Search results for: documentary letter of credit, documentary collection, bank guarantees, factoring, forfeiting, bank fees - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: documentary letter of credit, documentary collection, bank guarantees, factoring, forfeiting, bank fees

Search results for: documentary letter of credit, documentary collection, bank guarantees, factoring, forfeiting, bank fees

  • Development and Research of the Text Messages Semantic Clustering Methodology


    - Year 2016

    The methodology of semantic clustering analysis of customer’s text-opinions collection is developed. The author's version of the mathematical models of formalization and practical realization of short textual messages semantic clustering procedure is proposed, based on the customer’s text-opinions collection Latent Semantic Analysis knowledge extracting method. An algorithm for semantic clustering of the text-opinions is developed,...

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  • A Stabilized Complex LOBPCG Eigensolver for the Analysis of Moderately Lossy EM Structures

    This letter proposes a stabilized locally optimal block preconditioned conjugate gradient method for computing selected eigenvalues for complex symmetric generalized non-Hermitian eigenproblems. Effectiveness of the presented approach is demonstrated for a moderately lossy dual-mode dielectric resonator, modeled using finite-element method with higher order elements

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  • On-line Search in Two-Dimensional Environment

    We consider the following on-line pursuit-evasion problem. A team of mobile agents called searchers starts at an arbitrary node of an unknown network. Their goal is to execute a search strategy that guarantees capturing a fast and invisible intruder regardless of its movements using as few searchers as possible. We require that the strategy is connected and monotone, that is, at each point of the execution the part of the graph...

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  • Hold-Up Problems in International Gas Trade: A Case Study


    - ENERGIES - Year 2021

    The infrastructure required for international natural gas trade is considerable, which often leads to hold-up problems and supply disruptions. This study discusses disruptions of gas supply from Algeria, Indonesia, Russia, and Turkmenistan since the early 1980s. The novelty of this study is its focus on the issues related to transit countries, which are rarely considered in the literature. The results of the study classify supply...

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  • Education at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Gdańsk University of Technology


    Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is one of the largest departments of the Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT), currently educating about 3 000 student. Lectures are conducted in five Chairs, which include 18 Divisions. In 2000 GUT introduced the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). Each student should get during one academic year 60 ECTS points. Obtaining a diploma of BEng requires the acquisition of no less...

  • Education at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Gdańsk University of Technology


    Faculty of Mechanical Engineering is one of the largest departments of the Gdańsk University of Technology (GUT), currently educating about 3 000 student. Lectures are conducted in five Chairs, which include 18 Divisions. In 2000 GUT introduced the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). Each student should get during one academic year 60 ECTS points. Obtaining a diploma of BEng requires the acquisition of no less...

  • Herbarium of Division of Marine Biology and Ecology University of Gdańsk (DMBE)

    Open Research Data
    open access

    Herbarium of Division of Marine Biology and Ecology University of Gdańsk (DMBE) is a research herbarium encompassing specimens of vascular plants and algae hosted by the Laboratory of Marine Plant Ecology at University of Gdańsk, Poland. The aim of Herbarium is to preserve marine plant and algae collections mostly from the Gulf of Gdańsk, but the herbarium...

  • Audio Content and Crowdsourcing: A Subjective Quality Evaluation of Radio Programs Streamed Online


    - Year 2023

    Radio broadcasting has been present in our lives for over 100 years. The transmission of speech and music signals accompanies us from an early age. Broadcasts provide the latest information from home and abroad. They also shape musical tastes and allow many artists to share their creativity. Modern distribution involves transmission over a number of terrestrial systems. The most popular are analog FM (Frequency Modulation) and...

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  • Targi Pracy International Career Day 2019


    17-01-2019 10:00 - 17-01-2019 15:00

    Biuro Karier PG oraz Dział Międzynarodowej Współpracy Akademickiej zapraszają na Targi Pracy – International Career Day. Zaproszone firmy przedstawią oferty pracy, praktyk i staży.

  • Transient modeling in common DC link of power converters


    - Science, Technology and Arts Research Journal - Year 2020

    Предмет исследования. Представлена математическая модель силовых преобразователей электропривода, питающихся от общего звена постоянного тока, на примере тяговых электроприводов карьерного самосвала БЕЛАЗ-90 мощностью 280 кВт. Модель выполнена в пакете MATLAB/Simulink. Новизна предложенной модели заключается в применении новой топологии силовой схемы для исследования работы двух инверторов, под- ключенных к одному звену постоянного...

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  • Is Digitalization Improving Governance Quality? Correlating Analog and Digital Benchmarks


    The digitalization of public governance and the resulting concept of electronic governance is a characteristic feature of contemporary information society. Both can be defined as the process and outcome of digital transformation: transformation of the “analog” version of governance into “digital” governance. Measuring both versions of governance against typical performance measures of efficiency, effectiveness, equity, openness...

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  • Rewitalizacja Warszawskiej Rotundy PKO BP - przeszłość i współczesność


    - Year 2018

    Charakterystycznym miejscem centrum śródmieścia Warszawy, powszechnie znanym zarówno w kraju jak za granicami naszego kraju był dotychczas, i miejmy nadzieję nadal będzie, okrągły budynek z charakterystycznym pilaście ukształtowanym obrysem wieńczącego go skośnego dachu - obiekt Warszawskiej Rotundy. Rotunda usytuowana przy skrzyżowaniu ulicy Marszałkowskiej i Alei Jerozolimskich - w pobliżu Ronda Dmowskiego w Warszawie jest obiektem,...

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  • Practical I-Voting on Stellar Blockchain


    In this paper, we propose a privacy-preserving i-voting system based on the public Stellar Blockchain network. We argue that the proposed system satisfies all requirements stated for a robust i-voting system including transparency, verifiability, and voter anonymity. The practical architecture of the system abstracts a voter from blockchain technology used underneath. To keep user privacy, we propose a privacy-first protocol that...

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  • Mosleh Ahmadi PhD Candidate


    Mosleh Ahmadi has received his bachelor's and master's degrees from 2011-2015 and 2015-2017, respectively, at Islamic Azad University. He is a member of Iran Construction Engineering Organization in Kurdistan as architectural designer since 2020. His pervious publications are focused on the human perception and experience of movement in the built environment. Currently, he is interested in the impact of the daylight on the built...

  • Objective selection of minimum acceptable mesh refinement for EMC simulations



    Optimization of computational electromagnetics (CEM) simulation models can be costly in both time and computing resources. Mesh refinement is a key parameter in determining the number of unknowns to be processed. In turn, this controls the time and memory required for a simulation. Hence, it is important to use only a mesh that is good enough for the objectives of the simulation, whether for direct handling of high-fidelity EM...

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  • Comments on “Closed Form Variable Fractional Time Delay Using FFT”


    In this letter drawbacks of the aforementioned paper are pointed out. The proposed approach is improved with minor modifications of the discrete frequency response. This allows for design of fractional delay filters which are close to optimal and can be efficiently implemented in the frequency domain using the sliding DFT based structure. Alternatively, the derived equivalent closed form formulae for offset windows can be used...

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  • Model transformacji organizacji informatycznej

    • J. Chabik

    - Year 2011

    W obecnych realiach przedsiębiorstw zmienia się rola informatyki. Tradycyjnie pojmowany dział informatyki był dostawcą technologii i systemów informatycznych. Tak pojmowana organizacja informatyczna dostarczała swojemu macierzystemu przedsiębiorstwu komponentów technologicznych: np. infrastruktury informatycznej: sieci lokalnych, łączy do sieci Internet, systemów klasy ERP (systemy zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem, ang. Enterprise...

  • Three solvers for MIMO noise radar clutter cancellation - a performance comparison


    - Year 2015

    The problem of canceling strong clutter echos in a MIMO noise radar is considered. Execution times of three algorithms is compared. The first solution is a standard Least Squares approach employing Cholesky decomposition of the transmitted signal sample autocorrelation matrix. The second approach is based on careful waveform design which guarantees that the signal sample autocorrelation matrix has Toeplitz structure. This enables...

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  • Knowledge-Based Management as the Key Success Factor for Research and Development Organizations


    A key to achieving success in project organizations lies in exemplary management of processes within those organizations, while the ongoing projects are mainly characterized by their uniqueness. The situation is no different in commercial research and development organizations (R&D) where accuracy and repeatability of elementary processes guarantees efficient and productive realization of all enterprises. R&D organizations are...

  • Indicators describing the effectiveness of tax systems of selected OECD countries

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The following research data include indicators describing the effectiveness of the tax administration activity in Poland compared to selected countries. In economic understanding efficiency is measured by the calculation of the expenditure of funds spent on its operation and performance of statutory functions. In this respect, the basic indicator is...

  • Annual growth of House price index in European Union in 2006-2017

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The financial crisis of 2008 has caused a number of changes in the investment of both companies and individuals. One of the widely invested assets became the real estate market. The decline in real estate prices was noted in 2009 and 2012-2014. The highest decrease in property prices was indicated in Bulgaria, Ireland, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovakia and...

  • Three-dimensional conceptual model for service-oriented simulation


    - Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE A - Year 2009

    n this letter, we propose a novel three-dimensional conceptual model for an emerging service-oriented simulation paradigm. The model can be used as a guideline or an analytic means to find the potential and possible future directions of the current simulation frameworks. In particular, the model inspects the crossover between the disciplines of modeling and simulation, service-orientation, and software/systems engineering. Finally,...

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  • „PRACODAWCY DLA ZiE” – wydziałowe targi pracy z warsztatami


    21-03-2019 09:00 - 21-03-2019 14:00

    Wydział Zarządzania i Ekonomii będzie gościć aż 18 firm, które zaprezentują się w holu na I piętrze WZiE oraz przeprowadzą otwarte warsztaty.

  • „PRACODAWCY DLA ZiE” - Wydziałowe Targi Pracy on-line


    18-03-2021 11:00 - 18-03-2021 13:00

    Zapraszamy 18 marca (czwarte) na wydziałowe targi pracy! Możliwość porozmawiania z przedstawicielami firm oraz uczestniczenia w webinariach. Spotkania odbywają się on-line.

  • Selected papers from the Smart Engineering of New Materials Conference, 22-25 June 2015, Lodz, Poland



    Editorial to the special issue is a collection of the articles presented at Smart Engineering of New Materials (SENM2015) Conference, held in Lodz, Poland on June 22-25, 2015 (SENM 2015).

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  • Justyna Płotka-Wasylka dr hab. inż.

    Urodziła się w Słupsku (24.03.1986).W 2005 roku ukończyła I Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. Jana II Sobieskiego w Wejherowie i rozpoczęła studia na Wydziale Chemicznym Politechniki Gdańskiej. Po ich ukończeniu w 2010 rozpoczęła pracę naukową na tej uczelni, uzyskując w 2014 roku stopień doktora nauk chemicznych. Tematem jej rozprawy doktorskiej, wykonywanej pod kierunkiem prof. Marka Biziuka oraz dr Caluma Morrisona (Uniwersytet w...

  • Recent progress in experimental studies of electrohydrodynamic flow in electrostatic precipitators


    - Journal of Physics : Conference Series - Year 2013

    Many experimental, theoretical and numerical works were devoted to the electrohydrodynamic (EHD) flow generated in electrostatic precipitators (EPSs). The generally accepted conclusion from these studies is that the EHD flow plays an important role in the particle collection in ESPs. However, despite of the recent fast progress in numerical simulation and experimental techniques used in the ESPs studies many problems related to...

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  • The structure of revenues of non-public universities in 2010 from didactic activity by sources of financing (in%)

    Open Research Data
    open access

    Income from teaching activities of non-public universities accounted for almost 1/5 of income from teaching activities of all types of universities. Non-public universities generated the highest revenues from fees for teaching classes, which accounted for over half of the revenues from this title in relation to all universities.The average cost of education...

  • Rapeseed oil methyl ester production in an individual household


    - Year 2010

    Fatty acid methyl esters, commonly known as biodiesel, are a cheap and environmental-friendly fuel substitute for diesel engines. Aside from industrial production, individual biodiesel manufacturing is also and important method of fulfilling the requirements of EU Parliament directive no. 2003/30/WE about supporting the use of renewable fuels in transport. Individual FAME production guarantees easy access to the main raw material...



    - Year 2019

    This paper focuses on the issue of forecasting the fluctuation of exchange rates as part of the early warning system against the risk of consumer bankruptcy. The author identified the main macroeconomic factors affecting the level of bankruptcies for households in Poland. The fluctuation of exchange rates, which directly affects the deterioration of the economic situation of borrowers who have opened credit accounts in a foreign...

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  • The influence of external interference on AFM imaging, the use of a protective helmet

    Open Research Data

    This collection is of purely practical importance, showing how the presence of external disturbances can adversely affect the quality of imaging with an atomic force microscope. For this reason, it is also advisable to provide a link to a workshop-like study [1] as well as a huge number of commercial solutions available after entering the keyword "AFM...

  • On the approximation of the UWB dipole elliptical arms with stepped-edge polygon

    A simple method of approximation of the ellipticalpatch with stepped-edge polygon is proposed as an introductionto wider studies over the planar ultrawideband (UWB) antennas.The general idea is to replace the elliptical patch with an equivalentpolygonal patch, with minimum loss in the performance. Theprinciples of the proposed method are presented in this letter, aswell as the results of performed numerical studies and its experimentalverification....

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  • Knowledge Societies Policy Library

    • R. Baguma
    • J. Á. Carvalho
    • G. Cledou
    • E. Estevez
    • S. Finquelievich
    • T. Janowski
    • N. Lopes
    • J. Millard

    - Year 2016

    The Knowledge Societies Policy Library is a collection of relevant research literature, policies, indicators, case studies and other resources relevant to the development of public policies for Knowledge Societies, and to support the use of the accompanying Knowledge Societies Policy Handbook.

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  • 3D scanning system for railway current collector contact strips

    Undisturbed collection of current from a contact wire of the catenary constitutes one of the basic elements in reliable operation of electrified rail transport, particularly when vehicles move at high speed. Quality of current collection is influenced by the construction of catenary and current collectors, as well as by the technical condition and regulation of these two elements. Total contact force of a current collector head...

  • Electron-impact ionization cross section of formic acid


    Experimental electron-impact ionization cross sections of one of the simplest carboxylic acids, formic acid, are presented. The molecular target was studied in two independent experimental setups applying different methods: the total ion collection and the electron–impact mass spectrometry methods. Experimental data were taken at incident electron energies ranging from ionization threshold [11.31 eV; J.C. Traeger, Int. J. Mass...

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  • Determining required safety integrity level

    One of the most important stage of technical system functional safety analysis is defining the safety-related functions as well as determining safety integrity level (SIL) for each defined function. A properly carried out hazard identyfication process is the necessary condition for correct definition of the safety-related functions. Determining the safety integrity level (SIL) is based on risk assessment taking into account risk...

  • Capillary pumped loop as a tool for collecting large heat fluxes from electronic devices on warships

    The combat potential of future warships will be directly related to the use of modern electronic devices being parts of advanced systems, such as, for instance, radar systems, fire aiming systems, fire detection systems, electric drive systems, and even electronic and radio-electronic weaponry, railguns and lasers, installed on these warships. The capacity and functionality of these devices is continually increasing, at decreasing...

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  • A New Expression for the 3-D Dyadic FDTD-Compatible Green's Function Based on Multidimensional Z-Transform

    In this letter, a new analytic expression for the time-domain discrete Green's function (DGF) is derived for the 3-D finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) grid. The derivation employs the multidimensional Z-transform and the impulse response of the discretized scalar wave equation (i.e., scalar DGF). The derived DGF expression involves elementary functions only and requires the implementation of a single function in the multiple-precision...

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  • GPU Acceleration of Multilevel Solvers for Analysis of Microwave Components With Finite Element Method

    The letter discusses a fast implementation of the conjugate gradient iterative method with ${rm E}$-field multilevel preconditioner applied to solving real symmetric and sparse systems obtained with vector finite element method. In order to accelerate computations, a graphics processing unit (GPU) was used and significant speed-up (2.61 fold) was achieved comparing to a central processing unit (CPU) based approach. These results...

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  • Wideband Macromodels in Finite Element Method

    This letter proposes a novel projection technique for accelerating Finite Element Method simulations. The algorithm is based on the Second-order Arnoldi Method for Passive Order Reduction (SAPOR). It involves generation of two projection bases and thanks to this it is applicable to the systems of equations, which contain the quadratic frequency-dependence in the input term, that arise when projection is applied locally in the selected...

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  • Model Order Reduction for Problems With Dispersive Surface Boundary Conditions

    This letter proposes a new scheme for reduced-order finite-element modeling of electromagnetic structures with nonlinear, dispersive surface boundary conditions, which optimally exploits the numerically stable and efficient MOR framework for second-order systems provided by SAPOR method. The presented results of numerical experiments for an example of a waveguide filter demonstrate the superior accuracy of the resulting reduced models...

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  • Sophistication assessment of existing FEM models of orbital blowout trauma: Is models valuation justified?

    After a thorough study of the work entitled “Development and validation of an optimized finite element model of the human orbit”, some doubts aroused concerning the sophistication assessment of the existing finite element method (FEM) models of orbital blow-out. Although the work was unquestionably innovative, and the results were not only fascinating but also invaluable, the authors stated that their model was the most sophisticated...

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  • Recent advances on spinel-based protective coatings for solid oxide cell metallic interconnects produced by electrophoretic deposition

    • E. Zanchi
    • A. Sabato
    • S. Molin
    • G. Cempura
    • A. Boccaccini
    • F. Smeacetto

    - MATERIALS LETTERS - Year 2021

    The application of ceramic protective coatings to the metallic interconnects in solid oxide cells (SOCs) is a viable and effective method to limit interconnect degradation issues. This featured letter provides a critical overview of the main outcomes of current research on the use of the electrophoretic deposition (EPD) technique to produce protective coatings for SOC metallic interconnects, specifically focusing on different approaches...

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  • Atomic Force Microscope data post-processing algorithm for higher harmonics imaging

    Previous works have proved that higher harmonics topography imaging using atomic force microscope (AFM) can significantly enhanced its measurement capabilities. Integrated tools dedicated to most of microscopes allow to visualize the investigated surface only by one selected harmonic. Because of the different characteristics of a sample, scanning tip and the environment, appropriate harmonic selection is time consuming and requires...

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  • Health monitoring services based on off-the-shelf mobile devices


    - Year 2013

    Development of health monitoring systems usually involves usage of dedicated devices with provided guarantees in terms of their reliability. Those devices raise the cost of the whole system, because of which such platforms are limited only to specific areas and constrained number of users. Usage of off-the- shelf devices could lower the cost and bring those systems to the masses. The paper covers possible uses of common off-the-shelf...

  • Healthy financial system of local government on the example of Poland


    healthy local government financial system lays the foundation for the ability of local government units (LGUs) to carry out public tasks at the current qualitative and quantitative level and to meet their obligations in the short and long term. A healthy financial system of local government is a system that is adequate, stable, unified, consistent, transparent, diversified, counter-cyclical, guarantees the financial independence...

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  • The efficiency of pollutants removal and concepts on improvement for single-family TWs

    In the rural areas building of sewerage systems and central wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) often brings too high costs, due to high distances from one farm to another and terrain configuration. Individual treatment systems for each farm are a good solution. Theteratment wetlands for nine individual farms were constructed in Kaszubian Lake District in summer and autumn 2009. Three configurations of hydrophyte beds were chosen....

  • Innovative method for utilization of wastewater for security and safety in rural areas

    In the rural areas building of sewerage systems and central wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) often brings too high costs, due to high distances from one farm to another and terrain configuration. Individual treatment systems for each farm are a good solution. The teratment wetlands for nine individual farms were constructed in Kaszubian Lake District in summer and autumn 2009. Three configurations of reed beds were chosen. In...

  • A convergence result for mountain pass periodic solutions of perturbed Hamiltonian systems

    In this work, we study second-order Hamiltonian systems under small perturbations. We assume that the main term of the system has a mountain pass structure, but do not suppose any condition on the perturbation. We prove the existence of a periodic solution. Moreover, we show that periodic solutions of perturbed systems converge to periodic solutions of the unperturbed systems if the perturbation tends to zero. The assumption on...

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  • AFM and SSRM investiagtion of carbon nanowalls properties

    Structures with limited dimensionality are of great interest in modern nanotechnology. The properties of these objects are used, among others, for the construction of modern displays or as a base for quantum computers. Carbon nanowalls, which are the subject of the imaging results contained in this collection, are also considered interesting building...