Search results for: cdp
Damage Analysis of Tensioning Cable Anchorage Zone of a Bridge Superstructure, Using CDP Abaqus Material Model
PublicationNumerical analysis of the tensioning cables anchorage zone of a bridge superstructure is presented in this paper. It aims to identify why severe concrete cracking occurs during the tensioning process in the vicinity of anchor heads. In order to simulate the tensioning, among others, a so-called local numerical model of a section of the bridge superstructure was created in the Abaqus Finite Element Method (FEM) environment. The...
Neurochemical changes underlying cognitive impairment in olfactory bulbectomized rats and the impact of the mGlu5-positive allosteric modulator CDPPB
PublicationThe olfactory bulbectomized (OBX) rat model is a well-established model of depression in which antidepressant drugs reverse deficits in the passive avoidance test 14 days after administration. Recently, the olfactory bulbectomized rat model has been proposed to be a model of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and the available data indicate similarities between the changes that typically occur in AD and those observed in OBX animals. In...
The Impact of LY487379 or CDPPB on eNOS Expression in the Mouse Brain and the Effect of Joint Administration of Compounds with NO• Releasers on MK-801- or Scopolamine-Driven Cognitive Dysfunction in Mice
PublicationThe role of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) in the regulation of a variety of biological processes is well established, and its dysfunction contributes to brain pathologies, including schizophrenia or Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Positive allosteric modulators (PAMs) of metabotropic glutamate (mGlu) receptors were shown to be effective procognitive compounds, but little is known about their impact on eNOS expression and stability....
Performance of isotropic constitutive laws in simulating failure mechanisms in scaled RC beams
PublicationResults of numerical calculations of reinforced concrete (RC) beams are presented. Based on experimental results on longitudinally reinforced specimens of different sizes and shapes are investigated. Four different continuum constitutive laws with isotropic softening are used: one defined within continuum damage mechanics, an elasto-plastic with the Rankine criterion in tension and the Drucker-Prager criterion in compression, a...
Projektowanie budynków użyteczności publicznej narażonych na ataki terrorystyczne z wykorzystaniem systemu ochrony pasywnej
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono projektowanie systemów ochrony pasywnej w budynkach użyteczności publicznej, które mogą posłużyć jako przykład i stanowić podstawę do dalszych założeń przy projektowaniu budynków narażonych na obciążenie wybuchem spowodowanym przez ataki terrorystyczne. W pracy przeprowadzono symulacje numeryczne na przykładzie ściany budynku użyteczności publicznej wykonanego w technologii żelbetowej. Obliczenia wykonano...
The Use of Sustainability Reporting Instruments in the Global Airline Industry in Financial Year 2019
Open Research DataThis dataset provides an overview of the GRI topic-specific disclosures global passenger airline companies reported in their 2019 financial year sustainability reports and the specific SDGs they addressed. Additionally, it includes information on the frequency of application of other well-known SR instruments (i.e., SASB, IIRC, CDSB, CDP, UNGC, ISO...
Experimental-Numerical Analysis of the Effect of Bar Diameter on Bond in Pull-Out Test
PublicationBar diameter is one of the basic factors affecting bond behavior, which is still of interest due to opposing opinions regarding its effect on bond behavior in the pull-out test. This paper presents an experimental and numerical bond analysis of ribbed reinforcing bar in concrete. The aim was to experimentally evaluate the effect of bar diameter on the bond behavior in the pull-out test and to perform numerical simulations of the...
β-cyclodextrin-containing polymer based on renewable cellulose resources for effective removal of ionic and non-ionic toxic organic pollutants from water
PublicationA novel, bio-derived cyclodextrin-based trifunctional adsorbent has been successfully synthesized for efficient, rapid and simultaneous removal of a broad-spectrum of toxic ionic (anionic and cationic dyes) and non-ionic organic pollutants from water. The composition, morphology and the presence of functional groups in the obtained sorption material were characterized by elemental analysis, XRD, SEM, and FTIR spectroscopy. The...
Karol Grębowski dr inż.
PeopleKarol Grębowski (M.Sc.) works as an assistant at the Department of Technical Fundamentals of Architecture Design of the Faculty of Architecture at Gdansk University of Technology. His scientific research deals with dynamic phenomena occurring during the vibration of structures, bridges, and studies the design methodology of the elements forming passive protection system of the vehicles degraded by struck or explosion in the context...
An Analysis of Sustainability Reporting Practices of the Global Airline Industry
PublicationSustainability reporting (SR) has become a standard practice for many organisations worldwide. The purpose of this paper is to explore and develop our understanding of the global airline industry’s SR practices. Content analysis was employed to map which reporting frameworks the global commercial airline industry has recently used to report their non-financial impacts. Additionally, comparisons were made in the application of SR...