Search results for: electrical properties
Microstructure and electrical properties of manganese borosilicate glasses
PublicationThe structure, optical and electrical properties of manganese borosilicate glasses of the composition xMnO–(80 − x)SiO 2 –20B 2 O 3 (x = 40, 50, and 60 mol%) were investigated. The dependence of the glass structure on its composition was discussed and related to electrical properties. A separation of two amorphous phases was observed. It was suggested that one phase is MnO-rich and the other is SiO 2 -rich. It was found that...
Optical and electrical properties of Pr0.8Sr0.2MnO3 thin films.
PublicationPrzedstawiono preparatykę, strukturę oraz optyczne i elektryczne właściwości cienkowarstwowego Pr0.8Sr0.2MnO3. Gęste filmy o grubości 50-70nm zostały naniesione na monokrystaliczne podłoże szafirowe metodą odwirowania prekursora polimerowego. Wyniki optycznych pomiarów zostały skorelowane z temperaturą syntezy filmów. Pokazano, że optyczne spektra zmieniają kształt wraz ze zmianą struktury filmu z amorficznej do krystalicznej....
Electrical properties of polymer coatings modified with nanoadditives
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono właściwości elektryczne (antystatyczne, rezystancję powierzchniową) polimerowych powłok. Pokazano wpływ różnych domieszek na czasy rozładowania się warstwy oraz na jej rezystancję powierzchniową.
Microstructural and electrical properties of Y0.07Sr0.93-xTiO3 perovskite ceramics
PublicationIn order to find a relationship between electrical and microstructural properties, yttrium-doped strontium titanate (7 mol%) with various values of strontium nonstoichiometry was investigated and shown in this work. It has been observed that yttrium doping can affect the electrical properties of SrTiO3 to a great extent. Moreover, the microstructural and electrical properties can be influenced by strontium nonstoichiometry. The...
Phase Separation and Electrical Properties of Manganese Borosilicate Glasses
PublicationThe structure and electrical properties of manganese borosilicate glasses of a composition of xMnO-(0.8-x)SiO2-(0.2)B2O3 (x=0.4, 0.5 and 0.6 in mol) were investigated by impedance spectroscopy, SEM, XRD and confocal microscopy methods. The influence of composition on the glass structure and electrical properties was discussed. A separation of two amorphous phases was observed and it was concluded that one phase is SiO2-rich and...
Structural and electrical properties of titanium-doped yttrium niobate
PublicationIn this work, the influence of the substitution of niobium by titanium in Y3Nb1-xTixO7-δ on the structural and electrical properties is reported. Several experimental techniques, i.e. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS), were applied to investigate the system Y3Nb1-xTixO7-δ. Titanium in Y3Nb1-xTixO7-δ is an acceptor-type...
High-Temperature Structural and Electrical Properties of BaLnCo2O6 Positrodes
PublicationThe application of double perovskite cobaltites BaLnCo2O6−δ (Ln = lanthanide element) in electrochemical devices for energy conversion requires control of their properties at operating conditions. This work presents a study of a series of BaLnCo2O6−δ (Ln = La, Pr, Nd) with a focus on the evolution of structural and electrical properties with temperature. Symmetry, oxygen non-stoichiometry, and cobalt valence state have been examined...
Non-linear electrical properties of myocardium in computer simulation
PublicationPomiar impedancji elektrycznej jest obiecującą metodą monitorowania stanu mięśnia sercowego, szczególnie podczas niedokrwienia. Typową metodą pomiaru jest rejestrowanie odpowiedzi-napięcia na pobudzenie prądowe. Odpowiedź jest często aproksymowana jako liniowa względem pobudzenia. Artykuł jest poświęcony oszacowaniu rzędu wielkości nieliniowych komponentów w odpowiedzi.
Electrical properties of YSZ films prepared by netshape technology
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań domieszkowanego tlenku cyrkonu przygotowanego metodą net shape. Materiał został przygotowany w postaci warstwy o grubości 1-10um na szafirze oraz folii platynowej. Zbadano włąsiciwości elektryczne przygotowanych warst.
Electrical properties of polymer humidity sensor based on polyethyleneimine.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań amperometrycznych właściwości czujników wilgotności na bazie PEI. Pokazano, że przepływ prądu jest wynikiem reakcji elektrodowej na anodzie.
Dielectric and electrical properties of synthesized PBGO/Fe3O4 nanocomposite
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Structural and Electrical Properties of STF Materials for SOFC Applications
PublicationW tym artykule przedstawiono badania tytanian strontu domieszkowanego żelazem. Synteza dwuetapowa była niezbędna do uzyskania czystego fazowo proszku o pożądanych właściwościach. Przewodnictwo elektryczne wykazało właściwości typu zero-TCR dla składu STF35. Poziom przewodnictwa elektrycznego różnił się o więcej niż jeden rząd wartości dla wytworzonych materiałów. Reaktywność chemiczną między YSZ i STF badano w zakresie temperatur...
Electrical properties of nanocrystalline Sm-doped ceria ceramics
PublicationWłaściwości ceramiki z cerii zależa zwykle silnie od struktury ziaren. W pracy przedstawiono właściwości elektryczne ceramiki z cerii domieszkowanej samarem wykonanje w technologii 'net shape' posiadającej strukturę nanokrystaliczną.
The optical and electrical properties of nanocrystalline La0.4Sr0.6TiO3 thin films.
PublicationW pracy badano wpływ mikrostruktury cienkich filmów La0.8Sr0.6TiO3 na właściwości optyczne. Gęste filmy o grubości około 200nm były przygotowane na szafirze z prekursorów polimerowych metodą wirową. Filmy były wypalone w temperaturze 500-800 stC. Badania rentgenowskie wskazały utworzenie kubicznej struktury perowskitowej podobnej do niedomieszkowanego SrTiO3. Wielkość ziaren zależała od temperatury wypalenia osiągając 30nm w 800stC....
Microstructural and electrical properties of Y0.07Sr0.93-xTiO3-δ perovskite ceramics
PublicationIn order to find a relationship between electrical and microstructural properties, yttrium-doped strontiumtitanate (7 mol%) with various values of strontium nonstoichiometry was investigated and shown in this work.It has been observed that yttrium doping can affect the electrical properties of SrTiO3 to a great extent.Moreover, the microstructural and electrical properties can be influenced by strontium nonstoichiometry.The defect...
Electrical properties of organic and perovskite systems used in solar cells
PublicationNowadays, a great progress in the areas of molecular and hybrid photovoltaics is observed. The devices based on organic and perovskite materials are getting attention mostly due to their low cost production process. However, their efficiency and stability are still lower than for inorganic materials which make them less popular. Therefore, a detailed understanding of the device physics is fundamental for organic and perovskite...
Electrochemical Activity and Electrical Properties of Optimized Polypyrrole Coatings on Iron
PublicationIn this work, electrochemical activity and electrical properties of polypyrrole (PPy) coated iron electrodes have been investigated. PPy film was electrochemically polymerized from sodium salicylate aqueous solution under conditions, which provided an increase of iron corrosion resistance. It was noticed that the pH of the solution and the applied electrode potential range during the study of the polymer properties had an influence...
Electrical properties of ceria films prepared by net shape technology
PublicationW pracy przedtswiono procedurę przygotowania gęstych warstw elektrolitu z wykorzystaniem technologii Net Shpe. Technologia ta na znaczne obniżenie temperatury przygotania tego typu warst. Okresloślono parametry elektryczne warst domieszkowanego ceru przygotowanych w tej technologii.
Influence of electropolymerization conditions on the morphological and electrical properties of PEDOT film
PublicationIn this work the effects of electropolymerization conditions on the morphological properties and conductivity of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) film have been studied. PEDOT films were electrochemically synthesized in a one step process from acetonitrile solution containing 3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene (EDOT) and lithium perchlorate. Based on atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, cyclic voltammetry and...
Electrical properties of poros nanocrystalline undoped ceria oxygen sensor
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano wykonanie czujnika z niedomieszkowanego tlenku ceru o nanometrowych ziarnach krystalicznych. Zastosowana metoda nanoszenia warstw zalicza się do metod niskotemperaturowych. Wytworzone warstwy przebadano za pomocą dyfrakcji rentgenowskiej, mikroskopii elektronowej oraz spektroskopii impedancyjnej. Wykonane czujniki charakteryzują się szybkim czasem odpowiedzi i stabilnym zachowaniem przy zmianach ciśnienia...
Application of percolation theory for description of electrical properties of conducting coatings
PublicationPrzedstawiono pomiary elektryczne i elektrochemiczne powłok organicznych przewodzących prąd elektryczny i mogących pełnić rolę anody w systemie ochrony katodowej żelbetonu. Za pomocą pomiarów impedancyjnych dokonano oceny rezystancji powłoki w funkcji zawartości grafitu. Na tej podstawie oszacowano próg perkolacji powłoki epoksydowej domieszkowanej elektrografitem. Ocenę obciążalności prądowej powłok przewodzących dokonano wykonując...
Structural and electrical properties of Cr-doped SrTiO 3 porous materials
PublicationSeries of single-phase materials with assumed formula SrTi1−xCrxO3 (where x = 0, 1, 4, 6 mol.%) were obtained by sol-gel method. The structure and microstructure of materials were characterised by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy methods. Moreover, the study of electrical properties and evaluation of chemical stability in CO2/H2O atmosphere was performed by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and thermogravimery...
Microstructural and electrical properties of Y0:07Sr0:93−xTiO3− perovskite ceramics
PublicationIn order to find a relationship between electrical and microstructural properties, yttrium-doped strontium titanate (7 mol%) with various values of strontium nonstoichiometry was investigated and shown in this work. It has been observed that yttrium doping can affect the electrical properties of SrTiO3 to a great extent. Moreover, the microstructural and electrical properties can be influenced by strontium nonstoichiometry. The...
Electrical properties of Y0.08Sr0.92Ti0.92Nb0.08O3-δ after reduction in different reducing conditions
PublicationElectrical properties of perovskite Y0.08Sr0.92Ti0.92Nb0.08O3−ı after reduction in different conditions were studied. Relatively high electrical conductivity in samples reduced in ammonia was observed. The conductivity of Y0.08Sr0.92Ti0.92Nb0.08O3−ı reduced in ammonia at 1500 ◦C was of about 600 S/cm at 200 ◦C. Conductivity after reduction in ammonia at 1500 ◦C was stable both in hydrogen and oxygen atmosphere up to 600 ◦C. Reduction...
Synthesis, microstructure and electrical properties of nanocrystalline calcium doped lanthanum orthoniobate
PublicationThe single phase lanthanum orthoniobate with tetragonal structure has been synthesized by the means of mechanosynthesis method. The studies have shown the crystal structure of La0.98Ca0.02NbO4 depends on the synthesis stage. The samples were predominantly in the tetragonal phase with a trace amount of the monoclinic phase. The SEM studies of morphology and microstructure have shown nanocrystallinity of the materials. The Raman...
Effects of Na+, K+ and B3+ Substitutions on the Electrical Properties of La10Si6O27 Ceramics
PublicationDoping of Na and K at La sites and of B at Si site in La10Si6O27 with oxyapatite structure and fabrication of their ceramics were made by the solid-state reaction method. It was found that partial substitution of Na+ and K+ on La sites decreased the sinterability of the La10Si6O27 based ceramics, whereas partial substitution of B3+ on the Si site improved the sinterability. Na+ and K+ substitutions in La10−xNaxSi6O27−x and La10−xKxSi6O27−x...
Effects of Na+, K+ and B3+ Substitutions on the Electrical Properties of La10Si6O27 Ceramics
PublicationDoping of Na and K at La sites and of B at Si site in La10Si6O27 with oxyapatite structure and fabrication of their ceramics were made by solid-state reaction method. It was found that partial substitution of Na+ and K+ on La sites decreased the sinterability of the La10Si6O27 based ceramics, whereas partial substitution of B3+ on Si site imporved the sinterability. Na+ and K+ substitutions in La10-xNaxSi6O27-x and La10-xKxSi6O27-x...
Electrical properties of A-site Ca-doped LaNb1-xAsxO4-δ ceramics
PublicationThe electrical properties of A-site Ca-doped LaNbO4 with the addition of As in the B-site, have been investigated. Total, grain- and specific grain boundary electric conductivities in different oxygen partial pressure, and water vapour partial pressure were determined. Additional conductivity measurements were performed in nitrogen, to suppress the possible p-type conductivity, focusing on protonic conductivity. The maximum measured...
Electrical properties and structure of lead-borate glass containing iron ions.
PublicationThe ac and dc conductivity in iron–lead-borate glass samples was investigated in the frequency range from 1 mHz to 1 MHz and in the temperature range from 153 K to 423 K. The structure was investigated by the means of atomic force microscopy (AFM) and the crystalline phases (if present) were identified by the means of X-ray diffractometry. Two types of ac electrical behaviour were observed. The first group of glass samples which...
Effect of short time reduction on electrical properties of bismuth-silicate glasses
PublicationPodczas krótkiego wygrzewania szkieł bizmutowo-krzemianowych w wodorze (około 5 min w 375C) przewodnictwo powierzchniowe wzrasta o kilka rzędów wartości. Nośnikiem ładunku w tych próbkach jest hopping elektronowy między zlokalizowanymi stanami w badanej warstwie krzemu, zawierającej małe klastry Bi. Wpływ granul bizmutu na przewodnictwo jest widoczny w drugim stadium redukcji, które zachodzi po redukcji dłuższej niż 4h.
Electrical properties and structure of lead-borate glass containing iron ions
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Optical and Electrical Properties of Iodine Doped n-Type ZnSe Crystals
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Synthesis, microstructure and electrical properties of nanocrystalline calcium doped lanthanum orthoniobate
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Electrical properties of Y0.08Sr0.92Ti0.92Nb0.08O3_−delta after reduction in different reducing conditions
PublicationPraca przedstawia badania właściwości elektrycznych perowskitów Y0.08Sr0.92Ti0.92Nb0.08O3−ı redukowanych w różnych warunkach termicznych. Obserwowano wysoką przewodność elektryczną próbek redukowanych w atmosferze amoniaku. Przewodność Y0.08Sr0.92Ti0.92Nb0.08O3−ı redukowanego w amoniaku w 1500 ◦C była rzędu 600 S/cm w 200 ◦C. Przewodność elektryczna próbek redukowanych w amoniaku w 1500 ◦C była stabilna zarówno w atmosferze wodoru...
Electrical properties of Na2O-CaO-P2O5 glasses doped with SiO2 and Si3N4
PublicationSodium-calcium-phosphate glasses doped with SiO2 or Si3N4 having similar sodium ion concentrations were prepared by melt quenching. The conductivity was measured by impedance spectroscopy under nitrogen atmosphere in a wide frequency range (10 mHz–1 MHz) and wide temperature range (153–473 K). At 36.6 °C, DC conductivities of all glasses vary between 1.1 ∗ 10−12 and 8.9 ∗ 10−12 S cm−1 and have similar activation energies (between...
Electrical properties of hybrid planar diode based on palladium phthalocyanine and titanium dioxide
PublicationThis work details experimental studies of a planar diode made of indium tin oxide/titanium dioxide/palladium phthalocyanine/gold. The rectification ratio of current was 105 at 1.5 V. The analysis of the electrical properties of the system was based on small signal complex capacitance spectra measured in the frequency range of 25 Hz-1 MHz at different values of bias. No depletion region at the TiO2/PdPc interface was observed. Forward...
Influence of pore formers on electrical properties of CaTi0.9Fe0.1O3-δ perovskite-type ceramics
PublicationPorous CaTi0.9Fe0.1O3-δ (CTF) perovskites were synthesized by the standard solid state method at different sintering temperatures with carbon black (CB), corn starch (CS) and potato starch (PS) as pore-forming agents. The ceramic samples of porosity between 9% and 42% with 5 - 40 μm pore sizes, were obtained by a 6 h sintering at either 1130º C or 1200º C of precursor powder prepared at 1470º C. X-ray diffraction analysis proved...
Correlations of structural, thermal and electrical properties of sodium doped complex borophosphosilicate glass
PublicationBorophosphosilicate glasses with varying sodium ion concentrations were investigated for their, structural, thermal, and electrical properties. All the obtained glasses were transparent except the glass with the highest sodium content, which exhibited translucency due to inhomogeneities. Increasing sodium content led to reduced boron and silicon content while maintaining a constant B/Si ratio, indicating progressive depolymerization...
Investigation of structural, thermal, and electrical properties of sodium-doped oxynitride glass-ceramics
PublicationThis study aimed to investigate the influence of Na2O addition on the structural, thermal, and electrical characteristics of oxynitride glass-ceramics within the Na–K–Mg–Ca–Al–Si–O–N system. Oxynitride glass-ceramic samples were prepared via spark plasma sintering (SPS) with sodium oxide doping levels ranging from 0 wt% to 12 wt%. FESEM analysis revealed changes in sample morphology with increasing sodium content, indicating the...
Enhancing electrical properties through in-situ controlled nanocrystallization of V2O5–TeO2 glass
PublicationV2O5–TeO2 glass–ceramics (VTGC) were prepared by controlled annealing of the V2O5–TeO2 glass (VTG), which illustrates a parent glass matrix with a single charge carrier. The annealing proceeded at six temperatures selected between the glass transition and the maximum of the frst crystallization process to obtain various nanocrystallite sizes. Heat treatment caused an increase in DC conductivity by 2.5–3.5 (250–285 °C) order of...
Correlations of structural, thermal and electrical properties of sodium doped complex borophosphosilicate glass
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Enhancing electrical properties through in-situ controlled nanocrystallization of V2O5–TeO2 glass
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Cell Membrane Transport Mechanisms: Ion Channels and Electrical Properties of Cell Membranes
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Synthesis, crystal structure and electrical properties of A-site cation ordered BaErMn2O5 and BaErMn2O6
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Structure and electrical properties of nitrided NbN-TiN sol-gel derived films
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono rezultaty badań struktury oraz właściwości elektrycznych warstw NbN-TiN (o różnym stosunku molowym NbN/TiN)otrzymanych w wyniku termicznego azotowania warstw tlenkowych otrzymanych metodą zol-żel. Badania struktury przeprowadzono metodami AFM, XRD oraz XPS. Wynika z nich, iż głównymi fazami w wartstwach są NbN i TiN o rozmiarach ziaren około 100 nm. Jednakże zaobserwowano również istnienie niewielkiej ilości...
Optical and electrical properties of ultrathin transparent nanocrystalline boron-doped diamond electrodes
PublicationThe optical properties of ultrathin (less than 100 nm) boron-doped nanocrystalline diamond (B-NCD) film were investigated in a wavelength range of 200 ÷ 20000 nm. The B-NCD refractive index showed values close to that of monocrystalline diamond (n = 2.45) in a broad wavelength range (450 ÷ 4000 nm). A transmittance up to 70% and the average film thickness of 70 nm were achieved. A special cone-shaped shim was used in the deposition...
Nonlinear electrical properties of glass-ceramics nanocomposites containing ferroelectric nanocrystallites of Bi2VO5.5
PublicationNonlinear A.C. impedance measurements were conducted in the 50BiV-50SrBAlO nanocomposite as a function of frequency, temperature and A.C. voltage. This material is ferroelectric below temperature of 730 K, and above 730 K is a good ion-conductor. For this nanocomposite a low A.C. voltage of 1 V rms is enough to observe high nonlinearities. The origin of these nonlinear effects depends on the temperature and frequency. In the high...
Influence of conductive carbon and MnCo2O4 on morphological and electrical properties of hydrogels for electrochemical energy conversion
PublicationIn this work, a strategy for one-stage synthesis of polymer composites based on PNIPAAm hydrogel was presented. Both conductive particles in the form of conductive carbon black (cCB) and MnCo2O4 (MCO) spinel particles were suspended in the three-dimensional structure of the hydrogel. The MCO particles in the resulting hydrogel composite acted as an electrocatalyst in the oxygen evolution reaction. Morphological studies confirmed...
Microstructure and Electrical Properties of Fe,Cu Substituted (Co,Mn)3O4 Thin Films
PublicationIn this work, thin films (~1000 nm) of a pure MnCo2O4 spinel together with its partially substituted derivatives (MnCo1.6Cu0.2Fe0.2O4, MnCo1.6Cu0.4O4, MnCo1.6Fe0.4O4) were prepared by spray pyrolysis and were evaluated for electrical conductivity. Doping by Cu increases the electrical conductivity, whereas doping by Fe decreases the conductivity. For Cu containing samples, rapid grain growth occurs and these samples develop cracks...
Performance of zinc-rich coatings evaluated using AFM-based electrical properties imaging
PublicationThe paper presents the results of investigation of polyvinyl zinc-rich coating exposed to 97% relativehumidity atmosphere for 40 days. Condition of the coating and evolution of its protective properties weredetermined with the novel AFM-based approach capable of providing surface profiles, local dc currentmaps as well as local impedance spectra. The proposed technique allowed insight into the local changesof coating topography...