Search results for: filter synthesis
Multivariate models of inter-resonator couplings for microwave filter synthesis
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia technikę budowy modeli częstotliwości rezonansowej, współczynnika sprzężenia między rezonatorami oraz sprzężenia ze źródłem/obciążeniem. Przedstawiony jest model siedmiu zmiennych uwzglęgniający topologię rezonatorów. Na podstawie modelu wykonana została synteza filtrów mikrofalowych.
Analysis of continuous-to-discrete transformation effect on a synthesis filter bank project
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Coupled-Resonator Waveguide Filter in Quadruplet Topology With Frequency-Dependent Coupling - A Design Based on Coupling Matrix
PublicationThis letter presents an application of a recently developed coupling matrix synthesis technique to design of coupled-resonator filters with dispersive inter-resonator couplings. This technique is used to design a novel coupled-cavity bandpass filter. Measurements validate the design and confirm effectiveness of the synthesis method. The filter is a four-pole generalized Chebyshev filter with three transmission zeros. Resonators...
Inline Microstrip Bandpass Filter With Two Transmission Zeros and Increased Order Using Spurious Resonance of Frequency-Dependent Inverter
PublicationA design method for a class of fourth-order inline microstrip bandpass filter with two transmission zeros and 20% fractional bandwidth is presented. The filter consists of two quarter-wavelength transmission-line resonators coupled by a frequency-dependent inverter. The inverter is composed of two open-ended stubs that are connected by an interdigital capacitor and introduces two poles and two transmission zeros in the filter response....
Highly-Compact Dual-Band Bandpass Waveguide Filter Based on Cross-Shaped Frequency-Dependent Coupling
PublicationThis work reports the design of an original class of highly-compact dual-band bandpass filter based on dual-mode waveguide resonators inter-coupled through a novel type of frequency-dependent coupling (FDC). The devised FDC consists of a cross-shaped metallic structure placed in the broad wall of a rectangular waveguide. This FDC produces two additional poles and three extra transmission zeros (TZs). Specifically, each pole is...
Inline Waveguide Filter With Compact Frequency-Dependent Coupling Producing Two Additional Poles and Three Transmission Zeros
PublicationThis work reports a compact frequency-dependent coupling (FDC) structure introduced in a rectangular waveguide, which allows to generate two additional in-band transmission poles and three transmission zeros (TZs). This serves to increase the order/selectivity of the waveguide bandpass filter in a compact inline topology, thus without the need for any additional space/volume or cross coupling. The proposed FDC consists of a partial-height...
Dimensional Synthesis of Coupled-Resonator Pseudoelliptic Microwave Bandpass Filters with Constant and Dispersive Couplings
PublicationIn this paper, we propose a novel technique for the dimensional synthesis of coupled-resonator pseudoelliptic microwave filters with constant and dispersive couplings. The proposed technique is based on numerical simulations of small structures, involving up to two adjacent resonators, and it accounts for a loading effect from other resonators by replacing them with terminations coupled through appropriately scaled inverters. The...
A filter bank solution for active power filter control algorithms
PublicationThb paper describes the proposed active power fiIter (APF) with a new control circuit based on an algorithm using ufilter bank and a harmonic predictor. The conirol circuit was realized using the digiiaI signor processor ADSP-21065L and FPGA circuiL In the proposed circuit transient performunee of APF is improved The active power fdter circuil has been built and teste6 and some illustrative, experimental results are uIso presented...
A Nyquist filter of fractional delay
PublicationIn the paper a novel discrete-time FIR fractonal delay specjal filter is investigated. This is a Nyquist filter which, besides the traditional its attribute (interymbol interference (ISI) free property), has the ability to compensate for subsample transmission delay involved, for example, in multipath propagation channel. The performance of the filter is analysed and illustrated.
Ladder-Based Synthesis and Design of Low-Frequency Buffer-Based CMOS Filters
PublicationBuffer-based CMOS filters are maximally simplified circuits containing as few transistors as possible. Their applications, among others, include nano to micro watt biomedical sensors that process physiological signals of frequencies from 0.01 Hz to about 3 kHz. The order of a buffer-based filter is not greater than two. Hence, to obtain higher-order filters, a cascade of second-order filters is constructed. In this paper, a more...
Systematic comparison of a biotrickling filter and a conventional filter for the removal of a mixture of hydrophobic VOCs by Candida subhashii
PublicationThis work systematically compared the potential of a conventional fungal biofilter (BF) and a fungal biotrickling filter (BTF) for the abatement of a mixture of hydrophobic volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Candida subhashii was herein used for the first time, to the best of the author's knowledge, to remove n-hexane, trichloroethylene, toluene and α-pinene under aerobic conditions. C. subhashii immobilized on polyurethane foam...
A comparison of the target tracking in marine navigational radars by means of GRNN filter and numerical filter
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Non-standard Analysis Filter Bank Design Applied to Hybrid Filter Bank Architecture
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Oscillations in the system with convrrter and filter.
PublicationW układach napędowych z maszyną asynchroniczną zasilaną z przekształtnika o dwukierunkowym przepływie energii oraz filtrem sieciowym mogą w niektórych stanach pracy pojawić się słabo tłumione oscylacje a nawet niestabilność. Oscylacje zależą nie tylko od parametrów układu, ale także od wartości i kierunku przepływu mocy przepływającej przez filtr. Stany przejściowe w napięciu sieci oddziałują na układ sterowania przekształtnika...
Inverse Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problem Framework for the Synthesis of Coupled-Resonator Filters With Nonresonant Nodes and Arbitrary Frequency-Variant Reactive Couplings
PublicationA novel, general circuit-level description of coupledresonator microwave filters is introduced in this article. Unlike well-established coupling-matrix models based on frequency-invariant couplings or linear frequency-variant couplings (LFVCs), a model with arbitrary reactive frequencyvariant coupling (AFVC) networks is proposed. The engineered formulation is more general than prior-art ones—with the only restriction that the coupling...
Multifunctional Bandpass Filter/Displacement Sensor Component
PublicationThis paper presents the design and realization of a multifunctional bandpassfilter/displacement-sensor using an edge-coupled microstrip bandpass filter loaded by a pair of split ring resonators (SRRs). It is shown that while the structure acts as a bandpass filter at its operating frequency, the phase of the reflection coefficient from a movable loading resonator at the resonance frequency of the resonator can be used for displacement...
Designing Particle Kalman Filter for Dynamic Positioning
PublicationThe article presents a comparative analysis of two variants of the Particle Kalman Filter designed by using two different ship motion models. The first filter bases only on the kinematic model of the ship and can be used in many types of vehicles, regardless of the vehicle dynamics model. The input value to the filter is the noisy position of the ship. The second filter makes use of the kinematic and dynamic models of the moving...
Sounding rocket vibration mechanical filter and amplifier
PublicationMeasuring accelerations and vibrations of a sounding rocket provides both information for engineers on the launcher vehicle performance as well as environment description for future payload designers. Typically, information on the level of vibration and eigenfrequencies are required to properly design a payload. This paper presents a design of a novel mechanical filter and amplifier for mechanical vibrations. Its key feature is...
PublicationThe problem of estimating instantaneous frequency of a non- stationary complexsinusoid (cisoid) buried in wideband no ise is considered. The proposed approach extends adaptive notc h filtering algorithm with a nontrivial performance assessme nt mechanism which can be used to optimize frequency tracking performance of the adaptive filter. Simulation results confi rm that the proposedextension allows one to improveaccuracyo f frequency...
The Farrow structure for the Hilbert transform filter
PublicationPrzedstawiono nową implementację cyfrowego filtru Hilberta, wykonaną w strukturze Farrowa. Jest to filtr zespolony, realizujący jednocześnie dwie różne operacje liniowe, wykonywane dotychczas za pomocą osobnych filtrów. Pierwsza z nich polega na standardowej filtracji hilbertowskiej. Tworzy ona zespolony "analityczny" odpowiednik rzeczywistego sygnału wejściowego. Drugą, osiąganą za pomocą prze-próbkowania ze współczynnikiem, w...
Evaluation of Hilbert transform filter performance
PublicationW pracy rozpatrzono zagadnienie adaptacyjnej estymacji ułamkowego opóźnienia pomiędzy dwoma sygnałami sinusoidalnymi. Zastosowano tu nowy, zagregowany, zespolony filtr Hilberta, który łączy w sobie funkcje filtracji Hilberta i kompensacji ułamkowego opóźnienia. W eksperymentach wykorzystano efektywną implementację tego filtru w strukturze Farrowa, której jedynym parametrem o zmiennej wartości jest bieżące opóźnienie ułamkowe.
The Wiener filter applied to EMI decomposition
PublicationArtykuł przestawia zastosowanie metody filtracji Wienera do dekompozycji zaburzeń elektromagnetycznych z różnych źródeł. Zaburzenia generowane w trójfazowym rezonansowym falowniku napięcia typy PQRDCLI oraz w przekształtniku napięcia stałego zasilającego obwód sterowania falownika zostały zmierzone z zastosowaniem sieci sztucznej (LISN). W oparciu o transmitancje częstotliwościowe pomiędzy źródłami zaburzeń i zaburzeniami zmierzonymi...
3D Macromodels in the FDTD filter analysis.
PublicationW artykule pokazane jest zastosowanie makromodeli 3D do analizy filtrow metoda FDTD. Makromodele tworzone są w oparciu o opis objętości metodą FDFD, a następnie redukcję równań stanu metodą ENOR. Metoda pozwala na uzyskanie dużych dokładności przy czasie obliczeń zbliżonym do siatki podstawowej.
Square root RC Nyquist filter of fractional delay
PublicationIn this paper we propose a discrete-time FIR (finite impulse response) filter which couples the role of square root Nyquist filter with fractional delay filter. This filter enables to substitute for a cascade of square root RC (SRRC) Nyquist filter and fractional delay filter in one device/algorithm. The aim is to compensate for transmission delay in communication system. Statistically defined performances, e.g. BER (bit error...
A fractionally delaying complex Hilbert transform filter
PublicationPrzedstawiono nowy, dyskretno-czasowy, ułamkowo-opóźniający (FD od ang. fractional delayor), zespolony filtr Hilberta (HTF od ang. Hilbert transform filter) nazwany FDHTF. Filtr ten jest oparty na parze obróconych filtrów o zmiennym opóźnieniu ułamkowym (VFD od ang. variable fractional delayor). Za pomocą filtru FDHTF realizuje się jednocześnie filtrację Hilberta i wprowadzanie ułamkowego opóźnienia do przetwarzanego sygnału. Dzięki...
Dual-Polarized Wideband Bandpass Metasurface-Based Filter
PublicationThis paper presents a novel metasurface-based bandpass filter. The structure is realized by simply patterning a double-sided AD250 substrate, and does not require any vias or insertion of lumped elements. The top layer is an annular- aperture-array with multiple inner conductors, whereas the bottom layer is a first-order Hilbert-curve array. FEM-based simulation results of the filter are obtained using HFSS. The experimental validation...
In-ADC, Rank-Order Filter for Digital Pixel Sensors
PublicationThis paper presents a new implementation of the rank-order filter, which is established on a parallel-operated array of single-slope (SS) analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). The SS ADCs use an “on-the-ramp processing” technique, i.e., filtration is performed along with analog-to-digital conversion, so the final states of the converters represent a filtered image. A proof-of-concept 64 × 64 array of SS ADCs, integrated with MOS...
A Novel Coupling Matrix Synthesis Technique for Generalized Chebyshev Filters With Resonant Source–Load Connection
PublicationThis paper reports a novel synthesis method for microwave bandpass filters with resonant source–load connection. In effect, a network realizing N+1 transmission zeros (where N is the number of reflection zeros) is obtained. The method is based on a prototype transversal coupling matrix (N+2, N+2) with source and load connected by a resonant circuit formed by a capacitor in parallel with a frequency-invariant susceptance. To complement...
Multistage generalized adaptive notch filter with improved accuracy
PublicationGeneralized adaptive notch filters (GANFs) are estimators of coefficients of quasi-periodically time-varying systems. Current state of the art GANFs can deliver highly accurate estimates of system variations’ frequency, but underperform in terms of accuracy of the coefficient estimates. The paper proposes a novel multistage GANF with accuracy improved in this aspect. The processing pipeline consists of three stages. The preliminary...
Variable Fractional Delay Filter Design Using a Symmetric Window
PublicationIn this paper a numerically efficient method for designing a nearly optimal variable fractional delay (VFD) filter based on a simple and well-known window method is presented. In the proposed method a single window extracted from the optimal filter with fixed fractional delay (FD) is divided into even and odd part. Subsequently, the odd part is discarded and symmetric even part of the extracted window is used to design a family...
FPGA realization of fir filter in residue arithmetic
Publicationw pracy zaprezentowano realizację fpga przepływowego filtru fir o stałych współczynnikach w arytmetyce resztowej z użyciem 8 5-bitowych modułów o łącznym zakresie liczbowym 37.07 bita. zastosowano formębezpośrednią fir. mnożenia wykonywane są przy użyciu odczytu z pamięci. sumowania w każdym z kanałów są realizowane przy zastosowaniu wielopoziomowej struktury sumatora opartego o 4-operandowe sumatory csa. w stopniu końcowym wykonywane...
Electric motor drive with inverter output filter
PublicationPrzedstawiono zagadnienie sterowania i estymacji w układzie napędowym z silnikiem indukcyjnym i filtrem sinusoidalnym.Filtr użyty jest do wygładzenia prądu i napięcia silnika. Filtr wprowadza spadek napięcia i przesunięcie fazowe prądów i napięć uniemożliwiające stosowane bezczujnikowych metod sterowania wektorowego. Rozwiązaniem jest uwzględnienie filtru w sterowaniu i estymacji. Artykuł pokazuje takie rozwiązanie dla metody sterowania...
Tracking analysis of a generalized adaptive notch filter
PublicationUogólniony adaptacyjny filtr wycinający służy do identyfikacji obiektów zmieniających się w sposób pseudookresowy. W pracy przedstawiono analizę własności śledzących takiego filtru a także omówiono zasady jego strojenia.
Bandpass Filter Design Using Multimode Resonator
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Coupled inductors based filter for matrix converters
PublicationThe use of the coupled inductors in the multipulse matrix converter (MC) systems is described in the paper. The possible arrangements of the system are given together with the description of their operation parameters. Moreover, the influence of the system’s topology on the output power quality is also presented. The invented converter structures evaluation results are given in the form of simulation tests acquired output waveforms...
Adaptive filter for reconstruction of stereo audio signals.
PublicationArtykuł poświęcony jest omówieniu metody rekonstrukcji zakłóconych impulsowo sygnałów stereofonicznych. W pracy zdefiniowano model sygnału stereofonicznego i przedstawiono zaprojektowany dla tego modelu filtr Kalmana. Przedstawiono modyfikacje filtru, w wyniku których algorytm dokonuje rekonstrukcji zakłóconego impulsowo sygnału w jednym kanale z wykorzystaniem dodatkowej informacji zawartej w niezakłóconych próbkach sygnału pochodzącego...
A Linear Phase Filter in Quadruplet Topology With Frequency-Dependent Couplings
PublicationThis letter presents a design of a linear phase microwave bandpass filter. The filter is composed of four resonators arranged in the quadruplet topology. Making the cross and one direct coupling dispersive gives additional design flexibility. The first advantage of using frequency-dependent couplings is the possibility to chose an arbitrary location of a pair of complex transmission zeros (TZs) in the s-domain. The second one is...
FIR Filter Design Using Distributed Maximal Flatness Method
PublicationIn the paper a novel method for filter design based on the distributed maximal flatness method is presented. The proposed approach is based on the method used to design the most common FIR fractional delay filter - the maximally flat filter. The MF filter demonstrates excellent performance but only in a relatively narrow frequency range around zero frequency but its magnitude response is no greater than one. This ,,passiveness”...
Five-phase induction motor drive with sine-wave filter
PublicationThe paper presents closed loop ac drive with 5 phase induction motor operating with voltage source inverter and sine wave filter. The motor supply voltages and currents have sinusoidal shape. For well known adjustable electric drives the field oriented control method with flux and speed co ntrol can be applied. In the presence of output filter both control and estimation algorithms should be modified due to sine wave filter installation....
Sample Rate Conversion Based on Frequency Response Masking Filter
PublicationThe sample rate conversion with high resampling ratios requires low-pass digital filters with very narrow transition band which results in high computational complexity and makes filter design problematic. Therefore in this work we propose to use the FRM method, which breaks the filter with a narrow transition band into a group of filters with reduced design requirements. These decreases the number of non-zero coefficients and...
A Self-Equalized Waveguide Filter With Frequency-Dependent (Resonant) Couplings
PublicationThis letter presents a design of a fifth-order linear phase filter with frequency-dependent couplings. The filter is composed of a triplet that is directly coupled to two resonators at the input and output. To provide group delay flattening a cross-coupling in the trisection has a strongly dispersive character with a negative slope parameter. To achieve this, an E-plane stub with a septum was used. To further improve the filter...
efficient fractional delay hilbert transform filter in the farrow structure
PublicationIn this paper the design and application of a Fractional Delay Hilbert Transform Filter (FDHTF) into an adaptive sub-sample delay estimation between two separated sinusoidal signals is considered. The FDHTF incorporates the functions of Hilbertian and variable fractional delay filtering of the incoming signal simultaneously, in one stage. In traditional approach each of these operations was performed separately. Obtained value...
Sensorless predictive control of three-phase parallel active filter
PublicationThe paper presents the control system of parallel active power filter (APF) with predictive reference current calculation and model based predictive current control. The novel estimator and predictor of grid emf is proposed for AC voltage sensorless operation of APF, regardless of distortion of this voltage. Proposed control system provides control of APF current with high precision and dynamics limited only by filter circuit parameters....
Sensorless Fault Detection of Induction Motor with Inverter Output Filter
PublicationThe paper presents the problem of monitoring and fault detection of a sensorless voltage inverter fed squirrel cage induction motor with LC filter. The detection is based on load torque estimation of the investigated torque transmission system. The load torque is calculated besides the computation of other variables that are mandatory for sensorless drive operation such as rotor flux and speed. The implemented LC filter smooths...
PublicationThe article proposes an efficient line detection method using a 2D convolution filter. The proposed method was compared with the Hough transform, the most popular method of straight lines detection. The developed method is suitable for local detection of straight lines with a slope from -45˚ to 45˚. Also, it can be used for curve detection which shape is approximated with the short straight sections. The new method is characterized...
Automated microwave planar filter design with generalized Chebyshev characteristics.
PublicationIn this paper a technique of automatization of design of microwave filters with generalized Chebyshev characteristics is presented. A full wave electromagnetic simulator linked with the Matlab computing environment is used to ensure a rigorous numerical analysis while at the same time allowing automatization. To decrease time of optimization and overall design process, the Cauchy interpolation technique was used. An automated design...
Estimation of a Stochastic Burgers' Equation Using an Ensemble Kalman Filter
PublicationIn this work, we consider a difficult problem of state estimation of nonlinear stochastic partial differential equations (SPDE) based on uncertain measurements. The presented solution uses the method of lines (MoL), which allows us to discretize a stochastic partial differential equation in a spatial dimension and represent it as a system of coupled continuous-time ordinary stochastic differential equations (SDE). For such a system...
Voiceless Stop Consonant Modelling and Synthesis Framework Based on MISO Dynamic System
PublicationA voiceless stop consonant phoneme modelling and synthesis framework based on a phoneme modelling in low-frequency range and high-frequency range separately is proposed. The phoneme signal is decomposed into the sums of simpler basic components and described as the output of a linear multiple-input and single-output (MISO) system. The impulse response of each channel is a third order quasi-polynomial. Using this framework, the...
CMOS implementation of an analogue median filter for image processing in real time
PublicationAn analogue median filter, realised in a 0.35 μm CMOS technology, is presented in this paper. The key advantages of the filter are: high speed of image processing (50 frames per second), low-power operation (below 1.25 mW under 3.3 V supply) and relatively high accuracy of signal processing. The presented filter is a part of an integrated circuit for image processing (a vision chip), containing: a photo-sensor matrix, a set of...
Sensorless induction motor drive with voltage inverter and sine-wave filter
PublicationThis paper presents a speed sensorless control system of an induction motor with an output LC filter. It is known that the parameters design of the filter gives sine wave motor supply voltage but complicates control and estimation process. The reason is that the voltage drop and phase shift between filter input and output signals are imposed, and hence the motor voltages and currents differ from the inverter output waveforms. To...