Search results for: ZIG-ZAG FUNCTIONS
Analiza płyt warstwowych z zastosowaniem funkcji zig-zag.
PublicationW pracy analizowany jest model płyt warstwowych oparty na Teorii Ścinania Pierwszego Rzędu i wzbogacony o uwzględnienie efektu zig-zag oraz warunków równowagi międzywarstwowej. Zastosowano mieszane sformułowanie wariacyjne Reissnera z niezależną interpolacją przemieszczeń i naprężeń poprzecznych w przekroju. Założono paraboliczny w każdej warstwie rozkład naprężeń poprzecznych spełniający warunki ciągłości na granicach warstw....
Linear analysis of laminated multilayered plates with the application of zig-zag function
PublicationW pracy analizowany jest dwuwymiarowy model MES płyty warstwowej bazujący na teorii ścinania pierwszego rzędu, w którego sformułowaniu uwzględnione są dodatkowo efekt zig-zag oraz warunki równowagi międzywarstwowej. Zygzakowa deformacja przekroju modelowana jest poprzez wzbogacenie liniowego rozkładu przemieszczeń teorii ścinania pierwszego rzędu kawałkami ciągłą funkcją Murakami'ego. Pole przemieszczeń w prezentowanym sformułowaniu...
Equivalent single-layer models in deformation analysis of laminated multilayered plates
PublicationThe performance of selected Equivalent Single-Layer (ESL) models is evaluated within several classical benchmark tests for linear static analysis of multi-layered plates. The authors elaborated their own Finite Element software based on the first-order shear deformation theory (FOSD) with some modifications incorporated including a correction of the transverse shear stiffness and an application of zig-zag type functions. Seven...
Numerical modelling of different airbag folding patterns and their influence on occupant responses in frontal vehicle impact
PublicationThis paper presented a procedure for airbag folding for the application in occupant safety studies and analysed the influence of different airbag folding patterns on the occupant severity in frontal impact. Airbags were folded in two patterns: zig-zag and top-roll, using two folding techniques: Initial Metric Method and Explicit Folding. The explicit folding was found to be more expensive in terms of preparation time. However,...
O metodach obliczania naprężeń poprzecznego ścinania w analizie płyt warstwowych
PublicationW pracy omówiono trzy metody wyznaczania profili naprężeń poprzecznego ścinania ze szczególnym zwróceniem uwagi na możliwości ich zastosowania w analizie konstrukcji warstwowych. Praktyczne porównanie analizowanych metod przeprowadzono dla płyty warstwowej typu sandwicz oraz dla płyty kompozytowej o krzyżowym ułożeniu włókien (cross-ply). W obliczeniach zastosowano zastępczy jednowarstwowy model płyty laminowanej, w którym uwzględniono...
Orthogonality relations for the associated Legendre functions of imaginary order
PublicationOrthogonality relations for the associated Legendre functions of imaginary order are derived. They are expressed in terms of the Dirac delta function. The method is based on some known properties of the associated Legendre functions and the Dirac delta distribution. A special case of one of the relations has appeared in some recent applications.
100-lecie powstania Zrzeszenia Studentów Polaków Politechniki Gdańskiej. Bratnia Pomoc i Korporacji ZAG Wisła
PublicationW 2021 roku przypada 100-lecie utworzenia Korporacji ZAG Wisła, nawiązującej do tradycji pierwszej polskiej organizacji Związku Akademików Gdańskich, oraz utworzenia i zalegalizowania samopomocowej organizacji zrzeszającej...
Functions of Language
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Macroeconomic functions of the Russian stock market
PublicationThe purpose of this article is to present the structure of the stock market in the Russian Federation and the significance of this part of national financial system for the whole economy, particularly the degree of main macroeconomic functions fulfillment. First part of the text includes an overview of the main theoretical concepts linked with the stock market roles as well as a brief description of results of selected studies...
Integrity level verification for safety-related functions
PublicationThis article describes methods for safety integrity level (SIL) verification of safety-related functions with regard to probabilistic criteria given international standards IEC 61508 and IEC 61511. These functions are to be realized using the electrical, electronic and programmable electronic (E/E/PE) systems or safety instrumented systems (SIS). Some methods are proposed for quantitative probabilistic modelling taking into account...
PublicationIn a classical approach to damage diagnosis, the technical condition of an analyzed machine is identified based on the measured symptoms, such as performance, thermal state or vibration parameters. In wheeled tractor the fundamental importance has monitoring and diagnostics during exploitation concerning technical inspection and fault element localizations. The main functions of a diagnostic system are: monitoring tractor components...
A Dirac delta-type orthogonality relation for the on-the-cut generalized associated Legendre functions of the first kind with imaginary second upper indices
PublicationThe orthogonality relation for the on-the-cut generalized associated Legendre functions of the first kind with imaginary second upper indices is evaluated in a closed form. It is found to be proportional to a sum of two terms, both depending on the second upper indices and containing the Dirac delta distribution.
An orthogonality relation for the Whittaker functions of the second kind of imaginary order
PublicationPrzeprowadzono dowód ortogonalności funkcji Whittakera drugiego rodzaju rzędu urojonego. Użyto metody analogicznej do tej, którą zaprezentowano we wcześniejszej pracy tych samych autorów [J. Math. Anal. Appl. 365 (2010) 195-197], poświęconej funkcjom Macdonalda rzędu urojonego.
Behavioral and Brain Functions
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Termination functions for evolutionary path planning algorithm
PublicationIn this paper a study of termination functions (stop criterion) for evolutionary path planning algorithm is presented. Tested algorithm is used to determine close to optimal ship paths in collision avoidance situation. For this purpose a path planning problem is defined. A specific structure of the individual path and fitness function is presented. For the simulation purposes a close to real tested environment is created. Five...
Some integrals and series involving the Gegenbauer polynomials and the Legendre functions on the cut (-1,1)
PublicationZaprezentowano metode obliczenia dwóch całek oznaczonych zawierających wielomiany Gegenbauera. Wynik wykorzystano do znalezienia sum czterech szeregów o wyrazach zawierających wielomiany Gegenbauera oraz funkcje Legendre'a (pierwszego lub drugiego rodzaju) na odcinku (-1,1).
Anisotropic Orlicz–Sobolev spaces of vector valued functions and Lagrange equations
PublicationIn this paper we study some properties of anisotropic Orlicz and Orlicz–Sobolev spaces of vector valued functions for a special class of G-functions. We introduce a variational setting for a class of Lagrangian Systems. We give conditions which ensure that the principal part of variational functional is finitely defined and continuously differentiable on Orlicz–Sobolev space.
The properties, functions and use of selenium compounds in living organisms
PublicationSelenium occurs in the environment in inorganic and organic compounds. For many years it was regarded as a toxic element, causing numerous illnesses and diseases. But research in the last 50 years has revealed a "bright side" to this element, especially as a component of selenoproteins, selenium makes a significant contribution to the health of humans and animals. The selenium content in an organism depends on its concentration...
Safety integrity level verification for safety-related functions with security aspects
PublicationThe article is devoted some important issues of the functional safety analysis, in particular the safetyintegrity level (SIL) verification of safety functions to be implemented within the distributed controland protection systems with regard to cyber security aspects. The procedure for functional safety man-agement includes hazard identification, risk analysis and assessment, specification of overall safetyrequirements and definition...
Technical Limitations in Merging Secular and Sacred Functions in Monumental Churches
PublicationThe abandonment of churches and their adaptation for secular purposes is a current subject in Europe and worldwide. Most cases involve objects that were desacralized and then rebuilt as a whole object for alternative functions. Thus far, the merging of secular and sacred functions in one monumental Catholic church has not raised any issues. The paper describes the case of St. Catherine’s Church in Gdansk, Poland, where sacred function...
How Can We Identify Electrophysiological iEEG Activities Associated with Cognitive Functions?
PublicationElectrophysiological activities of the brain are engaged in its various functions and give rise to a wide spectrum of low and high frequency oscillations in the intracranial EEG (iEEG) signals, commonly known as the brain waves. The iEEG spectral activities are distributed across networks of cortical and subcortical areas arranged into hierarchical processing streams. It remains a major challenge to identify these activities in...
Wavelet filtering of signals without using model functions
PublicationThe effective wavelet filtering of real signals is impossible without determining their shape. The shape of a real signal is related to its wavelet spectrum. For shape analysis, a continuous color wavelet spectrogram of signal level is often used. The disadvantage of continuous wavelet spectrogram is the complexity of analyzing a blurry color image. A real signal with additive noise strongly distorts the spectrogram based on continuous...
Performance Evaluation of Control Plane Functions in ASON/GMPLS Architecture
PublicationIt is assumed that demands of information society could be satisfied by architecture ASON/GMPLS comprehended as Automatically Switched Optical Network (ASON) with Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) protocols. Introduction this solution must be preceded performance evaluation to guarantee society expectations. Practical realization is expensive and simulations models are necessary to examine standardized propositions....
PublicationTravel time is a measure commonly used for traffic flow modelling and traffic control. It also helps to evaluate the quality of traffic control systems in urban areas. Traffic control systems that use traffic models to predict changes and disruptions in vehicle flows have to use vehicle speed-prediction models. Travel time estimation studies the effects of traffic volumes on a street section at an average speed. The TRISTAR Integrated...
CyberEye: New Eye-Tracking Interfaces for Assessment and Modulation of Cognitive Functions beyond the Brain
PublicationThe emergence of innovative neurotechnologies in global brain projects has accelerated research and clinical applications of BCIs beyond sensory and motor functions. Both invasive and noninvasive sensors are developed to interface with cognitive functions engaged in thinking, communication, or remembering. The detection of eye movements by a camera offers a particularly attractive external sensor for computer interfaces to monitor,...
Journal of Inequalities and Special Functions
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Anterior prefrontal EEG theta activities indicate memory and executive functions in epilepsy patients
PublicationObjective: Cognitive deficits are one of the most debilitating comorbidities in epilepsy and other neurodegenerative, neuropsychiatric, and neurodevelopmental brain disorders. Current diagnostic and therapeutic options are limited and lack objective measures of the underlying neural activities. In this study, electrophysiological biomarkers that reflect cognitive functions in clinically validated batteries were determined to aid...
On the derivatives $\partial^{2}P_{\nu}(z)/\partial\nu^{2}$ and $\partial Q_{\nu}(z)/\partial\nu$ of the Legendre functions with respect to their degrees
PublicationWe provide closed-form expressions for the degree-derivatives $[\partial^{2}P_{\nu}(z)/\partial\nu^{2}]_{\nu=n}$ and $[\partial Q_{\nu}(z)/\partial\nu]_{\nu=n}$, with $z\in\mathbb{C}$ and $n\in\mathbb{N}_{0}$, where $P_{\nu}(z)$ and $Q_{\nu}(z)$ are the Legendre functions of the first and the second kind, respectively. For $[\partial^{2}P_{\nu}(z)/\partial\nu^{2}]_{\nu=n}$, we find that % \begin{displaymath} \frac{\partial^{2}P_{\nu}(z)}{\partial\nu^{2}}\bigg|_{\nu=n} =-2P_{n}(z)\Li_{2}\frac{1-z}{2}+B_{n}(z)\ln\frac{z+1}{2}+C_{n}(z), \end{displaymath} % where...
Melatonin in the skin: synthesis, metabolism and functions
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Offsetting, relations, and blending with perturbation functions
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PublicationThe paper presents a computer module for GPS slant delay determination using data from COAMPS (Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System) mesoscale non-hydrostatic model of the atmosphere which is run on IA64 Feniks computer cluster in the Department of Civil Engineering and Geodesy of the Military University of Technology. The slant delay is the result of integrating the ray (eikonal) equation for the spatial function...
Single-phase power electronics transformer with active functions for smart grid
PublicationThis paper presents the control of one cell of a modular single-phase power electronics transformer with active functions for meeting the smart grid concept. In this way, the converter could be used not only as a conventional transformer but also for grid such as reactive power, harmonic elimination and energy storage. The topology of the cell is composed by a bidirectional converter with three stages: a half bridge in the input...
Automotive Validation Functions for On-line Test Evaluation of Hybrid Real-time Systems
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to present the means of black-box on-line test evaluation for hybrid real-time systems. The described procedures can be used for the model-based testing process so as to improve its effectiveness. In particular, intelligent automotive validation functions are considered, which are divided into different types depending on the nature of the evaluated issue. All provided definitions are specified on the meta-model...
Sylwester Kaczmarek dr hab. inż.
PeopleSylwester Kaczmarek received his M.Sc in electronics engineering, Ph.D. and D.Sc. in switching and teletraffic science from the Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland, in 1972, 1981 and 1994, respectively. His research interests include: IP QoS and GMPLS and SDN networks, switching, QoS routing, teletraffic, multimedia services and quality of services. Currently, his research is focused on developing and applicability...
Application of sliding switching functions in backstepping based speed observer of induction machine
PublicationThe paper presents an analysis of the speed observer which is based on the backstepping and sliding mode approach. The speed observer structure is based on the extended mathematical model of an induction machine. The observer structure is based on the measured phase stator currents and transformed to ( αβ ) coordinate system. The stator voltage vector components are treated as known values. Additionally, such an observer structure...
Airfoil Design Under Uncertainty Using Non-Intrusive Polynomial Chaos Theory and Utility Functions
PublicationFast and accurate airfoil design under uncertainty using non-intrusive polynomial chaos (NIPC) expansions and utility functions is proposed. The NIPC expansions provide a means to efficiently and accurately compute statistical information for a given set of input variables with associated probability distribution. Utility functions provide a way to rigorously formulate the design problem. In this work, these two methods are integrated...
Modelling of residential sales price with kriging using different distance metrics in different correlation functions
PublicationThe modelling and estimation of sales prices based on economical conditions are important for housing sector especially in developing countries. Analysts are focused on the subject to analyze price movements and estimate the future trend of the sales prices for housing sector. In this study, we tried to generate a robust and efficient model related to the subject. Firstly, we investigated economic variables affecting housing sales...
Variational principles for bound states of Schrödinger and Dirac equations allowing the use of discontinuous trial functions
PublicationWe present systematic constructions of variational principles for energies of bound states of the Schroedinger and Dirac equations. The principles allow the use of discontinuous trial functions. The method employed is based on a generalized Lagrange procedure. Relationships between our variational principles and those available in the literature are established.
Steroidogenesis in the skin: Implications for local immune functions
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CRH functions as a growth factor/cytokine in the skin
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Comment on the orthogonality of the Macdonald functions of imaginary order
PublicationPrzeprowadzono dowód ortogonalności funkcji Macdonalda z urojonym indeksem. Zastosowana metoda jest znacznie prostsza od innych prezentowanych do tej pory w literaturze.
New potential functions for greedy independence and coloring
PublicationA potential function $f_G$ of a finite, simple and undirected graph $G=(V,E)$ is an arbitrary function $f_G : V(G) \rightarrow \mathbb{N}_0$ that assigns a nonnegative integer to every vertex of a graph $G$. In this paper we define the iterative process of computing the step potential function $q_G$ such that $q_G(v)\leq d_G(v)$ for all $v\in V(G)$. We use this function in the development of new Caro-Wei-type and Brooks-type...
Erratum to "Formulas and Theorems for the Special Functions of Mathematical Physics" by W. Magnus, F. Oberhettinger, R. P. Soni
PublicationWe correct a number of misprints in the handbook "Formulas and theorems for the special functions of mathematial physics" (3rd edition) by Magnus, Oberhettinger and Soni.
Mutually polarizable QM/MM model with in situ optimized localized basis functions
PublicationWe extend our recently developed quantum-mechanical/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) approach [Dziedzic et al., J. Chem. Phys. 145, 124106 (2016)] to enable in situ optimization of the localized orbitals. The quantum subsystem is described with ONETEP linear-scaling density functional theory and the classical subsystem – with the AMOEBA polarizable force field. The two subsystems interact via multipolar electrostatics and are fully...
Melatonin: A Cutaneous Perspective on its Production, Metabolism, and Functions
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Non-disjoint functional decomposition of index generation functions
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Linear and Non-linear Decomposition of Index Generation Functions
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Impairment of cognitive functions in children and adolescents with focal epilepsy
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The Properties, Functions, and Use of Selenium Compounds in Living Organisms