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Search results for: finishing process
Tools for finishing processes on hard materials
PublicationPrzedstawiono narzędzia i wyniki obróbki materiałów w stanie twardym. Analizowano proces docierania elementów ceramicznych mikroziarnami diamentowymi, nagniatanie stali w stanie twardym (60 HRC) kulkami z Si3N4 i przecinanie ściernicowe stali ŁH15 (62 HRC).
Studies on the influence of technological variants of finishing machining on flow of parts in flexible manufacturing
PublicationIn the article below the problems of influence of variants of finishing processing on flow of machining parts in flexible manufacturing system were presented. The investigations were carried out the technological processes for piston rods and rams of hydraulic cylinders. There were also presented model variants of technological processes for piston rods finished with the burnishing. In these studies the influence of technological...
Multi-objective optimization of tool wear, surface roughness, and material removal rate in finishing honing processes using adaptive neural fuzzy inference systems
PublicationHoning processes are usually employed to manufacture combustion engine cylinders and hydraulic cylinders. A crosshatch pattern is obtained that favors the oil flow. In this paper, Adaptive Neural Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) models were obtained for tool wear, average roughness Ra, cylindricity and material removal rate in finish honing processes. In addition, multi-objective optimization with the desirability function method...
The influence of variants of finishing machining on scheduling of shaft components manufacturing
PublicationIn the paper variants of technological processes were presented to the study for piston rods and rams of hydraulic cylinders taking issues into consideration scheduling of course of the production in flexible manufacturing cell. At the carried study an attempt of the estimation of the influence of technological variants on the effectiveness to manufacture the flexible manufacturing system on the basis of preliminary schedules of...
Mariusz Deja prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleAssistant Professor in the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation. He graduated in 1993, obtaining Master degree at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Gdańsk University of Technology in the field of study: Mechanical Engineering, specialization: Technological Process Design. After graduation he worked for the Department of Manufacturing Engineering and Automation and his main research area was associated with...
Finishing of Ceramics in a Single-Disk Lapping Machine Configuration
PublicationPrzedstawiono metodę obróbki ceramiki technicznej na zmodifikowanej docierarce jednotarczowej z niezależnym napędem pierścienia prowadzącego. Omówiono przebieg obróbki z wykorzystaniem nowych narzędzi i zastosowaniem ziarna wiązanego.
Surface quality of the plasma cermet coatings after grind finishing
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Tripped at the Finishing Line: The Åland Islands Internet Voting Project
PublicationThe Åland Islands spent years preparing an internet voting system, to be implemented for the first time in October 2019 for Parliamentary Elections. Despite this, the project was canceled the evening before the expected release date. In this paper, we explore the causes of this failure using a two-pronged approach including Information System failure perspectives and the approach to e-voting Mirabilis, focusing on organizational...
The Roughness of the Hardened Steel Surface Created by the Rolling-Burnishing Process
PublicationBurnishing hard materials can be used as an alternative finishing process. this paper presents the results of burnishing hardened steel. The article discusses surface deformation that occurs during this process and depends on the selected parameters of the geometric structure of the force applied for surface burnishing.
Ways to implement hybrid finishing technology with a hand-held rotary tool
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Influence of finishing colour on the efficiency of automated production line for wooden doors
PublicationPorta KMI Poland S.A. company has implemented a fully automated intelligent technological line TechnoPORTA for customized mass-production of technical door leaves. Each door leaf is provided with a unique QR code. It allows the line modules to individually adjust the machining parameters to the currently processed element according to the IT controlling system. Before en-tering the TechnoPorta line, the door leaves are not sorted,...
Generative Process Planning with Reasoning based on Geometrical Product Specification
PublicationThe focus of this paper is on computer aided process planning for parts manufacture in systems of definite process capabilities, involving the use of multi-axis machining centers for parts shaping and grinding machines for finishing. It presents in particular a decision making scheme for setup determination as a part of generative process planning. The planning procedurę consists of two stages. The first stage is associated with...
Roller burnishing
PublicationThe paper shows the process of roller burnishing as a method of finishing machine components. Based on own research the author presents the effects of the roller burnishing process to increase the hardness and residual stress as well as the wear and fatigue strength of burnishing components.
The estimation of cutting forces and specific force coefficients during finishing ball end milling of inclined surfaces
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Hardened Steel Surface Waviness Created by Rolling Burnishing Process
PublicationThe surface of the finishing machined parts is defined mainly by roughness parameters. Growing demands on the part, especially mating sliding or rolling, require the specification of additional parameters, such as waviness parameters, particularly when there is significant resistance to seizing or noise reduction. This paper presents surface waviness characteristics of hardened burnished steel.
The effect of an active force while slide diamond burnishing of wooden shafts upon process quality
PublicationThe quality of the surface of wooden elements that have been turned and burnished has got a crucial meaning in the whole production process flow, since the obtained effects affect the quality of the wooden surface after finishing (coating, painting). In the paper, selected results of the investigation of the effect of the burnishing process on the surface quality of the elements after turning are presented. Research experiments...
Calculation of flatness errors formed on the tool during finishing machining by lapping. Second International Tribology Conference, SITC 2002.
PublicationPłaskość przedmiotów obrabianych zależy głównie od płaskości narzędzia stosowanego w docieraniu. Orientacja przedmiotu na docieraku musi być wyznaczona w celu określenia korelacji pomiędzy błędami płaskości obu powierzchni. Metoda wyznaczania błędów niepłaskości narzędzia przedstawiona została w referacie. Pokazane zostały przykładowe położenia przedmiotów o różnych kształtach na czynnej powierzchni docieraka z błędem wklęsłości.
Surface Structure of Components Created by Stereolitography
PublicationStereolithography is an additive rapid prototyping method. This method is based on the principle of solidifying a liquid photopolymer (resin) by laser radiation. Models obtained with this method are characterized by a specific surface structure called “stairstep effect”. It causes that, the surface should be processed by additional finishing (postprocessing). To minimize the additional machining process, the model should be set...
The role and scope of architectural and conservation research procedures in the process of restoring the splendour of an architectural monument created after 1945 on the example of the Suburban Railway Station in Gdynia
PublicationModern Movement buildings, despite their relatively recent construction, are sometimes affected by radical transformations of layout and form. The railway stations being one of the most important public buildings in the city are a special group of them. Due to long-term and intensive use they may bear the signs of exploitation of parts of its substance and have secondary transformations disharmony with the building. The subject...
Study of vibrational surface topography measurement errors of LPBF Inconel 718 alloy after shot peening process
PublicationA study of surface topography can provide valuable information on the product. Since the material finishing relies on the measured topography, the manufacturing process can be controlled by studying the roughness. The Laser Power Bed Fusion (LPBF) materials belong to the commonly used surfaces in the industry. Measuring this type of material with a contactless method can be found in many practical implementations. The white light interference...
Fast surrogate-assisted simulation-driven design of compact microwave hybrid couplers
PublicationThis work presents a robust methodology for expedited simulation-driven design optimization of compact microwave hybrid couplers. The technique relies on problem decomposition, and a bot-tom–up design strategy, starting from the level of basic building blocks of the coupler, and finishing with a tuning procedure that exploits a fast surrogate model of the entire structure. The latter is constructed by cascading local response surface...
Modeling of lapping plate wear and conditioning in single-sided lapping
PublicationIn order to achieve higher quality on worked surfaces with lower roughness, very high accuracy of shape and dimensions it is crucial to improve conventional finishing technologies and to develop new working principles. Single-sided lapping is one of the most effective planarization technologies and it is determined by a number of factors and boundary conditions. The most significant influence over a dimensional and profile accuracy,...
Characterization of Arctic Driftwood as Naturally Modified Material. Part 1: Machinability
PublicationArctic driftwood has reached the coast of Iceland for centuries. This material was used by the inhabitants of the island as a building material for houses, boats, churches and pasture fences. Nowadays, the driftwood is used in the furniture industry, for the finishing of internal and external walls of buildings and also by artists. The properties of driftwood differ to that of original resource due the long-term effects of exposure...
The use of Preston equation to determine material removal during lap-grinding with electroplated CBN tools
PublicationGrinding executed in a lapping configuration is an alternative finishing process benefiting from both grinding and free-abrasive machining, while minimizing the heat effect impact. Electroplated tools can be effectively used in different abrasive processes, including high-speed grinding, however, the assessment of machining performance over time is a key factor in their correct use to achieve satisfactory technological results....
Adsorptive Removal of Aqueous Phase Crystal Violet Dye by Low-Cost Activated Carbon Obtained from Date Palm (L.) Dead Leaflets
PublicationUp to now, water pollution is still one of the important issues and challenges worldwide, due to its environmental, economic and human life impacts. It is also remains a challenge to environment scientists and technologists. Nowadays, the textile dyeing industry is considered one of the largest water consuming industries and produces large volumes of colored wastewater in its dyeing and finishing process. In this study, date palm...
Small-scale passive emission chamber for screening studies on monoterpene emission flux from the surface of wood-based indoor elements
PublicationAnalysis of literature data published in the last fewyears leads to the conclusion that in the process of assessment of emission flux of organic compounds emitted from different types of equipment and finishing materials, new types of devices, among which small-scale passive emission chambers for the performance of in-situ research are designed and applied on a larger scale. These devices can be successfully used for the assessment...
Research on Tool Temperature Dependence on Lapping Grains Size
PublicationCommonly used as a finishing operation, lapping has been used for achieving ultra-high finishes and close tolerances between mating pieces. Its carried out by applying loose abrasive grains between work and lap surfaces, and causing a relative motion between them resulting in a finish of multi-directional lay. The grains activity (sliding and rolling) in the working gap causes not only the material removal but also the temperature...
Data augmentation for improving deep learning in image classification problem
PublicationThese days deep learning is the fastest-growing field in the field of Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Neural Networks (DNN). Among many of DNN structures, the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are currently the main tool used for the image analysis and classification purposes. Although great achievements and perspectives, deep neural networks and accompanying learning algorithms have some relevant challenges to tackle. In this...
Influence of the Widespread Use of Corten Plate on the Acoustics of the European Solidarity Centre Building in Gdansk
PublicationThis paper describes the relationship between a strong architectural vision that is difficult to balance, and user expectations in terms of acoustics. The focus is on the use of corten steel as the dominant finishing material on façades and interiors to achieve an expressive, symbolic message through program-based design. The architectural premises justifying the adopted solutions are presented, especially the universality and...
Heat tint colours on stainless steel and welded joints
PublicationSurface layer condition of stainless steels and welded joints influences strongly their corrosion resistance. This problem seems to be underestimated. This current study explains the phenomenon of heat tint forming on welds, the methods of its removal, inspection procedures after heat tint removing and post weld finishing
Biobójcze wykończenie tkanin
PublicationThe problem of nosocomial infections is nothing new. In places, where people, whose immune system is weakened, are gathered and subjected to various kinds of treatments, the risk of infection increases considerably. The use of textiles with biocidal finishing, which contains nanoAg and nanoCu, may give an additional protection against nosocominal infections. This article presents the latest information regarding various methods...
Historical, technical and economic aspects of biogas development: Case Polanda and Ukraine
PublicationThe paper describes 3700 years of biogas manufacture with more details of last 120 years. Due to V. Omelianskij׳s researches 120 years ago, Ukrainians achieved a share in biogas manufacture in the overall biogas development. Poland started to take part in biogas development 96 years ago by finishing biogas plant in Posen 1928. History and current status of biogas plants achievements are collected and analyzed. Faults and achievements...
On-line measurement of wood surface smoothness
PublicationThe latest progress in the field of optics and microelectronics resulted in development of new generation vision systems capable of scanning surface topography with very high sampling frequencies. The blue color of illuminating light as well as novel systems for controlling ultra-thin laser line thickness allows measurement of the porous surface of wood with a triangulation method. Three alternative sensors were tested here in...
Revitalizing the Sacral Complex of the Parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Gdynia: A Comprehensive Restoration Project in Alignment with Monument Conservator's Guidelines and Technical Prerequisites
PublicationReligiouscomplexes, due to their monumental character, belong to the group of facilities in which carrying out renovation works is difficult. Very often, construction works carried out as part of planned renovation work include not only modernization but also repair works, includingthose related to the reinforcement of structural elements. Renovation work in sacral buildings is particularly difficult when they...
An asymmetrical λ-foot of condensing steam flow in the IMP PAN nozzle
PublicationIn the present paper we have focused on the precise prediction of the spontaneous condensation phenomena in wet steam flow. Novelty of our approach lies on modelling both the moment of initiation of a phase transition, as well as the moment of its reverse progress - called here re-vaporization of the condensate phase. The practical issue is to elaborate of a model of spontaneous condensation/vaporization of water steam flow...
Study on the wear characteristics of a 3D printed tool in flat lapping of Al2O3 ceramic materials
PublicationWidespread and popular use of ceramic products in various industry sectors necessitates the search for methods of their efficient processing. Lapping technology, which enables obtaining high dimensional and shape accuracy and high surface flatness, is one of the basic methods of finishing hard and brittle technical ceramics with a porous structure. This study analyzed the characteristics and wear value of an SLS-printed abrasive...
PublicationThe article presents selected results of the analysis of the comprehensive monitoring of the historical building of the “Sala BHP” in Gdansk. The necessity of monitoring was caused by scratches on its structural and finishing elements that occurred in the previous period. A preliminarily assumed factor that could cause the expansion of existing damages and the possible formation of new ones was the planned implementation of...
Environmental problems and health risks with disposable baby diapers: Monitoring of toxic compounds by application of analytical techniques and need of education
PublicationDue to the widespread use of disposable diapers in healthy babies as well as children prone to allergiesand premature babies with reduced immunity, disposable diapers should only be made of non-toxic andnatural ingredients. Unfortunately, disposable diaper manufacturers are reluctant to present their exactchemical composition, claiming that their trade secrets apply. However, several reports show thatdisposable diapers of well-known...
Modeling of Surface Roughness in Honing Processes by UsingFuzzy Artificial Neural Networks
PublicationHoning processes are abrasive machining processes which are commonly employed to improve the surface of manufactured parts such as hydraulic or combustion engine cylinders. These processes can be employed to obtain a cross-hatched pattern on the internal surfaces of cylinders. In this present study, fuzzy artificial neural networks are employed for modeling surface roughness parameters obtained in finishing honing operations. As...
The Impact of Material Selection on Durability of Exhaust Valve Faces of a Ship Engine – A Case Study
Publicationwo alloys were used in order to extend the service life of marine engine exhaust valve head. Layers of cobalt base alloys were made of the powders with with chemical composition as follow: the layer marked L12; C-1,55%; Si-1,21%; Cr-29,7%; W-9%; Ni-2%; Mo<0,01%; Fe-1,7%; Co-54,83% and the layer marked N; C-1,45%; Co-38,9%; Cr-24,13%; Ni-10,43%; W-8,75%; Fe-7,64%; Mo-7,56%; Si-2,59%. Base metal was valve steel after heat treatment....
Purification of the Air in the Historic Cities of Towns
PublicationAir pollution observed from the beginning of the industrial age has had a negative impact on the health, quality and life expectancy of the inhabitants of urban agglomerations. The problem of particulate and gaseous pollutants in PM 10 fine particulate matter and PM 2.5 suspended in air is a particular threat. The emission of harmful substances is spatially and temporally differentiated in the urban area and depends on the degree...
Stefan Dzionk dr hab. inż.
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Microgrinding with single-disk lapping kinematics.
PublicationGrinding operations are carried out with a variety of tool-workpiece configurations. The selection of a grinding process for a particular application depends on part shape, part size, ease of fixture, requirements concerning the acceptable shape errors. It is evident that lapping is very effective in eliminating the waviness while surface grinding is not. Dual disk machines for the double face grinding with planetary kinematics...