Search results for: ht29
Analysis of the influence of polystyrene microplastics and their derivatives on the DNA of human colon epithelial cells HT29 with the comet assay
PublicationWe have been using plastic for almost a century and nowadays a lot of them circulates as pollutants in the environment and still defragmenting to micro and nanoscale. The exposition through the food chain and its precise impact on human health is still not clear. In our study, we tested real food packaging after contact with food products and real thermoinsulation and environmental samples of polystyrene in different model liquids,...
Genotoxicity of selected pharmaceuticals, their binary mixtures, and varying environmental conditions – study with human adenocarcinoma cancer HT29 cell line
PublicationPharmaceutical residues are present in the environment in mixtures and their adverse effects may also result from interactions that occur between compounds. Studies presented in this work focus on genotoxicity of pharmaceuticals from different therapeutic groups in mixtures and in individual solutions impacted with different environmental conditions assessed using comet assay (alkaline approach). Binary mixtures of pharmaceuticals...
The influence of 4-substituted and unsubstituted derivatives of 1-nitroacridine on the cell cycle and induction of apoptosis in human cancer HT29 and HeLa S3.
PublicationZbadano wpływ pochodnych 1-nitroakrydyny C-1748 i C-857, w stężeniach biologicznie istotnych, na cykl życiowy oraz indukcję apoptozy komórek raka jelita grubego HT29 oraz raka szyjki macicy HeLa S3. Metodą cytometrii przepływowej wykazano, że 4-metylo-1-nitroakrydyna C-1748 powoduje akumulację komórek HT29 w fazie S i komórek HeLa S3 w fazie G2 cyklu komórkowego zaś związek C-857 indukuje akumulację komórek HT29 i HeLa S3 w fazie...
Antitumor 1-nitroacridine derivative C-1748, induces apoptosis, necrosis or senescence in human colon carcinoma HCT8 and HT29 cells.
PublicationC-1748 jest związkiem oddziaływującym z DNA i potencjalnym związkiem przeciwnowotworowym szczególnie wobec nowotworów prostaty i jelita grubego przeszczepialnych na myszach.W pracy badano odpowiedź komórek nowotworowych HCT8 i HT29 na działanie pochodnej C-1748, w stężeniach biologicznie istotnych (EC90). Analiza cyklu komórkowego linii HCT8 pokazała, że związek powoduje wzrost frakcji sub-G1, świadczący o apoptozie tych komórek...
Effect of oxidation and in vitro intestinal hydrolysis on phospholipid toxicity towards HT29 cell line serving as a model of human intestinal epithelium
PublicationOxidation of food-derived phospholipids (PLs) can influence nutrient digestion and induce oxidative stress in gastrointestinal epithelium. In this study, hen egg yolk PL fraction was used to evaluate the effect of lipoxygenase (LOX)-induced PL oxidation on the rate of PL hydrolysis catalyzed by pancreatic phospholipase A2 (PLA2) in the presence of bile salts (BSs). Then, PL/BS solutions containing native or oxidized PLs were used...
Charakterystyka produktów utleniania fosfolipidów oraz określenie ich wybranych aktywności biologicznych w komórkach HT29 jako modelu ludzkiego przewodu pokarmowego
PublicationWyniki licznych badań epidemiologicznych wskazują, że rodzaj, ilość oraz jakość dostarczanych wraz z pożywieniem lipidów może przyczyniać się do ograniczenia bądź rozwoju chorób dietozależnych, takich jak otyłość, cukrzyca typu 2, miażdżyca czy nadciśnienie tętnicze. Rosnące zainteresowanie określeniem wpływu lipidów dostarczanych z pożywieniem na funkcjonowanie ludzkiego organizmu wymaga przeprowadzenia licznych badań, zarówno...
Modulation of UDP-glucuronidation by acridinone antitumor agents C-1305 and C-1311 in HepG2 and HT29 cell lines, despite slight impact in noncellular systems.
PublicationBackground Among the studied antitumor acridinone derivatives developed in our laboratory, 5-dimethylaminopropylamino-8-hydroxytriazoloacridinone (C-1305) and 5-diethylaminoethylamino-8-hydroxyimidazoacridinone (C-1311) exhibited cytotoxic and antitumor properties against several cancer types and were selected to be evaluated in preclinical and early-phase clinical trials. In the present work, we investigated the impact of C-1305...
The response of human colon cancer cells to C-1748 (4-methyl-1-nitroacridine derivative) treatment
PublicationPrzeprowadzone badania miały na celu określenie wpływu pochodnej 4-metylo-1-nitroakrydyny C-1748 na komórki ludzkiego raka okrężnicy HCT8 oraz HT29. Komórki obu linii, traktowane badanym związkiem, ulegały przede wszystkim apoptozie, przy czym liczba komórek apoptotycznych była znacznie większa w przypadku linii HCT8. Ponadto, proliferacja części komórek HCT8, została zahamowana w wyniku uruchomienia procesu starzenia, czego nie...
Potent antitumor 4-methyl-1-nitroacridine C-1748 induces apoptosis only in part of colon cells
PublicationCelem przedstawionej pracy było zbadanie zdolności pochodnej 1-nitroakrydyny C-1748 do indukcji apoptozy komórek raka jelita grubego HCT8 i HT29 pochodzenia ludzkiego. Śmierć komórek była badana przez określony czas inkubacji komórek ze związkiem w stężeniach odpowiadających wartościom EC90 lub ich wielokrotnościom przez czas od 3 do 72 godzin. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, że C-1748 indukuje apoptozę zależną od czasu tylko w części...
The antioxidative properties of white cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. alba) fresh and submitted to culinary processing
PublicationKapusta biała stanowi jeden z podstawowych składników diety w Europie centralnej. W publikacji autorzy skupili się na określeniu właściwościach przeciwutleniających kapusty świeżej, kiszonej i poddanej obróbce termicznej. Te właściwości zostały oszacowane dla soków przy wykorzystaniu systemów pozakomórkowych, w komórkach HT29 pod kątem ochrony przed utlenieniem DNA oraz poprzez symulację GSTs i naprawę DNA. Wszystkie badane soki...
Chemical and biological evaluation of antioxidant activity of endogenous redox-active compounds compared to plant-derived exogenous antioxidants
PublicationThe research conducted so far has shown that endogenous antioxidants, despite being regarded as the first line of antioxidant defense, may not be sufficient to maintain redox homeostasis in cells exposed to oxidative stress. The results obtained in the doctoral dissertation show that endogenous redox-active compounds were moderate or weak scavengers of ABTS and DPPH radicals, while in cellular setting, their impact on the reducing...
The relationship between standard reduction potentials of catechins and biological activities involved in redox control
PublicationRedox homeostasis involves factors that ensure proper function of cells. The excess reactive oxygen species (ROS) leads to oxidative stress and increased risk of oxidative damage to cellular components. In contrast, upon reductive stress, insufficient ROS abundance may result in faulty cell signalling. It may be expected that dietary antioxidants, depending on their standard reduction potentials (E°), will affect both scenarios....
The comparison of cytotoxic and genotoxic activities of glucosinolates, isothiocyanates, and indoles
PublicationChemopreventive properties of Brassica vegetables are attributed mainly to their characteristic compounds—glucosinolates (GLs) and their main hydrolysis products—isothiocyanates (ITCs) and indoles. In this study, we compared antiproliferative activity (MTT test in HT29 cells) and genotoxic effects (comet assay in HT29 cells and restriction analysis in a cell-free system) of three GLs (sinigrin (SIN), glucotropaeolin (GTL), and...
Drug-drug interaction potential of antitumor acridine agent C-1748: The substrate of UDP-glucuronosyltransferases 2B7, 2B17 and the inhibitor of 1A9 and 2B7
PublicationBackground The compound 9-(2′-hydroxyethylamino)-4-methyl-1-nitroacridine (C-1748), the promising antitumor agent developed in our laboratory was determined to undergo phase I metabolic pathways. The present studies aimed to know its biotransformation with phase II enzymes – UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs) and its potential to be engaged in drug-drug interactions arising from the modulation of UGT activity. Methods UGT-mediated...
Growth inhibition of cultured cancer cells by Ribes nigrum leaf extract
PublicationThe present article includes data on the possible selective cytotoxic effect of extract of Ribes nigrum L. growing at high Armenian landscape. For this purpose, different non-cancer (microglial BV-2 wild type (Wt), acyl-CoA oxidase 1 (ACOX1) deficient (Acox1-/-) and cancer (human colon adenocarcinoma HT29 and human breast cancer MCF7) cell lines were applied. R. nigrum leaf ethanol extract showed a growth inhibition effect towards...
Anticarcinogenic and antioxidant activities of leaves and flowers hydroalcoholic extracts of Nerium oleander L.: PCA analysis and phytochemical content by FTIR spectroscopy
PublicationAims: The aim of this work is the evaluation the anticarcinogenic effect on HT29 cancer cells lines and antioxidant effect of three extracts from different morphological parts (leaves (LE), pink flowers (PFE) and white flowers (WFE)) of Nerium oleander lin. Methods: This research provides the anticarcinogenic activity of extracts from N. oleander white flowers. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied to estimate the relationship...
The influence of selenium addition during seeds' germination on the biological properties of obtained sprouts
PublicationSelenium plays a vital role in human body, because in the form of aminoacids (Se-methionine, Se-cysteine) it is found in the active centres of over 25 enzymes, including those regarded as 'cytoprotective'. Unfortunatelly, its daily intake in Poland and other European countries is lower than predicted by dietary recommendations. The consequences of selenium deficiency in diet might be severe, including higher susceptibility to cardio-vascular...
Derivatives of 1-nitroacridine induce apoptosis only in a limited number of human colon adenocarcinoma cells
PublicationPraca dotyczy indukcji apoptozy w komórkach ludzkich raków okrężnicy HT29 i HCT8 pod wpływem pochodnych 1-nitroakrydyny: C-857 i C-1748. Wykazano, że związki te w stężeniach biologicznie istotnych (EC90) indukują apoptozę tylko w części populacji komórek. Efekt ten uzależniony był od czasu inkubacji komórek ze związkiem, a nie zależał od stężenia związku.
Comparison of Redox Properties of Flavonoid Aglycones and Corresponding Glycosides and Their Mixtures in the Cellular Model
PublicationFlavonoids are polyphenolic compounds commonly found in plants. As dietary components, they have been shown to exhibit numerous pro-health properties that are believed to be associated with their antioxidant effects. In this study, the antioxidant activity of four flavonoid compounds was determined by cellular antioxidant activity assay using HT29 cells as a model of the alimentary tract. The strongest impact on cellular redox...
Improved cytotoxicity and preserved level of cell death induced in colon cancer cells by doxorubicin after its conjugation with iron-oxide magnetic nanoparticles
PublicationA promising strategy for overcoming the problem of limited efficacy in antitumor drug delivery and in drug release is the use of a nanoparticle-conjugated drug. Doxorubicin (Dox) anticancer chemotherapeutics has been widely studied in this respect, because of severe cardiotoxic side effects. Here, we investigated the cytotoxic effects, the uptake process, the changes in cell cycle progression and the cell death processes in the...
Hypericum alpestre extract exhibits in vitro and in vivo anticancer properties by regulating the cellular antioxidant system and metabolic pathway of L‐arginine
PublicationConventional treatment methods are not effective enough to fight the rapid increase in cancer cases. The interest is increasing in the investigation of herbal sources for the development of new anticancer therapeutics. This study aims to investigate the antitumor capacity of Hypericum alpestre (H. alpestre) extract in vitro and in vivo, either alone or in combination with the inhibitors of the L‐arginine/polyamine/nitric oxide...
PublicationCocoa polyphenols play an important role in protection against diseases in which oxidative stress is implicated as a causal or contributing factor. The main aim of this study was to elucidate the influence of different cocoa extracts and main cocoa bioactive compound (–)-epicatechin on cell growth and support of antioxidant cellular barrier in colon adenocarcinoma cell line model (HT29). Results show that the tested cocoa bioactivity...
Regulation of Cellular Redox Homeostasis by (–)-Epicatechin and Cocoa Extracts—A Pilot Study
PublicationCocoa polyphenols play an important role in protection against diseases in which oxidative stress is implicated as a causal or contributing factor. The main aim of this study was to elucidate the influence of different cocoa extracts and main cocoa bioactive compound (–)-epicatechin on cell growth and support of antioxidant cellular barrier in colon adenocarcinoma cell line model (HT29). Results show that the tested cocoa bioactivity...
Ocena wpływu pokarmowych kwasów nukleinowych i ich komponentów na replikacyjną i naprawczą syntezę DNA w modelach komórek ludzkiego układu pokarmowego
PublicationKwasy nukleinowe, do których należą DNA i RNA, są podstawowymi elementami każdej komórki niezbędnymi do prawidłowego funkcjonowania organizmu. Pomimo, że cząsteczki te stanowią również nieodłączne składniki produktów żywnościowych spożywanych przez człowieka, to badania na temat ich zawartości w żywności oraz wartości odżywczej są ograniczone. Wyniki uzyskane w niniejszej pracy doktorskiej pokazały istotne różnice w ilości, wielkości...
DNA Methylation Changes Induced by Redox-Active Compounds—Choosing the Right PCR-Based Method
PublicationThe impact of catechins on the expression profile of redox-related genes in HT29 cell line has been studied recently by our group using Oxidative Stress RT2 Profiler PCR Array. Within the examined panel of 84 genes, the down-regulation of SRXN1 gene was unique among other up-regulated genes. We hypothesized that the observed down-regulation resulted from DNA methylation and have exploited this observation to choose the proper strategy...
Antiproliferative, Antiangiogenic, and Antimetastatic Therapy Response by Mangiferin in a Syngeneic Immunocompetent Colorectal Cancer Mouse Model Involves Changes in Mitochondrial Energy Metabolism
PublicationIn spite of the current advances and achievements in cancer treatments, colorectal cancer (CRC) persists as one of the most prevalent and deadly tumor types in both men and women worldwide. Drug resistance, adverse side effects and high rate of angiogenesis, metastasis and tumor relapse remain one of the greatest challenges in long-term management of CRC and urges need for new leads of anticancer drugs. We demonstrate that CRC...
Potent antitumor 4-methyl-1-nitroacridine C-1748 induces apoptosis only in part of colon cells
PublicationZbadaliśmy zdolność pochodnej 4-metylo-1-nitroakrydyny C-1748 do indukcji apoptozy w ludzkich komórkach nowotworów jelita grubego HCT-8 i HT29 w stężeniach biologicznie istotnych. Zjawisko apoptozy określiliśmy na podstawie zmian morfologicznych jak i biochemicznych tj. fragmentacji DNA, aktywacji kaspazy-3, spadku potencjału mitochondrialnego, eksternalizacji fosfatydyloseryny i pojawiania się frakcji sub-G1. Wykazaliśmy, że pochodna...
Beyond Antioxidant Activity: Redox Properties of Catechins May Affect Changes in the DNA Methylation Profile—The Example of SRXN1 Gene
PublicationThe role of catechins in the epigenetic regulation of gene expression has been widely studied; however, if and how this phenomenon relates to the redox properties of these polyphenols remains unknown. Our earlier study demonstrated that exposure of the human colon adenocarcinoma HT29 cell line to these antioxidants affects the expression of redox-related genes. In particular, treatment with (−)-epigallocatechin (EGC) downregulated...
Interstrand crosslinking of DNA in tumor and fibroblast cells by C-1311 (Symadex) and other imidazoacridinones
PublicationImidazoakrydony, w tym pochodna C-1311 znajdująca się w pierwszej fazie badań klinicznych prowadzonych przez firmę Xanthus Life Sciences, należą do grupy bardzo aktywnych związków przeciwnowotworowych zsyntetyzowanych w Katedrze Technologii Leków i Biochemii PG. Za pomocą zmodyfikowanej metody Parsons'a wykazaliśmy, że C-1311 indukuje w sposób zależny od stężenia międzyłańcuchowe wiązania sieciujące w komórkach różnych nowotworów...
Oxidative stress induced by 4-methyl-1-nitroacridine derivative C-1748 (Capridine B) in human colon cancer cells
PublicationZbadano wpływ pochodnej C-1748 (Capridine B) na indukcję stresu oksydacyjnego w komórkach ludzkich raków jelita grubego HCT-8 i HT29. W tym celu wykorzystano technikę cytometrii przepływowej z zastosowaniem barwników fluorescencyjnych H2DCFDA i DHR 123. W komórkach traktowanych pochodną C-1748 dochodziło do generowania reaktywnych form tlenu. Ponadto, pochodna C-1748 nie indukowała znaczącego spadku zawartości zredukowanej formy...
Interstrand crosslinking of DNA by C-1311 (Symadex) and other imidazoacridinones
PublicationImidazoakrydony, w tym pochodna C-1311 (Symadex) znajdująca się w pierwszej fazie badań klinicznych prowadzonych w USA, należą do grupy bardzo aktywnych związków przeciwnowotworowych zsyntetyzowanych w Katedrze Technologii Leków i Biochemii PG. Za pomocą zmodyfikowanej metody Parsons'a wykazaliśmy, że C-1311 indukuje, w sposób zależny od stężenia, międzyłańcuchowe wiązania sieciujące w komórkach różnych nowotworów ludzkiego pochodzenia...
The influence of selenium addition during germination of Brassica seeds on health-promoting potential of sprouts
PublicationThe correlation among selenium uptake, the content of bioactive compounds in sprouts, and biological activities triggered in cultured human cells by sprout extracts was investigated. Seeds of Brassica crops and rye were treated with SeO2 water solution. The selenium levels in sprouts increased from 1.0-4.1 to 53.3-382 μg/g dw with no influence on plant physiology according to the indices used. Neither the composition of glucosinolates...
The influence of pre- and postharvest treatments on selected biological and epigenetic activities of Brassica sprouts
PublicationIntroduction The Brassica vegetables are rich in glucosinolates (GLs), which are enzymatically hydrolysed to bioactive isothiocynates (ITC) and indoles, regarded as the most promising chemopreventing agents. However, in the majority of brassica sprouts the GL conversion into these beneficial derivatives occurs at the level of about 1 %, while in cabbage leaves exceeds 70%. Since sprouts represent plant material, which is frequently...
Phenolic compounds from Nerium oleander leaves: microwave assisted extraction, characterization, antiproliferative and cytotoxic activities
PublicationA microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) method was used for the extraction of phenolic compounds from Nerium oleander leaves. The influence of variables such as ethanol concentration, microwave power, irradiation time and liquid/solid ratio on polyphenol extraction was modelled using a second-order regression equation based on response surface methodology (RSM). The optimal conditions for MAE were: extraction solvent 35% ethanol...
Juices from non-typical edible fruits as health-promoting acidity regulators for food industry
PublicationThe study verifies the possibility of application of juices from selected fruits characterized by the high antioxidant potential as natural acidity regulators with improved nutritional properties. The tested non-typical fruits included mirabelle plum, sea buckthorn and blue-berried honeysuckle. Beetroot juice whose pH is about 6.0 served as a model food product. Potentiometric titration was used to compare the efficacy of tested...
Interactions between polyphenolic antioxidants quercetin and naringenin dictate the distinctive redox-related chemical and biological behaviour of their mixtures
PublicationFood synergy concept is suggested to explain observations that isolated antioxidants are less bioactive than real foods containing them. However, mechanisms behind this discrepancy were hardly studied. Here, we demonstrate the profound impact of interactions between two common food flavonoids (individual: aglycones quercetin—Q and naringenin—N− or their glycosides rutin—R and naringin—N+ vs. mixed: QN− and RN+) on their electrochemical...
Relationship between Chemical Structure and Biological Activity Evaluated In Vitro for Six Anthocyanidins Most Commonly Occurring in Edible Plants
PublicationNumerous studies have provided evidence that diets rich in anthocyanins show a broad spectrum of health benefits. Anthocyanins in nature are usually found in the form of glycosides. Their aglycone forms are called anthocyanidins. The chemical structure of anthocyanins is based on the flavylium cation, but they differ in the position and number of substituents. However, the bioactives and foods that contain them are frequently treated...
Comparative Analysis of Phytochemical Profiles and Selected Biological Activities of Various Morphological Parts of Ligustrum vulgare
PublicationLigustrum vulgare (LV), widely cultivated in Europe and often used in hedges, has been histori-cally recognized in folk medicine for its potential health benefits. This study focused on exploring the untargeted identification of secondary metabolites in ethanol extracts (70% v/v) from differ-ent morphological parts (young shoots, leaves, flowers and fruits) of LV at various stages of plant development, using ultra-high-performance...
The role of the sawage treatment plant in the removal of genotoxic compounds from the environment
PublicationOne reason for increased incidence of various types of cancer are environmental pollutants particularly of anthropogenic origin. All human activities may pollute the environment, but some have significant impact, just to mention energy industry, mining, transportation, chemical and petrochemical industries and housing. Environmental pollutants are a large group of compounds in terms of their physicochemical properties, some of...
Synthesis, crystal structure and cytotoxic activity of ruthenium(II) piano-stool complex with N,N-chelating ligand
PublicationA mononuclear compound of the general formula [(η6-p-cymene)RuIICl(2,2′-PyBIm)]PF6 has been synthesized from a bidentate N,N-donor ligand, viz. 2,-(2′-pyridyl)benzimidazole (2,2′-PyBIm) and the corresponding chloro-complex [(η6-p-cymene)Ru(μ-Cl)Cl]2 (precursor). The isolated coordination compound was characterized by IR, UV–vis and 1H, 13C NMR spectroscopies. The single crystal X-ray analysis of the complex reveals that the asymmetric...
Anti-cancer effect of Rumex obtusifolius in combination with arginase/nitric oxide synthase inhibitors via downregulation of oxidative stress, inflammation, and polyamine synthesis
PublicationCancer continues to be a leading cause of death worldwide, making the development of new treatment methods crucial in the fight against it. With cancer incidence rates increasing worldwide, ongoing research must focus on identifying new and effective ways to prevent and treat the disease. The combination of herbal extracts with chemotherapeutic agents has gained much interest as a novel strategy to combat cancer. Rumex obtusifolius...
Induction of G2/M phase arrest and apoptosis of human pancreatic cancer BxPC-3 cells by potenet antitumor 1-nitroacridine derivative C-1748
PublicationPancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) is among the most lethal human cancers, in part because it is insensitive to many chemotherapeutic drugs. Gemcitabine still remains the best chemotherapeutic agent available for the treatment of advanced pancreatic cancer. However, gemcitabine treatment results in only a marginal survival advantage. Thus, there is a strong need for the continuous development of novel therapeutic agents...
The Action Mechanisms, Anti-Cancer and Antibiotic-Modulation Potential of Vaccinium myrtillus L. Extract
PublicationHerbal medicinal products containing Vaccinium myrtillus L. (bilberry) fruits and fruit extracts are widely available in the market. Although bilberry leaves and stems are considered as bio-waste, they contain much higher levels of phenolic compounds than fruits. The study aimed to investigate the antimicrobial and anticancer potential of aerial part extracts from Vaccinium myrtillus L. (V. myrtillus, VM) plants harvested at high...
DNA adduct formation by C-1748, a potent antitumor 4-methyl-1-nitroacridine of lowered toxicity.
Publication4-podstawione 1-nitroakrydyny reprezentują nową grupę pochodnych zsyntetyzowanych na Politechnice Gdańskiej. W porównaniu do macierzystych 1-nitroakrydyn związki te wykazują obniżoną toksyczność i podwyższoną aktywność przeciwnowotworową. Wiodąca pochodna 4-metylo-1-nitroakrydyna o symbolu C-1748 jest obecnie w przygotowaniu do I fazy badań klinicznych w leczeniu raka okrężnicy. Wprowadzenie elektrodonorowej grupy metylowej w...
Antitumor 1-nitroacridine derivative C-1748 induces significant apoptosis in pancreatic cancer cells.
PublicationPancreatic cancer is the fifth leading cause of cancer death and has the lowest survival rate of any solid cancer in the industrial countries. The poor prognosis of pancreatic cancer results from its tendency for late presentation, aggressive invasion, early metastasis, and resistance to chemotherapy. Gemcitabine still remains the best chemotherapeutic agent available for the treatment of advanced pancreatic cancer. However, gemcitabine...