Search results for: elastic collisions
Electron Elastic Collisions with C3F6 Molecule
PublicationObliczono różniczkowy i scałkowany przekrój czynny na zderzenia elektronu z molekułą C3F6 w zakresie średnich i wysokich energii (50-1000eV). Obliczenia wykonano stosując metodę atomów niezależnych. Stwierdzono dobrą zgodność z wynikami oszacowanymi na podstawie eksperymentu.
Low-energy positron collisions with water: elastic and rotationally inelastic scattering
PublicationDifferential, integral and momentum transfer cross sections for the vibrationally elastic and rotationally inelastic scattering of positrons from water at low collision energy (E ≤ 10 eV) are reported. Several models within the R-matrix method are used to compute the body-fixed T-matrices, while the scattering calculations are performed within the fixed-nuclei approximation corrected with the standard Born-closure formula. These...
Elastic cross-section calculations for electron collisions with XY4 (X=Si,Ge; Y=H, F, Cl, Br, I) molecules
PublicationObliczano elastyczne przekroje czynne dla tetraedrycznych związków krzemu i germanu. Otrzymane wyniki porównano z innymi dostępnymi wynikami obliczeń oraz z danymi doświadczalnymi; dla energii powyżej 100 eV uzyskano zadowalającą zgodność.
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Electron Scattering from Methyl Formate (HCOOCH3): A Joint Theoretical and Experimental Study
PublicationElastic low-energy electron collisions with methyl formate have been studied theoretically at the level of various theories. The elastic integral cross section was calculated using Schwinger multichannel and R-matrix methods, in the static-exchange and static-exchange plus polarization levels of approximations for energies up to 15 eV. The absolute total cross section for electron scattering from methyl formate has been measured...
Electron collisions with cyanoacetylene HC3N : Vibrational excitation and dissociative electron attachment
PublicationWe experimentally probe electron collisions with HC3N in the energy range from 0 to 10 eV with the focus on vibrational excitation and dissociative electron attachment. The vibrational excitation cross sections show a number of resonances which are mode specific: the two dominant π∗ resonances are visible in the excitation of all the vibrational modes; however, broad σ ∗ resonances are visible only in certain bond-stretching vibrational...
A Monte Carlo Strategy to simulate Positrons and Positronium in biological Materials
PublicationWe present an algorithm for Monte Carlo simulations of positron tracks in biological materials. The algorithm takes into account the cross-section data for elastic and inelastic collisions between positrons and molecules and processes like direct annihilation, ionization and positronium formation. In the case of positronium formation, the algorithm considers the interactions of positronium with molecules. The algorithm can be used...
The Role of Molecular Structure in Monte Carlo Simulations of the Secondary Electron Yield and Backscattering Coefficient from Methacrylic Acid
PublicationIn this paper, we show the influence of the chemical structure of four different conformers on the secondary electron emission and backscattering of an electron beam from a gel of methacrylic acid. The conformers have different permanent dipole moments, which determines the cross sections for elastic collisions with electrons. The cross sections are used in Monte Carlo simulations of an electron beam, which enters the gel of methacrylic...
Billiard in a rotating half-plane
PublicationThe main objective of this research is to study the properties of a billiard system in an unbounded domain with moving boundary. We consider a system consisting of an infinite rod (a straight line) and a ball (a massless point) on the plane. The rod rotates uniformly around one of its points and experiences elastic collisions with the ball. We define a mathematical model for the dynamics of such a system and write down asymptotic...
Experimental and Theoretical Study on Electron Interactions with Acetic Acid Molecules
PublicationThe absolute total cross section for electron collisions with acetic acid has been measured using an electrostatic electron spectrometerand linear transmission method for collision energies ranging from 0.4 to 300eV. Elastic electron scattering from acetic acid within a low-energy range has also been studied theoretically using the Schwinger multichannel and R-matrix methods, in the static-exchange and static-exchange plus polarization...
Simulations of wave propagation and attenuation in fields of colliding ice floes
Open Research DataThis dataset contains results of numerical smulations of sea ice-wave interactions, corresponding to laboratory experiments conducted at the Large Ice Model Basin (LIMB) at the Hamburg Ship Model Basin (HSVA) as part of the LS-WICE ("Loads on Structure and Waves in Ice"; project. THe simulations were conducted...
Do positrons measure atomic and molecular diameters?
PublicationWe report on density functional calculations (DFT) of elastic integral scattering cross-sections for positron collisions with argon, krypton, nitrogen and methane. The long-range asymptotic polarization potential is described using higher-order terms going much beyond an induced dipole potential (−α / r 4) while the short-range interaction is modeled by two different forms of electron – positron correlation potential (Boroński-Nieminen...
Electron scattering from tin tetrachloride (SnCl4) molecules
PublicationAbsolute grand-total cross section (TCS) for electron scattering from a tin tetrachloride, SnCl4, molecule was measured at electron-impact energies ranging from 0.6 to 300 eV, in the linear electron-transmission experiment. The measured TCS energy dependence shows two very pronounced enhancements peaking near 1.2 eV and around 9.5 eV, separated with a deep minimum centered close to 3 eV. The low energy structure is attributed to...
Electron-scattering cross sections for selected alkyne molecules: Measurements and calculations
PublicationWe report cross-section results from experimental and theoretical studies on electron collisions with 1-butyne (HC≡C–CH2CH3) and acetylene (HC≡CH) molecules and from computations for a propyne (HC≡C–CH3) molecule. Absolute grand -total electron-scattering cross sections (TCSs) were measured at impact energies ranging from about 0.5 to 300 eV using the linear electron-transmission method. The TCS energy curve for 1-butyne has a...
Influence of soil–structure interaction on seismic pounding between steel frame buildings considering the effect of infill panels
PublicationThe present research aims to study the influence of the soil-structure interaction (SSI) and existence or absence of masonry infill panels in steel frame structures on the earthquake-induced pounding-involved response of adjacent buildings. The study was further extended to compare the pounding-involved behavior versus the independent behavior of structures without collisions, focusing much on dynamic behavior of single frames....
Cross-sections for electron-scattering from 2-methyl-1-buten-3-yne, C 5 H 6 , molecules
PublicationtCross-sections for electron collisions with the 2-methyl-1-buten-3-yne [H2C C(CH3)C CH] moleculewere measured and calculated. Absolute grand-total electron-scattering cross-section (TCS) was takenat impact energies from 0.6 to 300 eV in the linear electron-transmission experiment. The TCS energydependence for the electron–C5H6collision has two prominent enhancements separated with a deepminimum located near 1.8 eV. In addition,...
Scattering of electrons by a 1,2-butadiene (C4H6) molecule: measurements and calculations
PublicationWe present the results of experimental and theoretical study on electron collisions with a 1,2-butadiene (H2C=C=CHCH3) molecule. Absolute grand-total cross sections (TCSs) were measured using a linear electron-transmission method for collision energies in the 0.5–300 eV range. Two distinct features in the TCS energy curve were detected: a narrow peak located at 2.3 eV and a broad enhancement centered around 9 eV. We attributed...
Highly Dissipative Materials for Damage Protection against Earthquake-Induced Structural Pounding
PublicationIt is a common situation that seismic excitations may lead to collisions between adjacent civil engineering structures. This phenomenon, called earthquake-induced structural pounding, may result in serious damage or even the total collapse of the colliding structures. Filling the gap between two buildings erected close to one another by using visco-elastic materials can be considered to be one of the most effective methods to avoid...
Electron collisions with X(CH3)4 molecules (X = C, Si, Ge)
PublicationAbsolute grand-total cross sections (TCSs) for electron scattering from tetramethylmethane [C(CH3)4], tetramethylsilane [Si(CH3)4], and tetramethylgermane [Ge(CH3)4] molecules have been measured at electron-impact energies extending from around 0.5 to 300 eV in the linear electron-transmission experiment. The measured TCS energy dependences show very pronounced broad enhancement, peaking near 5.5 eV for Si(CH3)4 and Ge(CH3)4 molecules...
Electron collisions with methyl-substituted ethylenes: Cross section measurements and calculations for 2-methyl–2-butene and 2,3-dimethyl–2-butene
PublicationWe report electron-scattering cross sections determined for 2-methyl–2-butene [(H3C)HC==C(CH3)2] and 2,3-dimethyl–2-butene [(H3C)2C=C(CH3)2] molecules. Absolute grand-total cross sections (TCSs) were measured for incident electron energies in the 0.5–300 eV range, using a linear electron-transmission technique. The experimental TCS energy dependences for the both targets appear to be very similar with respect to the shape. In each...
Scale transformations in model exchange potentials in low energy electron-atom scattering
PublicationModel exchange potentials are particularly interesting to account for the indistinguishability between the projectile and target electrons in electron-atom scattering in vacuo and plasma environments. It is well known that their performance is pretty satisfactory in the high energies but also that discrepancies from the results obtained with exact exchange are found toward the zero energy limit. In this article, we examine how...
A semiempirical model for low energy electron–atom transport cross sections: The case of noble gases
PublicationA semiempirical approach to describe low energy electron–atom transport cross sections of easy implementation and reproduction is presented. The heart of the model is an energy independent two-parameter potential that was adjusted to reproduce the accurate total cross sections for He, Ne, Ar and Kr, measured with a threshold photoelectron source technique from meV up to 20 eV. Once the potential was conceived, the model was validated...