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Search results for: alphafold, blind prediction, capri, casp, deep learning, protein assemblies, protein complexes, protein-protein interaction
Impact of AlphaFold on structure prediction of protein complexes: The CASP15‐CAPRI experiment
PublicationWe present the results for CAPRI Round 54, the 5th joint CASP-CAPRI protein assembly prediction challenge. The Round offered 37 targets, including 14 homodimers, 3 homo-trimers, 13 heterodimers including 3 antibody–antigen complexes, and 7 large assemblies. On average 70 CASP and CAPRI predictor groups, including more than 20 automatics servers, submitted models for each target. A total of 21 941 models submitted by these groups...
Prediction of protein assemblies, the next frontier: The CASP14‐CAPRI experiment
PublicationWe present the results for CAPRI Round 50, the 4th joint CASP-CAPRI protein assembly prediction challenge. The Round comprised a total of 12 targets, including 6 dimers, 3 trimers, and 3 higher-order oligomers. Four of these were easy targets, for which good structural templates were available either for the full assembly, or for the main interfaces (of the higher-order oligomers). Eight were difficult targets for which only distantly...
Blind prediction of homo‐ and hetero‐protein complexes: The CASP13‐CAPRI experiment
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MP3vec: A Reusable Machine-Constructed Feature Representation for Protein Sequences
Publication—Machine Learning (ML) methods have been used with varying degrees of success on protein prediction tasks, with two inherent limitations. First, prediction performance often depends upon the features extracted from the proteins. Second, experimental data may be insufficient to construct reliable ML models. Here we introduce MP3vec, a transferable representation for protein sequences that is designed to be used specifically for sequence-to-sequence...
Multi-GPU-powered UNRES package for physics-based coarse-grained simulations of structure, dynamics, and thermodynamics of protein systems at biological size- and timescales
PublicationCoarse-grained models are nowadays extensively used in biomolecular simulations owing to the tremendous extension of size- and time-scale of simulations. The physics-based UNRES (UNited RESidue) model of proteins developed in our laboratory has only two interaction sites per amino-acid residue (united peptide groups and united side chains) and implicit solvent. However, owing to rigorous physics-based derivation, which enabled...
A Data Driven Model for Predicting RNA-Protein Interactions based on Gradient Boosting Machine
PublicationRNA protein interactions (RPI) play a pivotal role in the regulation of various biological processes. Experimental validation of RPI has been time-consuming, paving the way for computational prediction methods. The major limiting factor of these methods has been the accuracy and confidence of the predictions, and our in-house experiments show that they fail to accurately predict RPI involving short RNA sequences such as TERRA RNA....
Modeling SARS‐CoV‐2 proteins in the CASP‐commons experiment
PublicationCritical Assessment of Structure Prediction (CASP) is an organization aimed at advancing the state of the art in computing protein structure from sequence. In the spring of 2020, CASP launched a community project to compute the structures of the most structurally challenging proteins coded for in the SARS-CoV-2 genome. Forty-seven research groups submitted over 3000 three-dimensional models and 700 sets of accuracy estimates on...
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Iron–Sulfur Cluster Biogenesis Chaperones: Evidence for Emergence of Mutational Robustness of a Highly Specific Protein–Protein Interaction
PublicationBiogenesis of iron–sulfur clusters (FeS) is a highly conserved process involving Hsp70 and J-protein chaperones. However, Hsp70 specialization differs among species. In most eukaryotes, including Schizosaccharomyces pombe, FeS biogenesis involves interaction between the J-protein Jac1 and the multifunctional Hsp70 Ssc1. But, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and closely related species, Jac1 interacts with the specialized Hsp70 Ssq1,...
On the Origin of Protein Superfamilies and Superfolds
PublicationDistributions of protein families and folds in genomes are highly skewed, having a small number of prevalent superfamiles/superfolds and a large number of families/folds of a small size. Why are the distributions of protein families and folds skewed? Why are there only a limited number of protein families? Here, we employ an information theoretic approach to investigate the protein sequence-structure relationship that leads to...
Influence of Osmolytes on Protein and Water Structure: A Step To Understanding the Mechanism of Protein Stabilization
PublicationResults concerning the thermostability of hen egg white lysozyme in aqueous solutions with stabilizing osmolytes, trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO), glycine (Gly), and its N-methyl derivatives, N-methylglycine (NMG), N,N-dimethylglycine (DMG), and N,N,N-trimethylglycine (betaine, TMG), have been presented. The combination of spectroscopic (IR) and calorimetric (DSC) data allowed us to establish a link between osmolytes’ influence on...
X-ray and UV Radiation Damage of dsDNA/Protein Complexes
PublicationRadiation and photodynamic therapies are used for cancer treatment by targeting DNA. However, efficiency is limited due to physico-chemical processes and the insensitivity of native nucleobases to damage. Thus, incorporation of radio- and photosensitizers into these therapies should increase both efficacy and the yield of DNA damage. To date, studies of sensitization processes have been performed on simple model systems, e.g.,...
RS-REMD Protein-GAG Interaction Dataset in CHARMM36m
Open Research DataThe dataset includes input files, simulation parameters, and analysis scripts used in Repulsive Scaling Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics (RS-REMD) simulations to study protein–glycosaminoglycan (GAG) interactions. In this study, the RS-REMD method was applied for molecular docking of GAGs and carbohydrates to selected protein targets. Molecular Mechanics...
Defining a novel domain that provides an essential contribution to site-specific interaction of Rep protein with DNA
PublicationAn essential feature of replication initiation proteins is their ability to bind to DNA. In this work, we describe a new domain that contributes to a replication initiator sequence-specific interaction with DNA. Applying biochemical assays and structure prediction methods coupled with DNA–protein crosslinking, mass spectrometry, and construction and analysis of mutant proteins, we identified that the replication initiator of the...
The importance of the shape of the protein-water interface of a kinesin motor domain for dynamics of the surface atoms of the protein
PublicationSingle kinesin motor domain immersed in water has been investigated using molecular dynamics. It has been found that local properties of water in solvation shell change along with the nature of neighboring protein surface. However, a detailed analysis leads to the conclusion that the geometrical features of hydrogen bonds and overall structure of kinesin hydration water is not very different from bulk water. The local values of...
The importance of the shape of the protein–water interface of a kinesin motor domain for dynamics of the surface atoms of the protein
PublicationA single kinesin motor domain immersed in water has been investigated using molecular dynamics. It has been found that local properties of water in the solvation shell change along with the nature of the neighboring protein surface. However, a detailed analysis leads to the conclusion that the geometrical features of hydrogen bonds and overall structure of kinesin hydration water are not very different from bulk water. The local...
Protein & Cell
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Modelling gene expression of a self-regulating protein
PublicationWe analyze a model of gene transcription and protein synthesis. We take into account the number of sites on the protein’s promoter at which the protein’s dimers can bind blocking transcription of protein mRNA.
[NCh-bio] Advances in Biotechnology: Protein Folding and Assembly
e-Learning Courses{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: nauki chemiczne Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów I i II roku z obszaru biotechnologii Prowadzący: dr hab. Gracjana Klein-Raina, prof. PG Liczba godzin: 15 Forma zajęć: wykład {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: chemical sciences Obligatory course for 1st and 2nd-year PhD students from biotechnology area Academic teachers: dr hab. Gracjana Klein-Raina, prof. PG Total hours of training: 15 teaching...
Novel primosomal protein B from Clostridium pastuerianum
PublicationPriB is a primosomal protein that catalyzes DNA replication in Procaryota. The replication pathway starts with PriA protein - the initiator protein that binds to a DNA replication fork, unwinds double-stranded DNA and role of PriB is to stabilize PriA on the DNA. However there are many biochemical differences in replication mechanism in bacteria and only some of them use PriB proteins. A few of PriB proteins were published and...
Novel primosomal protein B from Clostridium pasteurianum
PublicationPriB is a primosomal protein that catalyzes DNA replication in Procaryota. The replication pathway starts with PriA protein - the initiator protein that binds to a DNA replication fork, unwinds double-stranded DNA and role of PriB is to stabilize PriA on the DNA. However there are many biochemical differences in replication mechanism in bacteria and only some of them use PriB proteins. A few of PriB proteins were published and...
Characterization of a single-stranded DNA-binding-like Protein from Nanoarchaeum equitans - a nucleic acid binding protein with broad substrate specificity
PublicationBackground SSB (single-stranded DNA-binding) proteins play an essential role in all living cells and viruses, as they are involved in processes connected with ssDNA metabolism. There has recently been an increasing interest in SSBs, since they can be applied in molecular biology techniques and analytical methods. Nanoarchaeum equitans, the only known representative of Archaea phylum Nanoarchaeota, is a hyperthermophilic, nanosized,...
Taurine as a water structure breaker and protein stabilizer
PublicationThe enhancing effect on the water structure has been confirmed for most of the osmolytes exhibiting both stabilizing and destabilizing properties in regard to proteins. The presented work concerns osmolytes, which should be classified as “structure breaking” solutes: taurine and N,N,N-trimethyltaurine (TMT). Here, we combine FTIR spectroscopy, DSC calorimetry and DFT calculations to gain an insight into the interactions between...
Modified Peptide Molecules As Potential Modulators of Shelterin Protein Functions; TRF1
PublicationIn this work, we present studies on relatively new and still not well-explored potential anticancer targets which are shelterin proteins, in particular the TRF1 protein can be blocked by in silico designed "peptidomimetic" molecules. TRF1 interacts directly with the TIN2 protein, and this protein-protein interaction is crucial for the proper functioning of telomere, which could be blocked by our novel modified peptide molecules....
A study on the interaction of rhodamine B with methylthioadenosine phosphorylase protein sourced from an Antarctic soil metagenomic library.
PublicationThe presented study examines the phenomenon of the fluorescence under UV light excitation (312 nm) of E. coli cells expressing a novel metagenomic-derived putative methylthioadenosine phosphorylase gene, called rsfp, grown on LB agar supplemented with a fluorescent dye rhodamine B. For this purpose, an rsfp gene was cloned and expressed in an LMG194 E. coli strain using an arabinose promoter. The resulting RSFP protein was purified...
Water-mediated influence of a crowded environment on internal vibrations of a protein molecule
PublicationThe influence of crowding on the protein inner dynamics is examined by putting a single protein molecule close to one or two neighboring protein molecules. The presence of additional molecules influences the amplitudes of protein fluctuations. Also, a weak dynamical coupling of collective velocities of surface atoms of proteins separated by a layer of water is detected. The possible mechanisms of these phenomena are described....
Protein thermal stabilization in aqueous solutions of osmolytes
PublicationProteins’ thermal stabilization is a significant problem in various biomedical, biotechnological, and technological applications. We investigated thermal stability of hen egg white lysozyme in aqueous solutions of the following stabilizing osmolytes: Glycine (GLY), N-methylglycine (NMG), N,N-dimethylglycine (DMG), N,N,N-trimethylglycine (TMG), and trimethyl-N-oxide (TMAO). Results of CD-UV spectroscopic investigation were compared...
Aqueous solutions of NMA, Na2HPO4 , and NaH2PO4 as models for interaction studies in phosphate–protein systems
PublicationPhosphate buffers are essential for many areas of studies. However, their influence on buffered systems is often ignored. The phosphate salts can interact with biologically important macromolecules (e.g. proteins) and stabilize or destabilize them. With our research, we want to answer question what kind of interactions, if any, occur between phosphate ions and a protein backbone model — N-methylacetamide (NMA). ATR-FTIR spectroscopy...
The investigation of the effects of counterions in protein dynamics simulations
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Construction and purification of his6-Thermus thermophilus MutS protein
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Construction and purification of his6-Thermus thermophilus MutS protein.
PublicationGen mutS z termofilnej bakterii Thermus thermophilus zamplifikowano przy użyciu PCR, sklonowano i przeprowadzono jego ekspresję w E. coli. Rekombinantowe białko MutS zawierające oligohistydynową domenę na N-końcu oczyszczono w jednoetapowej procedurze przy wykorzystaniu chromatografii powinowactwaNi(2+). Zdolność do rozpoznania niekomplementarności białka his(6)-MutS potwierdzono w eksperymentach ochrony DNA przed trawieniem...
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Molecular basis and quantitative assessment of TRF1 and TRF2 protein interactions with TIN2 and Apollo peptides
PublicationShelterin is a six-protein complex (TRF1, TRF2, POT1, RAP1, TIN2, and TPP1) that also functions in smaller subsets in regulation and protection of human telomeres. Two closely related proteins, TRF1 and TRF2, make high-affinity contact directly with double-stranded telomeric DNA and serve as a molecular platform. Protein TIN2 binds to TRF1 and TRF2 dimer-forming domains, whereas Apollo makes interaction only with TRF2. To elucidate...
MutL protein as a constituent of vsp, ner and mmr repair systems
PublicationMutS and MutL proteins are renowned mostly for their functions in well-characterized, post-DNA replication mis- match repair system (MMR). However, there is growing evidence that MMR system is not the only field of action for these pro- teins. Moreover, the participation in MMR does not even have to be their primary function. There are some reports indicat- ing involvement of MutL in BER, NER and VSP (very short patch repair)....
Biotechnological production and purification of Borrelia burgdorferi sl B1 protein
Open Research DataBorrelia burgdorferi B1 protein could be used in the detection of specific immunoglobulins from patients' sera with Lyme disease that may be infected with different genospecies of B. burgdorferii sl. The goal of the study was to obtain the highest possible yield of protein expression in prokaryotic cells and purified protein preparations. This dataset...
Biotechnological production and purification of Borrelia burgdorferi sl B2 protein
Open Research DataBorrelia burgdorferi B2 protein could be used in the detection of specific immunoglobulins from patients' sera with Lyme disease that may be infected with different genospecies of B. burgdorferii sl. The goal of the study was to obtain the highest possible yield of protein expression in prokaryotic cells and purified protein preparations. This dataset...
Biotechnological production and purification of Borrelia burgdorferi sl B12 protein
Open Research DataBorrelia burgdorferi B12 protein could be used in the detection of specific immunoglobulins from patients' sera with Lyme disease that may be infected with different genospecies of B. burgdorferii sl. The goal of the study was to obtain the highest possible yield of protein expression in prokaryotic cells and purified protein preparations. This dataset...
Biotechnological production and purification of Borrelia burgdorferi sl B3 protein
Open Research DataBorrelia burgdorferi B3 protein could be used in the detection of specific immunoglobulins from patients' sera with Lyme disease that may be infected with different genospecies of B. burgdorferii sl. The goal of the study was to obtain the highest possible yield of protein expression in prokaryotic cells and purified protein preparations. This dataset...
Biotechnological production and purification of Borrelia burgdorferi sl B6 protein
Open Research DataBorrelia burgdorferi B6 protein could be used in the detection of specific immunoglobulins from patients' sera with Lyme disease that may be infected with different genospecies of B. burgdorferii sl. The goal of the study was to obtain the highest possible yield of protein expression in prokaryotic cells and purified protein preparations. This dataset...
Biotechnological production and purification of Borrelia burgdorferi sl P protein
Open Research DataBorrelia burgdorferi P protein could be used in the detection of specific immunoglobulins G (IgG) from patients' sera with Lyme disease that may be infected with different genospecies of B. burgdorferii sl. The goal of the study was to obtain the highest possible yield of protein expression in prokaryotic cells and purified protein preparations. This...
Biotechnological production and purification of Borrelia burgdorferi sl F protein
Open Research DataBorrelia burgdorferi F protein could be used in the detection of specific immunoglobulins G (IgG) from patients' sera with Lyme disease that may be infected with different genospecies of B. burgdorferii sl. The goal of the study was to obtain the highest possible yield of protein expression in prokaryotic cells and purified protein preparations. This...
General Mechanism of Osmolytes’ Influence on Protein Stability Irrespective of the Type of Osmolyte Cosolvent
PublicationThe stability of proteins in an aqueous solution can be modified by the presence of osmolytes. The hydration sphere of stabilizing osmolytes is strikingly similar to the enhanced hydration sphere of a protein. This similarity leads to an increase in the protein stability. Moreover, the hydration sphere of destabilizing osmolytes is significantly different. These solutes generate in their surroundings so-called “structurally different...
Protein overproduction alters exosome secretion in Chinese hamster ovary cells
PublicationDespite the abundance of available cell lines, nearly 70% of all recombinant therapeutic proteins today are produced in Chi-nese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. The impact of protein overproduction on the secretion of exosomes by CHO cells has been investigated here. Increased secretion of extracellular vesicles (EVs) by protein overexpressing CHO cells was demonstrated with protein content assay, nanoparticle tracking analysis, and...
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Molecular targets for antifungals in amino acid and protein biosynthetic pathways
PublicationFungi cause death of over 1.5 million people every year, while cutaneous mycoses are among the most common infections in the world. Mycoses vary greatly in severity, there are long-term skin (ringworm), nail or hair infections (tinea capitis), recurrent like vaginal candidiasis or severe, life-threatening systemic, multiorgan infections. In the last few years, increasing importance is attached to the health and economic problems...
Molecular basis of the osmolyte effect on protein stability: a lesson from the mechanical unfolding of lysozyme
PublicationOsmolytes are a class of small organic molecules that shift the protein folding equilibrium. For this reason, they are accumulated by organisms under environmental stress, and find applications in biotechnology where proteins need to be stabilized or dissolved. However, despite years of research, debate continues over the exact mechanisms underpinning the stabilizing and denaturing effect of osmolytes. Here, we simulated the mechanical...
A Colorimetric Microplate Assay for DNA-Binding Activity of His-Tagged MutS Protein
PublicationA simple microplate method was designed for rapid testing DNA-binding activity of proteins. The principle of the assay involves binding of tested DNA by his-tagged protein immobilized on a nickel-coated ELISA plate, following colorimetric detection of biotinylated DNA with avidin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. The method was used to compare DNA mismatch binding activities of MutS proteins from three bacterial species. The...
Polysaccharide–Protein Complexes in a Coarse-Grained Model