Search results for: active power
Active Power Quality Controllers
PublicationDynamic Static Synchronous Compensator is the most important controller for distribution networks and probably in SEEN. It has been widely used since the 1990s to regulate system voltage precisely, improve voltage profile, reduce voltage harmonics, reduce transient voltage disturbances and load compensation. Rather than using conventional capacitors and inductors combined with fast switches, the D-STATCOM uses a power-electronics...
A simple modular active power electronic transformer
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A boost topology active power factor corrector.
PublicationPrzedstawiono układ analogowego aktywnego korektora zbudowanego na układzie scalonym kontrolera PWM oraz tranzystorem MOS jako okresowo przełączonym kluczem. Układ korektora zapewnia pobór prądu z sieci energetycznej w postaci przebiegu prawie sinusoidalnego o małych zniekształceniach i w fazie z sinusoidalnym napięciem sieci.
Design of a simple modular active power electronic transformer
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Predictive control system of the shunt active power filter
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New control system of the shunt active power filter
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A filter bank solution for active power filter control algorithms
PublicationThb paper describes the proposed active power fiIter (APF) with a new control circuit based on an algorithm using ufilter bank and a harmonic predictor. The conirol circuit was realized using the digiiaI signor processor ADSP-21065L and FPGA circuiL In the proposed circuit transient performunee of APF is improved The active power fdter circuil has been built and teste6 and some illustrative, experimental results are uIso presented...
Design and evaluation of a base module of active power electronic transformer
PublicationThis paper presents an active power electronic transformer (APET) based on modular structure. The proposed three phase APET consists of at least three base modules (BM). The input/output stage of the BM is based on half-bridge sub modules. The isolation stage includes a medium frequency transformer and is realized as a dual half-bridge. The paper describes construction process and explains the control strategy. The theoretical...
Compensation of Dead Time Effects for Shunt Active Power Filters
PublicationThe paper presents a comprehensive approach to the compensation of the grid current distortion for shunt active power filter systems. Four different sources of current distortion are addressed: imperfect grid synchronization caused by the distortion in the grid voltages, time delays in the estimation of compensating currents and grid voltages, fluctuations of the dc bus voltage, and the distortion of inverter output voltages due...
Design and evaluation of a base module of active power electronic transformer
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A Special Multi-Pulse Converter with Small Active Power Filter
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High power, medium voltage, modular active power filtering system
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Comprehensive compensation of grid current distortion by shunt active power filters
PublicationThe paper presents a comprehensive approach to the compensation of grid current distortion in shunt active power filter systems. Four sources of current distortion are addressed: imperfect grid synchronization caused by the distortion in the grid voltages, time delays in the evaluation of grid voltages and computation of compensating currents, fluctuations of the dc bus voltage, and the distortion of inverter output voltages due...
Experimental tests results of the diode rectifier with series active power filter
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A novel approach to energy safety improvement in the marine power plants with active power surge compensator
PublicationPaper raises a point of power surges and theirs adverse effects in the marine power plants. The article explains a source of surges appearance, and presents measurements carried out on a modern ship. It discusses effects of dynamic power transients on the ship’s energy safety. Finally it proposes, a novel approach for power surge elimination, based on medium voltage active conditioner. As well as it propose the topology and control...
A new method of wind farm active power curve estimation based on statistical approach
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to solve the wind farm active power estimation problem, introducing the method which is based on a statistical approach and robust fitting. The proposed algorithm uses a statistical approach and compared to existing ones- includes a wind direction as well as the influence of turbine start-up procedure on the estimation. The results show that additional estimation inputs i.e. the wind direction and the...
A hybrid, coupled reactors based 18-pulse diode rectifier with active power filter
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The use of a static electrical energy meter as a transducer of active power to a pulse frequency signal
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Experimental test results of the 150kVA 18-pulse diode rectifier with series active power filter
PublicationThe paper presents the control system and selected results of experimental tests of the ac/dc power converter consisting of 18-pulse diode rectifier on the basis of coupled reactors and a serial active power filter. Three configurations of the 150kVA converter were tested experimentally and compared: 18-pulse diode rectifier with and without additional grid reactor and the rectifier integrated with the active power filter. The...
The impact of the distribution network reconfiguration on active power losses: Selected issues of UPGRID project realization
PublicationThe dynamic development of smart grids allows the use of remote controllable switches to change the configuration of the distribution network. The paper discusses the impact of the distribution system reconfiguration on active power losses, taking into account the typical daily load profiles. Based on modified IEEE 33-bus test distribution system the article presents the method of selection the appropriate sensitivity factor and...
Stability Analysis of Shunt Active Power Filter with Predictive Closed-Loop Control of Supply Current
PublicationThis paper presents a shunt active power filter connected to the grid via an LCL coupling circuit with implemented closed‐loop control. The proposed control system allows selective harmonic currents compensation up to the 50th harmonic with the utilization of a model‐based predictive current controller. As the system is fully predictive, it provides high effectiveness of the harmonic reduction, which is proved by waveforms achieved...
A diode rectifier with a Special Coupled Reactor and additional Active Power Filter in the Marine Local Power Network Supply Conditions
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A multi-pulse diode rectifier with a coupled three-phase reactor and additional small shunt active power filter
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Supply system based on the 18-pulse diode rectifier with coupled reactors and integrated with the series active power filter
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Suppression of Supply Current Harmonics of 18-Pulse Diode Rectifier by Series Active Power Filter with LC Coupling
PublicationThe reported research aims at improving the quality of three-phase rectifier supply currents. An effective method consists of adding properly formed booster voltages to the fundamental supply voltages using a series active filter. In the proposed solution, the booster voltages are generated by three single-phase systems consisting of inverters, LC filters, and single-phase transformers. The application of LC couplings ensures low...
Current harmonic controller in multiple reference frames for series active power filter integrated with 18-pulse diode rectifier
PublicationThe paper presents the control system and selected results of experimental tests of the AC/DC power converter consisting of an 18-pulse diode rectifier based on coupled reactors and a serial active power filter. Proportional integral controllers with decoupling components are implemented in multiple reference frames for selective line current harmonic suppression. The regulator is provided with a backtracking anti-windup mechanism...
Compensation of supply current harmonics, reactive power, and unbalanced load current balance in the closed-loop control of a shunt active power filter
PublicationThis paper presents the compensation tasks performed by a shunt active power filter, including compensation of harmonic currents, reactive power, and an unbalanced load current. The paper demonstrates novel control of the shunt active power filter in a closed-loop system. The control algorithm was verified by performing simulations and compared the simulated results with those obtained in an open-loop control system. All simulations...
High power, zero ripples active filtering system with power modules operating in parallel
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Single-phase power electronics transformer with active functions for smart grid
PublicationThis paper presents the control of one cell of a modular single-phase power electronics transformer with active functions for meeting the smart grid concept. In this way, the converter could be used not only as a conventional transformer but also for grid such as reactive power, harmonic elimination and energy storage. The topology of the cell is composed by a bidirectional converter with three stages: a half bridge in the input...
Single-phase power electronics transformer with active functions for smart grid
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Balancing energy consumption in limited power grid with active front-end and three phase dual active bridge system
PublicationPaper deals with simulation analysis of bidirectional power converters system for charging station of electric vehicle in condition of limited power source in city infrastructure. In case of incapability to provide additional power supply through the grid by virtue of historical, architectural and economic reasons it is possible to solve this issue by implementation of mobile battery-powered supply source. The proposed bidirectional...
Will Music Give Me Power? Effects of Listening to Music during Active and Passive Rest Intervals on Power Output during Resistance Exercise
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Analytical Estimation of Power Losses in a Dual Active Bridge Converter Controlled with a Single-Phase Shift Switching Scheme
PublicationMicro-grid solutions around the world rely on the operation of DC/DC power conver- sion systems. The most commonly used solution for these topologies is the use of a dual active bridge (DAB) converter. Increasing the efficiency and reliability of this system contributes to the improvement in the stability of the entire microgrid. This paper discussed an analytical method of energy efficiency and power loss estimation in a single...
СИЛОВОЙ ПРЕОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬ С АКТИВНЫМ ПОДАВЛЕНИЕМ ВЫСШИХ ГАРМОНИК ДЛЯ СИСТЕМ ЭЛЕКТРОСНАБЖЕНИЯ ЛЕТАТЕЛЬНЫХ АППАРАТОВ (Power converter with active suppression of higher harmonics for aircraft power supply systems)
PublicationПредставлены два алгоритма активной фильтрации для силового преобразователя с активным подавлением высших гармоник. Первый алгоритм основан на дискретном преобразовании Фурье: посредством синтезированной системы управления инвертированные измеренные высшие гармоники напряжения поступают на вход инвертора. Второй метод управления основан на алгоритме с использованием принципов самообучения, что значительно снижает потребность в...
Semi complex navigation with an active optical gesture sensor
PublicationThis paper presents the methods of diversified touchless interactions between a user and a mobile platform utilizing the optical gesture sensor. The sensor uses 8 photodiodes to measure the reflected light in the active mode (using embedded LEDs) or it measures shadows caused by fingers in the passive mode. Several algorithms were implemented: automatic mode switching, adaptive illumination level compensation, resolution improvements...
Analysis of Properties of an Active Linear Gesture Sensor
PublicationBasic gesture sensors can play a significant role as input units in mobile smart devices. However, they have to handle a wide variety of gestures while preserving the advantages of basic sensors. In this paper a user-determined approach to the design of a sparse optical gesture sensor is proposed. The statistical research on a study group of individuals includes the measurement of user-related parameters like the speed of a performed...
Sensorless predictive control of three-phase parallel active filter
PublicationThe paper presents the control system of parallel active power filter (APF) with predictive reference current calculation and model based predictive current control. The novel estimator and predictor of grid emf is proposed for AC voltage sensorless operation of APF, regardless of distortion of this voltage. Proposed control system provides control of APF current with high precision and dynamics limited only by filter circuit parameters....
Active Diagnostic Experimentation on Wind Turbine Blades with Vibration Measurements and Analysis
PublicationPaper deals with the key operational problems of wind turbosets, especially offshore, where vibrations are generated by rotor blades, as a consequence of erosive wear or icing. The primary causes of the imbalance of wind turbine rotors have been characterised, the observable symptoms of which include various forms of vibrations, transmitted from the turbine wheel to the bearing nodes of the power train components. Their identification...
Marek Adamowicz dr hab. inż.
PeopleStopień naukowy doktora uzyskał w 2008 r. na Wydziale Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej. W latach 2005 – 2011 pracował na Akademii Morskiej w Gdyni. W 2010 r. jako laureat programu NCBR LIDER wybrał Wydział Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej jako jednostkę realizującą swój projekt z zakresu szerokopasmowych przyrządów półprzewodnikowych i ich zastosowań w elektrowniach wiatrowych. Od 2011 roku...
Conjugated control of triple active bridge converter with common HFT
PublicationPaper presents synthetic analyses of single input, dual output DC/AC/DC converter with common high frequency transformer. Rise the problem of cross-coupling power flows between secondary terminals, under asymmetrical control operating condition. It also proposes a new approach to converter control, based on conjugated phase shift modulation and defines its limitations. Finally, the developed control technique was verified by simulation...
3-phase medium frequency transformer for a 100kW 1.2kV 20kHz Dual Active Bridge converter
PublicationThe article presents a three-phase Medium Frequency Transformer being a part of a 100kW 1.2kV 20kHz Dual Active Bridge DC-DC converter. The transformer design is detailed focusing on winding and core power loss calculation. The high power three-phase MFT prototype is presented. The experimental results include the transformer impedance characteristics, no load test and three-phase DAB full load test waveforms
Investigation of the thrust generated by active isolated hydrofoils via wave-induced ship motion
PublicationWave Augmented Hydrofoil Technology (WAHT) aims to convert hydrofoil movement, induced by ship motion, into thrust force, and ship's resistance reduction in waves. Despite the growing interest in WAHT, a significant research gap remains in understanding the complex interactions between hydrofoil design parameters and wave-induced thrust generation. A hydrofoil attached to a ship serves dual roles; reducing the ship resistance in...
Selected anionic and cationic surface active agents: case study on the Kłodnica sediments
PublicationSurface active agents (surfactants) are a group of chemical compounds, which are used as ingredients of detergents, cleaning products, cosmetics and functional products. After use, wastes containing surfactants or their degradation products are discharged to wastewater treatment plants or directly into surface waters. Due to their specific properties of SAAs, compounds are able to migrate between different environmental compartments...
Measurements of no-load and short-circuit parameters of power transformers with taps
Open Research Data1) The Laboratory LINTE^2 is a large research infrastructure operated by the Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering at Gdańsk University of Technology, to be found in Gdańsk, Poland (54.3690 N, 18.6130 E).
Unsupervised machine-learning classification of electrophysiologically active electrodes during human cognitive task performance
PublicationIdentification of active electrodes that record task-relevant neurophysiological activity is needed for clinical and industrial applications as well as for investigating brain functions. We developed an unsupervised, fully automated approach to classify active electrodes showing event-related intracranial EEG (iEEG) responses from 115 patients performing a free recall verbal memory task. Our approach employed new interpretable...
Voltage and Reactive Power Load Flow Optimization in the Power System Using Fuzzy Logic
PublicationThe paper presents issues related to voltage control in the power system. An original method of reactive power flow optimization is considered, which leads to improved voltages in the power system and reduced active power losses. The optimization method is based on a procedure that employs fuzzy logic and is supported by a gradient search algorithm. The method has been implemented in PLANS software and verified.
Activity coordination of capacitor banks and power transformer controllers in order to reduce power losses in the MV grid
PublicationOne of the main issues related to the optimization of the MV (middle voltage) network is to reduce losses of active and reactive power. Lower losses of active and reactive power give not only economic advantage, but also improvement of energy quality. The object of regulation that can be used for these purposes are transformer with On-Load Tap Changer and capacitor's banks. This paper presents results of analysis of the possibility...
High Efficiency Dual-Active-Bridge Converter with Triple-Phase-Shift Control for Battery Charger of Electric Vehicles
PublicationAn optimal modulation scheme with triple-phase-shift (TPS) control could increase the efficiency in the entire load range for a dual-active-bridge (DAB) converter under wide output voltage range conditions. Therefore, this study proposes a convergent approach to TPS mode selection, coupled with an optimal modulation scheme, ensuring the circuit’s efficiency over the entire range in the realm of a high-power and high-efficiency...
Partially Isolated Multi-Active Bridge DC-DC Converter with Bidirectional EV Charging Ports
PublicationThere is a growing interest in multiport converters due to their ability to interconnect various energy sources and loads using reduced number of components. Regarding electric vehicle (EV) chargers connection, existing multiport solutions either lack scalability, featuring only one isolated charging port or the operation of ports depend on each other, complicating the converter control algorithm. This article proposes a partially...
Iterative learning approach to active noise control of highly autocorrelated signals with applications to machinery noise
PublicationThis paper discusses the design and application of iterative learning control (ILC) and repetitive control (RC) for high modal density systems. Typical examples of these systems are structural and acoustical systems considered in active structural acoustic control (ASAC) and active noise control (ANC) applications. The application of traditional ILC and RC design techniques, which are based on a parametric system model, on systems...