Search results for: frp composite
On geometrically non-linear FEA of laminated FRP composite panels
PublicationThe paper presents a state-of-art review on Finite Element Analysis (FEA) of geometrically non-linear problems for laminated composite plates and shells made as fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) laminates. Besides a subjective overview of the historical development of geometrically non-linear FEA of laminated FRP composite panels, some remarks on possible future issues in this research area are given
Short and Long Term Measurements in Assessment of FRP Composite Footbridge Behavior
PublicationThe paper presents application of different sensors for the purpose of short and long term measurements, as well as a structural health monitoring (SHM) system to assess the behavior of a novel fiber reinforced plastics (FRP) composite footbridge. The aim is to present a thorough and concise description of these sensors networks and results gathered with their aid during in situ measurement of strains, displacements, and vibrations,...
The use of fibre-reinforced polymers (FRP) in bridges as a favourable solution for the environment
PublicationThe purpose of this article is to show the modern engineering, in which sustainability and taking care of ecology play a significant role. The authors are focused on FRP composite materials and their applications in civil engineering. Case studies showing renovation and design of new bridges with the use of FRP are presented and discussed to clarify benefits, which this solution provides. Main advantages of FRP materials in comparison...
Some kind of joints in composite polymer bridges
PublicationContemporary, polymer composites bridge structures are of two types: truss or arch structures(with many joints along the length) and beam structures with limited number of joints. Both of them have special types of composite polymer decks. An ideal solution is to join advantages of two types of structuresdescribed below and create long span FRP beam bridge structure system using joints along the length. Theproblem is to find the...
Load capacity and serviceability conditions for footbridges made of fibre-reinforced polymer laminates = Warunki nośności i użytkowalności w odniesieniu do kładek z laminatów polimerowych
PublicationThe contribution is focused on derivation of the Ultimate Limit State (ULS) and Serviceability Limit State (SLS) design criteria for footbridges built of fibre-reinforced polymer matrix (FRP) laminates. The ULS design criterion is based on the design guidelines for above-ground, pressure, FRP composite tanks and the Tsai-Wu failure criterion, which is used to predict the onset of FRP laminates damage. The SLS criterion is based...
CFFT columns in road through railroad crossings
PublicationThere were 12801 road through railroad one-level crossings in Poland in 2018. 215 accidents happened at them in 2018. In order to increase safety in rail and road traffic two-level crossings should be used. They are definitely safer and make the traffic more smooth. In the design and construction of two-level intersections of railway and road or path columns of circular cross-section are often used. They can be successfully replaced...
Analiza drgań kładki kompozytowej wywołanych działaniem wiatru
PublicationW pracy omówiono sposób przeprowadzenia uproszczonej, numerycznej analizy drgań kładki kompozytowej wywołanych działaniem wiatru. Rozważaniom poddano swobodnie podpartą konstrukcję o rozpiętości 16 m i przekroju w kształcie litery U. W pierwszej kolejności przeprowadzono dwuwymiarową analizę opływu niepodatnego kształtu przekroju kładki w poziomym strumieniu wiatru o prędkości 10 m/s. Obliczenia numeryczne przeprowadzono programem...
Application of foam made of post-consumer pet materials for the construction of footbridges
PublicationThe article presents the possibility of application in civil engineering of highly ecological PET foam, manufactured from 100% recycled plastic packaging. It may find uses in construction of numerous engineering structures, such as pedestrian and cycle footbridges. Properly processed waste from post-consumer PET packaging may constitute a quality structural core for use in multilayered composite materials, commonly referred to...
Flexural behaviour of concrete slabs reinforced with FRP bars in experiments and according to aci ACI 440.1R guide
PublicationThe paper presents research conducted on two concrete slabs reinforced with the carbon composite bars and two other concrete slabs reinforced with basalt composite bars. The carbon bars were plain, while the basalt ones were ribbed. The slabs were experimentally investigated in the flexural state of effort with the concentrated forces applied. The results are compared with the analytical solution proposed in the guide ACI 440.1R-06...
Local and global response of sandwich beams made of GFRP facings and PET foam core in three point bending test
PublicationIn the paper behaviour of laminated sandwich beams (FRP face sheet – PET foam core – FRP face sheet) subjected to three point bending is studied. The paper aim is to find practical descriptions enabling effective and accurate estimation of the elastic response, damage and failure of the beams, basing on experiments and static calculations. Therefore a number of tests are described, that were done on laminated coupons and foam specimens...
Material characterisation of biaxial glass-fibre non-crimp fabrics as a function of ply orientation, stitch pattern, stitch length and stitch tension
PublicationDue to their high density-specific stiffnesses and strength, fibre reinforced plastic (FRP) composites are particularly interesting for mobility and transport applications. Warp-knitted non-crimp fabrics (NCF) are one possible way to produce such FRP composites. They are advantageous because of their low production costs and the ability to tailor the properties of the textile to the reinforcement and drape requirements of the application....
Dynamic Tests and Technical Monitoring of a Novel Sandwich Footbridge
PublicationA novel sandwich composite footbridge is described in this paper, for the first time after it has been put into operation over the Radunia River in the Pruszcz Gdański municipality. This paper presents results of dynamic tests and describes technical monitoring of the footbridge. The dynamic tests were conducted to estimate pedestrian comfort and were compared with the ones from numerical simulations made in the environment of...