - summer 2022
e-Learning CoursesCelem przedmiotu jest przedstawienie różnych aspektów i informacji dotyczących odpadów, takich jak polityka gospodarki odpadami, rodzaje odpadów, ich zbiórka, segregacja i metody utylizacji. Kurs na platformie wykorzystany zostanie do prowadzenia zajęć wykładowych oraz seminarium.
Waste managment and waste disposal 22/23
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e-Learning CoursesThe course on Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal provides a comprehensive understanding of the principles, practices, and technologies involved in managing water resources effectively. It covers both the supply side, focusing on the provision of clean and safe drinking water, and the disposal side, addressing the treatment and management of wastewater to minimize environmental impact. Key Topics Covered: 1. Introduction to...
Desalination and Water Treatment
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Water Resources Management 2022/2023
e-Learning CoursesWater Resources Management as defined for purpose of this course includes both water use and water excess management. The fundamental water resources engineering processes are the hydrologic processes and the hydraulic processes. The common threads that relate to the explanation of these processes are the fundamentals of fluid mechanics. The hydrologic processes include rainfall, evaporation, infiltration, rainfall-runoff and routing,...
Biowodór, „paliwo przyszłości”, dotychczasowe metody otrzymywania , porównanie metod otrzymywania
PublicationWodór jest ważnym pierwiastkiem w przemyśle chemicznym. Biowodór wydaje się być użytecznym odnawialnym nośnikiem energii, który mógłby zastąpić paliwa kopalne. Największym problemem wodoru jest jego rzadkie występowanie w czystej formie molekularnej H 2 . Dlatego otrzymanie biowodoru w objętościach opłacalnych ja ko surowiec czy biopaliwo wiedzie przez bioodpady „przesycone” wodorem. Każdy związek...
Environment protection and sustainable development
e-Learning CoursesStructure, Organization, Classification, and Protection of Landscapes (priority landscape; landscape values; principles and problems of protecting various types of ecosystems and landscapes; regionalization of landscapes; threats to landscape resources; ecological structure of the landscape and landscape ecological systems; principles of conducting a landscape protection study; European Landscape Convention; landscape audit - concept...
Waste tire rubber devulcanization technologies: State-of-the-art, limitations and future perspectives
PublicationWaste tires management is a serious and global environmental problem. Therefore, searching for low-cost and industrial-scale applicable tire recycling methods is gaining more and more attention. Waste tire rubber is valuable source of secondary raw materials for the circular economy and current trends indicate that application of waste rubbers during manufacturing value-added products should increase in near future. Sustainable...
Effect of process parameters on food waste conversion - dataset 1
Open Research DataData obtained during studies (food waste pretreatment and conversion), describing the effect of process parameters (sonocavitation) on food waste conversion.
Water Resources and Industry
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Proposal of a mobile medical waste incinerator with automatic waste feeder and heat recovery system
PublicationThe paper presents and discusses the issue of medical waste (including hazardous ones) and their proper management. Inappropriate handling of infectious medical waste directly endangers the human being health and the environment. Infectious waste must therefore be properly disposed of – one of the most commonly used methods is the thermal treatment in the incinerators tailored for this purpose. During designing an incinerator unit,...
Waste tire rubber as low-cost and environmentally-friendly modifier in thermoset polymers – a review
PublicationNowadays, waste tire rubber (WTR) management is a growing and serious problem. Therefore, research works focused on the development of cost-effective and environmentally-friendly methods of WTR recycling are fully justified. Incorporation of WTR into polymer matrices and composite materials attracts much attention, because this approach allows sustainable development of industrially applicable waste tires recycling technologies....