Search results for: TAT
Interplay between Structure and Charge as a Key to Allosteric Modulation of Human 20S Proteasome by the Basic Fragment of HIV-1 Tat Protein
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Marek Sylwester Tatara dr inż.
PeopleMarek Tatara achieved his master's degree in the field of Automatic Control and Robotics with specialization Intelligent Decision-making Systems in 2014 at Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Informatics of Gdańsk University of Technology. Earlier this year achieved bachelor's degree in the field of Technical Physics with Nanotechnology specialization. In 2014 started job as lecturer in the Department of Robotics and...
The Jurassic–Cretaceous transition in the High-Tatric succession (Giewont Unit, Western Tatra Mts, Poland): integrated stratigraphy and microfacies
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Tracing the latest Jurassic–earliest Cretaceous paleoenvironment evolution in swell carbonate facies: a case study of the High-Tatric succession (Central Western Carpathians, Tatra Mts, Poland)
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Perspectives on Muslim Dress in Poland: A Tatar View
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Ewa Tatarynowicz Mgr
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Władysław Tatarkiewicz, Szkoła marburska i jej idealizm
PublicationKsiążka Władysława Tatarkiewicza zatytułowana Szkoła marburska i jej idealizm składa się z pięciu artykułów poświęconych marburskiej filozofii neokantowskiej oraz tekstów czterech recenzji dotyczących rozpraw filozofów z Marburga. Teksty te zostały napisane i opublikowane w polskich czasopismach filozoficznych tuż po powrocie Tatarkiewicza do kraju z prowadzonych pod kierunkiem Hermanna Cohena i Paula Natorpa studiów w Marburgu...
Lessons learned in a decade: Medical‐toxicological view of tattooing
PublicationTattooing has been part of the human culture for thousands of years, yet only in the past decades has it entered the mainstream of the society. With the rise in popularity, tattoos also gained attention among researchers, with the aim to better understand the health risks posed by their application. 'A medical-toxicological view of tattooing'-a work published in The Lancet almost a decade ago, resulted from the international collaboration...
Efficient Agrobacterium-mediated transformation and genome editing of Fagopyrum tataricum
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I Tatti Studies
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Tatiana Kananowicz dr hab.
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Tatiana Ilczyszyn mgr
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Tattooed men: Healthy bad boys and good-looking competitors
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Association between sexual orientations of individuals and perceptions of tattooed men
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Optimization of the Geothermal Energy for District Heating in the Polish Tatras Region: A Case Study
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Colored Tattoo Ink Screening Method with Optical Tissue Phantoms and Raman Spectroscopy
PublicationDue to the increasing popularity of tattoos among the general population, to ensure their safety and quality, there is a need to develop reliable and rapid methods for the analysis of the composition of tattoo inks, both in the ink itself and in already existing tattoos. This paper presents the possibility of using Raman spectroscopy to examine tattoo inks in biological materials. We have developed optical tissue phantoms mimicking...
Stability and instability processes in the calli of Fagopyrum tataricum that have different morphogenic potentials
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Tatiana Andrzejewska mgr
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Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications
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Conditions of spatiotemporal variability of the thickness of the ice cover on lakes in the Tatra Mountains
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Iterative Algorithms for Multilayer Optimizing Control
PublicationMonografia przedstawia struktury, koncepcje i algorytmy dla wielowarstwowego sterowania optymalizującego procesami przemysłowymi będące w przeważającym stopniu wynikiem badań prowadzonych przez jej autorów. Metodologie i algorytmy sterowania są starannie ilustrowane wynikami symulacji dla wybranych przykładowych systemów. Oprócz tego przedstawione są zastosowania do realnych obiektów przemysłowych: kolumny destylacyjnej etyliny,...
PublicationMost of the Earth’s biosphere is permanently or periodically exposed to temperatures below 5°C. Cold habitats harbor a wide diversity of psychrophiles. For many years Antarctica has been the geographic area preferred for studying the diversity and properties of cold-adapted microorganisms. However, the non-Antarctic habitats like Himalayas or Alps are also extensively explored. The Tatra Mountains are Europe’s second-highest massif...
Selected aspects of application UAVS to recognize characteristic quantities of fire.
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Tattooed man: Could menstrual cycle phase and contraceptive use change female preferences towards bad boys?
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Determinants of Spatial Variability of Ice Thickness in Lakes in High Mountains of the Temperate Zone—The Case of the Tatra Mountains
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J. Staszak-Winkler: Mamo, Tato wybieram ekotransport –promocja gdyńskiej komunikacji miejskiej. Transport Miejski i Regionalny, nr 3, 2011.
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Problems of diagnosing fire alarm systems in transport facilities
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Decision-Making Models of the Human-Operator as an Element of the Socio-Technical Systems
PublicationThe authors of the chapter proved that the fundamental intellectual processes, which lie on the basis of decision-making behavior of the human-operator, could be identified on the bases on the analogies with the devices (elements). The basic intellectual processes of the Rational decision-making models can be adequately identified by the transient processes of the PID-controller; the intellectual processes of the Bounded Rationality...
Holistyczna koncepcja dobrobytu.
PublicationW rozdziale tym zaproponowano holistyczną koncepcję dobrobytu. Z metodologicznego punktu widzenia proponowany paradygmat można nazwać stochastycznym, gdyż bazuje on na rozkładzie prawdopodobieństwa dobrobytu, w odróżnieniu od dotychczasowego paradygmatu deterministycznego, którego punktem wyjścia jest indywidualistyczny dobrobyt osób. Udowodniono szereg twierdzeń ukazujących związek pomiędzy rozkładem dobrobytu, rozkładem dochodów...
Modeling two phase flow in large scale fractured porous media with an extended multiple interacting continua method
PublicationWe present a two phase flow conceptual model, the corresponding simulator (2pMINC) and a workflow for large-scale fractured reservoirs, based on a continuum fracture approach which uses the multiple interacting continua (MINC) method complemented with an improved upscaling technique. The complex transient behavior of the flow processes in fractured porous media is captured by subgridding the coarse blocks in nested volume elements...
Practical Approach to IP Scheduled Throughput Measurements in Dual Connectivity Systems
PublicationIP scheduled throughput defined according to 3GPP TS 36.314 reflects user throughput regardless of traffic characteristics, and therefore has become one of the most important indicators for monitoring Quality of Service (QoS) of the end user in Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN). However, networks built on a distributed architecture make the above definition impossible to be applied directly due to the...
Modeling of medium flow processes in transportation pipelines - the synthesis of their state-space models and the analysis of the mathematical properties of the models for leak detection purposes
PublicationThe dissertation concerns the issue of modeling the pipeline flow process under incompressible and isothermal conditions, with a target application to the leak detection and isolation systems. First, an introduction to the model-based process diagnostics is provided, where its basic terminology, tools, and methods are described. In the following chapter, a review of the state of the art in the field of leak detection and isolation...
Antibacterial, Antifungal and Anticancer Activities of Compounds Produced by Newly Isolated Streptomyces Strains from the Szczelina Chochołowska Cave (Tatra Mountains, Poland)
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Ontological engineering versus metaphysics
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Biblioteka e-pokolenia. Na przykładzie Czytelni na WETI Politechniki Gdańskiej
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Impact of Sars-Cov-2 virus on Maritime Traffic in the Port of Ploce
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Dual-task exercise as a therapy for executive motor function in Parkinson’s disease
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Numerical Issues and Approximated Models for the Diagnosis of Transmission Pipelines
PublicationThe chapter concerns numerical issues encountered when the pipeline flow process is modeled as a discrete-time state-space model. In particular, issues related to computational complexity and computability are discussed, i.e., simulation feasibility which is connected to the notions of singularity and stability of the model. These properties are critical if a diagnostic system is based on a discrete mathematical model of the flow...
Analiza wyliczalności modelu stanowego procesu przepływu
PublicationW niniejszej pracy przedstawiono ogólną metodę wyznaczania modelu stanowego procesu przepływu medium w rurociągu, zwracając uwagę na problem osobliwości równania i odwracalności macierzy rekombinacji. Dokonano analizy macierzy rekombinacji dowodząc jej nieosobliwości dla skończonych kroków kwantyzacji w czasie i przestrzeni. Pokazano również sposób wyznaczenia odwrotności tej macierzy i przedstawiono analizę porównawczą macierzy...
Analityczne Modelowanie Procesów Przepływu: Analiza Obliczalności Modelu Stanowego
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono równania opisujące zjawisko przepływu cieczy oraz gazów w długich rurociągach. Oparłszy się na podziale rurociągu na małe segmenty, opisuje się dyskretne dynamiczne równanie tego procesu. Przedstawia się dowód, że macierz rekombinacji stanu (A), która potencjalnie może być przyczyną osobliwości równania stanu przepływu, jest nieosobliwa dla skończonych i niezerowych przedziałów kwantyzacji w czasie i przestrzeni....
Analiza jakościowa nieosobliwego modelu stanowego procesu przepływu
PublicationW niniejszej pracy omówiono znaczenie modelu w systemach detekcji i izolacji wycieku. Przedstawiono nieosobliwy model stanowy oraz analizę dokładności w zależności od przyjętej metody odwracania macierzy rekombinacji. Zaproponowano metodę aproksymacji modelu poprzez przybliżenie macierzy trójpasmowych diagonalnymi odpowiednikami. Wskazano niebezpieczeństwa wynikające ze stosowania wybranych metod inwersji. Dokonano analizy porównawczej...
Approximate models and parameter analysis of the flow process in transmission pipelines
Publicationthe paper deals with the problem of early leak detection in transmission pipelines. First we present the derivation of state-space equations of the flow process in the pipelines. This description is then aggregated in order to obtain a principal model. Next, the problem of process model parameterization is addressed, taking into account the maximization of a model stability margin. The location of the maximum is determined using...
Approximate and analytic flow models for leak detection and identification
PublicationThe article presents a comprehensive quantitative comparison of four analytical models that, in different ways, describe the flow process in transmission pipelines necessary in the task of detecting and isolating leaks. First, the analyzed models are briefly presented. Then, a novel model comparison framework was introduced along with a methodology for generating data and assessing diagnostic effectiveness. The study presents basic...
Modele rurociągowych procesów przepływowych
PublicationW rozdziale analizowane jest zagadnienie modelowania oraz parametryzacji procesu przepływu w rurociągach przemysłowych. W pierwszej kolejności przedstawia się bazowy model dyskretny, do którego odnoszone są pozostałe syntezowane rozwiązania. Następnie proponuje się metodę aproksymacji diagonalnej (AMDA), w której stosuje się przybliżenia trójdiagonalnych podmacierzy macierzy rekombinacji za pomocą ich diagonalnych odpowiedników...
Flow Process Models for Pipeline Diagnosis
PublicationThis chapter examines the problem of modeling and parameterization of the transmission pipeline flow process. First, the base model for discrete time is presented, which is a reference for other developed models. Then, the diagonal approximation (AMDA) method is proposed, in which the tridiagonal sub-matrices of the recombination matrix are approximated by their diagonal counterparts, which allows for a simple determination of...
Analytical ‘Steady-State’-Based Derivation and Clarification of the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy Condition for Pipe Flow
PublicationThis article addresses the problem of choosing the optimal discretization grid for emulating fluid flow through a pipeline. The aggregated basic flow model is linearized near the operating point obtained from the steady state analytic solution of the differential equations under consideration. Based on this model, the relationship between the Courant number (μ) and the stability margin is examined. The numerically set coefficient...
Diagnostic Models and Estimators for LDI in Transmission Pipelines
PublicationThis article considers and compares four analytical models of the pipeline flow process for leak detection and location tasks. The synthesis of these models is briefly outlined. Next, the methodology for generating data and diagnosing pipes is described, as well as experimental settings, assumptions and implemented scenarios. Finally, the quality of model-based diagnostic estimators has been evaluated for their bias, standard deviations...
Open-Set Speaker Identification Using Closed-Set Pretrained Embeddings
PublicationThe paper proposes an approach for extending deep neural networks-based solutions to closed-set speaker identification toward the open-set problem. The idea is built on the characteristics of deep neural networks trained for the classification tasks, where there is a layer consisting of a set of deep features extracted from the analyzed inputs. By extracting this vector and performing anomaly detection against the set of known...
Analytical Steady-State Model of the Pipeline Flow Process
PublicationThe paper addresses the issue of modeling the flow process in transmission pipelines. A base model used for numerical simulation is introduced. Under certain assumptions concerning steady state analysis, the differential equations describing the process are solved analytically for two cases: zero and nonzero inclination angle α. These equations describe a constant flow rate and a corresponding distribution of the pressure along...
Sphere Drive and Control System for Haptic Interaction With Physical, Virtual, and Augmented Reality
PublicationA system for haptic interaction with physical, virtual, and augmented realities, founded on drive and measurement elements (DMEs), is considered. The system consists of eight DME rolls equipped with linear actuators, able to measure their angular velocity, drive the sphere, and adjust downforce (pressing the roll against the sphere). Two modeling issues are addressed. Special effort is put in to compensate for various technical...