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Search results for: genotyping
New Approaches for Escherichia coli Genotyping
PublicationEasy-to-perform, fast, and inexpensive methods of differentiation of Escherichia coli strains beyond the species level are highly required. Herein two new, original tools for genotyping of E. coli isolates are proposed. The first of the developed method, a PCR-RFLP (polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism) test uses a highly variable fliC gene, encoding the H antigen as a molecular target. The designing...
Genotyping Techniques for Determining the Diversity of Microorganisms
PublicationTyping of microbial pathogens, or identifying bacteria at the strain level, is particularly important for diagnosis, treatment, and epidemiological surveillance of bacterial infections. This is especially the case for bacteria exhibiting high levels of antibiotic resistance or virulence, and those involved in nosocomial or pandemic infections. Strain typing also has applications in studying bacterial population dynamics. The part...
Genotyping of clinical isolates of fluconazole-resistant Candida albicans
PublicationThe aim of the study was to compare the discriminatory power of RAPD-PCR method with using RSD10 primer and microsatellite analysis with using (GACA)4 primer for genotyping clinical isolates of fluconazole-resistant C. albicans. Isolates were received from patients of Children's Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw. However in the case of both tested methods low number of amplified fragments was generated, nine and six different...
The New LM-PCR/Shifter Method for the Genotyping of Microorganism
PublicationTechniques relies on the ligation of appropriates adapters (LM-PCR) as AFLP, PCR MP and ADSRRS are successfully used for epidemiological studies for prokaryotic and eukaryotic microorganisms. In this study we propose a new method, called the LM-PCR/Shifter, based on the use of a Class IIS restriction enzyme giving restriction fragments with different 4 base 5' overhangs (Shifter) and the ligation of appropriate oligonucleotide...
A nosocomial outbreak of Candida parapsilosis in southern Sweden verified by genotyping
PublicationIn a haematology ward, Candida parapsilosis was found in blood cultures from 4 patients within a month. As C. parapsilosis is known to have a restricted genetic diversity, a combined methodological approach was adopted to establish a possible epidemiological relationship among the isolates (n = 9). Multilocus sequence typing and random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis suggested a clonal origin of the isolates. The clonal origin...
A personalised approach to prostate cancer screening based on genotyping of risk founder alleles
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ALIS-FLP: amplified ligation selected fragment-length polymorphism method for microbial genotyping
PublicationA DNA fingerprinting method known as ALIS-FLP (amplified ligation selected fragment-length polymorphism) has been developed for selective and specific amplification of restriction fragments from TspRI restriction endonuclease digested genomic DNA. The method is similar to AFLP, but differs in that only one specific restriction enzyme (TspRI) is used. The cohesive ends of the DNA fragments are ligated with two types of oligonucleotide....
Molecular identification and genotyping of Staphylococci: genus, species, strains, colnes, lineages, and interspecies exchanges
PublicationStaphylococci are increasingly recognized as etiological agents of many opportunistic human and animal infections, emphasizing the need for a rapid and accurate identification, even to a genotypical level of these bacteria. In the recent years, there has been a significant progress in typing and phylogenetic study of Staphylococcus species. Here, we describe molecular methods used in taxonomy as well as staphylococci characterization....
Evaluation of possibilities of genotyping of Candida glabrata clinical isolates with RAPD-PCR method and microsatellite analysis
PublicationThe aim of the study was to compare the discriminatory power of RAPD-PCR method using RSD10 primer and microsatellite (GACA)4 analysis for genotyping clinical isolates of C. glabrata. Isolates were received from patients of two Polish hospitals: Children's Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw (n=17) and Medical University of Gdansk (n=37). Species identification was confirmed by two phenotypic methods: growth on chromagar plates...
Application of PCR-HRM method for microsatellite polymorphism genotyping in the LDHA gene of pigeons (Columba livia)
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Genotyping and characterization of virulence factors in Escherichia coli strains isolated from patients from Polish hospital
PublicationZakażenia układu moczowego (UTIs - ang. urinary track infections) są jedną z najczęstszy infekcji, za które w 85% przypadków odpowiedzialne są bakterie Escherichia coli. Infekcje układu moczowego mogą prowadzić do groźnych powikłań m. in. odmiedniczkowego zapalenia nerek. Śmiertelność wśród tej grupy pacjentów wynosi 1-3%. Zakażenia układu moczowego występują również u ok. 7% kobiet ciężarnych. W pracy przebadano 82 szczepy E....
Leukemia and risk of recurrent Escherichia coli bacteremia: genotyping implicates E. coli translocation from the colon to the bloodstream.
PublicationIn patients with leukemia, the portal(s) and reasons for the persistence of an Escherichia coli recurrent bacteremia remain unclear. Adult Hematology Clinic (AHC) databases at the State Clinical Hospital in Gdańsk were reviewed to evaluate the frequency of E. coli bacteremia between 2002 and 2005. Blood and bowel E. coli strains were obtained and the genetic relatedness of the strains was analyzed. The rate of E. coli bacteremia...
Usefulness of PCR Melting Profile Method for Genotyping Analysis of Klebsiella oxytoca Isolates from Patients of a Single Hospital Unit
PublicationOpracowanie szybkich i prostych metod typowania jest wymagane w celu identyfikacji potencjalnych źródeł zakażenia ludzi drobnoustrojami oportunistycznymi. Klebsiella spp. należą do grupy bakterii oportunistycznych odpowiedzialnych za wzrost liczby wieloopornych zakażeń szpitalnych. Ostatnio pokazaliśmy wysoką różnorodność genetyczną K. oxytoca używając dużej kolekcji szczepów izolowanych przez 50 lat od pacjentów z kilku szpitali...
PCR Melting Profile method for genotyping analysis of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium isolates from Hematological Unit patients
PublicationW ostatnich latach znacząco wzrasta liczba szczepów Enterococcus opornych na wankomycynę. Stwarzają one problemy medyczne u pacjentów skolonizowanych czy zainfekowanych tymi drobnoustrojami. W przedstawionych badaniach, określiliśmy genetyczne podobieństwo pomiędzy izolatami E. faecium VRE, pozyskiwanymi w okresie od kwietnia 2003 do kwietnia 2005 od pojedynczych pacjentów oddziału Hematologicznego Specjalistycznego Publicznego...
PCR-Based Genotyping of Mycobacterium tuberculosis with New GC-Rich Repeated Sequences and IS6110 Inverted Repeats Used as Primers.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono nową metodę genotypowania Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Zastosowanie oligonukleotydu Mtb1 5'-CCG-GCG-GGG-CCG-GCG-G lub Mtb2 5'-CGG-CGG-CAA-CGG-CGG-C wraz z oligonukleotydami specyficznymi do terminalnych sekwencji elementu insercyjnego IS6110 pozwala na różnicowanie szczepów Mycobacterium tuberculosis w metodzie PCR. Opracowana metoda może być wykorzystana w badaniach epidemiologicznych gruźlicy.
The New LM-PCR/Shifter Method for the Genotyping of Microorganisms Based on the Use of a Class IIS Restriction Enzyme and Ligation Mediated PCR
PublicationThis study details and examines a novel Ligation-Mediated - Polymerase Chain Reaction (LM-PCR) method. Named the LM-PCR/Shifter, it relies on the use of a Class IIS restriction enzyme giving restriction fragments with different 4 base, 5' overhangs, this being the Shifter, and the ligation of appropriate oligonucleotide adapters. A sequence of 4-base, 5' overhangs of the adapter and a 4-base sequence of the 3' end of the primer(s)...
Investigation of Acinetobacter baumannii Activity in Vascular Surgery Units through Epidemiological Management Based on the Analysis of Antimicrobial Resistance, Biofilm Formation and Genotyping
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Fatal sepsis in a pregnant woman with pyelonephritis caused by Escherichia coli bearing Dr and P adhesins: diagnosis based on postmortem strain genotyping
PublicationW pracy został opisany pierwszy śmiertelny przypadek młodej kobiety w ciąży z powodu przewlekłego zapalenia odmiedniczkowego nerek spowodowany przez szczepy E. coli z fimbriami typu Dr + i P. Badania pośmiertne wykazały, że śmierć nastąpiła z powodu posocznicy do której doszło na skutek zakażenia szczepami E. coli Dr + . Odmiedniczkowe zapalenie nerek w ciąży jest związane z wieloma powikłaniami, w tym ograniczeniem wzrostu płodu,...
A novel method of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex strain differentiation using polymorphic GC-rich gene sequences.
PublicationTuberculosis is one of the leading infectious diseases. In this work, a new genotyping method of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) complex strain is presented. 27 Mtb genomes were analyzed for the presence of length polymorphism within polymorphic GC-rich gene sequences. Four genes, Rv3345c, Rv3507, Rv0747 and Rv3511, showing variation in length depending on the Mtb strain were selected for designing primer sequences flanking variable...
Ligation Mediated PCR methods, their possibilities and limitations
PublicationThe application of molecular diagnostics for bacterial strain typing or identifying bacteria at the strain level is of particular importance at present. However, among the many genotyping methods that are currently available, no single one is universally ideal. In this article, we thus review the Ligation Mediated PCR group methods as prospects from which to choose. We discuss different strategies for selecting the amplified PCR...
Fungal Typin Methods
PublicationThe broad application of the molecular techniques in mycoses diagnosis is related to increase of infections caused by fungi in many countries. The oldest typing methods relaying on fenotypic observation, physiological and biochemical examination have had very limited importance from decades. Novadays, the molecular biology methods took their place. Most of the genotyping methods have been devoleped to be applied for typing of bacteria...
Pathogenesis of psoriasis in the “omic” era. Part II. Genetic, genomic and epigenetic changes in psoriasis
PublicationPsoriasis is a multifactorial disease in which genetic, environmental and epigenetic factors regulating gene expression play a key role. In the “genomic era”, genome-wide association studies together with target genotyping platforms performed in different ethnic populations have found more than 50 genetic susceptible markers associated with the risk of psoriasis which have been identified so far. Up till now, the strongest association...
Novel application of terminal restriction fragments length polymorphism method (t-RFLP) for identification of six clinically important Candida sp.
PublicationTerminal restriction fragments length polymorphism method (t-RFLP) is a modified classical RFLP method. The main difference is based on carrying out PCR using a fluorescently labeled primer or primers. The result of such modification is that after digestion of amplicons only terminal fragments of PCR product (containing fluorescent dye) are visualized. T-RFLP method has found application in environmental microbiology and epidemiology....
Characterisation of Escherichia coli isolates from the blood of haematological adult patients with bacteraemia: translocation from gut to blood requires the cooperation of multiple virulence factors
PublicationThe aim of the study was to investigate whether there are unique pathotypes of Escherichia coli capable of transmission from the gastrointestinal tract to the vascular bed. The study included E. coli strains isolated from clinical materials collected from 115 patients suffering from haematologic malignancies diagnosed with bacteraemia. The genotyping techniques established that 89 E. coli isolates from the blood had the same genotype...
Genetic Background and Antibiotic Resistance Profiles of K. pneumoniae NDM-1 Strains Isolated from UTI, ABU, and the GI Tract, from One Hospital in Poland, in Relation to Strains Nationally and Worldwide
PublicationIn recent years, there has been an observed increase in infections caused by carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumonia (Kp) strains. The aim of this study was the phenotypic and genotypic analysis of eight K. pneumoniae NDM (Kp NDM) isolates, recovered in Poland during the years 2016 and 2018 from seven patients with urinary tract infections (UTIs), asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU), or colonization of the gut. PCR melting profile...
Genetic variations as predictors of dispositional and dyadic empathy - a couple study
PublicationBiological drivers of empathy have been explored in an interdisciplinary manner for decades. Research that merges the psychological and genetic perspectives of empathy has recently gained interest, and more complex designs and analyses are needed. Empathy is a multidimensional construct that might be regarded both dispositionally (as a personality trait) and contextually (experienced and/or expressed in a particular relationship/situation)....
A New Double Digestion Ligation Mediated Suppression PCR Method for Simultaneous Bacteria DNA-Typing and Confirmation of Species: An Acinetobacter sp. Model
PublicationWe have designed a new ddLMS PCR (double digestion Ligation Mediated Suppression PCR) method based on restriction site polymorphism upstream from the specific target sequence for the simultaneous identification and differentiation of bacterial strains. The ddLMS PCR combines a simple PCR used for species or genus identification and the LM PCR strategy for strain differentiation. The bacterial identification is confirmed in the...
Linezolid-resistant Enterococcus faecium strains isolated from one hospital in Poland –commensals or hospital-adapted pathogens?
PublicationOne of the most pressing problems of enterococci infections is occurring resistance to linezolid, which is an antibiotic used in the treatment of infections caused by vancomycin-resistant strains (VRE). The main objective of our research was to investigate the relationship of 19 linezolid-resistant E. faecium isolates from 18 patients hospitalized at Clinical Hospital in Gdansk (Poland). One of the LZDREF was isolated in 2003...
Beata Krawczyk dr hab.
PeopleBeata Krawczyk, PhD, Professor Academic degrees, education, qualifications: B. Krawczyk earned his master degree in Biology at the University of Gdansk, Biology Faculty, in 1986, and her PhD in Molecular Biology at the University of Gdansk, Biology Faculty, in 1996. Postdoctoral degree (habilitation) in biological sciences in the discipline biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Szczecin, Szczecin, in 2009. In 2012...
Principles and applications of Ligation Mediated PCR methods for DNA-based typing of microbial organisms
PublicationA significant number of DNA-based techniques has been introduced into the field of microorganisms’ characterization and taxonomy. These genomic fingerprinting methods were developed to detect DNA sequence polymorphisms by using general principles, such as restriction endonuclease analysis, molecular hybridization, and PCR amplification. In recent years, some alternative techniques based on ligation of oligonucleotide adapters before...
Novel staphylococci nucH taxonomical marker used in identification of human-associated Staphylococcus succinus subsp. casei
PublicationThe aim of our study was to assess the sequencing of unique nucH gene fragment based on performed bioinformatics analysis as a novel diagnostic method for the identification of difficult to identify staphylococcal human pathogenic strains. Initially, PCR-RFLP-rrn analysis specific to the spacers between 16SrDNA and 23SrDNA followed by HhaI restriction analysis was performed. Further, sequencing of nucH and 16S rDNA genes fragments...
A comparative evaluation of PCR ribotyping and ERIC PCR for determining the diversity of clinical Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates
PublicationW pracy porównano dwie metody stosowane do badania różnorodności genetycznej drobnoustrojów. Modelem do badań była grupa 62 klinicznych izolatów bakterii P. aeruginosa. Zdecydowanie wyższy potencjał różnicujący stwierdzono w przypadku metody ERIC PCR, której zastosowanie pozwoliło na wyodrębnienie 36 różnych genotypów. W przypadku rybotypowania wyróżniono tylko 9 genotypów.
DDLMS PCR double digestion Ligation Mediated Suppression PCR - a new technique for bacterial specific differentiation
PublicationA new diagnostic kit for K. oxytoca specific differentiation based on ddLMS PCR (ang. double digest ligation Mediated PCR) technique is shown. As a species-specific DNA fragment pehX gene, encoding the enzyme polygalactouronase, was chosen. The genome sequence of K. oxytoca is digested with two endonucleases: AclI and BclI which cut DNA before and after pehX gene. The polymorphic DNA fragments are ligated with AclI-end-specific...