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Search results for: fresh properties
The influence of polypropylene fibres on the properties of fresh and hardened concrete
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Fresh properties of concrete mixes M0-M100 concrete mixes
Open Research DataDataset of fresh properties of concretes containing different amount of magnetite aggregate (M0-M100) mixes.*. ODS - open-source spreadsheet file file consists results of:
The antioxidative properties of white cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. alba) fresh and submitted to culinary processing
PublicationKapusta biała stanowi jeden z podstawowych składników diety w Europie centralnej. W publikacji autorzy skupili się na określeniu właściwościach przeciwutleniających kapusty świeżej, kiszonej i poddanej obróbce termicznej. Te właściwości zostały oszacowane dla soków przy wykorzystaniu systemów pozakomórkowych, w komórkach HT29 pod kątem ochrony przed utlenieniem DNA oraz poprzez symulację GSTs i naprawę DNA. Wszystkie badane soki...
Gelatin-chitosan interactions in edible films and coatings doped with plant extracts for biopreservation of fresh tuna fish products: A review
PublicationThe preservation of tuna fish products, which are extremely perishable seafood items, is a substantial challenge due to their instantaneous spoilage caused by microbial development and oxidative degradation. The current review explores the potential of employing chitosan-gelatin-based edible films and coatings, which are enriched with plant extracts, as a sustainable method to prolong the shelf life of tuna fish products. The article...
Emulsion cleaning of metal surfaces contaminated with fresh and oxidizedprinting ink
PublicationWykonano badania usuwania farby drukarskiej, stosowanej do druku offsetowego, za pomocą emulsji terpentyny i hexanu w wodzie. Wyznaczono kinetykę procesu i wytypowano najkorzystniejszy skład emulsji.
Nanoparticles and nanofiltration for wastewater treatment: From polluted to fresh water
PublicationWater pollution poses significant threats to both ecosystems and human health. Mitigating this issue requires effective treatment of domestic wastewater to convert waste into bio-fertilizers and gas. Neglecting liquid waste treatment carries severe consequences for health and the environment. This review focuses on intelligent technologies for water and wastewater treatment, targeting waterborne diseases. It covers pollution prevention...
Mechanical properties of the human stomach under uniaxial stress action
PublicationThe aim of this study was to estimate the range of mechanical properties of the human stomach in order to use the collected data in numerical modelling of surgical stapling during resections of the stomach. The biomedical tests were conducted in a self-developed tensile test machine. Twenty-two fresh human stomach specimens were used for the experimental study of its general strength. The specimens were obtained from morbidly obese...
Fruit and vegetables – fresh or processed – which are a better source of vitamin C?
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Opportunities for Horticultural Production in Podlaskie Voivodhsip: Pears for Fresh Fruit Market
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Changes in the phenolic contents and composition of Persicaria odorata fresh and dried leaves
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Cyanobacterial toxins in fresh and brackish waters of Pomorskie Province (Northern Poland)
PublicationPraca dotyczy oznaczania toksyn należących do grupy hepatotoksycznych peptydów cyklicznych oraz neurotoksycznych alkaloidów. Są one odpowiedzialne za uszkodzenia ryb i ptaków, które powstają w wyniku zakwitu glonów. Badano zakwity w wodach słodkich Pomorza. Oznaczano hepatoksyny, mikrocysty oraz nodularynę. Opracowano w tym celu warunki analityczne przy zastosowaniu techniki HPLC-DAD. Do identyfikacji anatoksyny-A użyto techniki...
Emulsion cleaning of metal surfaces contaminated with fresh and oxidized printing ink.
PublicationWykonano badania usuwania farby drukarskiej, stosowanej do druku offsetowego za pomocą emulsji terpentyny i hexanu w wodzie.
Properties of Different Varieties of Durian
PublicationDurian (Durio zibethinus Murr.), like many other exotic, tropical, and conventional fruits, is important in the prevention of different diseases. In this study, the characterization of the main bioactive compounds of the most popular cultivars of durian and their properties are described. The changes in the quality indices of the antioxidant status were determined by CUPRAC, ABTS, FRAP, DPPH, and ORAC assays. The profiling of phytochemicals...
Effect of admixtures on fresh grout and two-srtage (pre-placed aggregate) concrete
PublicationPrzedstawiono rezultaty badań doświadczalnych przeprowadzonych dla betonu uzyskanego metodą dwuetapową. Główną przeszkodą szerokiego zastosowania metody betonowania dwuetapowego Polcrete była niska wydajność urządzenia wytwarzającego mikrozaprawę - ultramiksera (UM). Celem przeprowadzonych badań laboratoryjnych było dobranie odpowiednich dodatków i domieszek, które umożliwią wytworzenie mikrozaprawy o takich samych parametrach...
The application of polypropylene membranes for production of fresh water from brines by membrane distillation
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Examination of fresh water chemistry in maritime Antarctica during austral summer 2017
PublicationDue to the fact that Antarctica is one of the least polluted places on Earth, it is a perfect place to observe the spread of global pollution. Therefore, research conducted on this continent is important due to the possibility of investigating the type of pollution and their way of transport. This work considers presence of organic contaminants in Maritime Antarctica in unexplored until now, Lions Rump headland. Qualitative and...
A breath of fresh air - social cognitive career theory in studying entrepreneurial intentions
PublicationA pinch of robustness and a pinch of freshness create an interesting story. That is why this study focuses on entrepreneurial intentions from an alternative theoretical perspective in an underexplored context. In this paper, it is argued that social cognitive career theory is relevant to the study of individual entrepreneurial cognition and behaviour, and it offers a solid framework in entrepreneurship research. This paper expands...
Cyanobacterial hepatotoxins, microcystins and nodularins, in fresh and brackish waters of the Pomeranian Province, northern Poland
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The influence of fresh cabbage and sauerkraut juices on the activity of protective enzymes in human cell lines
PublicationMechanizmami przeciwrakotwórczego działania związków zawartych w kapuście jest metaboliczna aktywacja enzymów II fazy detoksykacji, indukcja enzymów naprawczych DNA oraz aktywnośc przeciwutleniająca. Do enzymów II fazy odtruwania należą S-transferazy glutationowe (GST) oraz oksydoreduktaza chinonowa NQO1 zwana też DT-diaforazą. GST katalizują reakcję sprzęgania glutationu z wieloma różnymi typami ksenobiotyków, ułatwiając...
Molecular transformation of dissolved organic matter in manganese ore-mediated constructed wetlands for fresh leachate treatment
PublicationThe organic matter (OM) and nitrogen in Fresh leachate (FL) from waste compression sites pose environmental and health risks. Even though the constructed wetland (CW) can efficiently remove these pollutants, the molecular-level transformations of dissolved OM (DOM) in FL remain uncertain. This study reports the molecular dynamics of DOM and nitrogen removal during FL treatment in CWs. Two lab-scale vertical-flow CW systems were...
The impact of sediment, fresh and marine water on the concentration of chemical elements in water of the ice-covered lagoon
PublicationThe common use of chemical elements by man has been contributing to their extraction for centuries. As a consequence, they have been directly or indirectly introduced into the biogeochemical cycle. In the framework of many conventions, mining and processing of elements are currently subject to many restrictions. However, their large load that has already been deposited in the soil and bottom sediments can be remobilised and...
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The external walls of a passive building: A classification anddescription of their thermal and optical properties
PublicationThis paper attempts a new classification of insulating materials from the perspective of their utility in thepro-ecological passive construction industry. The main criterion is the conductivity of thermal and solarenergy. Based on their ability to conduct or block fluxes of thermal and solar energy, six types of insulatingwalls are proposed. On the basis of this criterion there are traditional dividing walls (typical walls, wallinsulating...
Influence of Rock Dust Additives as Fine Aggregate Replacement on Properties of Cement Composites—A Review
PublicationConcrete production consumes enormous amounts of fossil fuels, raw materials, and is energy intensive. Therefore, scientific research is being conducted worldwide regarding the possibility of using by-products in the production of concrete. The objective is not only to identify substitutes for cement clinker, but also to identify materials that can be used as aggregate in mortar and concrete productions. Among the potential alternative...
Ionogel sorbent coatings for determining organophosphorus and pyrethroid insecticides in water and fresh juice samples by headspace-solid phase microextraction
PublicationThe sol–gel method yielded three different ionogel sorbent coatings that were obtained based on a silica material containing ionic liquids (ILs) immobilized in its pores. Two ILs, triethylsulfonium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) imide [Set3][TFSI] and 1-butyl-1-methylpiperidinium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide [C4C1Pip][TFSI], as well as their equimolar mixture [Set3/C4C1Pip], were used to obtain ionogel fibers. The developed...
A targeted mass spectrometry immunoassay to quantify osteopontin in fresh-frozen breast tumors and adjacent normal breast tissues
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The Effect of Freezing Sheep’s Milk on the Meltability, Texture, Melting and Fat Crystallization Profiles of Fresh Pasta Filata Cheese
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Moisture Content of Fresh Scots Pine Wood in Areas near Damage Caused by Harvester Head Feed Rollers
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The possibilities of utilization of bottom sediments from fresh water fish farms on the base of legal status of biosludge utilization'
PublicationHodowle ryb łososiowatych są źródłem stosunkowo niewielkich ilości odpadów, jakim są osady denne, ale które stanowią istotny problem do rozwiązania dla eksploatatora obiektu. Przepisy prawne generalnie pomijają ten aspekt gospodarki odpadami. właściciele stawów hodowlanych radzą sobie z tymi osadami lepiej lub gorzej, ale przeważnie ich działania ukierunkowane są na tzw. przyrodnicze ich wykorzystanie - najczęściej w granicach...
Evaluation of bacterial strains for developing effective plant growth promoting strain on chickpea growth and physico chemical properties of soil
PublicationThe study was intended to isolate and characterize the plant growth-promoting properties. A collection of microbial consortia called plant growth-promoting microorganisms (PGPM) work to increase crop growth and yield through a variety of direct mechanisms, including as nitrogen fixation, phosphate solubilization, synthesis of PGH, ammonia, and siderophore, as well as indirect mechanisms. The aim of the study was to evaluate the...
Processing, physico-mechanical and thermal properties of reclaimed GTR and NBR/reclaimed GTR blends as function of various additives
PublicationIn this work, ground tire rubber (GTR) was mechano-chemically reclaimed in the presence of bitumen and various additives. During studies three types of processing and curing additives: (i) peptizer P300; (ii) vulcanization accelerator tetramethylthiuram disulfide (TMTD) and (iii) organic peroxide di(2-tert-butyl-peroxyisopropyl)benzene (BIB1) were applied to enhance reclaiming of GTR. Reclaiming process was evaluated by oscillating...
Adiabatic calorimetry results for fresh concrete mixes M0 and M100
Open Research DataAdiabatic calorimetry results for fresh 3D printed concrete mixes (M0 and M100) determined using Controls S.p.A., Italy calorimeter
The Return and Volatility Connectedness of NFT Segments and Media Coverage: Fresh Evidence Based on News About the COVID-19 Pandemic
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Sea spray as a secondary source of chlorinated persistent organic pollutants? - Conclusions from a comparison of seven fresh snowfall events in 2019 and 2021
PublicationSecondary sources of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) gain in importance worldwide as primary sources decline. In this work, we aim to determine whether sea spray may be a secondary source of chlorinated POPs to the terrestrial Arctic, since a similar mechanism was proposed there only for the more water-soluble POPs. To this end, we have determined polychlorinated biphenyls and organochlorine pesticides concentrations in fresh...
Oxidative stability assessment of industrial and laboratory-pressed fresh raspberry seed oil (Rubus idaeus L.) by differential scanning calorimetry
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Assessment of Hemp Seed Oil Quality Pressed from Fresh and Stored Seeds of Henola Cultivar Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry
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Production of self-compacting concrete using limestone powder
PublicationAlthough there are visible signs of its gradual acceptance in North Africa through its limited use in construction, Libya has yet to explore the feasibility and applicability of self-compacting concrete (SCC) in new construction. The current study revolves around SCC made of locally available materials and the harsh environmental conditions. This paper deals with the investigation into the effect of the water to powder ratio and...
Enhancing the Fresh and Early Age Performances of Portland Cement Pastes via Sol-Gel Silica Coating of Metal Oxides (Bi2O3 and Gd2O3)
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Investigating the uptake and acquisition of potentially toxic elements in plants and health risks associated with the addition of fresh biowaste amendments to industrially contaminated soil
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Hydrophobic PVDF hollow fiber membranes with narrow pore size distribution and ultra-thin skin for the fresh water production through membrane distillation
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Active edible furcellaran/whey protein films with yerba mate and white tea extracts: Preparation, characterization and its application to fresh soft rennet-curd cheese
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Impact of a newly-formed periglacial environment and other factors on fresh water chemistry at the western shore of Admiralty Bay in the summer of 2016 (King George Island, Maritime Antarctica)
PublicationThis study provides a comprehensive analysis of the inorganic chemistry of flowing water at the western shore of Admiralty Bay. In the water samples, ions, and major and trace metals (and B)were detected and quantified. Additionally, the parameters of pH, specific electrolytic conductivity (SEC25) and total organic carbon (TOC) were determined. Moreover, multivariate data set was created and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was...
Ground Tire Rubber Filled Flexible Polyurethane Foam—Effect of Waste Rubber Treatment on Composite Performance
PublicationThe application range of flexible polyurethane (PU) foams is comprehensive because of their versatility and flexibility in adjusting structure and performance. In addition to the investigations associated with further broadening of their potential properties, researchers are looking for new raw materials, beneficially originated from renewable resources or recycling. A great example of such a material is ground tire rubber (GTR)—the...
Supramolecular deep eutectic solvents and their applications
PublicationIn recent years, the growing awareness of the harmfulness of chemicals to the environment has resulted in the development of green and sustainable technologies. The compromise between economy and environmental requirements is based on the development of new efficient and green solutions. Supramolecular deep eutectic solvents (SUPRADESs), a new deep eutectic solvent (DES) subclass characterized by inclusion properties, are a fresh...
Blowing Kinetics, Pressure Resistance, Thermal Stability, and Relaxation of the Amorphous Phase of the PET Container in the SBM Process with Hot and Cold Mold. Part II: Statistical Analysis and Interpretation of Tests
PublicationThe technology of filling drinks without preservatives (such as fresh juices, iced tea drinks, and vitaminized drinks) is carried out using hot filling. Mainly due to the production costs and lower carbon footprint, polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles are increasingly used in this technology. In this paper, the main aim is to describe and interpret the results of statistical analysis of the influence of the temperature of...
Blowing Kinetics, Pressure Resistance, Thermal Stability, and Relaxation of the Amorphous Phase of the PET Container in the SBM Process with Hot and Cold Mold. Part I: Research Methodology and Results
PublicationThe technology of filling drinks without preservatives (such as fresh juices, iced tea drinks, vitaminized drinks) is carried out using hot filling. Mainly due to the production costs and lower carbon footprint, polyethylene terephthalate bottles, commonly called PET, are increasingly used in this technology. In this paper, the main aim is to describe the statistical analysis methodology of the influence of the temperature of the...
Nutraceutical value of persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb.) and its influence on some indices of atherosclerosis in an experiment on rats fed cholesterol-containing diet
PublicationThe nutraceutic value of persimmon (Diospyros kaki Thunb. cv. Triumph) and its influence on some indices of atherosclerosis were studied in vitro and in experiment on rats fed cholesterol-containing diet. It was found that persimmon possesses a high nutraceutical value: it contains soluble fibers, total polyphenols and phe - nolic acids. The content of dietary fiberwas 1.83 ± 0.11, 0.69 ± 0.07 and 1.14 ± 0.12 g/100 g fresh weight...
Concrete Compressive Strength Under Changing Environmental Conditions During Placement Processes
PublicationThe technological process of concrete production consists of several parts, including concrete mix design, concrete mix production, transportation of fresh concrete mix to a construction site, placement in concrete framework, and curing. Proper execution of these steps provides good quality concrete. Some factors can disturb the technological process, mainly temperature and excessive precipitation. Changing daily temperature and...
Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of fermented beverages obtained from fruit pomace
PublicationFruit pomace should not be considered as a waste product but as a by-product as it contains a lot of valuable components such as dietary fiber, bioactive compounds and a source of nutrients. The reasonable way to utilize these by-products, both fresh or dried, could be the fermentation of its extracts, leading to beverages with functional properties. In our research, we checked the possibility of using chokeberry, apple and...
A novel analytical approach in the assessment of unprocessed Kaffir lime peel and pulp as potential raw materials for cosmetic applications
PublicationVolatile fraction of fruits is a rich source of bioactive and aroma compounds, which can be used in the cosmetics industry after meeting relevant criteria. This is particularly evident in citrus fruits, especially in Citrus hystrix, in which the headspace consists mainly of terpenes. Due to the insufficient sensitivity of analytical methods, essential oils are used in investigations in contrast to fresh fruits. Therefore, a novel...