Search results for: concrete
Computers and Concrete
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Concrete Operators
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Structural Concrete
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Advances in Concrete Construction
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Nordic Concrete Research
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Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology
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Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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Influence of stirrups in a concrete shell on strengthening reinforced concrete column
PublicationTwelve concrete columns, with a 150x150mm square section and three columns with a circular section (d=200mm), are tested to investigate the effect of strengthening by RC jacket. Based on a confined concrete model for axial static loading, an analytical methods, reported in the literature are proposed to predict the behavior of columns with RC jacket. The results support the conception that the effect of strengthening depends...
Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Two-Stage Concrete and Conventional Concrete Using Nondestructive Tests
PublicationDifferent types of concrete mixtures are used as building materials. The manufacturing process of two-stage concrete (TSC) differs from that of conventional concrete. This study investigated conventional mechanical properties derive empirical relations for estimation of the mechanical parameters of TSC and conventional concrete mixtures. TSC was used to prepare 216 specimens and conventional concrete was used to prepare 108 specimens...
Acoustic emission signals in concrete beams under 3-point bending (plain concrete, steel fibre reinforced concrete, steel bar reinforced concrete)
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the mechanical behaviour of concrete beams with dimensions 40 x 40 x 160 cm3under the 3-point bending. Two concrete mixes, both based on the same design, were produced in the test programme. Mixture #1 was the plain concrete (PC), consisting of cement CEM I 42.5R (380 kg/m3), water (165 kg/m3), aggregate 0/2 mm (648...
Mechanical properties of concrete mixes M0-M100 concrete mixes
Open Research DataDataset of hardneded properties of concretes containing different amount of magnetite aggregate (M0-M100) mixes.Excel file consists results of:
Fresh properties of concrete mixes M0-M100 concrete mixes
Open Research DataDataset of fresh properties of concretes containing different amount of magnetite aggregate (M0-M100) mixes.*. ODS - open-source spreadsheet file file consists results of:
Simple empirical formula to estimate the main geomechanical parameters of preplaced aggregate concrete and conventional concrete
PublicationPreplaced aggregate concrete (PAC) or two-stage concrete is a specific type of concrete successfully employed in many projects including underwater concrete structures, massive concrete structures, structures made of reinforced concrete, and improvement of concrete structures. PAC is significantly different than the conventional concrete. In this type of concrete, aggregates are initially poured into the mold, the voids between...
Evaluation of the resistance of steel–concrete adhesive connection in reinforced concrete beams using guided wave propagation
PublicationThe development of the nondestructive diagnostic methods is of significant importance in the last decades. A special attention is paid to diagnostics of reinforced concrete structures, which are very popular in the civil engineering field. A possible use of the guided waves in the estimation of the resistance of steel–concrete adhesive connection is studied in the following paper. The relationships relating adhesive connection...
Standard and modified falling mass impact tests on preplaced aggregatefibrous concrete and slurry infiltrated fibrous concrete
PublicationAlthough several studies have been conducted to evaluate the impact response of concrete using theAmerican Concrete Institute (ACI) 544-2R falling mass impact test, the variations in test results are themain drawback of this testing method. This study aims to reduce the variations in experimental impacttest results by introducing two simple test setup modifications; (1) using coarse or fine aggregate bed-ding as an alternative...
Numerical simulation of hardening of concrete plate
PublicationThe paper presents a theoretical formulation of concrete curing in order to predict temperature evolution and strength development. The model of heat flow is based on a well-known Fourier equation. The numerical solution is implemented by means of the Finite Difference Method. In order to verify the model, the in situ temperature measurements at the top plate of a road bridge were carried out. A high agreement between numerical...
Concrete elements cast in febric forms
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań wytrzymałościowych elementów betonowych wylewanych w wiotkich formach wykonanych z materiałów syntetycznych. Badania przeprowadzono dla modelu ściany/słupa. Zbadano mechaniczne i chemiczne własności 10 różnych materiałów syntetycznych. Wybrano materiał o przepuszczalności umożliwiającej wykonanie monolitycznej konstrukcji. Z 12 zbadanych mieszanek betonowych do dalszej analizy wyselekcjonowano trzy. Badania...
Simulation of fracture process in fibrous concrete
PublicationArtykuł omawia wyniki modelowania procesu zarysowania w elementach betonowych zawierające stalowe włókna przy zastosowaniu dyskretnego modelu kratownicowego. Beton był modelowany na poziomie mezoskali z uwzględnieniem 5 faz: kruszywa, zaczynu cementowego, włókien i obu stref kontaktu. Obliczenia wykonano dla jednoosiowego ściskania oraz jednoosiowego rozciągania.
Mesoscopic modelling of strain localization in concrete
PublicationArtykuł omawia obliczenie lokalizacji odkształceń w elementach betonowych poddanych zginaniu. Obliczenia wykonano dla betonu na poziomie mezo przy zastosowaniu modelu zniszczeniowego z degradacją sztywności rozszerzonego o nielokalność. Zbadano wpływ zagęszczenia kruszywa, wielkość kruszywa, kształtu kruszywa oraz długości charakterystycznej na szerokość lokalizacji.
Comparison of low-temperature cracks intensity on pavements with high modulus asphalt concrete and conventional asphalt concrete bases
PublicationHigh modulus asphalt concrete (HMAC) base courses provide very good resistance to rutting and fatigue but they can increase the risk of low-temperature cracking as compared with conventional asphalt concrete (AC). The article presents the comparison of these two road materials in terms of low-temperature cracking. The statistical method based on the ordered logistic regression model was used. The analysis was based on results of...
Thermal performance of building envelopes with structural layers of the same density: Lightweight aggregate concrete versus foamed concrete
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Machine Learning Techniques in Concrete Mix Design
PublicationConcrete mix design is a complex and multistage process in which we try to find the best composition of ingredients to create good performing concrete. In contemporary literature, as well as in state-of-the-art corporate practice, there are some methods of concrete mix design, from which the most popular are methods derived from The Three Equation Method. One of the most important features of concrete is compressive strength, which...
Ultrasound monitoring for evaluation of damage in reinforced concrete
PublicationThe paper deals with automated monitoring of damage evolution in concrete elements subjected to three-point bending tests. The monitoring is based on the nonlinear interactions of traveling ultrasonic waves with micro-crack zones inside the concrete specimens and surface-breaking cracks. The developed procedure assumes semi-continuous ultrasonic testing during the element full loading cycle and generation of the power spectral...
Concrete mix design using machine learning
PublicationDesigning a concrete mix is a process of synthesizing many components, it is not a simple process and requires extensive technical knowledge. The design process itself focuses on obtaining the required strength of concrete. Very often designing a concrete mix takes into account the need to maintain the proper water-demand and frost-resistance features. The parameters that influence the concrete class most significantly are the...
The lethal effect of hydrotechnical concrete on freshwater Bivalvia
PublicationMost hydrotechnical buildings under construction demand the concrete mixture to be set directly under water. The main reason for such a procedure is to limit the washing away of the the concrete binding mixture and to increase the efficiency of organisation of work so as to ensure continuity in concreting. The impact on the aquatic environment of recent developments in concrete technology and the use of new components has not yet...
Size effect in concrete under splitting tension
PublicationThe size effect is a fundamental phenomenon in concrete materials. It denotes that both the nominal structural strength and material ductility always decrease with increasing element size under tension. In the paper splitting tensile tests on cylindrical concrete specimens with the different diameter were carried out. Two types of the loading strip (plywood board and steel cylinder) were used. The concrete strength and ductility...
Experimental tests of reinforced concrete deep-beams
PublicationThe paper presents results of experimental research of the reinforced concrete deep beam with a spatial arrangement. Tested structural elements consist of the cantilever deep beam loaded on the height and transverse deep beam with hanging on it another one. The analysis includes crack morphology, effort of steel and load distribution. The article verified effectiveness of two different kind of reinforcement in both tested deep...
GPR simulations for diagnostics of a reinforced concrete beam
PublicationThe most popular technique for modelling of an electromagnetic field, the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method, has recently become a popular technique as an interpretation tool for ground penetrating radar (GPR) measurements. The aim of this study is to detect the size and the position of damage in a reinforced concrete beam using GPR maps. Numerical simulations were carried out using the finite differ-ence time domain...
PublicationThe behaviour of concrete, whether fresh or har dened, depends basically on the beha viour of its components and the r elationship between them, ther efore, obtaining a concr ete with cer tain pr operties depends fundamentally on the concr ete mix design. Concr ete mix design gener ally includes two main steps: 1-Selection of the main components suitable for the concr...
Uniform corrosion monitoring of carbon steel in concrete
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Concrete-domain reasoning techniques in knowledge cartography
PublicationWiele zjawisk w świecie rzeczywistym opisujemy korzystając z liczb i symboli. W ramach naszej pracy jako punkt wyjścia traktujemy podejście kartograficzne opracowane na potrzeby wnioskowania z ontologii opartych na logice opisowej i pozwalające na efektywne przetwarzanie baz wiedzy zwierających dużą liczbę osobników. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia rozszerzenie podejścia kartograficznego pozwalające na wnioskowanie z wartości symbolicznych,...
Damage Detection of Steel-Concrete Composite Beam
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Impregnation vibro-pressed concrete pavement bricks.
PublicationW materiałach przedstawiono wyniki badań uzyskanych podczas prób impregnacji wibroprasowanych elementów betonowych. Celem badań było określenie odpowiedniego składu kompozycji impregnacyjnej, aby uzyskać najlepszy efekt zabezpieczenia powierzchni betonu przed wnikaniem cieczy organicznych np. oleju mineralnego.
Minimal transverse reinforcement of reinforced concrete members
PublicationW pierwszej części pracy omówiono zagadnienia dotyczące minimalnego zbrojenia na ścinanie elementów żelbetowych w kontekście norm europejskich oraz pozaeuropejskich. W drugiej części pracy dokonano analizy wyników badań eksperymentalnych dotyczących nośności elementów bez zbrojenia poprzecznego, które stanowią podstawę do weryfikacji zaleceń normowych w zakresie minimalnego zbrojenia na ścinanie.
Uniform corrosion monitoring of carbon steel in concrete.
PublicationW przypadku korozji prętów zbrojeniowych w żelbecie zaobserwowane zostały obszary wzmożonego zaatakowania. Pomiar prądowego i napięciowego szumu elektrochemicznego umożliwia wyznaczenie szybkości korozji ogólnej a zmiany parametrów statystycznych przebiegów szumowych umożliwiają detekcję występowania przestrzennych rejonów intensyfikacji korozji. Przedstawione rezultaty, oparte na wykorzystaniu odpowiedniego układu zastępczego,...
Continuous and discontinuous modeling of cracks in concrete elements
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono różne sposoby modelowania rys w elementach betonowych w warunkach mieszanego sposobu obciążenia przy zastosowaniu modeli ciągłych i nieciągłych. Symulacje wykonano przy zastosowaniu 3 różnych modeli ciągłych: modelu sprężysto-plastycznego, modelu w ramach mechaniki zniszczeniowej i modelu rys rozmytych z rysami obracającymi się oraz 1 modelu nieciągłego przy zastosowaniu stref kontaktu..
A two-scale (FEM-DEM) approach for concrete
PublicationArtykuł omawia dwu-skalowe podejście do betonu przy wykorzystaniu modelu Mes i DEM. Metodę elementów skończonych zastosowano na poziomie makro. Na poziomie mikro zastosowano metodę elementów dyskretnych. Macierz sztywności wyznaczono na podstawie tensora naprężeń wyznaczonego w skali mikro. Wyniki numeryczne dwusalowe porównano z wynikami dyskretnymi dla całego obszaru.
A coupled continuous-discontinuous approach to concrete elements.
PublicationArtykuł omawia zastosowanie metody elementów skończonych do opisu procesu pękania elementów betonowych z równoczesnym uwzględnieniem lokalizacji odkształceń i rys. Obliczenia wykonano dla elementów poddanych zginaniu. Wyniki porównano z doświadczeniami.
Modelling of behavior of plain concrete using DEM
PublicationW artykule pokazano rozwój różnych zjawisk mikrostrukturalnych na poziomie kruszywa w betonie podczas jednoosiowego ściskania i rozciągania.. Obliczenia wykonano stosując metodę DEM. Wyniki na poziomie globalnym porównano doświadczalnymi. Szczególna uwagę zwrócono na propagację rys i szerokość lokalizacji odkształceń.
Modelling the effect of composition on the tensile properties of concrete
PublicationRozdział omawia wyniki analizy mezoskopowej procesu pękania w betonie podczas zginania. Obliczenia wykonano na poziomie mezo wykorzystując model degradacji sztywności z nielokalnym osłabieniem. Zbadano wpływ właściwości kruszywa, stref przejściowych, nacięcia oraz długości charakterystycznej mikrostruktury na zachowanie sie betonu. Zaproponowano 2 metody określenia reprezentatywnego elementu objętościowego w betonie.
Acoustic emission signals in concrete beams under 3-point bending (polyolefin and steel fibre concrete)
Open Research DataThe DataSet contains the results of the mechanical behaviour of concrete beams with dimensions 40 x 40 x 160 cm3 under the 3-point bending. All specimens were manufactured based on the same concrete mixture composed of cement CEM I 42.5R (380 kg/m3), water (165 kg/m3), aggregate 0/2 mm (648 kg/m3), aggregate 2/8 mm (426 kg/m3), aggregate 8/16 mm (754...
The Effect of Fly Ash Microspheres on the Pore Structure of Concrete
PublicationThe fly ash microspheres (FAMs) formed during the mineral transformation stage in coal combustion are hollow spherical particles with a density less than water. This paper presents the results of X‐ray micro‐computed tomography and an automatic image analysis system of the porosity in the structure of hardened concrete with microspheres. Concrete mixtures with ordinary Portland cement and two substitution rates of cement by microspheres—5%...
A concept of heterogeneous numerical model of concrete for GPR simulations
PublicationThe Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) method, which is increasingly being used in the non-destructive diagnostics of reinforced concrete structures, often needs more accurate interpretation tools for analysis of experimental data. Recently, there has been growing interest in developing of various numerical models for exhaustive understanding of GPR data. This paper presents the concept of a heterogeneous numerical model of concrete,...
Remote sensing and photogrammetry techniques in diagnostics of concrete structures
PublicationRecently laser scanning technologies become widely used in many areas of the modern economy. In the following paper authors show a potential spectrum of use Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) in diagnostics of reinforced concrete elements. Based on modes of failure analysis of reinforcement concrete beam authors describe downsides and advantages of adaptation of terrestrial laser scanning to this purpose, moreover reveal under which...
Shear resistance of low height precast concrete lintels
PublicationThe scope of the paper is to investigate analytically and determine experimentally the shear resistance of low height reinforced precast concrete lintels. The chosen procedures included in national and international standards applied for the design of structural concrete elements to an estimation of shear behaviour of reinforced concrete elements are described. The characteristic and designed shear strength of precast concrete...
Chemical and Mechanical Properties of 70-Year-Old Concrete
PublicationThe aim of this research is to determine the durability and strength of concrete continuous footing based on the chosen mechanical, physical, and chemical properties of the concrete. The presented investigations constitute some opinions from experts on the bearing capacity of concrete continuous footing and the possibilities of carrying additional loads and extended working life. The cylindrical specimens were taken from continuous...
Properties of Old Concrete Built in the Former Leipziger Palace
PublicationThis research aims to determine the mechanical, chemical, and physical properties of old concrete used in the former Leipziger Palace in Wrocław, Poland. The cylindrical specimens were taken from the basement concrete walls using a concrete core borehole diamond drill machine. The determination of the durability and strength of old concrete was based on specified chosen properties of the old concrete obtained through the following...