Search results for: SUPERCONDUCTORS
The σ-phase superconductors Nb20.4Rh5.7Ge3.9 and Nb20.4Rh5.7Si3.9
PublicationWe show that the previously unreported ternary σ phases Nb20.4Rh5.7Ge3.9 and Nb20.4Rh5.7Si3.9 are both superconductors with Tc values of approximately 1.9 K. The superconducting transitions were characterized through temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistance, and specific heat measurements. The Sommerfeld constants, γ, for Nb20.4Rh5.7Ge3.9 and Nb20.4Rh5.7Si3.9 are 89(1) mJ mol-f.u.−1K−2 and 86(1) mJ mol-f.u.−1K−2...
Endohedral gallide cluster superconductors and superconductivity in ReGa5
PublicationWe present transition metal-embedded (T@Gan) endohedral Ga clusters as a favorable structural motif for superconductivity and develop empirical, molecule-based, electron counting rules that govern the hierarchical architectures that the clusters assume in binary phases. Among the binary T@Gan endohedral cluster systems, Mo8Ga41, Mo6Ga31, Rh2Ga9, and Ir2 Ga9 are all previously known superconductors. The well-known exotic superconductor...
London penetration depth in local pair superconductors
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Ni2X2 (X = pnictide, chalcogenide, or B) based superconductors
PublicationPublikacja jest przeglądem właściwości nadprzewodników na bazie niklu, które zawierają płaszczyzny Ni2X2 (X=As, P, Bi, Si, Ge, B).
Ni2X2 (X=pnictide, chalcogenide, or B) based superconductors
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A Family of Pb-based Superconductors with Variable Cubic to Hexagonal Packing
PublicationWe describe three previously unreported superconductors, BaPb3, Ba0.89Sr0.11Pb3, and Ba0.5Sr0.5Pb3. These three materials, together with SrPb3, form a distinctive isoelectronic family of intermetallic superconductors based on the stacking of Pb planes, with crystal structures that display a hexagonal to cubic perovskite-like progression, as rarely seen in metals. The superconducting transition temperatures (Tc) are similar for...
Physical properties and electronic structure of La3Co and La3Ni intermetallic superconductors
PublicationLa3Co and La3Ni are reported superconductors with transition temperatures of 4.5 and 6 K, respectively. Here, we reinvestigate the physical properties of these two intermetallic compounds with magnetic susceptibility χ, specific heat Cp and electrical resistivity ρ measurements down to 1.9 K. Although bulk superconductivity is confirmed in La3Co, as observed previously, only a trace of it is found in La3Ni, indicating that the...
Critical Field and Specific Heat in Electron- and Hole-Doped Graphene Superconductors
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Superconducting transition in granular Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-O superconductors
PublicationW układzie(Bi,Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O poprzez krystalizację w fazie stałej można wytworzyć materiały o bardzo różnych właściwościach elektrycznych i nadprzewodzących. W zależności od warunków krystalizacji, można wytworzyć nadprzewodnik o temperaturze krytycznej między 8 a 105 st. K lub materiał nie przechodzący do stanu nadprzewodzącego. Przejście do stanu nadprzewodzacego w materiałach granulastych ma charakter dwustopniowy. Zbadano wpływ...
Electronic conduction in (Bi,Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O granular superconductors
PublicationMetale i nadprzewodniki granulaste są bardzo ciekawymi materiałami dzięki jednoczesnej obecności oddziaływań kulombowskich, tunelowania elektronów i par Coopera oraz różnych zjawisk związanych z nieuporządkowaniem. W pracy przedstawiono właściwości elektryczne granulastego nadprzewodnika (Bi,Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O otrzymanego wskutek krystalizacji w fazie stałej. Badane materiały mogą być traktowane jako układ granul umieszczonych w matrycy...
Importance of Specific Heat Characterization when Reporting New Superconductors: An Example of Superconductivity in LiGa2Rh
PublicationWe show that the full-Heusler compound LiGa2Rh is a superconductor with Tc = 2.4 K. The new superconductor was found as a result of an intuition-based extension of a database search for superconductors that looked for the presence of peaks in the electronic band structure near the Fermi energy. The measurement of the entropy loss during the transition from the nonsuperconducting to the superconducting state, a straightforward measurement...
Microwave absorption study on (Bi, Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O granular superconductors
PublicationNadprzewodniki granulaste są bardzo ciekawymi materiałami dzięki temu, że zawierają dużą ilość złącz Josephsona. W pracy przedstawiono absorpcję mikrofalową w granulastych nadprzewodnikach (Bi, Pb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O zawierających granule 2201, 2212 i 2223 umieszczone w matrycy dielektrycznej. Obserwowano dwustopniowe przejście do stanu nadprzewodzącego. Sygnał MMMA obserwowano poniżej temperatury T1.
Electronic and lattice properties of noncentrosymmetric superconductors ThTSi (T=Co, Ir, Ni, and Pt)
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On the critical temperature discontinuity at the theoretical bcc-fcc phase transition in compressed selenium and tellurium superconductors
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Description of the thermodynamic properties of BiH 5 and BiH 6 superconductors beyond the mean-field approximation
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Magnetic Field Influence on the Superconducting Transition in Granular (BiPb)-Sr-Ca-Cu-O Superconductors
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TaRh 2 B 2 and NbRh 2 B 2 : Superconductors with a chiral noncentrosymmetric crystal structure
PublicationIt is a fundamental truth in solid compounds that the physical properties follow the symmetry of the crystal structure. Nowhere is the effect of symmetry more pronounced than in the electronic and magnetic properties of materials—even the projection of the bulk crystal symmetry onto different crystal faces is known to have a substantial impact on the surface electronic states. The effect of bulk crystal symmetry on the properties...
Influence of magnetic field on electronic conduction of (Bi,Pb)–Sr–Ca–Cu–O granular superconductors
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NbIr 2 B 2 and TaIr 2 B 2 – New Low Symmetry Noncentrosymmetric Superconductors with Strong Spin–Orbit Coupling
PublicationSuperconductivity was first observed more than a century ago, but the search for new superconducting materials remains a challenge. The Cooper pairs in superconductors are ideal embodiments of quantum entanglement. Thus, novel superconductors can be critical for both learning about electronic systems in condensed matter and for possible application in future quantum technologies. Here two previously unreported materials, NbIr2B2...
Group-9 Transition-Metal Suboxides Adopting the Filled-Ti2Ni Structure: A Class of Superconductors Exhibiting Exceptionally High Upper Critical Fields
PublicationTi2Ni and the related η-carbide structure are known to exhibit various intriguing physical properties. The Ti2Ni structure with the cubic space group Fd3̅m is surprisingly complex, consisting of a unit cell with 96 metal atoms. The related η-carbide compounds correspond to a filled version of the Ti2Ni structure. Here, we report on the structure and superconductivity in the η-carbide-type suboxides Ti4M2O with M = Co, Rh, and Ir....
Superconductivity in the Endohedral Ga Cluster Compound PdGa5
PublicationSuperconductivity is observed below Tc = 1.6 K in an endohedral Ga cluster compound PdGa5 using magnetization and heat capacity measurements. Electronic structure calculations show that the density of states (DOS) at the Fermi level is dominated by Ga s and p states and that the overall shape of DOS is similar to what was found in other endohedral Ga cluster superconductors, such as MoxGa5x+1, ReGa5, and T2Ga9 (T = Rh and Ir)....
Anisotropic, multiband, and strong-coupling superconductivity of the Pb0.64Bi0.36 alloy
PublicationThis paper presents theoretical and experimental studies on the superconductivity of Pb0.64Bi0.36 alloy, which is a prototype of strongly coupled superconductors and exhibits one of the strongest coupling under ambient pressure among the materials studied so far. The critical temperature, the specific heat in the superconducting state, and the magnetic critical fields are experimentally determined. Deviations from the single-gap...
Superconductivity in a breathing kagome metals ROs2 (R = Sc, Y, Lu)
PublicationWe have successfully synthesized three osmium-based hexagonal Laves compounds ROs2 (R = Sc, Y, Lu), and discussed their physical properties. LeBail refinement of pXRD data confirms that all compounds crystallize in the hexagonal centrosymmetric MgZn2- type structure (P63/mmc, No. 194). The refined lattice parameters are a = b = 5.1791(1) Å and c = 8.4841(2) Å for ScOs2, a = b = 5.2571(3) Å and c = 8.6613(2) Å for LuOs2 and a =...
Superconductivity of Ta-Hf and Ta-Zr alloys: Potential alloys for use in superconducting devices
PublicationThe electronic properties relevant to superconductivity are reported for bulk Ta-Hf and Ta-Zr body centered cubic alloys, in a large part to determine whether their properties are suitable for potential use in superconducting qbits. The body centered cubic unit cell sizes increase with increasing alloying. The results of magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity, and heat capacity characterization are reported. While elemental...
Detailed studies of superconducting properties of Y2Pd1.25Ge2.75
PublicationWe report a successful synthesis of a high-purity intermetallic germanide Y2Pd1.25Ge2.75, crystallizing in the disordered variant of the AlB2-type structure. A single-phase sample was obtained via arc-melting by deliberately tuning the composition out of the ideal 2:1:3 ratio. Specific heat, electrical resistivity and magnetization measurements show that the compound is a weakly-coupled (λ e-p = 0.58) type-II superconductor with...
Superconductivity in the superhard boride WB4.2
PublicationWe show that the superhard boride WB4.2 is a superconductor with a Tc of 2.05(5) K. Temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity, and specific heat measurements were used to characterize the superconducting transition. The Sommerfeld constant γ for WB4.2 is 2.07(3) mJ mol−1 K−2 and the ΔC/γTc=1.56, which is somewhat higher than what is expected for weakly coupled Bardeen–Cooper–Schrieffer type superconductors....
Superconductivity–Electron Count Relationship in Heusler Phases─the Case of LiPd2Si
PublicationWe report superconductivity in the full Heusler compound LiPd2Si (space group Fm3̅m, No. 225) at a critical temperature of Tc = 1.3 K and a normalized heat capacity jump at Tc, ΔC/γTc = 1.1. The low-temperature isothermal magnetization curves imply type-I superconductivity, as previously observed in LiPd2Ge. We show, based on density functional theory calculations and using the molecular orbital theory approach, that while LiPd2Si...
MgPd2Sb : A Mg-based Heusler-type superconductor
PublicationWe report the synthesis and physical properties of a full Heusler compound, MgPd2Sb, which we found toshow superconductivity belowTc=2.2K. MgPd2Sb was obtained by a two-step solid-state reaction methodand its purity and cubic crystal structure [Fm-3m,a=6.4523(1) Å] were confirmed by powder x-ray diffrac-tion. Normal and superconducting states were studied by electrical resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, andheat...
Rattling-enhanced superconductivity in MV2Al20 (M = Sc, Lu, Y) intermetallic cage compounds
PublicationPolycrystalline samples of four intermetallic compounds: MV2Al20 (M=Sc, Y, La, and Lu) were synthesized using an arc-melting technique. The crystal structures were analyzed by means of powder x-ray diffraction and Rietveld analysis, and the physical properties were studied by means of heat capacity, electrical resistivity, and magnetic susceptibility measurements down to 0.4 K. For ScV2Al20, LuV2Al20, and YV2Al20, superconductivity...
Ti4Ir2O : A time reversal invariant fully gapped unconventional superconductor
PublicationHere we report muon spin rotation (μSR) experiments on the temperature and field dependence of the effective magnetic penetration depth λ(T ) in the η-carbide-type suboxide Ti4Ir2O, a superconductor with a considerably high upper critical field. The temperature dependence of λ(T ), obtained from transverse-field (TF)-μSR measurements, is in perfect agreement with an isotropic fully gaped superconducting state. Furthermore, our...
S-Shaped Suppression of the Superconducting Transition Temperature in Cu-Intercalated NbSe2
Publication2H-NbSe2 is the prototype and most frequently studied of the well-known transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) superconductors. As 2H-NbSe2 is widely acknowledged as a conventional superconductor, its transition temperature to the superconducting state (Tc) is 7.3 K, a Tc that is substantially higher than those seen for the majority of TMDCs, where Tc values between 2 and 4 K are the norm. Here we report the intercalation of Cu...
Time reversal invariant single-gap superconductivity with upper critical field larger than the Pauli limit in NbIr2B2
PublicationRecently, compounds with noncentrosymmetric crystal structure have attracted much attention for providing a rich playground in search for unconventional superconductivity. NbIr2B2 is a new member to this class of materials harboring superconductivity below Tc = 7.3(2) K and a very high upper critical field that exceeds Pauli limit. Here we report on muon spin rotation (μSR) experiments probing the temperature and field dependence...
Superconductivity in LiGa2Ir Heusler type compound with VEC = 16
PublicationPolycrystalline LiGa2Ir has been prepared by a solid state reaction method. A Rietveld refnement of powder x-ray difraction data confrms a previously reported Heusler-type crystal structure (space group Fm-3m, No. 225) with lattice parameter a= 6.0322(1) Å. The normal and superconducting state properties were studied by magnetic susceptibility, heat capacity, and electrical resistivity techniques. A bulk superconductivity with...
Two kinds of oxygen vacancies in lithium titaniate doped with copper as detected by EPR
PublicationLithium titanate (Li1+xTi2-xO4) doped with Cu2+ ions was synthesized by sol-gel processing method. The structure and morphology are characterized by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), X-ray Photoemission Spectroscopy (XPS), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR). Spin Hamiltonian parameters describing Zeeman and hyperfine interaction for 63Cu2+ ions were obtained from EPR spectra simulations. The spectra...
Superconductivity and appearance of negative magnetocaloric effect in Ba1–xKxBiO3 perovskites, doped by Y, La and Pr
PublicationRecently, substantial attention is given to the bismuth-based perovskites for variety of electronic applications. The perovskites are used for quantum dots displays (QLED), photovoltaic systems and superconducting (HTS) devices. In this paper comprehensive studies of Ba1–xKxBi1–yREyO3 bismuth perovskites (REBKBO, RE = Y , La or Pr) are reported. Apart from structural anomalous behavior at low temperatures, the electronic properties...
Superconductivity in the niobium-rich compound Nb5Se4
PublicationThe niobium rich selenide compound Nb5Se4 was synthesized at ambient pressure by high-temperature solid–state reaction in a sealed Ta tube. Resistivity and heat capacity measurements reveal that this compound is superconducting, with a Tc = 1.85K. The electronic contribution to the specific heat γ and the Debye temperature are found to be 18.1 mJmol−1K−2 and 298 K respectively. The calculated electron-phonon coupling constant λep...
Superconductivity in CaBi2
PublicationSuperconductivity is observed with critical temperature Tc = 2.0 K in self-flux-grown single crystals of CaBi2. This material adopts the ZrSi2 structure type with lattice parameters a = 4.696(1) Å, b = 17.081(2) Å and c = 4.611(1) Å. The crystals of CaBi2 were studied by means of magnetic susceptibility, specific heat and electrical resistivity measurements. The heat capacity jump at Tc is DC/gTc = 1.41, confirming bulk superconductivity;...
Structural properties of hypothetical CeBa2Cu3O7 compound from LSDA+DMFT calculations
PublicationThe hypothetical stoichiometric CeBa2Cu3O7 (Ce123) compound, which has not been synthesized as a single phase yet, was studied by the density functional theory (DFT). We utilized a method which merges the local spin density approximation (LSDA) with the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) to account for the electronic correlations. The LSDA+DMFT calculations were performed in the high-temperature range. The particular emphasis was...