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Analysis of the regenerative braking process for the urban traffic conditions
PublicationIn a regular drive system, with an internal combustion engine, vehicle braking is connected with the unproductive dissipation of kinetic and potential energy accumulated in the mass of the vehicle into the environment. This energy can constitute up to 70% of the energy used to drive a vehicle under urban conditions. Its recovery and reuse is one of the basic advantages of hybrid and electric vehicles. Modern traffic management...
Influence of traffic conditions on the operating fuel consumption
PublicationPrzedstawiona w pracy metoda umożliwia ocenę warunków eksploatacji pojazdu. Warunki te mogą wynikać zarówno z lokalnej specyfiki ruchu pojazdów jak również ze sposobu prowadzenia auta przez kierowcę. W pracy zamieszczono przykłady oceny zarejestrowanych w normalnej eksploatacji warunków ruchu pojazdu i ich wpływu na przebiegowe zużycie paliwa.
"Creating a numerical model of noise conditions based on the analysis of traffic volume changes in cities with low and medium structure.
PublicationThe subject of this research study is to analyze noise conditions of the selected area in the city of Gdańsk using data related to traffic volume changes during a day. This is because daily distribution of noise levels is much more helpful for noise control and reduction than traditional maps with Lden levels indicated. Calculations are made with the use of a numerical model developed at the Gdansk Univ. of Technology and implemented...
"Creating a numerical model of noise conditions based on the analysis of traffic volume changes in cities with low and medium structure.
PublicationThe subject of this research study is to analyze noise conditions of the selected area in the city of Gdańsk using data related to traffic volume changes during a day. This is because daily distribution of noise levels is much more helpful for noise control and reduction than traditional maps with Lden levels indicated. Calculations are made with the use of a numerical model developed at the Gdansk Univ. of Technology and implemented...
Application of autoencoder to traffic noise analysis
PublicationThe aim of an autoencoder neural network is to transform the input data into a lower-dimensional code and then to reconstruct the output from this code representation. Applications of autoencoders to classifying sound events in the road traffic have not been found in the literature. The presented research aims to determine whether such an unsupervised learning method may be used for deploying classification algorithms applied to...
Review of methods for assessing traffic conditions on basic motorway and expressway sections
PublicationMotorways and expressways are the core of each country’s road system. Road planning, design and management requires tools to ensure that roads have the right geometry, traffic layout and equipment. These include methods for capacity estimation and assessing traffic conditions. Because the paper focusses on the basic segments of motorways and expressways (sections located between interchanges and outside of their influence), its...
Analysis of Signalized Intersections in the Context of Pedestrian Traffic
PublicationGdynia is a city in the Pomeranian Voivod e ship of Poland with a population of about 250,000. It faces a growing motorization rate th at needs to be addressed. Car ownership in Gdynia now exceed s 500 vehicles per 1000 residents. Travel by public transport is decreasing and the rate of walking and cycling remains low. It is necessary to reverse these negative trends by implementing solu tions based...
Investigating the Impact of Weather Conditions and Time of Day on Traffic Flow Characteristics
PublicationAdverse weather such as rain, snow, and fog may significantly reduce visibility or change adhesion properties and, as a consequence, affect drivers’ sense of safety, driving comfort, and their reaction to a changing driving environment (i.e., lower speed and increased headways). The changed behavior of individual drivers affects both traffic flow characteristics, that is, average speed and headways, and parameters related to highway...
Time series - the tool for traffic safety analysis
PublicationGłównym celem artykułu jest przedstawienie sposobu modelowania i modeli stosowanych w analizach i prognozowaniu odnośnie zmian śmiertelności w wypadkach drogowych w Polsce. W tym celu zastosowano teorię modeli strukturalnych szeregów czasowych przy założeniu, że zarówno ruch drogowy, jak i bezpieczeństwo na drogach są procesami dynamicznymi, w których przeszłość ma znaczący wpływ na teraźniejszość i przyszłość systemu.
Impact of Intelligent Transport Systems Services on the Level of Safety and Improvement of Traffic Conditions
PublicationThe positive effects of the services of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) on the level of transport systems operation was confirmed by long-term studies conducted, inter alia, in the USA, Japan and Europe. Benefits resulting from the application of ITS services can be presented through performance indicators. The indicators represent in a numerical or qualitative manner to what extent ITS services can contribute to improving...
Testing the Weibull distribution in road traffic losses analysis
PublicationThe paper presents an attempt of applying the Weibull distribution for the purpose of analysing road traffic losses (fatalities). The question it asks is whether reliability engineering methods can be applied for the analyses. If this is the case, what should be the interpretation of the numbers and terms? It was assumed that the losses generated by a malfunctioning road transport system are fatalities. Risk exposure to these losses...
Traffic Noise Analysis Applied to Automatic Vehicle Counting and Classification
PublicationProblems related to determining traffic noise characteristics are discussed in the context of automatic dynamic noise analysis based on noise level measurements and traffic prediction models. The obtained analytical results provide the second goal of the study, namely automatic vehicle counting and classification. Several traffic prediction models are presented and compared to the results of in-situ noise level measurements. Synchronized...
A Review of Traffic Analysis Attacks and Countermeasures in Mobile Agents' Networks
PublicationFor traditional, message-based communication, traffic analysis has been already studied for over three decades and during that time various attacks have been recognised. As far as mobile agents’ networks are concerned only a few, specific-scope studies have been conducted. This leaves a gap that needs to be addressed as nowadays, in the era of Big Data, the Internet of Things, Smart Infrastructures and growing concerns for privacy,...
Analysis of the effect of mass events on car traffic in the city in the daily interval
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A unified approach to the analysis of electric energy and fuel consumption of cars in city traffic
PublicationForecasting fuel and electricity consumption is an important factor determining the direction of changes in road engineering solutions, traffic management, selection of routes for public transport and development more efficient car drive systems. With a reliable and easy-to-use computational tool, it is possible to reduce the consumption of primary energy sources and reduce the emission of toxic compounds in cities. An analysis...
Evaluation of electrical parameters of traction supply system for complex railway traffic conditions, using simulation methods
PublicationDevelopment of electrified transport systems, railways modernization, expansion of urban transport networks, purchases of modern rolling stock causes that updating of electric traction supply system is necessary. This chapter presents an effective method for electrical parameters of traction supply system evaluation, using simulation methods.
The analysis of the conditions for best practices’ transfer
PublicationOne of the tasks of the Project Partners was identifying best practices in strengthening the economic activity of women and older people in the context of developing the competitiveness and innovation of SMEs, as well as determining the possibilities and conditions of their transfer. Transfer in this case is understood as the implementation of selected and described solutions in enterprises and public organizations from all the...
Benchmark of the traffic congestion in electrical transport by means of multi criteria decision analysis
PublicationCongestion of the road traffic is an important aspect related to the issues of energy consumption in public transport. Due to the multiattribute nature, the expression of traffic congestion in a quantitative valueis difficult to achieve. The article presents a method of estimation of traffic congestion by means of a multiattribute decision analysis.
PublicationThis paper presents analysis of hydraulic conditions of sewage flow down the slipway (ramp) in the collecting sanitary chamber connecting 3 collectors on the inlet: ⌀600, ⌀800 and ⌀1400 and one on the outlet ⌀1600 mm, with a maximum difference of elevation 5 m. The mathematical model has been made and hydraulic calculations were carried out in steady flow conditions. Then wastewater surface elevation, energy grade line elevation,...
PublicationThe analyzes were aimed at demonstrating the influence of parameters describing the deformation of the structure on the uncertainty of critical force, and the impact of technological imperfections on stress uncertainty in compression conditions. In a linear buckling analysis, the problem is considered only for the initial, permanent state of the stiffness matrix. In the case of demonstrating the influence of initial deformations...
Maritime traffic situation awareness analysis via high-fidelity ship imaging trajectory
PublicationSituation awareness provides crucial yet instant information to maritime traffic participants, and significant attentions are paid to implement traffic situation awareness task via various maritime data source (e.g., automatic identification system, maritime surveillance video, radar, etc.). The study aims to analyze traffic situation with the support of ship imaging trajectory. First, we employ the dark channel prior model to...
Machine Learning and Text Analysis in an Artificial Intelligent System for the Training of Air Traffic Controllers
PublicationThis chapter presents the application of new information technology in education for the training of air traffic controllers (ATCs). Machine learning, multi-criteria decision analysis, and text analysis as the methods of artificial intelligence for ATCs training have been described. The authors have made an analysis of the International Civil Aviation Organization documents for modern principles of ATCs education. The prototype...
An analysis of ship escort and convoy operations in ice conditions
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Analysis of soundscape recordings in close proximity to the road in changeable wather conditions
PublicationThe acoustic vehicle sensing is the least invasive type of traffic detection. Also, acoustic-based vehicle detection technology is insensitive to precipitation and can operate in low light level. Therefore, this kind of method may be used for automatic detection of the vehicle passage events. It can also be employed for measurements of a vehicle speed and the vehicle assignment to the particular category. In this paper the results...
Comparative Analysis of Working Conditions in the European Union Member States
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Analysis of cyclone separator solutions depending on SEC outlet conditions in nCO2PP
PublicationUtilization of spray ejector condenser in order to carry out direct-contact condensation of vapour with inert gas (CO2) on a spray of subcooled liquid integrated with separator (to make pure CO2) has been proposed for the task of condensation and CO2 separation in the negative CO2 emission gas power plant. Condensation and separation has a significant impact on the thermodynamic efficiency of the entire negative CO2 emission gas...
Analysis of cyclone separator solutions depending on spray ejector condenser conditions
PublicationThe core design strategy for minimizing CO2 emissions in gas power plant entails combining a spray ejector condenser (SEC) and separator to accomplish steam condensation and CO2 purification. This innovative process involves direct-contact condensation of steam with CO2, facilitated by interaction with a subcooled water spray, along with a cyclone separator mechanism intended for generating pure CO2. The investigation of the SEC...
Analysis and bioanalysis: an effective tool for data collection of environmental conditions and processes
PublicationReliable information that allows us to estimate the state of the environment and to forecast changes in the ecosystem are constantly required. Increasing environmental consciousness and dynamic development of analytical techniques are the main reasons for determining the wide range of pollutants occurring at very low concentrations in complex matrix samples. The presence and concentration of many of those pollutants in the environment...
Experimental and Computational Analysis of the Ship Propeller in Open Water Conditions for Inclined Flow
PublicationThe paper presents the results of computational analyses simulating the open water tests of ship propeller in inclined flow. The results of computations are compared with the results of corresponding experimental analyses carried out in the towing tank of Ship Design and Research Centre (CTO S.A.). The object of the research was the model propeller identified as CP469. The aim of the study was to validate the results of numerical...
Conditions for measurement, analog-to-digital conversion and frequency analysis of irregularities of profile surface
PublicationPrzedstawiono uwarunkowania pomiaru, przetwarzania analogowo-cyfrowego i analizy częstotliwościowej nierówności powierzchni toczonych dla celów rozpoznawania ich głównych składowych. Przedstawiono ograniczenia w pomiarze igłą, która odwzorowuje nierówności poprzeczne. Podano zależności parametrów pomiaru cyfrowego nierówności warunkujące zakresy ich rozpatrywania. Dla wartości przedziału próbkowania, dla którego nie jest spełnione...
Analysis of Lombard speech using parameterization and the objective quality indicators in noise conditions
PublicationThe aim of the work is to analyze Lombard speech effect in recordings and then modify the speech signal in order to obtain an increase in the improvement of objective speech quality indicators after mixing the useful signal with noise or with an interfering signal. The modifications made to the signal are based on the characteristics of the Lombard speech, and in particular on the effect of increasing the fundamental frequency...
Analysis of the Heating Process of Hydraulic Motors during Start-Up in Thermal Shock Conditions
PublicationConditions that prevail during harsh winters and hot summers pose a serious challenge for machine designers building devices suitable for operation in extreme weather. It is essential for the designers and the users to define the principles and conditions for the safe operation of machines and devices with hydraulic drive in low ambient temperatures. Bearing in mind the above, the author tested the hydraulic motors in thermal shock...
Robustness analysis of watermarking-based dtd algorithm under time-variable echo conditions
PublicationA novel double-talk detection (DTD) algorithm based on techniques similar to those used for audio signal watermarking was introduced by the authors. The application of the described DTD algorithm within acoustic echo cancellation system is presented. The problem of DTD robustness to time-varying conditions of acoustic echo path is discussed and explanation as to why such conditions occur in practical situations is provided. The...
Numerical analysis of the flow rig for UWS spray examination in exhaust system-relevant conditions
PublicationIn the present study, a flow rig with optical access intended for spray investigations in exhaust system-relevant conditions was analysed in terms of flow and temperature in the spray area using numerical simulations. The operation of the rig was examined for a wide range of exhaust mass flow rates, temperatures and various forms of UWS (urea-water solution) spray plumes. The locations of the injector and thermocouple were verified....
An analysis of wind conditions at pedestrian level in the selected types of multi-family housing developments
PublicationThe following article addresses the issue of wind conditions around urban building development at pedestrian level. Factors that depend on those issues include wind comfort and air quality within urbanized spaces. The conditions specific of cities located in a temperate climate zone have been taken into account. The article is intended to identify aerodynamic phenomena characteristic of the three basic types of multi-family building...
Development of chromatographic and mass spectrometry conditions for untargeted lipidomic analysis of human breast milk
PublicationHuman breast milk (HBM) is a complex biofluid containing components which are essential for the proper growth of the newborn (for example nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, lipids) and also bioactive substances. According to the literature, most of studies involving HBM nutrients investigations focused essentially on the determination of proteins. The molecular composition of lipids in HBM is not well known as the protein...
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Analysis of the influence of external conditions on temperature readings in thermograms and adaptive adjustment of the measured temperature value
PublicationMeasuring human temperature is a crucial step in preventing the spread of diseases such as COVID-19. For the proper operation of an automatic body temperature measurement system throughout the year, it is necessary to consider outdoor conditions. In this paper, the effect of atmospheric factors on facial temperature readings using infrared thermography is investigated. A thorough analysis of the variation of facial temperature...
Analysis of Investments in RES Based on the Example of Photovoltaic Panels in Conditions of Uncertainty and Risk—A Case Study
PublicationThe aim of this study is to examine the profitability of investment in a photovoltaic microinstallation, to analyze the impact of legal changes on its profitability, and to perform a sensitivity analysis of the investment profitability to energy price changes. The novelty of the research applies to the financial analysis of two legal systems of discount called net-metering and net-billing. The two systems and the change in energy...
Improving in-situ biomethanation of sewage sludge under mesophilic conditions: Performance and microbial community analysis
PublicationThis research investigated the application of in-situ biological hydrogen methanation within a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) system under mesophilic conditions, with sewage sludge used as the substrate. Two CSTRs with an effective capacity of 5 L were installed and loaded with inoculum sludge with a volatile solid (VS) concentration of 1.2–1.5 %. They were fed mixed waste sludge with an organic loading rate (OLR) of 1.5...
Deformation Analysis of Geodetic Networks by Applying M split Estimation with Conditions Binding the Competitive Parameters
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Harmonic analysis of the current of an electric system simulating the electrode process in conditions of linearly changing potential
PublicationAnalizowany był prąd elektrycznego modelu symulującego pierwszorzędową reakcję elektrodową zachodzącą w warunkach liniowo zmieniającego się potencjału z nałożonym sygnałem sinusoidalnym. Pokazano, że transformacja Fouriera nie odzwierciedla zmian amplitudy składowych komponentów w funkcji potencjału. Także matematycznie wykazano, że zastosowanie transformacji Gabora do analizy spektralnej pozwala uzyskać poprawną dekompozycję częstotliwościową....
Comparative analysis of mechanical conditions in bone union following first metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis with varied locking plate positions: A finite element analysis
PublicationFirst metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis is a typical medical treatment performed in cases of arthritis or joint deformity. The gold standard for this procedure is arthrodesis stabilisation with the dorsally positioned plate. However, according to the authors’ previous studies, medially positioned plate provides greater bending stiffness. It is worth to compare the mechanical conditions for bone formation in the fracture callus...
PublicationAerodynamic phenomena that occurs around building developments exert a significant impact on the quality of climate in cities. Environmental wind engineering is a dynamically developing field of knowledge that offers a chance to study and, in consequence, regulates the air flow around buildings and complexes of building developments. The following paper discusses the issue of wind conditions that may be experienced on pedestrian...
Analysis of the Resistance Change of Chemosensitive Layers to the Presence of Ammonia Vapors under Variable Conditions of Air Temperature and Humidity
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Optimized conditions for hydrocarbon group type analysis of base oils by thin-layer chromatography - flame ionisation detection
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad opracowaniem optymalnych warunków oznaczania składu grupowego mineralnych olejów bazowych z wykorzystaniem chromatografii cienkowarstwowej oraz detektora płomieniowo-jonizacyjnego (TLC-FID). W przypadku mineralnych olejów bazowych, które otrzymywane są po wielu etapach rafinacji frakcji pochodzących z destylacji próżniowej ropy naftowej oznaczenie ich składu grupowego (z uwzględnieniem podgrup...
DEM analysis of micro-structural events within granular shear zones under passive earth pressure conditions
PublicationW artykule omówiono wyniki obliczeń numerycznych dla pasku dla stanu pasywnego sztywnej ścianki podczas jej translacji stosując metodę elementów dyskretnych. Analizowano głównie zjawiska mikrostrukturalne w strefach ścinania podczas translacji sztywnej ścianki. Szczególna uwagę zwrócono na pojawienie się wirów w materiale granulowanym.
PublicationThe main goal of the work consisted of preparing an analysis of working conditions of bearings No.1 and No.2 in the existing turbine 13K200, as well as designing geometries of new bearings which would allow for their proper functioning in the turbine following its retrofitting (work under higher load).
Advanced Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Behavior Structural Materials Including Dynamic Conditions of Fracture for Needs of Designing Protective Structures