Search results for: adipokinescytokinessubclinical cushing syndrome (scs)adrenocortical carcinoma (acc) - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: adipokinescytokinessubclinical cushing syndrome (scs)adrenocortical carcinoma (acc)

Search results for: adipokinescytokinessubclinical cushing syndrome (scs)adrenocortical carcinoma (acc)

  • Adipokine and cytokine levels in patients with adrenocortical cancer, subclinical Cushing's syndrome and healthy controls


    - STEROIDS - Year 2018

    Introduction In recent years researchers have focused at hormonal activity in Cushing’s syndrome (CS) in connection with metabolic disorders and the role of adipokines and cytokines secreted by the adipose tissue. The aim of the study was to investigate levels of adipokines and cytokines in patients with: subclinical CS (SCS) – in relation to hormonal parameters of hypercortisolemia, and, adrenocortical cancer (ACC). Materials...

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  • Adipokine and cytokine levels in non-functioning adrenal incidentalomas (NFAI)


    - ENDOCRINE JOURNAL - Year 2018

    Due to the fact that overweight or obesity is accompanied by hormonally active adrenal tumors: Cushing Syndrome-(CS) and Subclinical Cushing Syndrome (SCS), it is of high interest the correlation between different adipokines and cytokines secreted by adipose tissue, with metabolic disorders and hormonal activity in this group. Even in non-functioning adrenal incidentalomas (NFAI) elevated risk for cardiovascular disease and metabolic...

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