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Search results for: agile leader mindset
Why does the Agile leader mindset matter the most?
Open Research DataThe literature widely states that agility is not as much an issue of the technological-methodological management approach as it is an issue of an employee’s mindset. Given that leaders play a pivotal role in any organization, this study underscores the crucial role of the agile mindset of leaders. It aims to uncover how agile mindset leaders influence...
Who is an agile leader? Technological vs. non-technological mindset employees' views
PublicationFor an agile organization to be truly agile, it must be led by agile leaders to sustain its competitiveness and continuously identify opportunities for future growth and development. Technological and non-technological mindsets can see agile leadership differently. Therefore, this study aims to explore if there is any difference in the vision of who the agile leader is in the views of knowledge workers employed in the IT and other...
Identification of the Agile Mindset and Its Comparison to the Competencies of Selected Agile Roles
PublicationIn this paper we present the results of the identification and evalua-tion of the elements of an agile mindset as well as its comparison to the compe-tence models for the roles of Scrum Master, Product Owner and agile analyst. We have identified 70 unique agile mindset elements from literature and 5 in-terviews with experts. Based on an opinion survey among 52 agile practitioners we evaluated the importance of 26 selected elements...
On the Agile Mindset of an Effective Team – An Industrial Opinion Survey
PublicationIn this paper we present the results of an opinion survey among 52 agile practitioners who evaluated the importance of 26 selected elements of the agile mindset to the effectiveness of an agile team. In total, we have identified 70 unique agile mindset elements based on 11 literature sources and 5 interviews with industry experts. 7 elements belonged to the “support for business goals” category, 20 to the “relationships within...
AGILE MINDSET Agile learning culture influence on dynamic capabilities of knowledge-based organizations: Polish-Finnish cross-country analysis of the IT vs. other sectors view
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Management according to UMO-2022/47/B/HS4/00597 agreement from 2023-06-27
AGILE MINDSET Agile learning culture influence on dynamic capabilities of knowledge-based organizations: Polish-Finnish cross-country analysis
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Management according to UMO-2022/47/B/HS4/00597 agreement from 2023-06-27
Wioleta Kucharska dr hab. inż.
PeopleWioleta Kucharska (Associate Professor at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdansk University of Technology, Fahrenheit Universities Union, Poland), published so far with Wiley, Springer, Taylor & Francis, Emerald, Sage, Elsevier, and Routledge. She is scientifically involved in tacit knowledge and the company culture of knowledge, learning, and collaboration (KLC approach) topics. Recently, she discovered the...
Jerzy Proficz dr hab. inż.
PeopleJerzy Proficz, Ph.D. is the director of the Centre of Informatics – Tricity Academic Supercomputer & networK (CI TASK) at Gdansk University of Technology, Poland. He earned his Ph.D. (2012) in HPC (High Performance Computing) in the subject of supercomputer resource provisioning and management for on-line data processing D.Sc. (2022) in the discipline: Information and Communication Technology. Author and co-author of over 50...
Sebastian Wilczewski dr inż.
PeoplePhD. Sebastian Wilczewski is employed as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Applied Informatics in Management, Faculty of Management and Economics. Additionally, he has been working in IT companies for over 20 years, where he held positions from an system engineer and consultant, through the position of Project Manager, Portfolio Manager and Process Owner to the position of Team Leader for a team of about 30 IT analysts. Areas...
Leader election for anonymous asynchronous agents in arbitrary networks
PublicationWe consider the problem of leader election among mobile agents operating in an arbitrary network modeled as an undirected graph. Nodes of the network are unlabeled and all agents are identical. Hence the only way to elect a leader among agents is by exploiting asymmetries in their initial positions in the graph. Agents do not know the graph or their positions in it, hence they must gain this knowledge by navigating in the graph...
Topology recognition and leader election in colored networks
PublicationTopology recognition and leader election are fundamental tasks in distributed computing in networks. The first of them requires each node to find a labeled isomorphic copy of the network, while the result of the second one consists in a single node adopting the label 1 (leader), with all other nodes adopting the label 0 and learning a path to the leader. We consider both these problems in networks whose nodes are equipped with...
Interaction Design in Agile IT Projects
PublicationIn recent years, interactive systems, such as various types of software, online services or mobile applications, have become an integral part of everyday life. Interactive systems and digital services should be easy to use and provide a positive User Experience (UX). For this reason, interaction design has recently emerged as a distinct professional area of information technology (IT). Easy interaction and user experience (UX)...
Agile media management approach – an analysis
PublicationThis article studies media management and demonstrates a fresh perspective on the new approach based on agile methodologies of project management. The analysis sequentially presents a literature overview of media and its management, the characteristics of media projects, agile project management, an analysis of agile approaches and media management along with the proposal of a...
Agile Commerce in the light of Text Mining
PublicationThe survey conducted for this study reveals that more than 84% of respondents have never encountered the term “agile commerce” and do not understand its meaning. At the same time, they are active participants of this strategy. Using digital channels as customers more often than ever before, they have already been included in the agile philosophy. Based on the above, the purpose of the study is to analyse major text sets containing...
Towards Agile Development of Critical Software
PublicationThe paper presents a case study aiming at collecting opinions of software en-gineers on the risks related to integration of agile practices to safety-critical software development projects. The study has been performed within the scope of our research targetting at providing critical software developers with a comprehensive solution allowing to incorporate agile practices into software development process while still being conformant...
Agile Development of Critical Software - Can It be Justified?
PublicationThe paper introduces the problem of application of agile practices in critical software development projects. It summarizes the present state of research and identifies the need for having a ready-to-use model of being agile while still meeting the required assurance levels which could be particularly useful for small and medium sized safety-critical software companies. Then the objective and scope of a research aiming at delivering...
Virtual spring damper method for nonholonomic robotic swarm self-organization and leader following
PublicationIn this paper, we demonstrate a method for self-organization and leader following of nonholonomic robotic swarm based on spring damper mesh. By self-organization of swarm robots we mean the emergence of order in a swarm as the result of interactions among the single robots. In other words the self-organization of swarm robots mimics some natural behavior of social animals like ants among others. The dynamics of two-wheel robot...
Adapting Agile Practices to Security Context – Practitioners’ Perspective
PublicationIn this paper we explore the problem of introducing agile practices to projects dealing with systems with high security requirements. We also propose an approach based on AgileSafe method and OWASP ASVS guidelines, that could support such introduction. What is more, we present the results of two surveys aimed at analyzing IT practitioners’ views on applying agile methods to security reliant systems as well as evaluating the set...
An introduction to agile leadership in theory and practice - case study
PublicationThe article presents an introduction to the concept of agile leadership based on the available literature on the subject. The article describes comprehensive agile leadership competencies that can be used in project practice. The publication begins with an indication of leadership in the light of current literature on the subject, an explanation of the characteristics of leadership and agile management...
Trigger-based Model to Assess the Readiness of IT Organizations to Agile Transformation
PublicationThe process of change the method of project management from waterfall to agile is called “agile transformation” (AT). The decision to agile transformation is undertaken based on many different factors. Many companies decide to abandon classic, waterfall methodology for agile without prior analysis. This approach makes the processes of agile transformation is hard to control and frequently the implementation of agile fails. The...
Security-oriented agile approach with AgileSafe and OWASP ASVS
PublicationIn this paper we demonstrate a security enhancing approach based on a method called AgileSafe that can be adapted to support the introduction of OWASP ASVS compliant practices focused on improving security level to the agile software development process. We also present results of the survey evaluating selected agile inspired security practices that can be incorporated into an agile process. Based on the survey’s results, these...
Adopting Collaborative Games into Agile Requirements Engineering
PublicationIn agile software development, where great emphasis is put on effective informal communication involving diverse stakeholders, success depends on human and social factors. Not surprisingly, the Agile Manifesto advocates principles and values such as “individuals and interactions over processes and tools”, “focus on the customer”, “collaborate regularly”, “communicate face-to-face within the team” and “have regular team introspection”....
Computational Simulation of the Effects of Different Culture Types and Leader Qualities on Mistake Handling and Organisational Learning
PublicationThis chapter investigates computationally the following research hypotheses: (1) Higher flexibility and discretion in organisational culture results in better mistake management and thus better organisational learning, (2) Effective organisational learning requires a transformational leader to have both high social and formal status and consistency, and (3) Company culture and leader’s behavior must align for the best learning...
The Development of a Conceptual Framework for Knowledge Sharing in Agile IT Projects
PublicationOrganizations must adapt their resources to meet the challenges associated with changes in the work environment in order to remain competitive in the information era. Several research findings identify knowledge sharing as a means for an organization to improve its competitiveness. Knowledge sharing can be defined in a variety of ways, but it essentially refers to the exchange of knowledge from an information giver to an information...
Adopting Collaborative Games into Agile Software Development
PublicationAlthough the emergence of agile methods has triggered a growing awareness that social factors have a crucial impact on the success of software projects, neither the Scrum Guide nor the Agile Manifesto prescribe techniques that aid the human side of software development. To address this challenge, we enriched the Scrum process with a set of collaborative games. Collaborative games refer to techniques inspired by game play, but designed...
Problemy jakości w metodach Agile
PublicationZwinne metody wytwarzania osiągnęły w zawrotnym tempie niebywały sukces. Według różnych doniesień od 50 do 70% firm IT stosuje metody zwinne na stałe lub okazjonalnie . Jednak znaczna część firm stosuje wybiórczo praktyki zalecane przez Agile . Jakie to praktyki? Jakie problemy występują przy ich stosowaniu i jak firmy radzą sobie z tymi problemami? Jak wpływają na jakość wytwarzanego oprogramowania? Jakie są warunki krytyczne...
Agile Methods In Formation of Metropolis Neighbourhood
PublicationA study of the zone adjoining the metropolis area of Tricity (Poland) was conducted on the basis of analyses of changes in spatial development, outline planning decisions and local plans of spatial development. Localities placed at several dozen kilometres from strongly urbanized areas do not constitute metropolis outskirts. The vicinity of large urban centres is an obstacle to the development of localities as self-sufficient units...
Agile Requirements Prioritization in Practice: Results of an Industrial Survey
PublicationAgile software development stresses the importance of providing the customer with a product of a maximized business value. To achieve that, requirements prioritization is used. Agile development methods like Scrum define guidelines for prioritization, however practitioners do not necessarily have to follow them. Our goal was to investigate the industry practice related to requirements prioritization process, including its timing,...
Optimization model of agile team’s cohesion
PublicationTeam’s cohesion is one of the most important factors of IT project execution effectiveness. Optimization of team’s cohesion gives the possibility of reducing the risk of project failure. It also allows to increase the teamwork efficiency and thus optimize time of tasks execution, increase the guarantee of maintaining the scope of the project and the chance of achieving a given level of products quality. This article presents determination...
Nurse Leader
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ASHA Leader
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BMJ Leader
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Utilizing online collaborative games to facilitate Agile Software Development
PublicationEffective collaboration and interaction among the development team and between the team and the customer as well as proactive attitude in initiating and implementing improvements play vital roles in the success of agile projects. The challenge is how to address these social aspects since neither the Agile Manifesto nor the Scrum Guide specify techniques that aid the human side of software development. To fill this gap, we developed...
The Reference Model of Tools Adaptation in the Perspective of Technological Agile Transformaton in IT Organizations
PublicationThe scientific aim of the presented paper is the analysis of agile transformation processes in IT organizations in technological perspective of such transformation. The phenomenon of agile transformation becomes a complex challenge for an IT organization, since it has not been analysed in detail so far. There is not any research on the readiness of IT organizations for the realization of agile transformation processes, and such...
Evaluation of Readiness of IT Organizations to Agile Transformation Based on Case-Based Reasoning
PublicationNowadays many of IT organization decides to change the way of delivering from classic, waterfall approach to agile. This transition is called “agile transformation” (AT). The problem of this process is that part of companies started AT without any analysis. This causes that many of transitions fails and organizations must return to old methods of delivering. Cost of return is significant and number of projects with violated project...
An Adaptive Network Model Simulating the Effects of Different Culture Types and Leader Qualities on Mistake Handling and Organisational Learning
PublicationThis paper investigates computationally the following research hypotheses: (1) Higher flexibility and discretion in organizational culture results in better mistake management and thus better organizational learning, (2) Effective organizational learning requires a transformational leader to have both high social and formal status and consistency, and (3) Company culture and leader's behavior must align for the best learning effects....
An Adaptive Network Model Simulating the Effects of Different Culture Types and Leader Qualities on Mistake Handling and Organisational Learning
PublicationThis paper investigates computationally the following research hypotheses: (1) Higher flexibility and discretion in organizational culture results in better mistake management and thus better organizational learning, (2) Effective organizational learning requires a transformational leader to have both high social and formal status and consistency, and (3) Company culture and leader’s behavior must align for the best learning effects....
The Role of a Leader in Contemporary Organizations
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Military Organization Leader Competence
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Competencies and expectations of a woman leader
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Introducing agile practices into development processes of safety critical software
PublicationIn this paper we present AgileSafe - a method which supports introduction of agile practices into safety-critical software development processes. To represent safety assurance constraints resulting from the regulatory context, AgileSafe uses assurance case patterns. The knowledge base of AgileSafe helps the user to select the agile practices relevant for the considered software development project. The corresponding assurance case...
Communication and Documentation Practices in Agile Requirements Engineering: A Survey in Polish Software Industry
PublicationRequirements engineering, system analysis and other analytical activities form the basis of every IT project. Such activities are not clearly defined in Agile development methods, but it does not mean that they are absent in an agile project. The aim of our work was to determine which practices related to requirements-related communication and which requirements documenting techniques are used in agile software projects. For this...
Sustainable Knowledge Sharing Model for IT Agile Projects
PublicationIn order to overcome work environment challenges and remain competitive in the market, organisations must adapt. An organisation's competitiveness can be improved through knowledge sharing; however, improvement without responsibility can have a negative impact on the sociotechnical environment which people cannot fully comprehend. According to researchers, business involvement in sustainable development goals remains minimal [51]....
Creative sprints: an unplanned broad agile evaluation and redesign process.
PublicationWe report how a request for routine usability work rapidly evolved into a novel agile process for evaluation and redesign. This process is described and then analysed to identify reasons for success. This analysis supports realistic knowledge transfer between User Experience professionals by outlining how similar future processes could succeed.
Agile Project Management
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Meeting Requirements Imposed by Secure Software Development Standards and Still Remaining Agile
PublicationThe paper introduces the AgileSafe method of selecting agile practices for software development projects that are constrained by assurance requirements resulting from safety and/or security related standards. Such requirements are represented by argumentation templates which explain how the evidence collected during agile practices implementation will support the conformity with the requirements. Application of the method is demonstrated...
Assessment of risks introduced to safety critical software by agile practices - a software engineer's perspective
PublicationIn this article we investigate the problem of applying agile practices into safety-critical projects.The goal of our research is to investigate potential benefits from introducing agile practicesinto safety-critical environment and to present a solution providing for balancing agileapproach with more disciplined assurance techniques, bringing the best of the two worlds together.In the article we present the supporting ideas such...
Leveraging Generative AI Tools for UX Design in Lean and Agile Projects
PublicationRecent advancements in Generative AI (GenAI) open new opportunities to improve User Experience (UX) practitioners’ efficiency in their projects. Due to intensive teamwork caused by time pressure and readiness for rapid changes, Lean and Agile project management seems particularly predestined for easy adoption of GenAI-supported UX design methods. However, precipitate and spontaneous leveraging of GenAI tools to UX design bears...
The Challenges Of The Next Generation Leader 5.0
The Challenges Of The Next Generation Leader 5.0